The Lycan The Witch and The Wardrobe ( Lycan Romance )

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The Lycan The Witch and The Wardrobe ( Lycan Romance ) Page 12

by Briers, M L

  “Kidding right?” Darcy croaked out as Nicole nodded her agreement.

  “Then perhaps we should go to pack land too- just to be on the safe side.” Nicole offered and Ryan all but split his face with the grin that spread wide, his eyes alive with excitement.

  “You finally get to meet your pack.” He beamed with pride.

  “Err helloooo!” Darcy squeaked bringing a grimace to Ryan’s face as both sets of eyes turned to look at her. “What the hell guys?”

  “You should fill her in- then we’ll pack some clothes for you- drive to Darcy’s place and get her some stuff before we go home.” Ryan turned on his heels and left the room- the instant high pitched demands of the Fae female on his mates knowledge gave him cause to pause for only a moment before he bounded up the stairs to get dressed. He was taking his mate to his pack- he had never been happier.

  Ryan had called ahead, he wanted the house ready and the pack informed not only that his mate was coming home with him- but that a Fae would be staying on pack land until the situation with Jake’s mate was resolved- although his pack had stayed out of the war between the sects over the years the war had impacted his family nearly thirty years ago when his father was Alpha- the local coven had set things in motion that had resulted in the death of one of the pack members and righteously the pack had taken revenge- the high priestess had died in the ensuing hostilities and all out war between the Lycan pack and the coven had been averted thanks in part to his father and the new High Priestess, who had come to an uneasy agreement to stay out of each other’s business- an eye for an eye killing of two of the strongest members of each pack had resulted in peace, a peace that had lasted to this day.

  Now they had rogues to contend with and he wasn’t at all sure that the coven would see sense- that wise High Priestess had passed on many moons ago and although they still had a peace agreement between them- would the coven believe that outsiders were to blame for any deaths that may incur?

  It was playing on Ryan’s mind as he drove the winding road through pack land towards his house- the sulking female in the back seat sent dark looks his way in the rear view mirror whenever he was stupid enough to catch her eye as his mate sat nervously beside him.

  If the coven lost a witch to a Lycan would they be at war as so many packs already were? If the witches attacked his pack his mate would surely be torn to act in defence of her own- would she have the strength of bond with her pack not to take revenge for the loss of one of her kind?

  “This is a really bad idea-“ Darcy blurted out for only the hundredth time since Nicole had manhandled her into coming along with them.

  “Funny you didn’t mention that before.” Ryan teased shooting a look at his mate who bit off a snigger.

  “Smartarse.” Darcy mumbled into her chest as she dropped her chin and regarded the large house coming into view ahead of them- he called it a cabin, if that was a cabin she was the Queen of Sheeba. The place was huge- a large wraparound porch held her gaze as it was filled with people- all eyes turned towards the approaching car.

  “How many people live in that house?” Darcy balked as Ryan grinned.

  “Three- four with Nicole and five with you- the rest are the pack coming to greet their newest member.”

  “Oh crap.” Nicole eyes widened as they drew closer- maybe she wasn’t ready for this- to be inspected by the pack, assessed and categorised, what if they found her wanting?

  “You’ll be fine- just be yourself- that spirit of yours is enough to scare the hell out of half of them-“ Ryan mused as she shifted in her seat.

  “What about the other half?”Darcy put in from the back seat and Nicole grunted in agreement.

  “They’re your family now Nic- just relax- nobody is going to eat you-“ He flashed her a sexy grin and she blushed under his overly sexual gaze that dropped to her thighs.

  “How about me?” Darcy muttered, Ryan’s teasing completely going over her head as she eyed the pack, not liking the look of so many powerful Lycan’s in one place.

  Nicole sniggered as Ryan gave her a wicked look, “I’m sure one of the males will be happy to oblige Darcy.” Ryan shot over his shoulder as a look of confusion swept over her face.

  Switching off the engine Ryan swept around the car to open the door for his mate- she hesitated only an instant before she stood beside him, his arm like a band of steel around her waist as he pulled her against his hip and walked her towards the gathering- while Darcy stayed firmly rooted to the spot in the back seat trying to blend in with the leather.

  Introductions were fast and steady as Nicole was introduced around the gathering- names and faces she wouldn’t be able to place together for a while as one after the other of the pack met her with kindness in their eyes and a welcoming smile on their lips.

  Ryan’s mother all but suffocated her when she pulled her against her chest and wrapped her arms about her- strong arms that- with a little more pressure might just have popped a rib and then there was Ryan’s sister- a thousand words a minute as she gushed over having a new sister and the whole time Ryan never left her side.

  “Where’s Darcy?” Nicole hissed when the pack finally dispersed into little groups that were chatting among themselves- Maria had decided to throw an impromptu barbeque for the whole pack as a bonding gift for her son and his mate- which didn’t thrill Ryan with happiness as he would rather have taken her up to their bedroom and introduced her to his big bed, but he understood why his mother had done it.

  Ryan had kept a firm eye on Nicole’s friend- she had pushed herself back against the trucks seat the moment they arrived and hadn’t moved a hair since then- if she was hoping to remain inconspicuous she was out of luck- he could scent her from where he stood on the porch and his pack had also throw a few looks in her direction.

  “Blending into the scenery-“ He tossed out motioning with his eyes to the truck and Nicole went to move but he stilled her. “Let me- it might take a little gentle persuasion to get her out of there.” He mused before strolling off down the steps and towards the cab of the truck. Nicole chuckled as Darcy pressed herself further back into the seat.

  Ryan opened the door and leaned down to look in at her- his forearm resting against the metal roof as he grinned widely, “Out.” He ordered and she frowned up at him.

  “I’m good here-“ She kept her voice to a whisper hoping to not attack any unwanted attention from the rest of the pack.

  “They need to scent you up close and personal.” Ryan wasn’t averse to teasing her and he got the reaction he was hoping for when her eyes went wider and she balked at the idea.

  “I’m not being sniffed by a pack of wolves- what planet do you live on?” She hissed with disdain and he held the chuckle that threatened his lips.

  “They need to know your scent so as not to mistake you for lunch Darcy- we wouldn’t want any mishaps-“ He was really laying it on thick now and he waited for her to catch on that he was only pulling her leg, but she was too nervous and suspicious to get that.

  “Lunch?” She eyed the group from the safety of being practically blocked out of sight by his wide chest- swallowing down her fears as his gentle chuckle greeted her ears and her eyes snapped up to his face- the amusement making his eyes practically glow down at her and she huffed her annoyance.

  “Very bloody funny-“ She hissed on a pout as she started to fold her arms across her chest- but he reached in and wrapped his fingers around her wrist before hoisting her out of the cab to stand with her back practically bowed back into the open doorway- his body everywhere she looked as her head snapped back and she stared up at him with fire in her eyes that did nothing to mask her fear.

  “My pack will not harm you- you have my word.” Ryan’s teasing words had disappeared in a firm tone that held sincerity and she swallowed down the dryness of her throat, nodding her head as he smiled down at her trying as best he could to ease her tension.

  “Come on- we’re having a barbecue-“ Ryan didn’t let go of her wris
t as he turned and started to pull her with him towards the pack.

  “I’m not on the menu right?” Darcy muttered as amused faces turned towards her- what big ears you have grandmother- Nicole’s words shot through her mind as pack members chuckled at her words and Ryan barked out a laugh.

  “Not tonight little Fae.”

  “There’s my new sister-“ Jake’s deep voice boomed at Nicole’s ear as he came up behind her and nodded a greeting to Ryan who was over at the barbecue filling plates with food for his mate and her friend while Nicole sat on the waist high wall- Darcy leaning back eyeing the crowd nervously beside her.

  Nicole whirled her head to look at him and he beamed her one of those amused sexy grins that he liked to bestow, “Jake-“

  “You know if you were any smaller you would pass for a pup- how has my brother not broken you already?” Jake teased and Nicole sniggered.

  “Not for lack of trying-“ She admitted playfully as her eyes flicked back to her mate who gave her a wanton look at the thought of their coupling. “You remember Darcy.” Nicole turned back to Jake who gave her a long hard look as Darcy wilted a little under his gaze.

  “Ah the Fae who wanted you to leave my caught up in those painful wards of yours.” Darcy gave a little whimper in her throat as she shrugged her shoulders helplessly.

  “I didn’t know you then-“ She offered by way of protest at his teasing and he growled down at her.

  “You still don’t- I might just be the big bad wolf-“ He turned a grin on Nicole as he brightened, letting her off the hook. “Lucky for you I’m not.” He mused and Nicole was sure she heard Darcy let out an audible sigh and couldn’t help but splutter a chuckle at her friends expense.

  “Funny- Not.” Darcy gritted her teeth and went to walk away before eyeing the garden full of Lycan’s and thought better of it- planting her feet firmly down and crossing her arms as her eyes rested on one big Lycan male who was eyeing her like she was lunch from across the way.

  Darcy set her jaw and raised her chin defiantly as she pressed her lips together when he sniffed the air in her direction. “Did that big one just smell me?” She ground out between clenched teeth and Jake and Nicole both followed Darcy’s gaze to where the Lycan male was standing- his body tensed as he regarded her- his eyes growing darker by the minute.

  “Oh-oh.” Jake sung out in amusement as his eyes flicked towards Ryan- Ryan’s attention immediately rounding on the male.

  “Crap.” Ryan dropped the plates he was holding onto the table and managed to get between the male and Darcy with a good few feet to spare as he growled down at him.

  Nicole felt the fingers of fear reached within her and twist her insides, “Ryan said she would be safe.” She hissed at Jake just as he hooked Darcy under her armpits and lifted her over the wall as she squealed her shock, the suddenness of his move the only thing that stopped her hitting out at him. Nicole flipped her legs over the wall as she turned on her butt and dropped down beside Jake.

  “Unforeseen complication-“ Jake ground out quickly as he all but carried Darcy towards the house with Nicole hot on his heels, her head turning to see Ryan facing off against the large male who was growling at his Alpha.

  “Back down Gabe or I’ll put you down.” Nicole stumbled over her own feet at the sound of her mates tone. The menacing hardness of each word echoed through her brain- he sounded fierce and she was kind of glad that she couldn’t see his face- the way his body seemed to have grown in stature was enough for her heart to jump wildly in her chest.

  Jake didn’t stop moving until they were closed behind the door of the office where Jake took up a position in front of the closed door, his back pressed firmly against the wood as Darcy almost coward in the corner of the room and Nicole spun on her heels back towards Jake.

  “What the hell is his problem?” Nicole demanded as a smile spread across Jake’s face- the twinkle in his eyes easing Nicole’s tension slightly as she waited with baited breath for his answer.

  “We seem to have found a mate for your little Fae friend.” Jake’s words were all but chuckled out as Nicole’s jaw dropped open and she turned on her heels to look at Darcy who was frozen to the spot- her face motionless somewhere between shock and horror- her eyes edging wider with every second as she held her breath in her chest and just stared at Jake.

  “What?” Nicole spat out the word that must have been rebounding through Darcy- who still hadn’t released the breath she held or even blinked.

  “These things happen-“ Jake mused again, suddenly enjoying himself at this little shin dig more than he thought he would with his mate still out there somewhere unbound to him.

  A large gasp of breath into Darcy’s lungs forced Nicole to turn back towards her- but then Darcy held her breath again as her eyes moved slowly towards Nicole- a wince grew on Nicole’s face.

  “Be careful what you wish for?” She offered which was like a slap around the face to Darcy who became suddenly animated- panting her breath in and out as she shook her head, dismissing the idea.

  “That’s not- I’m not- I was just- “ She spluttered one after the other trying to get a grip on her train of thought, not that she really had one, denial and the need to curse herself for her words earlier that day- when she very stupidly didn’t bite her own damn tongue afterwards had come back to haunt her epically.

  “Looks like you’re going to get the chance to find out what mating a Lycan is like after all-“ Nicole offered gently, even thought the humour of the situation didn’t pass her by- neither did Darcy’s sheer panic as she turned pleading eyes on her friend.

  “But he’s a wolf-“ She spat out- caught somewhere between disbelief and disgust and Jake cleared his throat as loudly as he could.

  “Standing right here- you could hurt a guy’s feelings.” He chuckled and Darcy’s back snapped rigid as her eyes flew between Nicole and Jake and back to Nicole again.

  “But I’m a Fae-“ She ground out and Nicole looked dumbfounded as she turned to look at Jake.

  “What am I chopped liver?” He shrugged an amused set of wide shoulders at her as they both turned their eyes back on Darcy.

  “But he’s so big-“ She had to practically spit out the last word, forcing it from her mouth and causing Nicole to drop her head on a giggle of amusement as Jake rubbed two large hands down his face and rolled his head from side to side in amusement.

  “Trust you to think of that-“ Nicole rolled her eyes and Darcy dragged her gaze to her friend, her eyes pleading.

  “You have to get me out of here-“

  “Where do you think he won’t find you- he has your scent now little Fae-“ Jake was as much keeping the wolf from the door as he was keeping his pack brother’s mate from escaping- He knew Ryan could easily handle the amorous male- but Jake wasn’t too sure he wanted to have to deal with this little Fae if she took it in her head to try to get past him.

  “Alaska- I’ve always wanted to visit and he wouldn’t find-“ Darcy was rambling now, all real reason gone from her mind at the fate she had brought on herself with those stupid careless words of hers.

  “He would find you wherever you ran too- and too run from your mate is never a good idea.” Jake cautioned, his mind wandering to his own mate and he wondered if she had run from him- left pack land.

  “Nic?” Darcy was clutching at straws, any idea’s she had were fleeting and now she was left with the big gaping chasm in her mind where rational thought had taken a back seat to fear.

  “Look on the bright side-“ Nicole started and Darcy’s head twisted to one side on her neck as she regarded her friend like she was insane.

  “Bright side?”She echoed and Nicole shrugged her shoulders lightly as she grimaced an offering.

  “We’ll be sisters-“

  “Are you freakin’ nuts?” Darcy spat out in disbelief- the heavy rapping on the door making her jump and shriek in place as Jake grinned again.

  “Relax- it’s Ryan.” He turned and pulled the door open a
s Ryan strolled inside- the deep frown on his forehead eased when he saw his mate.

  “How goes it?” Jake asked still amused by the troubles these little Fae seemed to bring into their well ordered lives.

  Ryan took a breath and sighed it back out- his eyes flicking to Darcy who held her breath in anticipation.

  “Gabe’s demanding to see his mate-“

  “Not mate-“ Darcy spat out on a long breath and an over exaggerated shake of her head.

  “- He’s willing to wait until the female calms herself down.” Ryan made no bones about the state that Darcy was in- although after his own mates refusal to be reasonable he understood it. Damn he had brought her here for her own protection and now he was second guessing that decision- although if he had sent one of his pack to guard her, it would probably have been Gabe- Fate had a cruel way of sneaking up on you and blindsiding you when you least expected it.

  “Calm myself is it?” Darcy dropped her hands to her hips and stared Ryan right in the eye, even if it did make her uneasy to do it, her irk gene had kicked right in there and she was about to give these males a piece of her mind.

  “That would be helpful-“ Ryan nodded on a sarcastic smirk and Nicole pouted her lips and took a small step backwards- she knew Darcy and Darcy knew how to explode- her mate was in trouble now.

  “Just who the hell do you think you are talking to me like that and-“ She held up her index finger to him when he went to open his mouth. “- I’m perfectly calm thank you very much-“ Jake and Ryan groaned in unison as Nicole’s lips twitched with the barely contained grin that was forming there.

  “I have no intention of meeting or mating with that big- big-“ she’d lost the plot- irritation and irrationality flowed through her with equal measure and she growled out her annoyance as both men looked at each other, brows raised and a shared foreboding for their pack brother.

  “Lycan-“ Nicole put in happily from the sidelines. Darcy’s eyes shot to her friend and then back again.


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