Butler, Reece - 1 Bed, 2 Weddings, 3 Husbands [Bride Train 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Butler, Reece - 1 Bed, 2 Weddings, 3 Husbands [Bride Train 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

by Reece Butler

“She usually scowled at me,” said Jed, doing the same.

  “That’s because you wouldn’t put your shirt on and undid the top button of your pants,” said Riley. He sat back and licked his fork again. “When your back was turned, she checked you out pretty good.”

  “Values her reputation, does she?” Judge Thatcher pulled out his pipe and tobacco and began building a smoke.

  “We kept our hands off her,” said Jed. “Made sure she was well fed and entertained.” The judge lifted his eyebrows. “I mean with dominoes, stories, and that sort of thing. She took our bed and we stayed down here by the fire.” He stretched out his shoulders. “I’ll be glad to get off the floor.”

  “If Miss Edison is that worried about her reputation, she has a problem,” said the judge. He struck a match and puffed until he got a smoke going. “She’s been alone with you for three days and nights. You know what that means.”

  “Everyone knows we wouldn’t touch her,” said Riley. “Not that I didn’t want to,” he added with a sly grin.

  Jed tried to shush him, but he blathered on.

  “Don’t tell me you didn’t want her, Jed Adams. Your cock’s been hankering for her just as much as mine and Clint’s.”

  “That’s just because we haven’t had a woman in years,” explained Jed through gritted teeth.

  “Victoria’s not the only one with a problem,” said Barstow. “I hear Mrs. Jennet, that stuffy banker’s wife, has a nose for trouble and always has that cane ready to stir it. She’s one of those wanting to throw Sarah Unsworth out of town, just for being found in a whorehouse.”

  “What’s that sanctimonious battle-axe got to do with this?” asked Clint.

  “When she heard about Miss Edison staying here, she got her husband going. When we ruled against Jennet about getting your cattle back from Smythe, he roared over to talk to that newspaperman, Hames. He must have sent a horse and rider to Mayor Rivers, because the man rode in last night. He came right to the jail to complain, covered with mud.”

  “Would’ve liked to see that,” said Riley, laughing.

  “Rivers and Jennet are so mad about the council taking back your cattle that they’re ready to tar and feather you,” continued Barstow.

  “They can’t touch you about the cattle because the town council ruled, so they’re going after you for the only thing they can,” said Judge Thatcher. “For seducing Miss Edison.”

  “We haven’t seduced anyone!” yelled Jed. He jumped to his feet and pointed to his pants. “Look at my cock! It’s been this hard since I first saw the woman. You think I want to be in pain for three days and three damn-near-forever nights?” He looked from the judge to the sheriff as his cousins nodded agreement about their own pain. “If I’d had my way with Miss Edison, gentlemen, she’d be purring in my arms, not spitting fire.”

  Barstow held up his hands. “I believe you. But they’re powerful men, and Smythe will jump on the bandwagon as soon as he arrives. If’n you don’t change your situation, you’ll have a heap of trouble.”

  “From who?” demanded Clint.

  “Vigilantes, for one. They might do to you what they did to Jack Gallagher.”

  They looked at each other.

  “Who’s Jack Gallagher?” asked Jed.

  “Nobody, but he was innocent. And that hangman made sure his neck wasn’t broken so he’d have a long, painful death.”

  Thatcher’s words created silence. The self-nominated group of vigilantes dispensed what they called justice seemingly on a whim. Jed knew they were safe enough on their ranch, and even in the valley, but once they left the area controlled by the Tanner’s Ford sheriff, the same thing could happen to them as Jack.

  Bile rose in his throat. The J Bar C would not hide from a mob of cowards who covered their faces and rode in the night!

  “So, who’s the lucky man?” Judge Thatcher reached into his suit pocket. The thick paper crinkled as he unfolded it. “I wrote this marriage license just for you.”

  “Marriage?” Jed’s heart stopped beating for a second before pounding against his ribs. His ears buzzed so loud he couldn’t hear anything but echoes of Thatcher’s words. He backed away, hands up. “Oh, no. They’re not going to force us to marry that woman.”

  “It’s not force if it’s our choice,” said Clint calmly. “It mightn’t be all that bad, she’s a pretty good cook. She’s smart. Beats me every time when we play dominoes. When I lifted her from the wagon she felt like she’s got a body a man could get a handle on. Jed knows more about that, since he saw her bathing that first night.” He snickered at Jed’s furious glare.

  “If Jed’s seen her naked, he’d better be the one marrying her. She’d understand that reasoning,” said the judge. He gestured to Jed’s open shirt. “Seems to me you were showing off for the lady when I came up. That means you’re interested in her. That true, boys?”

  Clint and Riley started yammering about how Jed liked to tease her by showing off his chest and that she liked it.

  “Come on, Jed!” Riley almost bounced on his toes in eagerness. “We’re not gonna get anyone better, anytime soon. She’s a hard worker. She started planting the garden this morning. I saw her sigh, like she wished she could stay.”

  “Why should I have to marry her? I didn’t do anything wrong!”

  A blast of wind warned him too late that the door behind him was open. He turned to find Victoria standing like one of those Amazon women. She glared like a harpy, but he noticed her clasped fingers were as white as her face.

  “Neither did I, but my reputation is ruined,” she said with quiet dignity.

  Jed braced himself for female hysterics, but she kept her face blank.

  “I came to Tanner’s Ford to start a new life, with my head high,” she continued. “And you’ve destroyed it.”

  Jed held up his hands. “Whoa, lady. I haven’t destroyed anything. You came here by your choice. Wasn’t my fault Mother Nature hit us with a storm. I said we’d never touch you, and we didn’t.”

  “No one would believe that,” she said.

  “Jed did see you naked in that tub,” added Riley.

  “That’s not helping,” growled Jed. Her white face turned pink. Was it embarrassment, or something else?

  “Shall I solve your problem, Miss Edison?” asked the judge, cutting them off.

  “Appreciate you trying to help, but—ow!” Jed glared at Clint and rubbed his shin where a boot had struck hard.

  “Miss Edison, what if you were married, living on a thriving ranch, with good neighbors who respected you and enjoyed your company?” Judge Thatcher looked Victoria in the eyes and spoke calmly. “This valley has eight ranches, if you include Walt Chamberlain’s. Four have found wives in the past couple of years. Those women headed West to find a better life, and also found a new family. They’re happy, Miss Edison. A couple of them have part ownership in their ranches, and all are working toward good-sized families. Do you want a home of your own, children to love, and respect in the community?”

  She nodded. Jed figured she clenched her jaw so tight she couldn’t talk if she wanted to. The woman was tough, which said a lot for her life. When one of them did little things for her, things Aunt Chrissie expected as her right, Victoria was stunned. When he made a new seat for the crapper so she wouldn’t get splinters, she looked at him like he was the finest man she’d ever met. He liked her, but that didn’t mean she could put up with him for the rest of her life. Dammit, he hadn’t even kissed her, and everyone expected them to jump into marriage?

  “I’ve been performing weddings for over twenty years,” said the judge. “It’s a civil union with different words, but it still makes you married. Any preference in a husband?”

  “Jed,” said Clint quickly. “Riley and me agreed long ago he’d marry first. He’s the ramrod of the outfit, so it’s only right.”

  Jed opened his mouth, but Riley elbowed him in the gut.

  “I’d have to marry him?” She curled her lip.

��What’s the matter with me?” demanded Jed, rubbing his belly. “I’d make a good husband.”

  “Tell me why.” She crossed her arms, looking him over like a side of beef.

  Jed thought for a few minutes. If he had to marry her, and it looked like that was in the cards, he wanted to start out right. Though it was true, she wouldn’t want him telling everyone that she made him burn hotter than a tumbleweed in a blazing fire. That his cock surged with need whenever he thought of her. And when he saw her, or smelled her fragrance, he wanted to make her scream his name so hard the mountains rumbled.

  He’d tell her that later, when she was thoroughly, happily bedded. By all of them.

  “I’ll listen to what you want, but we’ll have differences,” he said. “We’ll talk things over with my cousins, and come to an answer that works for all of us.”

  He could almost see her head spinning at hearing a man tell her that. But his Aunt Chrissie, Clint’s mom, insisted on being treated like an equal. Clint and even Riley would thump him if he treated their wife differently. Never would Jed treat a woman like his father did his mother, with curses, shame, and blows. Not that his mother was any better.

  “What if I disagree with your opinions?”

  For the first time, Jed calmly met her eye to eye as he would a man he respected. She had smarts behind those blue eyes. She might also have more than the usual wifely skills to add to their ranch’s future.

  “You’ll learn to live with it. Just as I’ll live with other things that the three of you force on me,” he said, giving his cousins a glance. “I might yell and get mad, but I’d never, ever, hit a woman or child. None of us would.”

  “How can I be sure of that?”

  “Jed’s father damn near beat him to death when he was six. He won’t hurt a fly.”

  “Shut up, Clint!” Jed’s face grew hotter.

  “That’s why my parents took him to live with us,” continued Clint. “You and your children will be safe.”

  Jed caught Cliff’s reference to the children being Victoria’s. If he’d said “you and our children,” that might have skewed things a bit.

  Victoria looked around the room, catching each man with her gaze. “I’m supposed to just agree to marry a stranger, because of the circumstances I find myself in?”

  Jed saw her fear, anger, and a touch of what might be eagerness. To hell with it. Time to see if they were compatible in the way that made marriage worthwhile. He stomped over to her before he let his good sense take over. She glared up at him with narrow eyes and pursed mouth. He exhaled and relaxed. This woman might be his wife, if he could convince her to agree. If he did this well, she might be even eager. He let a small smile escape. She frowned, but her nostrils flared.

  He leaned forward, ever so slowly, and brought his mouth down. He saw a flare of panic for a moment. Then she closed her eyes and opened her mouth.

  He slid his lips over hers in a taste. Apple, cinnamon, and coffee. Soft, delectable. He shivered, feeling a need he’d never acknowledged. He wanted her to love him, with all his faults, warts, and failings.

  That wasn’t going to happen, but he could make her want his body.

  He pressed harder, enticing her with his tongue. She grabbed onto his shirt with both hands and made a little female sound. Her eager demand zapped him from his balls around to the tip of his rock-hard cock. He slid his tongue into her mouth and under her lip. Soft. Soft and warm and wonderful. She groaned and did the same, tasting him. He wrapped his arms around her and leaned into the kiss, taking control with a passion he’d never felt before.

  “Yep. I think this’ll work,” he heard someone say with a chuckle. He slowly backed away, hauling air into his lungs and peppering her with small kisses to her lips, her cheeks, her nose.

  He rested his hands on her waist. Cold dread trickled down his spine.

  “Will you marry me, Miss Victoria Edison?”

  She trembled as she looked up at him with wide blue eyes. Her fingers still clenched his shirt.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  Chapter Seven

  “Why wasn’t there any promises to love and obey?” asked Riley as he gave the judge’s horse some water. “I thought that was part of all weddings.” He laughed. “Not that Victoria would agree to obey anyone, especially Jed.”

  “I said a civil wedding was different.” The judge winked. “I hope you noticed I made sure Victoria promised to ‘care for her husband and family,’ and then had all three of you sign the marriage contract as equals, but with Jed first.”

  Riley shrugged. “Isn’t that the way it’s done?”

  “No. But this is Tanner’s Ford valley, where each wife shares three husbands.” He took the reins. “Since the new Mrs. Adams likes to keep her word, I made it part of the legal contract.”

  Riley gulped. He, along with Jed and Clint, would be having sex with Victoria. A woman with a marvelous bosom and lovely wide ass. They could touch her whenever they wanted, as long as she did, too. His cock throbbed, hard and eager.

  “Does she know she’s sharing us?” he asked, his voice breaking. He coughed. “I mean, does she really understand what she promised?”

  Thatcher’s moustache twitched. He looked toward the cabin. “I let the sheriff explain that. He’s a married man and has the badge to prove his word is law.”

  “What?” A feminine shriek erupted through the open door. “All of them? You can’t be serious!”

  “Sounds like Barstow just made his point.” The judge mounted up, chuckling.

  The sheriff dashed out of the cabin. He put his arms over his head and ducked as Victoria, screaming about rats and snakes and jackals, swatted at him with a twig broom. Jed stood in the open door, shoulder against the frame, laughing. He’d been smiling since their postwedding kiss. It lasted so long the judge had to break them apart to sign the wedding contract. He hadn’t let his cousins kiss her yet.

  Riley held the reins out to the sheriff so he could make a quick getaway. The two lawmen trotted off, taking the easy way out after getting a woman royally upset.

  “Did you have anything to do with this mockery of a marriage?”

  Riley turned to Victoria. Her lip quivered. She looked hurt and lost. He held out his arms to her. She dropped the broom and curled into his chest. He shifted so she wouldn’t feel his needy cock. She snuffled against his shirt as he rubbed her back.

  “Don’t fret, darlin’. It’ll work out.”

  “Did you know I promised to…to…”

  “I knew about it, but it didn’t hit me until just now.” He kissed the top of her head. He was six inches taller, making her just the right height. “Every wife in this valley has three men to care for her.”

  His hand slowed, the gentle rub changing to a lighter caress. Each time he let his fingers drift down her back he went a little lower, until he grazed the curve just below her waist.

  “I expect Beth will stop by in a day or so for a woman-to-woman visit. When she married Trace, she was the first wife in the valley to share her men. Jack once said Beth was surprised but enthusiastic.” Riley remembered almost punching the man for looking so smug. That was when Amelia and Ross MacDougal had their wedding party. “Beth’s got a son with Trace and a new daughter with Simon.”

  He kissed her neck like a lover would. Soft and gentle, encouraging her to relax. His hand flowed over the curve of her ass and back up. Her breath hitched, and her grip on him tightened.

  “Do you want children?” he whispered. She nodded, rubbing her forehead against his shirt. “There’s only one way to make that happen. You understand?”

  She nodded again. When she tilted her head to look up at him, he began a line of kisses leading to her ear. When he got there he nibbled her lobe. She rolled her head. She was flushed, her pupils so big they looked black. She still hadn’t put her golden-brown hair up. He ran the fingers of one hand through it, from her shoulder over her back and down to her bottom.

  “Your hair is like
silk. And your eyes are so blue, like a cornflower.” She closed her eyes, so he kissed each one. “I promise to care for you like a husband, Victoria. To cherish and protect you.” He whispered the words into her ear as he stroked her hair. “I want to make you laugh. I’ll pick flowers for you, and rub your feet when they’re sore. I can rub your back, too.” He let his hand rove over her bottom, cupping it. Her eyes widened, and her nostrils flared. “In fact, I’d like to rub all of you, and kiss every part of you, too. Inside and out.”

  She gulped and pulled back. He immediately relaxed his grip, but only as far as necessary. He didn’t want to let go of her.

  “Just holding you now,” he said, “I feel better than I have in years.”

  “It’s the same with me,” said Clint from over his shoulder. “When I carried you, I didn’t want to put you down. The last couple of days, when you’ve been here, have been the best since we left home.”

  Clint walked behind her. Riley released her enough for Clint to pull her back against his front. She closed her eyes and leaned her head on his chest.

  “Please give us a chance,” murmured Clint. “Let us prove that we can please you. If you still don’t like us after a month or two, the judge can grant you a divorce. They do it all the time in Virginia City.”

  “I’m frightened,” she whispered.

  “Not of me, I hope.” Jed stood a couple of feet away. He looked at them and shook his head. “Good thing the judge changed those vows, since my cousins are making love with my wife already.”

  Love? Not yet. But it would come. Riley saw Jed’s small signs of nervousness, but also his gentle smile. Been a long time since Jed was so relaxed.

  “Our wife,” said Riley.

  Jed held out his hand to Victoria. He crooked his fingers at her.

  “Mine first.”

  When she didn’t move, Jed lifted an eyebrow in that irritating manner of his and tilted his head. Riley knew it was his “this is your last chance” look, but would Victoria? She must have, as she pulled away and slowly stepped toward Jed.

  “What are you going to do?” she asked. Her voice quavered.


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