Dream Static

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Dream Static Page 5

by Robert S. Wilson

  She gets out of bed and gets dressed. When she comes out into the living room she's surprised to find Maddox still awake reading over files on a small tablet in his lap.

  "Hey there."

  He looks up at her and smiles. "Hey. I think I've found something."

  "Oh, yeah?"

  "Oh yeah. Like big time. Tons of photos of Noah Masterson, the tech mogul, and a bunch of files having to do with some organization he was involved with back in the 20s and 30s called the Earth Hope Foundation."

  "The Earth Hope Foundation, yeah, I remember that. It was a big environmental/space science movement to find solutions to climate change, overpopulation, the future of mankind, that sort of thing. It was one of the first initiatives that inspired me to go into environmental law when I was a kid." Angela grins with nostalgia and pours a hot steaming cup of coffee. "Masterson was part of that? Are you kidding me? I can't imagine him pushing for anything other than full Mars colonization."

  "Well, yeah, from what I'm reading in here, that's exactly what he did from within the org. He was on the space science side of things, pouring money into research and development of a complete Mars immigration."

  "That's him! Ever the pessimist ready to burn our world to cinders in the afterburn of a rocket to the red planet."

  Maddox gives Angela a good long look over. "I take it you're not a fan..."

  She shakes her head. "Are you kidding me? I've spent my entire life fighting for this planet. It's all we've got. Even after over a hundred years of studying Mars, we're nowhere closer to finding a way to make it truly habitable. We'd be better off expending our energy trying to save the planet we've got."

  Maddox nods thoughtfully. "Okay. Fair enough." He looks back through some files. "Well, any idea why Dawson might have so much data on him and this Earth Hope org? Given his position on environmental issues, I seriously doubt he was the Nashville Court Bomber. I mean, every single bombing was more than just a little bit obviously aimed toward corporations breaking serious environmental codes.”

  “Whoever it was was doing more harm than good to a just and important..." Angela stands there, empty coffee cup dangling from her hand by the handle. "Shit! That's it. Maybe Masterson planted those bombs to try and make the other side look crazy."

  "That seems like a bit of a stretch to me. I mean, a plan like that could easily backfire and badly."

  They looked at each other for a long moment.

  Angela finally spoke. "There is one other possibility. He might have just wanted us out of the picture because of who we were and what we were accomplishing in the courts."

  "Maybe. But I'm not buying that either. Maybe we should look into this Earth Hope Foundation more." Maddox stands up, sends a large string of text from his tablet to the wall screen. "Here's a list of all the founding members of the org. Know anybody on this list? I figure given your background, you might just have a friend who could—"

  "Yup, right there, James Barton."

  "Senator Barton? The guy nearly killed in the first bombing?"

  "Yeah, that's the one. I was there too. He was just a representative then, but I guess he's moved up since back in the day. I'm not completely sure he'll remember me but I can try reaching out and see if maybe he'd be willing to meet with us and give us the inside scoop on EHF."

  "Sounds like a good start to me." Maddox grins and Angela fights the urge to try to kiss him again. She smiles back and leaves the room to catch her breath. Things are especially unstable right now and the freedom she's been feeling the past couple of nights is beginning to overwhelm her. It isn't like she's herself right now. She knows that much. Whether that’s a good thing or not... she doesn’t know.


  "Senator Barton?"

  "Well hello, Miss Bane! When my secretary told me you were on the line I nearly had a heart attack. I had no idea about your Resus. I cannot tell you how happy I am to know you're among the living again!"

  "Well, thank you, Senator. I'm still not sure how I feel about it all but—"

  "Oh, you're a tough woman, Miss Bane, and the best damn environmental prosecutor this side of the goddamn planet. I cringe to think of the damage that was done when you were killed."

  Angela doesn't quite know how to respond. Most people don't speak so bluntly and openly about her murder but to her recollection, Barton was never one to walk on eggshells around what was on his mind. Especially when it came to the environment.

  "Anyway, what can I do for you, Miss Bane?"

  "I'm, uh, actually looking into something for a friend. Do you remember the Earth Hope Foundation?"

  "Well, Miss Bane, knowing you, I'm sure you've done your homework and already know I was a founding member of EHF. What about it?"

  "I'm actually curious about one of the other founding members—Noah Masterson—what can you tell me about him?"

  "Well, he's a stubborn vindictive son of a bitch, I can tell you that." Barton laughs and Angela can't help but giggle herself.

  "Oh yeah?"

  "Oh yeah. He wanted to push EHF and all our financial backers into funding his Mars colonization. And we fought over that like hell, the two of us. I'm sure you're aware of the environmental bills I got passed in the house back then. Well, he wanted to undo everything I—hell, everything you and I worked for in those days."

  "I'm not surprised. But do you think... Is there any chance he might have had some connection to the Nashville Court Bomber."

  Long silence hangs in the digital airwaves between the two of them. "I seriously doubt it. I mean, he’s an asshole, that's for sure, but I don't think the man could possibly be a murderer. Do you?"

  It's Angela's turn to be silent for a time. "I'm not sure, Senator. To be honest this actually has a lot more to do with me than any friend. I just didn't want to worry you."

  "Are you saying what I think you're saying, Miss Bane? Do you think Masterson is responsible for..."

  "The Nashville Court Bombings? My murder? Maybe. I'm not sure. All I know is my partner at the time, who was also murdered—Lucas Dawson—had a lot of files on Masterson and Earth Hope and I'm not sure why."

  "Well, if you want... I can get a hold of some of my old EHF buddies—quietly of course, I won't mention you at all—and see what I can dig up?"

  "Oh, that would be wonderful, Senator. I don't know how I can ever thank you."

  "Oh, there's no need. If anything consider this my thank you for helping me that day at the court house. And for all the great work you accomplished for the future of our planet."

  A large smile grows on Angela's face.

  "Do you miss it?"

  "Oh yeah. Every day."

  "You ever going to get back in the trenches with me? I'm up to my ears in corporate lobbyists trying to fill my pockets with blood money to get me to step away from my soapbox."

  "I'm not sure. Of anything right now. I'm still adjusting to a lot."

  "I bet you are. I'm so sorry for what happened to you. Sincerely. I wish I could take it back somehow. But, I'll get in touch with some old friends and get back with you when I have something worth relaying, okay?"

  "I'll keep an ear out for you. You know my number."


  Angela and Maddox spend the rest of the day going through the remainder of Dawson's files and organizing any potentially pertinent info. Several times throughout the day, Angela feels that sense of guilt again. For Dawson. And the grief of his loss. Shortly before her backup she had ended things with him. He agreed to be friends but he wasn't very good at it. She found herself fighting to stay away from him as much as possible in order to keep from falling under his spell again. He was one of the most charming men she had ever met. She smiles thinking about him as she sifts through files that he created, wondering how things might have turned out if they hadn't both been murdered.

  Would they have ended up together? Or would she have had to find another freelancer to do her bidding to keep things from getting too out of control? Or eventually
would he have taken the hint and behaved professionally and her and Jordan have lived out their lives together till now, gray and happy and still in love.

  She isn't sure she even knows what love is anymore. Life is so full of confliction. Death and rebirth is even worse. At least it is for her. When she broke things off with Dawson she had every intention of making things work with Jordan. But when she woke up in that hospital something had changed in her. Or had everything changed? She isn't sure. All she knows now is that whoever Angela Bane had been before, even though she shares quite a lot in common with her, she isn't that person anymore. Every tie that had connected her to another human being was broken when she was murdered somehow. Her father had died, Dawson had been killed, and Jordan... Jordan had been lost in time, bitter over an affair she never got a chance to redeem herself from.


  The call comes over Maddox's Synapath and he gestures it to Angela's wall screen. Subject found dead with a high level of radiation present in the body. Resuscitation impossible. Evidence includes a handwritten suicide note claiming responsibility for the Nashville Court bombings and the murders of Angela Bane and Lucas Dawson. Identification on the body is for one Jordan Reginald Chandler.

  "Oh my God..." Before she can stop herself, Angela falls to her knees and shrinks into herself.

  Chapter 11

  Angela sits on the couch, staring at nothing. She wonders if all this time she's simply been lying to herself. She follows the cracks in the hardwood floor at her feet as the vague echoes of Maddox's voice come in from the other room. Whoever he's talking to, he's not happy with them. The call goes on for another five minutes or so before Maddox steps into the living room.

  "You're not going to like this any bit more than I do but..."—he sits down next to her, his shoulders hanging with defeat. "They denied my request for the image search on account of Jordan's suicide note. Apparently, one of the detectives called into the scene found some other evidence to help link Jordan to both the bombings and..."

  "Like what? Physical evidence?"

  "Yeah, electronic parts consistent with the bombs and a gun that matches the caliber etc. of the one that shot you and Dawson."

  “You don’t think he actually...”

  “You’re sure there’s no way he could have been the man from your dream?”

  Angela thinks for a long moment, considering the slight possibility, and then shakes her head. “No, I would have recognized him. The chin, that smile. No way that was Jordan.”

  Maddox nods. “Okay. So, in that case, no, I don’t believe it was Jordan. Which means someone planted that stuff in his apartment.”


  "Angela, I just heard the news, I'm so sorry for your loss and... I just don't know what to say. I'm so sorry for what you're going through right now. I don't think I can even remotely understand," Senator Barton says over the Mind-fi line.

  "Thank you, Senator. I don't quite know what to say. I've been trying to make sense of it all for the past few days and I just keep coming up short. I don't get it."

  "I went ahead and told my friends from EHF not to worry about that query you had me pass along to them. With this new development..." Barton sighs and then says, "I'm just so sorry, Angela."

  Angela tenses up. "Actually, Senator, could you maybe check anyway? I don't believe Jordan did what they're saying he did. I just..."

  "No, no, no, Angela, I understand. It's perfectly understandable. I'll get back in touch with my friends and see what I can find out."

  "Thank you so much, Senator. Oh and one more thing. Did you know a Charles Johnson from EHF?"

  "Charles Johnson... Charles Johnson... The name sounds familiar. I just might have, why?"

  "His name came up in one of Dawson's files. He was a known environmental activist. I think he may be connected to Masterson somehow. He certainly seems like he could have been in on the bombings from looking over his criminal record."

  "I see. If he's who I'm thinking of, I wasn't aware of that. I remember there was a strong presence about the man, but I didn't think he was dangerous. But then... What do I know? Especially in this day and age?"

  Angela smiles. "Again, I'm not sure how I can ever thank you, regardless of what you may think you owe me."

  "On the contrary, Miss Bane, I don't think I owe you." He lets a long silence fill up the space before his next words. "I know it."


  Angela and Maddox step out from the Autocab and without a word, head toward Centennial Park. In about six minutes, Noah Masterson will be giving a press conference expected to be connected to Mastersoncorp’s Mars immigration project that’s been mostly kept under wraps. As the huge towering structure of the old Parthenon replica building comes into view, so do the large gathering crowds of people and reporters. Angela nearly staggers at the sight of the building. The last time she had seen it, now over twenty years ago, it had been in tatters. But apparently some new project had been made of restoring it back to its previous condition.

  Masterson steps up to the podium and taps into the mic as reporters and cameramen take their places in front of him. Angela grabs Maddox’s hand and pulls him along faster as they make their way to the edge of the large gathered crowd. Shoving her way through people, she finds a close spot where they have a good view of the senator. At first he doesn’t notice the two of them and the time comes for him to start the conference.

  He looks across the sea of people and smiles warmly. “It’s my unique and privileged pleasure to announce the details of the very first effort of mankind to begin migrating, mining, colonizing, and settling on the surface of Mars!”

  The crowd roars with applause. Masterson waves his hands and calls for people to quiet so he can continue and before long they do as he asks. “Some of you already know that, over the past three decades, enough supplies have now been sent to Mars to sustain the needs of this first historic mission. But what you don’t know—what NASA, about a dozen government agencies, and my company, Mastersoncorp, has kept a tight lid on—is that we have already built the first prototype,” he points up to the sky, “up in space, of a shuttle that will take one thousand people on a two year journey to the red planet!”

  The applause is twice as deafening this time and in a moment of recognition, Masterson locks eyes with Angela for a long moment, then gives her a dark smile and winks at her. The air around Angela chills and the sounds of the people around her fade into the background. She feels faint. Fury overwhelms her and she nearly erupts forward, but Maddox grabs hold of her before she can take more than a single step. “Did you see that? Did you see him smile at me—wink at me?” She yells over the now-chanting crowd.




  “Yeah, I saw it, but now is not the time or the place. Besides, we don’t have any real evidence yet. We have got to keep control of ourselves and do this the right way.”

  Angela finally stops fighting Maddox’s grip but only after a few more quick pulls. She slacks in his arms and he guides her out of the crowd and across the street. When it’s finally clear she’ll no longer try and go after the man, Maddox lets go of her and she stands watching, eyes full of fury, as Masterson continues to detail his plan for Mars domination. “I swear to God I’m going to make sure you pay for what you did.”


  That evening when Angela and Maddox get back to Angela’s condo, she immediately lets go of the words she’s been holding on to for the past two days since she found out about Jordan. “I don’t think I’m ready for whatever is happening between us. I’m sorry if I’ve led you on or... I’m just going through more than I could ever truly express and you have done more than I could ever thank you for to help me. But... I’m just not ready for what’s happening between us to go any further.”

  Maddox stands there, body stiff, and stares for a long moment. “I understand.”

  “Good. I’m glad you do, but I wish things weren’t
like they are, I wish we could have met under better circumstances. And who knows... maybe I’ll feel differently once I’ve had some time to myself. Maybe I’ll be able to work out my problems. But I wanted to tell you tonight before anything has a chance to happen...”

  “It’s okay. I’ll tell you what. I’ll sleep on the couch and make sure you’re safe—”

  “No. I don’t think that’s a good idea. I appreciate you offering and making sure I got home safe and everything, really, but I think it’s best if you go for tonight.”

  Maddox turns away. “Yeah, okay. If that’s what you want.” He walks out the door and shuts it gently without saying goodbye. Silence fills the room as Angela stands there for a long time watching the door, unsure if she wants him to walk back through or if she’s just shocked that he didn’t say goodbye. Finally she walks up and locks it and turns to face the lonely apartment. She knows there’s a possibility she’s not safe here. But something inside her refuses to leave, to hide. And though she also knows she should have let Maddox stay just in case she were to have any unexpected company. She can't imagine she wouldn’t have invited him into her bed again tonight if he had stayed. She's just too vulnerable right now. And she hates herself for that. A part of her wants for some thug of Masterson’s to break in tonight and end everything. Maybe the prick would make sure and do it right this time.


  Maddox watches from his car as Angela’s light goes out about two thirds of the way up the condominium’s base. He sits there, a hot cup of coffee cradled between his legs, his tablet docked on the dash with Charles Johnson's file open, and his gun at his side. If anyone makes a move toward that building, he'll know it. He left body trackers in the elevator, in the lobby, in every hallway and stairway on his way down. If anyone comes near her, he’ll have eyes on them before they have a chance to do anything to hurt her. He takes a long gulp of his coffee and sighs. He knew it was too good to be true. He’d also known better than to let his emotions, his interest in her, get the better of him and taint his good judgment. He thinks about that night they shared together and realizes that he feels nothing even remotely resembling guilt. His feelings won't be changing any time soon. He'll either be in for more emotional beat down or maybe, just maybe, things will turn around.


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