Daddy's Girl: Cape High Book Five

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Daddy's Girl: Cape High Book Five Page 6

by R. J. Ross

  "You remind me of someone," I say abruptly. I can't pinpoint who, but it's the way he's standing, I think. Who is it? It's going to drive me crazy trying to remember.

  "Forget it," he says. "It doesn't matter."

  Yeah, like that's going to make me forget about it. I almost snort, but he's already moving forward and opening one of the car doors. It seems like he chose one at random, because he leans in and looks at the driver. "You have any powers?" he asks.

  "No, sir."

  "Not even ones that don't do much?"

  "No, sir, perfectly human."

  "Good. Morgan, this's your ride," he says. "Oh, and here's this for when we get to the cells--Mastermental, if you'd like to check it?" he goes on, holding out the necklace he made for me.

  Mastermental takes it, pushing a button on the side and putting the necklace on. He holds out a hand to one of the nearest cars, but nothing happens. He nods. "This will work," he says. "Now if you would remove it?"

  The necklace comes undone and falls into Mastermental's waiting hand. "Thank you for your sign of trust," Nico says, handing a small controller over to the other man. "I was starting to wonder."

  "Appearances are important," Mastermental says as he pockets the controller. I look from one to the other, trying to figure out the relationship between the two. It seems complex. And seeing them stand side by side like they are, it's like something in my mind is screaming at me that--

  "Superior," I say abruptly, my eyes widening in surprise. "You remind me of Superior!"

  The dark expression on his face says that I probably should have kept that fact to myself. "All super heroes tend to look alike," he says blandly. Well, sure, I mean they all tend to have athletic bodies and tight clothes, but this is way beyond looking like a guy in passing because you're wearing tights. If you picture the uniform in red and gold and toss on a cape, get rid of the white streak of hair--yeah, he looks like Superior. I'm not talking the guy that played him in the movie, either. He looks like those old photos they show on the television whenever an anniversary comes along.

  Is he... like... Superior's son? He's the right age, I guess--

  "Time to go, then, don't you think?" Mastermental says.

  "Oh, yeah," I say, heading for the car that Nico decided on and sliding into the back seat. The door closes behind me and I realize that no one will be riding with me. It's just me and the driver. I glance at the rearview mirror, wondering if he'll want to talk, but he's wearing a pair of sunglasses and staring straight forward, which pretty much shuts me out.

  So what do I do on this trip? I think I'd just assumed that one of the two cape adults would ride with me, at least, but that's not the case. The only thing I have that I can do is think. I don't want to think right now, okay? I mean, I'm doing this, but if I think about it for too long I might not WANT to do this, then it'll be unbearable, and something that I wanted to do will become something they're forcing me to do--

  ARGH! I need to stop thinking. Focus on something else... hi. Yeah, you. How's it going? Having a nice day? Nice weather we've got here.

  Lala--the car is slowing down. Can you see around this guy's huge head? Is it a red light? I'm panicking here, I didn't realize Cape Cells was this close--oh, wait, it's speeding up again. False alarm.

  So yeah, this ride is really stressful. I'm actually so tense that I don't even realize we're there until the door opens and Nico looks in. He takes one good look at me and slides into the car, closing the door behind him.

  "Hey," he says. "How's it going?" That... sounds remarkably familiar, huh? "You want to turn around?"

  "What?" I ask, shocked out of myself.

  "We can turn around right now, get some normal clothes on, pretend this never happened," he says. I stare at him, so tempted that I almost feel myself nodding. No. I can't. This is a once in a lifetime chance, a time to get closure, and until I do, I'll regret it.

  "No," I say, taking a deep breath and snapping on my collar. "I'm not a coward." He grins at me, then opens the door, sliding out and waiting impatiently for me to get out as well. He doesn't say a word about what I just said. But I'm not one. If I was a coward I would have been ran over by the other kids a long time ago.

  I step out of the car and look up at the building in front of us. It's huge. A mass of concrete and fences that I'm sure could kill a whale if accidentally touched. There's guards in discreet places, so discreet that it takes a moment to realize just how many of them there are. Not just norm guards, either. A handful of them are flying around the building, as if waiting for someone to stick a hand out the window so they can shoot it off.

  I look at Nico again, taking in his black suit and collar, and realize that there's a reason for this amount of security if he really is the son of Superior, like I'm guessing. Even if he's not, I've seen him use his powers. He could take down the government with a wave of his hand, or something. Can't you picture it? I am. Nico floating in the air above the Whitehouse, holding out a hand--

  I shake my head, trying to clear that image from my mind. This is our PRINCIPAL. The guy entrusted to lead as many next gen capes as they can pack into the building! They wouldn't give a job like that to-- "Maaaaan, this place is still ugly," Nico says, looking up at the building. "Hey, Harry," he adds as a fat man storms out of the building with a dark expression on his face.

  "Don't tell me you're back," the bald man says to Nico. "I was just starting to enjoy my job."

  Wait, what? This bald fat guy was Nico's guard? He doesn't look like a cape! He looks like a grandfather!

  "Don't let looks deceive you, Morgan," Nico says, as if reading my mind. "Harry here's a very powerful cape. He can rearrange at an atomic level. That's why he's still working even though he's well past retirement age. That's why we spent so much time together back in the days. Good to see you, too, Harry. But don't get my room cleaned up on my account, we're just here for a quick visit."

  "A visit? You mean YOU'RE the one they've been running around getting ready for?" Harry asks. "I thought it was someone important!"

  "It is," Nico says, pushing me forward. "Harry, meet Morgan. She's the daughter of Mimic."

  Harry looks at me, his mouth opening, then closing, then opening again as he tries to think of something to say. Finally he starts to say something, only to stop as a car door closes behind us. "Master--Mastermental," he says, straightening up and saluting. "Good to see you again, sir."

  "You as well, Harold," Mastermental says, walking over to us and shaking the man's hand. "Working in the field just hasn't been the same without you, though," he adds. "We've come to have a little family reunion, I hope you don't mind."

  "Of course not," Harry says, clearly lying. His face says that he minds a lot. "But are you sure this is a good time for it? She's pretty young," he adds with a glance in my direction.

  "That doesn't change the fact that he's her father," Mastermental says. "Now, if you wouldn't mind, I was told we'd have a guide?"

  "That would be--" a younger man says, stepping forward.

  "Me," Harry interrupts. The younger man looks like he wants to protest, but Harry turns and looks at him. "I'm sure you've been briefed on ranks, boy," he says sharply.

  "Sir... I mean, yes sir," the man says. "But--"

  "Tell me, are you a norm?" Mastermental asks the younger man.

  "Yes, sir, I am."

  "Then I'm sorry, Harry, when it comes to Mimic I'm afraid we need to be careful. You do understand, right? That's why Nico and Morgan are both wearing power inhibitors." He reaches out, patting Harry on the arm. "Don't worry, we have everything under control."

  "To be honest, that's why I worry, sir," Harry says. "When you believe you have everything under control is when he's most likely to take advantage."

  "We won't even be in the same room as him, Harry," Nico says, starting for the building. "Don't worry, I trust Morgan."

  Why? I look from Harry to Nico, then chase after him as Mastermental starts for the building as well. I
can feel eyes on me from all directions, watching me closely. Is this how Dad feels? Like every single movement he makes is watched? Like the moment he moves the wrong way or says the wrong thing he'll be pounced on? It's disturbing. I feel sorry for him if that's the case.

  We stop at the doors and a light runs over us, scanning us for who knows what. I wait impatiently, somewhat used to things like this thanks to the school, then watch as the heavy door slowly swings open in front of us. I want to hold someone's hand, but that's a childish thought so I grab my own hand, holding them both in front of me. The feeling in this place is... it's cold and hopeless. Maybe it's all in my head. That's what I want to believe, at least, even as I hug myself. The hallways are wide and concrete, with a tiled floor. The only sound we hear is the sound of our footprints--and since Mastermental and Nico are wearing soft soled boots, and I'm wearing tennis shoes, I'm the most noticeable one.

  We turn left, then left, then right, then right, straight for a while, left, right--I'm starting to get lost. That's probably on purpose. By the time we pull to a stop at a door I feel a bit dizzy and completely disoriented. I glance at Mastermental, then at Nico.

  "You ready?" Nico asks me.

  Am I? I look at the door for a long moment, wondering what will happen once I go through, then I slowly nod, squaring my shoulders and stepping forward. The door slides open and we walk into a large, empty room. In front of us is that thick glass that Nico mentioned before. I glance up, seeing a grate in the ceiling. That must be the speaker. I glance around. There's no furniture, not even lines in the floor or walls. It looks like solid steel.

  The room on the other side of the glass looks exactly like this one. There's no one in there, though, so I glance at Mastermental curiously. "He's not been brought in, yet," he says. I wonder what all they're doing to him before they let him in. I wonder who's doing it. Even as I start trying to picture it a door opens in the other room and a man walks in.

  I've never seen this man before, but I know who he is. Yes, all those years living with Dad and I never saw his true face. He's thin, needs a shave, has tawny colored hair just like mine which hangs in locks around his face. He has an almost dead expression in his eyes. "If this is to talk to another inmate I'd rather--" he starts out. He stops, though, staring at me. "Morgan," he breathes out.

  "Hi," I say, moving closer to the glass. He's crossing the room, his hand coming up and touching it, as if he could touch me. "Dad," I manage to get out. Tears are starting to fall, and I'm not even sure why. Seeing him in the same black outfit as Nico, seeing him look like he is... it's hard. It's like looking at a stranger, but at the same time...

  "You look so grown up," he says. "I... I missed so much."

  Yeah, like almost a year spent captive behind a wall exactly like this one. Somehow, though, I can't say it. Not when he's looking at me like he is. "Yeah," I get out. "I uh... got taller." Great line, Morgan. Brilliant. "I'm going to a special school now--one where they're teaching me how to be a super. I've got friends, too."

  "I'm glad," he says. "I wish... I wish I could be there for you, though. I wish... I mean, we had a good thing going, didn't we? We were making it out there in the real world, together. I'm sorry," he whispers, leaning his forehead against the glass. "It was an accident."

  "What?" I ask.

  "I didn't mean to--but this isn't the time to talk about that," he says, looking up at me again. "Are you happy, Morgan?" he asks. "All I want is for you to be happy. If you're happy... maybe a part of me will be happy, too."

  I didn't see how he could be. I'm having a flashback right now, and I know it, but I can't seem to stop it from happening. All of a sudden I'm alone in this room, staring through the glass of my own cage, where this time it's Dad that's visiting me. Tears are threatening, because I know I'll never escape. I'll be stuck in here for the rest of my life--"Dad," I whisper, pressing my hand to the glass. "I'm sorry. I wish--I wish it wasn't like this. I wish we were still like we used to be--"

  A gleam enters his eyes and he gives me a little bittersweet smile. "I wish we could be, too," he says mournfully. "I'd give anything--ANYTHING to go back and change what happened, Morgan. I just... wish I could."

  "Yeah," I say, my hand sliding down the glass. "Me, too."

  "I think that's enough," Mastermental says, placing a hand on my shoulder. I glance up, having forgotten that he was even there. "It's time to leave, Morgan. Tell your father goodbye."

  I feel off balance, and my head bobs up and down instinctively. "Dad..." I start out, looking back to him. "I still... I mean... I love you," I get out.

  "I love you, too," he says. "You're all I have in the world, Morgan. Be happy."

  I nod and let myself be led out of the room. Mastermental wraps an arm around my waist and I instinctively lean into him, seeking comfort. Dad is just like I was. That thought is stuck in my mind. It's not true, of course. I try to tell myself that, I know it logically. Dad did bad things, I didn't do anything other than be born a cape. But seeing him behind the glass wall...

  Well, things like that seem to fade a bit.


  We pull to a stop in front of the canyon and I slide out of my car, heading silently for the entrance to the campus dorms. Before I get there, though, a hand lands on my shoulder and I turn, looking up at Nico. "Listen," he says seriously. "I'm not going to say you should forget about him and go on with your life, that's pretty much impossible, but don't start thinking he's just misunderstood, either."

  I open my mouth, wanting to argue, but close it again as he goes on, "Every single person in the cells, they did something that warranted it."

  "Even you?" I ask.

  He hesitates and looks at the yellow tape that surrounds the massive Death Canyon. "See that?" he asks, motioning to it. "I caused that. I was pretty sure there wasn't anything or anyone there at the time, but who can say for sure?" he asks. "It didn't really occur to me at the time, honestly. I wanted the extra space, so I made it. The norms are still worried that they're being poisoned by radiation, or that whoever made the hole in the first place will come back and hit an inhabited area."

  "Plus, when you have a super villain capable of building a weapon of mass destruction that actually works this well, well, you sort of have to hide him away until the norms forget about him," Mastermental says, heading for us. "Now, as payment for this favor," he goes on, looking at Nico. "You owe several reporters a press release--IN uniform, if you would."

  Nico looks like he wants to protest, but his jaw only tightens a bit as he lets go of my shoulder. "Go on in," he says. "I'm sure the zoo kids are going to want to ask a ton of questions."

  Yeah, but do I have any answers for them? I bite back that reply as he starts talking with Mastermental, arguing over the logic of a press release. Reluctantly I lift my hand to the panel that shoots up and head inside.


  A lot of things are bothering him, Nico admits as he steps into the back part of the Hall. Firstly, that he has to get an entirely new uniform. That bothers him a lot. Okay, maybe the word "bother" isn't the right one. "Irritates" fits the situation much better. It irritates him that he's got to get a uniform. It irritates him that he's got a press release already lined up for him within a few hours, as well. What bothers him, though, was what happened with Morgan and Shawn. Something about that meeting is stuck in his mind and he can't quite get rid of it.

  He completely ignores the black suits as he heads for the elevator, only glancing at Mega curiously as he sees the man standing in front of the statue in the middle of the main room. The statue of the original Hall. Nico hates it, since Superior is right smack dab in the middle of the monstrosity.

  "You'd think you'd never seen it before," Nico comments, leaning against the wall and crossing his arms over his chest as he waits for the elevator to get to his floor.

  "Yeah... I mean, of course I have," Mega says a bit sharply. He looks at Nico. "What are you doing here?"

  "What you were s
o intent on earlier--the press release. But they won't let me go without a uniform."

  "I see, that makes sense."

  Nico stares at him, wondering why he isn't gloating more. Mega seemed to think it was his duty to convert him into a proper super hero whenever he had nothing better to do, but this... "You feeling okay?" he asks.

  Mega looks at him sharply. "Of course I am."

  The elevator dings and the doors slide open, leaving Nico with no choice but to step on. He does, turning to watch the other male for a long moment as the doors take their time closing. Something seems extremely odd about Mega, he decides with a slight frown. Probably all that movie talk throwing him off. They were supposed to start it soon, weren't they?

  God help them all when the world realizes that Superior isn't dead, after all. The very thought of word getting out makes him cringe, images of his father on the big screen flashing through his mind. Mega is completely forgotten by the time the door opens and he steps out.

  "Mr. Technico?" a woman at a desk asks. "You're here for fitting?"

  "Unfortunately," he drawls.

  "Please follow me," she says, standing and heading for the back. He's almost positive he's not going to enjoy this.


  I stare up at the dorm for a moment--too long, actually, because the door opens and Carla rushes out, tackling me to the ground. "You were gone FOREVER!" she yells, hugging me tightly before jumping back to her feet and grabbing my hand. "Where'd you go? What'd you do? Did you bring me back something?"

  "Carla!" I say. "At least let me get my breath back!" I let her pull me to my feet and into the dorms, only half paying attention to all the kids that move in to surround us. What do I tell them? What is there to tell them?


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