The Lycan The Witch and The Wardrobe ( Lycan Romance )

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The Lycan The Witch and The Wardrobe ( Lycan Romance ) Page 4

by Briers, M L

  “The wards are holding.” Darcy hissed with relief ripping Nicole’s attention away from the wolf long enough for her to turn to her friend and force her backwards through the open door of the house.

  “Stay inside no matter what.” She hissed out between clenched teeth before slamming the glass door shut on her friend. “Lock it.” She urged but when Darcy made to move to do anything she hit against the door frame with the palm of her hand, anger ripping through her. “Lock it.” She shouted and watched Darcy snap into action, the sound of the lock satisfying her enough to turn back towards the wolves.

  Nicole’s eyes fell on the sight of the charcoal grey beast standing over the naked body of what had been the other wolf, now human, but still contorting in pain from the intensity of the wards Nicole had placed for protection around her home.

  Nicole moved quickly towards the circle she had placed on the grass, not eager to be close to the Lycan or the wolf she kept her distance- even though in her mind she knew that the wolf could be on her in seconds if he chose to do it.

  Nicole took a deep cleansing breath into her lungs and concentrated on lifting the spell, mistake or not, she was determined that her magic would not cause any more pain to the Lycan than had already happened. Tilting her palms down towards the earth she started reciting the spell in reverse- taking away the magic she had cast, mindful of the groans of pain coming from the Lycan on the ground as she worked as fast as she could.

  “Help him-“ The deep growl of anger emanated from the Lycan, her eyes only briefly connecting with his as she shot him a look- now in human form he seemed poised between trying to help his friend and coming for her.

  Nicole kicked against the ash on the ground with her bare foot, breaking the circle and the magic it contained- the sound of a thud coming from the backdoor as Darcy shouted through the glass.

  “What are you doing Nic?” The disbelief in her voice as Nicole took a hesitant step back away from the Lycan’s, both were now glaring at her with dark eyes and she suddenly felt so vulnerable under their murderous stares. “Nicole- run!” Darcy screamed out hitting out at the frame again as Nicole planted her feet firmly beneath her and titled her chin in defiance as she dragged in the air into her lungs, her heart beating like a freight train in her chest.

  “You-“ The anger rumbled in that one single word as Ryan glared at her.

  “You’re not welcome here- but I mean you no harm- I’ve lifted the wards but that doesn’t mean I won’t use magic against you if you attack wolf.” Damn it she hoped they didn’t attack, she stood little to no chance of protecting herself if they came at her in wolf form or even damned naked as they were now.

  Nicole’s eyes betrayed her as she took in the whole of his form as he crouch beside his friend, the hard ripped muscles and sinews of his perfect form holding her attention far longer than she would have hoped before she was able to meet his eyes again.

  Her whole body was achingly aware of his masculinity, her attraction to him was unmistakable within her as she met his eyes and held his black gaze, the anger within him at boiling point just beneath the surface, she couldn’t understand why he hadn’t attacked already, he just stared back at her, breathing hard as he tried to contain his bloodlust.

  “Attacking a member of the pack means-“ His voice rumbled with the low growl of anger that was reflected within his eyes.

  “Run Nicole damn it!” Darcy’s scream rang in her ears.


  “That you’re more than capable of defending yourself against intruders.” Jake mused with a wince of pain as he moved on the ground, easing himself up on his elbow and shaking off the after effects of the crippling pain that had paralysed him, causing Nicole to pull her eyes from the other Lycan to the one she had hurt, his eyes were still dark but there was humour there. “Don’t run.”He put real meaning behind his words. He knew if she ran that Ryan’s wolf would take up the challenge of his mate and he would be on her in an instant.


  “Easy brother- I’m the one who was barbecued after all.” The amusement within him had all but pushed the darkness from his eyes as she stood there cautiously watched them.

  ‘ What are you going to do Ryan? Attack your mate?’

  Jake pulled himself to his feet, every inch of him on display for her to see, including the erection that was a lot larger than anything Nicole had seen before, she couldn’t help but let her eyes drift downwards, surprise on her face as she snapped her eyes back to his face, her cheeks growing crimson as he grinned at her.

  “Excuse that, it’s not personally aimed at you but more a by product of the shock treatment I just endured.” He chuckled then, a deep belly laugh that had his erection bobbing all over the place.

  “Holy cow!” Darcy’s chuckle came through the glass and brought everyone’s attention towards her including Nicole’s as she stood at the door, her palms pressed against the glass like a kid in at a candy shop, her eyes wide and fixed on his crowning glory.

  Ryan growled low and deep within his chest as Jake took another step towards his mate. He stopped instantly, turning his head to look at Ryan where he came to stand beside his pack brother, a warning in his eyes and his growl that Jake should not take another step towards his mate.

  ‘Easy brother- I have no designs on your mate and trust me if I could make that go away-‘ he looked down at his own penis still erect and swaying with pride- ‘I would- although her friend seems to appreciate it.’ The grin spread across his face as Ryan dismissed him, turning his attention towards Nicole, his eyes still dark as he regarded her amusement.

  “You find this amusing?” He demanded.

  Nicole brought her hand up to cover the smile that crossed her lips, she couldn’t contain it any longer as Jake stood there grinning like an idiot as his attention weaved from her to Darcy and back again.

  “I err- “ she motioned towards the state of undress that both Lycan’s were in. “Kind of- yeah.” Her shoulders bobbed as she giggled behind her hand.

  “Witches!” Ryan growled out before turning on his heels and stomping back into the woods- Jake raised his brows with a final mischievous grin before he turned and joined his brother leaving Nicole alone in the garden.

  It took her two seconds to double over in fits of laughter as Darcy snapped the lock on the door and yanked it open- “Oh my god did you see them-“ she motioned the size of Jakes penis with her hands as Nicole tried to straighten and yet couldn’t quite manage it as she doubled back over in uncontrollable laughter, her eyes watering as she gasped for breath in between fits of giggles as Darcy chuckled gobsmacked.

  “I think your mate was impressed with the size of my- package.” Jake grinned with a pleased raise of his brows and laughter in his eyes and Ryan turned back towards him, fire in his eyes as he stood stock still, fists clenched at his sides and every muscle in his naked body tensed and ready for action.

  Jake came to a stop and held up his hands on a chuckle, “Easy brother- I’m just playing with you- besides- I still don’t think I can shift at the moment so if we’re going to go another ten rounds you should stay in human form.”

  “Why do you persist in being an arse?” Ryan spat out, turning on his heels and stalking away. He wanted nothing more than to plant his fist in his Beta’s face, but it was painfully obvious from the fact that Jake still had an erection that he was still suffering from the after effects of that damn spell- he would never take advantage of a brother’s weakness.

  “Because I can- Because you’re so easy to goad and because you’re walking the wrong way brother.” Jake had started off after Ryan at a safe distance and then stopped as he stopped.

  “Let me say this slowly so that you understand. She. Is. A. Witch.”Ryan kept his back firmly to Jake, he didn’t want to risk showing the wince that went with that statement. It caused him actual physical pain to acknowledge that he couldn’t be with his mate- his wolf on the other hand was snarling and gnashing his teeth within h
im- his beast would never accept that fate as its own- the beast did not understand the consequences of such a pairing.

  “And a very good one judging by the damn shocks I just endured-“ Jake offered lightly and Ryan rounded on him, his dark eyes narrowing.

  “Why did you not attack her?” Ryan demanded from his friend- he had never known Jake to hold himself back so totally before and for far less than he had suffered at the hands of the Fae.

  Jake rolled his eyes and blew out a long calming breath, “Let me say it slowly brother so you’ll understand. She. Is. Your. Mate.- My. Alpha. Queen. I will die to protect her, even from you.” Ryan’s eyes locked on Jakes and he saw the seriousness that he wasn’t used to from his Beta- he found humour in most things, but not this.

  Ryan spun on his heels and walked away- “Then you’re a fool.” He bit out as a parting shot before he shrugged into his wolf and became nothing more than a shape moving through the underbrush.

  “Road crash waiting to happen.” Jake chuckled as he started off on foot again, a brisk walk through the woods as naked as nature intended and with the biggest grin on his lips.

  Nicole heard the noise outside the window, fresh out of the shower she wrapped the large towel around her body and edged towards the bedroom window, peeking around the thickness of the curtain down into the garden, she saw Jake sitting in one of her garden chairs that he must have moved from the patio as it was now positioned in the middle of her garden facing her house, his big frame spilling out around the chair as he sat looking up at her window with a grin on his lips.

  Nicole backed up on a wince- trying to figure out why he had come back- didn’t he have enough yesterday with the whole pain thing? She wondered as she moved over to the bed, towelling herself off before she quickly pulled on her clothes and debated her options with herself.

  To ignore his presence- the easiest option and yet she doubted that anyone could ignore that man’s presence for too long and wouldn’t it seem childish to just go about her business with him there?

  To zap him into leaving- she could do it from behind the window and with enough force that he would surely back off her land- but she had already caused him enough pain and would he just keep returning? He was obviously there for a reason.

  To confront him head on- find out what he wanted and be done with him, make it plain that he wasn’t welcome on her land, he obviously hadn’t gotten that message yesterday, but then he was part dog and not the sharpest tool in the shed.

  The sound of him clearing his throat in a rather theatrical way made her roll her eyes- he knew that she knew he was there and he wasn’t about to let her ignore his presence, so option two and three still remained.

  Jake cleared his throat again- louder and a lot more annoyingly this time causing her to give a low groan of annoyance.

  “Don’t be afraid little Fae- I’m not here to huff and puff and blow your house down.” The amusement in his voice grated over her nerves and she bit down on her jaw as she stalked out of her bedroom, down her stairs and through her living room to the back door. Clicking off the lock she pushed the door open and confronted him with the fire in her eyes that rippled through her.

  “You’re saying I’m a pig?” She demanded dropping down onto the patio and placing her hands on her slender hips as she raised her brows at him and watched him gently chuckle.

  “A bad analogy- perhaps I should have said these fangs are not all the better to eat you with?” He offered in a gentler manner, although there was still the element of pure amusement in his eyes and the grin on his face was less- but still evident.

  “What do you want wolf?”She wasn’t buying into his Mr nice guy act for one minute and she made that clear by her stance and her manner towards him.

  “What do you know about Lycan’s?” He shifted his large frame within her chair- getting comfortable, obviously he thought he was here for the duration, she had other ideas.

  “That they can’t be trusted.” She threw back at him and watched as he raised his brows and pouted.

  “Well there’s your first misconception.” He waited for her reply, when she just shifted her weight from one foot to other and gave him a bored expression he continued. “You know enough to spell your land against us.”

  There was no recrimination in his voice and when his posture stayed relaxed and unthreatening she managed to relax slightly, the wave of guilt that washed through her made her bite down on her inner cheek as she took a moment to look anywhere but at him as he watched her for her reaction.

  “But not enough to know the pain it would cause you- I am sorry for that.”Her admission, however sullen and quietly spoken was enough to hearten him- he wasn’t the big bad wolf and neither was she.

  “Well I apologise for trespassing on your land-“ He offered back and saw her eyes shoot back to him, her body language changed.

  “And yet here you are again wolf-“

  “Jake- and yes, here I am again Nicole.” He grinned at her again and she felt the desire within her to just punch him right in his smug face.

  “What do you want?”

  “What do you know about Lycan mating?”From the look of pure horror on her face he instantly realised that he probably should have phrased that differently.

  “You are not my type.” She bit out each word adamantly as he narrowed his gaze on her and tipped his head slightly.

  “Actually, I am your type- but I’m not the one-“ He sounded so self assured that she actually wanted to shake some sense into him.

  “You’re delusional.” She spat out on a scoff as that grin spread back across his handsome features again.

  “Not as much as you would think.”He assured her and she took a long steadying breath and looked around the area, anything than to see that smug look on his face and the damned amusement in his eyes.

  “What do you want wolf- I have a life I’d like to get back too.”

  “Then answer my question- what do you know about Mating?” He spread his hands out before him showing her that he had a simple request and she sighed again.

  “Lycan’s mate for life- one mate per wolf.”She gave a long hard sigh at the end to show him how bored with the conversation and his presence she was.

  “Ah the basics-“ He shot back and she felt her irk gene kick up a gear.

  “Are you here to give me a birds and bees lesson on wolf mating- because I can assure you the subject holds absolutely no interest for me.” She didn’t know how much clearer she could make it for him- apart from drawing a diagram, but still he sat there- Mr Relaxed- Mr Annoying- Mr Smug.

  “I’ll let you discover the joys of sex with a Lycan male for yourself-“ he offered with a double tap of his eyebrows suggestively and Nicole balked at the idea.

  “Not bloody likely.” She spat back at him and he chuckled mercilessly, his broad shoulders bobbing up and down as he covered his mouth with his hand and regarded the grass in front of him.

  “Oh little Fae- you have a lot to learn about the attraction of mates.” He seemed totally serious and she wondered exactly how delusional this wolf really was.

  “Well ok- if that’s all I’m going to go and try to sanitise that thought from my mind-“ she started to back towards the door when he suddenly leaned forwards, his elbows on his knees as he stared at her.

  “Tell me Nicole- do you not find a Lycan attractive enough to be your lover?”

  His words ignited an image within her mind, but it wasn’t of him- it was of the other Lycan- his chocolate brown eyes staring into hers, his naked body pressed against hers as she wrapped herself around him as he entered her- the rush of heat that swept through her caused her to draw a quick breath as she felt the heat pool between her thighs, the need for him like a fire in her blood.

  “Y-You need to leave.” She bit out snapping out of reverie in her own mind as he raised himself to his feet- a smile of knowing on his lips.

  “As a Fae I would expect you to realise that there is no running away fro
m Fate- better to just accept it- don’t you think?” He made no move towards her but she took another step backwards towards the door.

  “You’re insane wolf- witches and Lycan’s can never be mated.”

  “Never say never- isn’t that what they say?” He chuckled turning on his heels and strolling off towards the woods and leaving her standing there, the force of emotions that swept through her akin to a twister that took her from her feet, tossed her around in the air and then deposited her none to gently back down on the ground.

  Nicole took another step back and her heel hit the step, she felt her legs quiver beneath her and let herself slump down to the step, her mouth flaying like a goldfish as she tried to calm the racing pulse of denial within her.

  “Not bloody likely.” She muttered.

  “Really? Again? Do you have a fundamental problem with me sleeping or something?” Darcy bitched as Nicole pushed past her at the front door and walked into the living room- throwing herself backwards into the armchair and grabbing hold of both armrests until her knuckles glowed white.

  Darcy closed the front door, wrapping her robe about her pyjama clad body she ambled into the room and dropped with a loud huff into the sofa cushions, rubbing at her tired eyes as she waited for her friend to spit it out.

  “I had a visitor this morning-“

  “That’s nice.” Darcy offered digging the sleep from her eyes.

  “Sitting bold as you like in my garden chair in the middle of my garden.”

  “Gnome that got lost on the way to his fishing hole?”Darcy shot back with the uttermost sarcasm she could manage at what felt like an unholy hour of the morning.

  “Nice Darcy- make jokes at my expense- when I’m being plagued by wolves.” Darcy’s head shot up and her eyes flicked to Nicole’s as she narrowed her gaze on her, taking in her white knuckles, the tension in her posture and the way her eyes bore back into her own.

  “Ok. That could be a problem- was it the one without the erection?” Nicole gave her a look of disbelief and she shrugged before balking, “What?- How else can I describe them- it’s what came to mind.” She offered innocently and Nicole hummed at her knowingly.


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