Daddy's Girl: Cape High Book Five

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Daddy's Girl: Cape High Book Five Page 4

by R. J. Ross

  "Nico, we need to talk," Mega says.

  "Not now. Do you know where Double M is?"

  "The word is out, the public wants answers. You've got every television station in the nation calling us up to try and get interviews--you really shouldn't have wrecked that camera--"

  "It was their own fault for following me around," Nico says.

  "AFTER talking to them," Mega goes on, completely ignoring Nico's comment. "You should have taken it out first thing if you're going to take it out! Now we've got salvaged video of you flashing your badge--everyone online has looked up your past! They want to know what turned you good."

  "Have Double M tell them later," Nico says, heading past Mega and into the building. "Morgan, you coming?"

  I look at Mega then duck around him to follow Nico inside. I can't help but glance back at him, though, seeing an irritated expression on his face. "He doesn't like you much, does he?" I ask quietly as I practically jog to keep up with him.

  "He'll like me even less when he finds out what we want," Nico says. "Mega and I will never see eye to eye."

  "Maybe we shouldn't do it," I say, stopping. "I mean, if Mega doesn't like it, I bet a lot of the other heroes won't like it, and--"

  "What do they matter?" Nico asks me. "I never even knew I had kids until I got out of there, but had I known... well, let's just say some things are more important than getting a dirty look from a cape." He pulls to a stop at a door, staring at it for a moment before moving on.

  "Wasn't that where Mastermental is?" I ask.

  "No." He keeps walking, not looking back at the door and not answering further. I keep glancing back, then stare in shock as the door opens and a man looks out. He looks exactly like Nico!

  "Nico--it's--" I say, grabbing his hand. The door behind us closes again and I turn. The man is gone.

  "Forget about it," Nico says.

  "How can I forget about it? That guy looked like your twin brother--"

  "You can forget about it by not bringing it up," Nico says dryly. He reaches an elevator and waits impatiently for the doors to open, looking around with a thoughtful expression on his face. An alarm goes off. I jerk and put my fingers in my ears even as a ton of norms dressed in black uniforms start to surround us.

  "Technico, we have to ask you to stop," a man in the group says. "It's nothing personal, of course, but Mastermental says that you keep messing up the files."

  "I'm just standing here," Nico says with patent innocence. "Haven't touched a thing." He even holds up his hands, as if that's a reassuring comment. My mind goes straight back to his comment about not standing over Ken (who I assume is America's Son) as he looked up my dad. I look at him.

  "Okay, okay," he says. The alarm stops. Every single norm in the group looks at him as if they KNOW he was the one that turned it off. "I'm a bit surprised," he admits. "You actually found someone good enough to catch me. Once."

  "We would appreciate the courtesy of you asking first," the man says with a sigh. He looks like this has happened several times before, and it's still irritating.

  "I was just locating Double M," Nico says with a shrug. "Nothing serious." The elevator door opens and he steps back into it, grabbing my shirt and pulling me in with him. "Have a nice day," he adds as the door slams shut.

  I look away, covering my mouth with a hand because laughing at him will totally encourage him--which I never thought I'd say about an adult. When he starts whistling along with the terrible elevator music, though, I lose it. I can't believe I'm actually laughing in such a serious situation, but I can't help it. He's outrageous! "You just--" I splutter, "you just lifted your hands and--the looks on their faces--"

  "This music is terrible, don't you think?" Nico asks, looking around again. "Let's see..." he shoves his hands into his pockets and looks up with a thoughtful expression. The music changes. All of a sudden some old rock band is singing about "Love in an Elevator." "There we go," he says.

  I shake my head. "That's almost as bad," I complain. "It's ancient!"

  "It's classic," he says. "Okay, fine, what would you play?"

  "I don't know, just not a Justin song," I say. I instantly groan as "Lover, Lover" starts playing. "I said NOT a Justin song!" I complain as the door opens.

  "It's a remake, so technically it's not one!" he says as we step off the elevator and into a massive hall. The seriousness of the situation hits me again and I fall silent, trying to hide behind Nico as he starts down the hall. "Come on," he says. "The brave, fearless leader of the zoo kids shouldn't be hiding behind an adult."

  "When the adult is powerful enough to hack the Hall's security just to change the elevator music, she darn well does," I reply in a mutter. "I want to take a different elevator down," I add as we reach the massive door at the end of the hall.

  Nico knocks twice before opening it and strolling in without an invite. Mastermental looks up from the paperwork he's flipping through, looking a bit irritated. "Really, Nico, do you have to rile up everyone you meet?"

  "I see you still haven't gone back to Iran," Nico says, dropping down in the chair in front of Mastermental's desk. "Double M, we have a favor to ask."

  Wow, talk about sucking at small talk. Mastermental looks at me, expectantly. "I did wonder why you were bringing one of the students. Hello, Morgan, I hope you're enjoying your weekend?"

  "Um..." I say. Brilliant, huh? Well you try talking to the head of the Hall about something like this and do better! "Hi." Yep, that's MUCH better.

  "It's not every day that Nico braves the hallways of this side of the Hall," Mastermental goes on, looking at Nico. "Especially lately."

  "Old habits are hard to break," Nico says blandly. "Avoiding an entire building full of super heroes and their lackeys is one of those habits."

  "Or avoiding one hero in particular?" Mastermental offers equally blandly. I look at Nico, wondering what they're talking about. From the closed expressions on their faces I don't think it's something I'll find out anytime soon.

  "Either way," Nico says. "I want permission to nullify Morgan's powers--"

  "Denied," Mastermental says.

  "For long enough to take her into the Cape Cells," Nico finishes.

  "De--what?" Mastermental asks. "Really, Nico, taking a sixteen year old girl into the Cape Cells is a bit much, even for you."

  "My--" I say, stepping forward. "I mean--I don't have to go," I say, looking down. "It was just... um..."

  "Shawn Matkey is her father," Nico says bluntly.

  "Mimic?" Mastermental says, looking surprised. His expression turns serious within seconds and he looks at Nico for a long moment. "I'm afraid I can't allow that," he says finally.

  "Why not? At the moment she's mainly a norm as long as she doesn't come in physical contact with another super, Double M. Nullifying her abilities would work just by putting a pair of gloves on her, much less a collar."

  "There's a reason for the Cape Cell rules," Mastermental says sharply. "And as a member of the Hall, I expect you to behave appropriately, which includes following those rules--"

  "If Max was in the cells, you would go to see him," Nico says. "I spent fifteen years not knowing that I had kids, Double M. Do you have any clue what all I missed during that time? Shawn knows he has a daughter out here, but he's stuck inside, surrounded by machines and only seeing another inmate once in a blue moon through rocket proof glass, if he's lucky. And trust me, I've talked with all those inmates, they are NOT a replacement for a family member."

  "The rule isn't just for the security factor, Nico," Mastermental says. "It's also for the good of the family members--"

  Nico lets out a searing curse and I glance at him, since he's standing now. "How is it good for them? Because they don't see how the guy's dealing with it? Because they've got no clue? You know what? I got out, I did everything you asked of me, you OWE me, Double M."

  Mastermental leans back in his chair, looking at Nico with a curious expression. "Will you be willing to don your old suit for t
his visit?" he asks mildly.

  "Absolutely," Nico says.

  "I see. This really means a lot to you, doesn't it. But does it mean that much to you, Morgan?" Mastermental asks, making me look at him.

  "I... I would like to see Dad," I admit. "I don't agree with what he did--I mean, he hurt a lot of people by doing the stuff he did, and I don't--I don't know if he wants to see me, I mean--we..." I shrug, not knowing what to say, really. "If just for a minute," I say. "There's things I would like to ask. I don't know if he'd answer them, or anything, but... it's been six years, almost seven."

  How did it turn out like this? Just yesterday I was desperately trying to hide the fact that I was Mimic's daughter, now I'm discussing going to visit him in the Cape Cells with the head of the Hall! This makes no sense. It's like the entire world flipped on me and I'm trying not to fall on my head.

  "You see, there's one risk that we're taking, taking you into this building," Mastermental says, still looking at me. "Especially at your age. Your father could try and manipulate you, make you think that breaking him out is a viable option."

  "The Cape Cells," I say.


  "I'm a sixteen year old kid that can only take one power for fifteen minutes," I tell him bluntly. "Taking on one of the most guarded places in the world on my own? I don't think so. I don't have any plans on attempting to break him out, I just... I just want to see him," I say, feeling a bit desperate all of a sudden. It's like they're teasing me with this, placing an opportunity in front of me that I never thought I'd see, then pulling it away again. "Please, Mastermental. I don't like what he did, I don't want to become it, EVER, I want to be what Banshee thought I could be--but he's still the only family I have."

  "Banshee?" Mastermental asks curiously.

  "She thinks Morgan would be good for finding new capes in the norm system," Nico says. "I can't say that I completely agree with it, since Morgan would be a great mainstream hero, but if it's what she wants to do, I won't stop her."

  Mastermental smiles for the first time since we came in. "I think it's an excellent idea," he says. "And these new capes? You'll send them to our school?"

  "Yeah. I mean, it'll take me a while to learn how to use my abilities, but yeah. It's what I want to do with my life." Most sixteen year olds only have a vague idea what they want to be, but they aren't capes. I heard Adanna and Sunny already have their job plans laid out, and they're younger than I am. "It'll keep them safe from guys like Collector, too."

  "I approve," Mastermental says. "I'll do whatever's in my capacity to see that it becomes a reality. Do you have an idea of how you'll get into the position to find them?"

  "Well, um... I thought I could become a substitute teacher when I'm old enough. If I can go out before that, I guess I could transfer in as a student, right?"

  "I'll see what I can arrange."

  "Not yet," Nico says. "And we're getting off the subject. Morgan wants to see her dad. I can set it up so she can, but I need permission."

  For a moment my heart tries to jump in my chest as Mastermental looks at me closely. I wonder if he's reading my mind and try to think innocent thoughts--which really isn't hard, because seriously, I don't want Mimic on the streets.

  But I would like to see my father.

  Is it strange that I try to separate the two? My dad is Mimic, but I don't want to claim that Mimic is my dad, even though I have to. It's enough to make me feel depressed and want to give up, just thinking that Mimic is Dad. It's even worse when I start wondering what will happen when I'm older.

  "You won't," Mastermental says, making me glance up at him.

  "Won't what?"

  "Become your father. Regardless of if you get his level of powers. If it bothers you so much I'm sure Nico, or possibly Zoe at that time, will be able to build a restrainer." He puts the papers on the desk in a neat little pile and gets to his feet. "I'll arrange the meeting--as long as you're both willing to allow me to come along, that is."

  "Fine," Nico says.

  I nod, feeling a sense of hope filling me. "Do you know when?" I ask.

  "It depends on how quickly I can get everyone ready for it," he admits. "I believe we'll try and be ready in the next few days. Also, before you leave, how is Noelle working out as a roommate?"

  I blink, completely caught off guard. "She's kind of a brat," I blurt out. To my embarrassment both males start laughing at that. "Well, I mean--she's pretty spoiled, and she won't tell me anything, which I guess makes sense, but it's still irritating! And she spent all this time telling me how I probably don't have good powers because she didn't even hear about me in the future. Yeah, she's SUPER annoying," I decide. "Justin's worse, though. Can we get him transferred or something?"

  "To where? We're the only school for capes," Nico says. "You can deal with it," he adds in a confident tone. Sure he can say that. He's not the one that has to live with them!

  "You don't have to deal with hearing him singing in the shower," I mutter. "You can hear him through the entire dorm. Um," I say, looking to Mastermental. "Thank you, Mastermental."

  "You're welcome," he says.

  "Time to go," Nico says, getting to his feet. "If I'm going to get you suited up for the Cape Cells I need to get started."

  I nod, following him out the door and waiting until we're well away from Mastermental's office to ask, "We're going this way to avoid the room with the guy that looks like you, aren't we?" Because I don't remember any of these hallways or doors, even if they do look a lot like the ones we passed earlier.

  "I have no idea what you're talking about. This is just the fastest way to the garage," he says as we reach another elevator. He presses the button, frowns, and presses his hand to the door.

  "It's broken," I tell him, pointing at the very obvious sign on the wall. "Due to supers," I read. "How does that happen in the Hall?"

  "Happens in the Hall a lot more often than it does in the rest of the world," Technico says, prying the doors open and looking inside. The thick cords that are supposed to bring it up are broken completely and the elevator itself is on the ground far below us with a gigantic hole in the ceiling. "Someone got tired of waiting," he mutters. I stare at it, wondering what Hall member would blatantly do something like this. "Well, might as well," Nico says, holding a hand out into the empty elevator shaft.

  "We could go back the way we came," I say as metal parts start floating in the elevator shaft, rearranging themselves. The cords come up to start reconnecting and Nico steps into the air in the elevator shaft, crossing over as if on solid ground to touch the cords. They meld together, much to my astonishment. Below him the elevator is rebuilding itself. I can't help but be torn between watching that and watching him.

  Nico is AMAZING. It's only been a few minutes and the elevator is fixed. He comes back, dropping down next to me on the ground and letting out a snort. "You know, now that I think about it, it would have been faster to just fly down."

  He closes the elevator door and waits impatiently for it to come back up.


  I'm not surprised that we pull into the parking lot of the apartment building, but I am when he heads that way instead of toward the school. He stops at the panel, looking at me. "You coming?"

  "Shouldn't I get back to the campus?" I ask, still climbing out of his car.

  "No, I've got the tools I'll need for this here. Come on." He watches the sky as I cross the parking lot and only glances at me when I get to his side. I think something's bothering him, but by the way he shut me down when talking about the white haired man, I know it's none of my business. Instead I press my hand to the panel and head through the security field, stepping on the glowing footprints and waiting for him to catch up.

  This is where Aubrey lives. Sure, several others live here as well, I mean, Zoe, Sunny, Emily, Trent--but Aubrey's my best friend. The others are just guys in my class. I wonder if she's home from the zoo yet. I glance up as Nico walks past me and starts up the stairs, following
him a bit belatedly. "So what all are you going to put on me?" I ask.

  "I expect you to wear long sleeves and pants, as usual. I'll make a power blocking collar as well. When we go in we'll be led down several hallways to a large room divided by a thick see through wall. Because your dad doesn't have vocal powers there will be a speaker in the ceiling that will let you talk," he says. "The guards in his block are machines, save for the ones that will be leading us there--even if he does get hold of them, he won't be able to do anything with them."

  "Why do I need to know all this?" I ask.

  "So you know that you're perfectly safe," he says, looking at me with a serious expression.

  "From my father," I say, looking back to the stairs because I'd rather not look at him right now.

  We reach the top floor and he leads me into an apartment building that's been turned into a massive computer lab. There's working computers on one side of the room, and the entire wall is covered with what looks like a massive computer screen. In the middle of it all is a table with what can only be a holographic screensaver--a ball bouncing around on top. The other side of the room is full of tables covered with tools and machine parts.

  "This way," Nico says from the computer parts side. I walk over, still glancing over my shoulder at the ball that keeps going through "holes" in the table and popping out somewhere else. Not going to lie, just watching that thing could keep me entertained for a very long time. I know it and Nico seems to know it, too, because he taps his fingers on the table in an impatient sound.

  "Sorry," I mutter, glancing one last time before looking at this side of the room. I forget about the hologram as he waves a hand over the table, starting various things floating in front of us both. That is so cool. I know I've said it before, it just requires repeating. The parts put themselves together and he pulls it from the air, moving closer and placing what looks like a chunky metal hoop necklace around my neck. "This is what you'll have to wear," he says, holding up his hand in front of me. "Try taking my abilities."

  I grab his hand, intentionally trying to take his abilities, and feel nothing. "Nothing," I say.


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