Daddy's Girl: Cape High Book Five

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Daddy's Girl: Cape High Book Five Page 8

by R. J. Ross

  "Can't, not gonna happen, no way, no how, just won't work," I say, shaking my head urgently. "You don't know where it is--"

  "But you do," Noelle points out.

  "Which is why I KNOW it can't be stolen!" I say.

  "Where is it?" Justin asks. I'd almost forgotten that he's here. I glance at him, hoping he'll see the reasoning behind my logic.

  "At the apartments, in Nico's private lab," I say. "That means we've got to find a way to get through the campus security, then through the apartment security, then back, then have private time away from Nico's cameras to use the watch--it's way too hard. I mean, we'd get fried. Literally."

  He frowns and I feel a hint of hope rising. He's going to say it can't be done--"The zoo trip," he says. "Remember? They're going to take us to the zoo sooner or later, right? That means you'll get out of this one and have time away from the cameras... but getting into the apartments..."

  "Aren't you friends with one of the guys that live there?" Noelle asks.

  "Yeah? Aubrey's my best friend," I say.

  "Then suggest a sleepover," she says. "The night before the zoo trip. Would they let you?"

  "Well, maybe... but she lives with Liz," I say. "There's no way I can get past Liz and into Nico's lab..." but I probably could. It's not the same as trying to sneak through a force field, right? But what if I get caught? Or what if I steal it and Nico hasn't fixed it at all? Then it'd be useless! There's too many chances in this plan... but Noelle's right, isn't she? I mean, she probably won't even be born until I'm an adult and Dad's dead, or something, and I'll never have this opportunity again.

  "When is the zoo trip?" I ask finally.

  "Saturday," Justin says. "But this is a really stupid idea--like seriously stupid. What if you get stuck in the past?"

  "Then we'll..." I frown, thinking.

  "Go to Nico in that time," Noelle says. "But we haven't because he would know how to fix the watch now if we had, so we know nothing will go wrong!"

  "Again, that's the most convoluted logic I've ever heard," Justin complains, looking from her to me. "Are you sure about this? Do you really want to do it?" he asks.

  Stop asking me! If you keep asking me that I'll chicken out! But I can't say that. I really wish I could. Thing is... I was born a super. I decided a long time ago I would be a hero. As a super hero my entire life is meant to be spent risking life and limb to save others, right? That's how I've always seen it, after all. What's more heroic than saving my own mother? Even if it does mean I'll never be born?

  "I want to do it," I say, looking down. "I HAVE to do it."

  Noelle squeals and jumps onto my bed, hugging me happily. "This is going to be AWESOME!"


  The week seems to take forever, yet pass by in a blink. I'm pretty sure that the rest of the group has noticed, I mean they're sticking closer than ever. I've been moved to the center of the group during classes, with Vinny on my right and Ward on my left, with the rest of the zoo kids taking up the other chairs. I almost feel smothered, really, but I can't say anything about it. Maybe they know they're about to lose me on some level... or maybe they'll never have had me. I don't know, I'm as confused by this time travel logic as anyone else is.

  "Now," Banshee says from the front of the classroom. "We all know that tomorrow is the big day. I realize that this might be difficult for some of you, but I'd appreciate if you restrained from using your powers while at the zoo. I would prefer self control over asking Nico to put together a dozen or so power blockers. You will stay with the group, act properly, and not start anything with the norms already there, right?"

  "Yeah," the group mutters.

  "Especially you would-be super villains," she goes on, looking pointedly at the back row of the other side. That's the area Max and Jack sit in, I mean, I really doubt she's looking at Trent. "No fighting, kidnapping, or otherwise causing destruction, understand?"

  "Banshee, why are we getting this lecture now?" Max asks. "Shouldn't this be left for the morning?"

  "With a group of teenagers that have super powers I really should have been giving you this speech every morning for the past month," Banshee drawls. "Now if there's no more questions, I'll let you talk among yourselves."

  It's now or never. Noelle glances over at me and I nod, getting to my feet and heading for Aubrey's chair. "Hey, can I ask you something?" I whisper, leaning down next to her ear. She looks up at me with a surprised expression that turns into a brilliant grin.

  "Sure!" she says, getting to her feet. Although she's on our side of the room she's taken to sitting right at the edge, right next to Jack, who's staring at me with a confused expression. I wonder if he thinks I'll do something to her? He'll probably try and spy on us, or something, I think darkly. HE'S the super villain in training, not me! I am NOT my father!

  Er... breathe, Morgan, this isn't the time to get upset about Jack. Aubrey has my hand and is tugging me away from the desks, so I let her, heading for a corner. Of course half the group probably has better hearing than ninety percent of the world, but it's still a private conversation. "What's up?" she asks.

  "I was... well, I wanted to ask if..." I start out, suddenly feeling shy. "I mean, they stuck me with a roommate and it gets a bit..."

  "Awkward?" she offers. "Oh poor Morgan," she goes on, having decided for herself what's wrong. "Is there something I can do?"

  "Well, you know, since we're all going tomorrow anyway... think I could sleep over? It's been practically forever since we just hung out and talked," I say.

  "Like a sleepover?" I almost have a heart attack as Emily pops into existence next to me. "That'd be great! I'm sure Liz won't care at all!" she says.

  "Ditto!" Aubrey says irritably. "You're spying."

  "Well, duh," she says. Ditto is Emily's doppelganger, by the way. She's a clone of Emily, who's a duplicator. "That's what I was MADE for. But it's not like this is really going to stay a secret."

  "Are you sure Liz won't mind?" I ask. "I mean, I did steal her powers once."

  "Eh, she don't care," Ditto says with a shrug. "Besides, Friday night's our movie night, it'll be fun with more girls!"

  "Well--you have to promise not to tell some things before you come," Aubrey says seriously. "You've got to SWEAR."

  "Swear what?" I ask, feeling a little nervous.

  "That you'll never tell what kind of movies we watch to anyone," Ditto says. "ANYONE."

  "Oh, wow... um..." I lower my voice, "is it something you shouldn't be watching? Are there like, guys with freaky masks in it?" Or worse? Like, no clothes? My mind is suddenly going places I definitely don't want it to.

  The two look at each other and Ditto looks positively evil. "Swear," she repeats.

  "Okay, fine, I swear," I say, holding up both hands. "Can I come?"

  "Yes!" they both say. I hear Emily call out the same from her chair across the room. "This is going to be so fun!"

  Right. I really hope I'm wrong about the movies.


  "So you've got everything?" Noelle asks as she hands me another shirt. She's decided that I need help packing.

  "If I bring too much tonight they're going to think I'm moving in," I complain as I shove the shirt into my already stuffed backpack. "That is definitely going to clue them in on this. Look, we aren't going to be stuck in the past like you were, right? So it'll just be a night. I don't want to be suspicious."

  "I've been wearing the same two outfits for the past week," she says darkly. "It's better to be over prepared. Trust me on this. You can never have too many clothes."

  "Yeah, yeah," I say, fighting with the zipper of the bag. "I'll just tell them my roommate is insane."

  "Really, this is what I get for trying to be helpful?" she demands even as the zipper breaks. "That's a piece of junk," she adds in defense.

  "Right." I fight with it until the things inside won't fall out and swing it over my back. "I just hope they don't invite Jack over for these movie nights," I mutter as
I head for the door. Before I reach the knob she grabs my hand.

  "Don't forget what you're going there for," she says urgently. "Get my watch and bring it to the zoo with you."

  "I know, I know," I say, grabbing the knob and turning it. "I'll do it." I blink as I find myself face to chest with Blackjack.

  "Do what?" he asks.

  "Do--um--" I stutter.

  "Tell Aubrey that I really liked her shirt today," Noelle interrupts peeking around me. "What are you here for?"

  "I'm here to take Morgan over to the apartments," he says. "Nico's having a poker night and Liz said that if I wanted into the building I have to bring Morgan. When Liz tells you to do something it's smart just to do it."

  "Why?" I ask.

  "Honestly? Because of all the capes in the Hall, Liz is the most likely to blow your place up. I like my place, it's where I keep my stuff. You coming?" he asks, starting down the hall. I follow automatically, resituating my bag on my shoulder. I hear a door open behind me and turn, seeing Justin watching me for a moment before closing his door again. Why do I feel like he disapproves? It was half his idea! The jerk.

  "Who's going to be at poker night?" I ask. What if it's in his lab? If it's in his lab and they play all night I'll NEVER get in to steal the watch! Even if it's not in the lab, there'll be who knows how many supers in the room right across the hall, they'll definitely hear me! I'm so busted--wait, breathe, panicking is a bad idea. Think.

  I've just got to try my best... and if I can't do it that way... I'll do my worst.

  We're at the force field before I realize it, and I blink as Blackjack's hand comes down on my shoulder. For a moment I look at him in confusion, wondering if he's going to ask something--like if I have spare change for his game, but he's got a serious look on his face. "You're okay, right?"

  "What?" I ask.

  "Your dad, you know, after going to see him," he says a bit awkwardly.

  "Tell me, Blackjack, WHY were you picked for dorm manager duty?" I ask him. "Cuz it's clearly not for your great ability to comfort teenagers."

  He drops his hand. "Yeah, yeah," he mutters. He looks embarrassed. "I... ah..." He hesitates and shrugs. "I'm going through a divorce. It was good to get out of the house," he says simply.

  I'm a bit shocked. No, not just a bit. "You're married?" I yelp.

  "Not anymore," he says. "Or should I say I won't be anymore?"

  "To who? Is she another super? Do you have kids?" I ask as we leave the dorm and head for the apartment. "No, if you had kids they'd be here, right?"

  "She's a norm," he says. "And so is my son. He's your age, but he's never shown any signs, so..." he shrugs his shoulders. "Capes... we don't have the easiest of family lives," he adds, looking at me. "You know that."

  "You couldn't tell by looking at Trent's family," I mutter.

  "Ken's an alien," Blackjack says so seriously that I almost believe him. What? It's not that rare to find out that a cape is from another planet. I'm pretty sure Superior was. "I have no idea how he does it."

  "The whole happy family thing?" I ask.

  "It's probably because he's married to a cape," Blackjack admits as we reach the apartment building. "She knows exactly what he's doing and going through. But I honestly thought we'd... nah, this isn't something you discuss with a kid," he interrupts himself. "But just so you know, stick with capes, Morgan. Sure you're still likely to get hurt, but it won't be over not seeing what's important in life."

  I wonder, I think as we head into the apartment, which one of them doesn't see what's important. I don't know anything about healthy marriages, nor do I plan on ever getting married, so it's a useless lecture for me, anyway. Especially since if I pull this off... I'll never be in the first place.

  Wait, does that mean since I'm here that I don't--didn't pull it off? Man I'm confused. I'm about to chicken out, right here. I mean, I like living and I love my Dad, cuz, well, he's my dad, but I don't want him messing up Mom's life or getting stuck in the cells or--my head hurts.

  "LIZ!!" I hear Emily bellow from the stairway. "MORGAN'S HERE!"

  "BRING HER UP!" I hear Liz shout from above.

  "DO YOU HAVE TO YELL?" I hear someone else bellow.

  "YES!" both Liz and Emily yell back. I feel a hint of laughter try to escape, even though I'm going through a serious problem right now. What? It's not like I can figure it out, I'm not a genius. I just have to try, then see what happens. Besides, focusing on that right now is stupid. First I have to get the watch back before we can do anything at all.

  I look up as Emily grabs my hand, dragging me up the stairs. She's wearing pajamas and carrying a stuffed blob thing. "Um, was I supposed to bring a pillow?" I ask.

  "Nah, we got plenty," Emily says with a grin. We stop on one of the higher levels and head down the hall, going through the door without knocking. "I brought Morgan!"

  The sight in front of me is shocking, to say the least. Aubrey, Emily (my Emily must be Ditto) and Liz are lying on a giant pile of blankets in the middle of the floor, surrounded by snacks and stuffed creatures. Weird looking stuffed creatures. I look at them blankly, tugging my bag closer and feeling that this might be stranger than I thought.

  "Come on in!" Liz says cheerfully. She's got pajamas on, a pair of fluffy yellow pants and a t-shirt that has a picture of a yellow rat thing on it. "Did the girls tell you the rule for movie night?"

  "No telling what we watch?" I offer.

  "Good. Grab a blanket and take a seat," she says. "We've got an anime marathon to start!"

  Ditto grins at me and holds up her toy so I can see it. "Ditto," she says, as if that explains the blob.

  "Yeah, I sortta figured you were."

  "No, this is Ditto, too," she says.

  "Right." Makes perfect sense. Not.

  "Morgan! Come sit with me, we're going to start the first movie!" Aubrey calls, waving me over. "I got popcorn!"


  I have cheesy music stuck in my head and I'm surrounded by sleeping girls and Liz. Liz is just as bad as a teenage girl, I've found out. She likes cartoons, eats way too much junk food, and does prank calls in the worst possible way. Like she called Taurus at one in the morning so Aubrey, Emily and I could sneak into his room while they were on the phone and raid his fridge--then she complained to him when we came back empty handed (because his fridge was empty). Basically, I'm pretty sure she's crazy. But fun. That was definitely fun. I'm glad, since I was sort of worried about Aubrey living with a stranger. But now it's three in the morning, my mouth tastes strange, and I am so exhausted it's not even funny, but I've got work to do.

  I slip out from under my blanket and look around, certain that one or all of them will hear me, and walk as silently as I can to the front door, almost having a heart attack when the doorknob squeaks slightly. I glance back, but no one's moved, so I slip through the door and into the hall. I head for the stairs, careful to step slowly, testing for creaks with each step. This place is old, you know? Even with tiles on the floor it could be creaky. I'm forgetting something...

  Oh, right, to breathe.

  The stairs. I let out a sigh of relief that the door to the stairs is propped open and head in, still moving as silently as I can. I wish I could fly. If I could fly this would be so much easier, and less stressful. When I get to the top floor I take a moment to lean against the wall and take a deep breath in. Almost there. It's just a little down the hall and to the right. I can do it. I don't hear the poker game going on, so hopefully it's already over and everyone's gone to bed.

  Creep, creep, creep, more creeping, there, I'm at the door. I reach up, my hand brushing the knob briefly. The door swings open. I let out a sigh of relief--too soon. The moment I look into the room I see Nico sitting at the table on the computer monitor side, his feet kicked up on it as he watches all the various monitors. I can see a pointer moving in a different way on each screen, but his hands are propped on his stomach as if he were watching a football game.

  I can't do i
t. I absolutely can't do it. I slide to the ground next to the door and try and come to grips with the fact that I'm going to fail. I'm going to fail and maybe it'll be a good thing--

  Sound starts. I turn, daring to peek into the room and see what's on the computer monitor. It looks like a youtube video, with a heavyset guy on the screen. "Look, we've all seen the press release about Technico," the guy says. "But they didn't go nearly deep enough. I've been doing research on this since I was a kid--Technico is--"

  I can't listen to this now, I need to take advantage of the big mouth! I get on my hands and knees and crawl into the room, unconsciously listening to the video even as I try and pass the back of Nico's chair undetected. "Look, there aren't any technopaths other than Technico around right now, so most people won't know this, but Technico isn't just your run-of-the mill technopath! Most technopaths can't fly, they aren't buff, either, and that he's Firefly's brother? I'm thinking he's related to one of the big names--no, the BIGGEST name. I think he's related to Superior, maybe a long lost nephew or cousin or whatever, but look at these pictures--"

  I can't see the pictures. I turn my head and look, only seeing a quick glance of cape before the pictures are put down again. Wait, not here to watch, here to GET a watch! I start crawling again, slipping behind the middle table of the machine parts section of the room. It's a little safer here, I think, letting out a silent breath. You know, I've mentioned that Nico is pretty awesome before, right? Well, from the opposite end of the job, he's really, seriously, scary. I mean, what if he's the shoot first, ask questions later type? I could be dead any moment here! What in the world was I thinking coming in while he's in here?

  I almost run into the leg of the table that Noelle's watch is on. I hold my breath, staring in shock at the wood right in front of my face. Okay, enough thinking. Too much thinking and I'll definitely get caught. The room goes silent and I almost jump out of my skin. I hear a rustling noise from Nico's direction, then another person starts speaking. He's found another youtube video on him. How many people are blogging right this instance about him and his press release, anyway?


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