MY INSATIABLE WIFE: a sweet cuckold romance

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MY INSATIABLE WIFE: a sweet cuckold romance Page 5


  I would like to say that the guy was a stallion and fucked the shit out of her, but this first experience looking back on it was way below average. At the time, however, it was a dream come true. It only lasted four or five minutes and I didn’t even realize he’d come because he simply didn’t let go. He suddenly pulled out and got up, and if I hadn’t seen that the condom was full I’d never have known. Even stranger was that he immediately made the excuse that he was late for a meeting and had to go, he said we were okay to stay in the room. He dressed quickly got his things, thanked us and left.

  I joined her on the bed and made sure she was alright. Within a couple of minutes we were fucking like newlyweds! Wow, what a release! We talked about the experience and although she didn’t deny that she enjoyed it, she obviously needed a lot of reassuring. I suppose part of that was related to her having cheated before. I reassured her that it was amazing and that she was so hot. I told her how much it had turned me and no I did not have any regrets.

  It took a good few weeks for her to be totally comfortable with what had happened and to be sure that I had no negativity about what she had done this time. We were both a little confused by the way Paddy had gone from a very confident seducer to a bit of a dull thud as a bull. I have to say he was disappointing from my part, she however saw it as her not being attractive enough for him which I can absolutely assure you was not the case. The truth became clear the following week when he was chatting to her again online. He admitted that he could not hack it with me being in the room and was asking her to meet him alone. We firmly told him this was not something either of us wanted. And so that was chalked down in history as her first hot wife episode.

  Funny enough although it was not the ideal start in many ways, it was thrilling as it was unexpected, certainly from my point of view. It also allowed us to talk things through and analyze what had happened before anything too deep occurred.

  Our second adventure was very different as it was Cheyenne was dipping her toes into BDSM in a very simple way. Although she still chatted to the dominant guy I mentions previously and she got very turned on by him chatting online and on the phone, there was no serious intentions on our part to meet him. At the same time, she was also chatting to an older guy Kurtis, who apparently had had lots of experience with submissive women over his lifetime. Maybe buoyed by having now experienced a real live meeting, she agreed for us meet Kurtis for a drink and further chat.

  We met him one night in the bar of an upscale hotel. I have to say I was a little shocked; he was older than I’d expected, definitely in his mid-sixties at least. Having said that, he had a style about him, he was average height, well-groomed, grey almost white hair and moustache. He was polite and well spoken; the best way I can describe him is to ask you to imagine your quintessential image of a British gentleman from those old black and white films. Not who I’d imagined meeting when I thought of having my wife well and truly fucked, but I wanted to give her every chance to explore her sexuality and if this is what it took to take her down the path towards my own fantasy world, so be it.

  The room was separate to the main bar and was not occupied by anyone else. The bartender came in from time to time but otherwise patrolled the main bar. We were therefore comfortable sitting chatting on high stools by the bar. I have to be honest, I am pretty sketchy as to the conversation that took place but it obviously touched on the subject of BDSM. One thing I did notice was a change in her posture and demeanor. They had obviously discussed how he liked his subs to have good upright posture and to be polite and subservient in the way they addressed him. It seemed his subtle mind games online had immediately put her into some kind of role play mode.

  After a while, he pulled six white envelopes from his inside jacket pocket and fanned them out on the bar. He told her that three contained a forfeit and three a reward, and asked if she was willing to play. What kind of reward or forfeit, she asked. But he said she’d have to play to find out. She said she’d have to think about it.

  We carried on drinking and chatting for a while and she had not said any more about the envelopes. Without saying anything he picked up the envelopes and started to put them back in his pocket. That seemed to make her mind up.

  “Okay, I’ll have a go,” she said, blushing.

  Kurtis fanned the envelopes in his hand like a magician does when offering them to his mark. She picked one and immediately started to open it. Inside was a white card and written on it in bold black letters was RECEIVE A SPANKING, her face seem to redden even more.

  Again I have a bit of a blank as to how we arrived at this point, but it was decided he would follow us home to administer her first ever spanking. This was only possible as our kid was at a sleepover that night.

  As if to add to his stereotype he was driving a beautiful gold, old-model Jaguar. I still couldn’t understand the attraction of this old guy and I remember asking her if she wanted me to lose him on the journey back. She said no, it was fine. You have to understand that when it came down to the nitty gritty of the play, be it BDSM or fucking, our communication was very basic. Meeting for a drink meant that she was possibly interested. Meeting again was code for she’d sleep with him.

  We got home and we had another drink, the mood seemed much more quiet and edgy. She was wearing a just above the knee black skirt, a smart burgundy blouse, black stockings, suspenders and high heels. Kurtis was sitting in the middle of the sofa and called her over to him. She walked over and stood in front of him, he told her to put her hands behind her back and stand straight, she followed without a word. He told her she should address him as Sir from now on and asked her if she understood. She responded, “Yes, Sir.” He made her stand there for a good few minutes, looking her up and down but not uttering a word.

  He then told her to come and lie over his lap, he indicated from which side, I figured out later it was to ensure his right hand was in the right position. With some further guidance she positioned herself with her mid-half over his lap; back side slightly elevated, front half on the sofa and legs half hanging to the floor.

  He was speaking very quietly presumably soothing her nerves. His hand started to softly caressing her covered bottom. She seemed to be breathing a little more heavily, her face on the sofa but turned away from my view. There was a very intense silence in the room only broken by his voice every now and then. He was in no rush.

  He flipped the back of her skirt up and over, revealing her gorgeous ass. She was wearing black sheer satin French-style panties. Again, he spent a few minutes running his open palm over her bottom. Then his hands went to the elasticated top and he started to pull her panties down, she had to lift herself slightly to allow this to happen, so she was complicit in what was happening. He only pulled them down to just above the knee. He caressed her smooth, pale-skinned ass.

  Then he spoke more sharply and loudly as if to get her attention and bring her out if a trance. He asked her if she was ready for her first spanking.

  She replied, “Yes, Sir.”

  Even though they were two short words, you could hear the quivering in her voice. He then told her that she would receive a dozen smacks and that after each one she should count aloud and say, “Thank you, Sir.”

  She replied, “Yes, Sir.”

  My god she still wanted it!

  He raised his right hand and firmly brought it down on her left cheek.

  She involuntarily took in a sharp intake of breath, then quite loudly said, “One… Thank you, Sir.”

  Another firm spank. “Two… Thank you, Sir”.

  A third, you could tell it stung and you could see her ass redden where his hand and fingers had connected.

  “Three,” she said with a halted breath.

  “You forgot to say ‘thank you,’” he said. “You will take that one again.” He spanked her again.

  “Four, thank you, Sir.”

  “No, that was three,” Kurtis said firmly. His hand came down again.

  “Three, thank you,
Sir.” Her left cheek was now very red while her other was a pale as milk.

  He switched his attention to her furthest buttock and proceeded to give that three firm spanks. Each time she counted and thanked him as instructed.

  This continued until he had administered the full dozen spanks excluding the extra penalties. When he had finished he started to run his hand very, very lightly over the reddened area and she started to almost convulse.

  He then told her to relax and she lay flatter across his lap. He started to slowly caress her red bottom and inner thigh area. As he was doing this, he moved her left hand down onto his lap, presumably onto his cock. His hand started to explore deeper into the sweet spot between her legs, she let out a little groan. It looked like his thumb slowly disappeared into her pussy, as a couple of his fingers reached round and seem to find her clit, judging from the reaction. He continued in a very slow thoughtful manner and within a few minutes she came off on his hand, her own hand squeezing his trousers.

  They came to a halt and she got up and adjusted herself and went off to the bathroom. He looked at me with a knowing grin on his face. She returned still looking flushed and flustered. He asked her how it was and she replied that it felt good.

  We met Kurtis again a few weeks later. Cheyenne dressed in a very sexy French maid outfit that I had bought her. It was very short and the black stocking tops finished well below the hem. The bodice was an intricate criss-cross lace-up which showed off her fabulous tits as if they were imprisoned. The outfit was finished off by black six-inch heels. Kurtis was most impressed.

  Cheyenne immediately started addressing him as Sir. She served drinks, we chatted during which she stood bolt upright, hands to her side. She then asked to be excused to go and set dinner out on the table. When this was done, she asked us to take our places and served us. As far as I can recall, this was done all on her own accord, although they had obviously previously chatted about how he liked his subs to behave. Once she had served us, she asked permission to sit and eat as well, which he agreed to.

  We finished and she cleared away and refreshed our drinks. She then stood by his side as if waiting for instructions. After a while he told her to crawl under the table. She got on all fours and lifted the table cloth slightly, and like a dog (or should I say bitch) she crawled under to his feet.

  He told her to unbuckle and unzip his pants, which she obviously did, bearing in mind I could not see what was actually happening under there. He then told her to take his cock out and suck it. While this was going on he continued the conversation as if nothing was going on. I found it very hard to pay attention to him.

  After a while he told he to come out. She crawled out and returned to her place at his side, her lipstick a little smudged and her hair not quite as tidy as it had been. He ran his hand along the inside of her thighs and over her backside, stopping and rubbing her cheeks. He asked her if she had enjoyed her spanking last time.

  She replied, “Very much so, Sir”.

  He then asked if she would like to experience it again.

  “Yes please, Sir” was her response.

  Kurtis stood up, moved his chair and told her to stand at the table facing down its length. He told her to bend and put her top half on the table and to stretch her arms across the length. He positioned her backside so it was presented to him, the high heels certainly helping with the angle.

  He them made me go to the far side and hold my wife’s wrists. The skirt was so short that when she was bent over as she was it did not obstruct his target. He pulled her panties down and caressed her pale smooth ass. Then he reminded her to count the slaps and to thank him after each one.

  He then administered the spanking. Each time he spanked her there was almost a ripple effect up her body and arms. It felt strange to me, my natural instinct was to let go of her, but I knew this was not what was required. The very act of me holding down my wife for a stranger to spank felt so taboo. I was taking an active part rather than just being an interested voyeur. She received twelve slaps with gratitude, six to each cheek.

  When he finished, she remained where she was even though I had released my grip. He told me to come round and take a look. My wife was leaning over; her white lacy panties round her ankles, her ass blush red. He caressed her and explored her internally with his fingers, before instruction her to get up. He told her to go upstairs to the bedroom and strip off, then lie on the bed, our marriage bed.

  We remained downstairs for a good ten minutes chatting, about what I do not even remember. But then he got up started to strip off and told me to do the same. He was pretty fit for his age but his cock was just average. We then went into the bedroom. Cheyenne was lying on her back in the middle of the bed. Kurtis told her to stretch back and grip the metal bedhead and not to let go.

  Kurtis got on top of her and sucked her tits, then he went down to her cunt and explored it with his mouth and fingers He was very skilled at cunnilingus and had her coming hard, pushing against his face. Normally as soon as she cums she gets very sensitive down there and pushes you away, he however continued but much harder and faster. First she did try to pushing him away saying, ‘No, no, enough,” but very quickly she was biting her lip and groaning again. He didn’t let up until she came again. I noticed throughout this, only momentarily did her hands let go of the bedhead and they quickly returned there without being told.

  He moved himself to her side and two fingers immediately disappeared up her engorged cunt, she protested but he told her to do as she was told and she went back to gripping the rail. He started to finger fuck her hard and roughly. At the same time his other hand was working on her mound area and her clit. He was going so fast and hard I was a little concerned he would hurt her.

  In all the time I have known her; she had never cum more than once without a break in between. But this harsh treatment didn’t just bring on her third orgasm but something I had not seen from her ever, what appeared to be a multi-orgasm. She started to cum and as he continued through that orgasm she seem to cum and cum again. I don’t know if you would describe them as full blown orgasms or a cluster of mini ones.

  I realized that throughout it all, I had been standing there naked, watching, and rubbing my cock, having to stop every now and then to avoid shooting my load.

  At this point he told her to relax; she was exhausted I think mentally as well as physically. After a few minutes we decided to go down for a drink. She put on a baby doll style nightie top and followed.

  A little later they were both on the living room carpet naked and he had her sucking him to get his dick hard again. He wasn’t very big but it was still very horny to see her suck it all into her mouth.

  He decided he wanted to fuck her but every time he attempted to put a condom on he lost his erection. He gave up and had her lying down, playing with his balls while he jerked himself off above her. He blew his load over her tits.

  It was a very hot experience for a newbie couple, it set her off on her exploration of BDSM but left me still desperate to see her well fucked.

  After the last meeting with Kurtis it was time to move on. My memory is sketchy as to how this meeting came about. We obviously got chatting to this guy Don about her initiation in BDSM and we must have clicked. We met for a quick drink in a hotel bar. He must have been in his forties, average white male. Although not a man of many works, he obviously had that air of control that Cheyenne connected with. It was agreed that we would meet the following week, at the same hotel, so that he could run her through some of his own techniques and introduce her further to that world.

  The following week we went straight to his room. Cheyenne took some “play” clothes which she went into the bathroom to change into, while he and I had a chat. She returned in a short black tight miniskirt, a see through black blouse (no bra as he had requested), black lacy panties and black patent heels.

  He had arranged a chair for me to sit out of the way and he placed another chair in the middle of the room. When sh
e came back into the room his voice and tone changed, he was far more direct and commanding.

  Like Kurtis he immediately established rules, he was to be addressed as Sir and he gave her a run though of her safe words. I think it is a fairly commonly used one, the traffic light system. Red is for stop immediately, amber I am approaching my limit so proceed with caution and green you can push further. She rarely used green with guys who used this system, preferring to just let them take her silence as her consent.

  He had her standing, legs apart, hands to her sides and he walked round her inspecting her body. He then had her kneel in front of him looking up into his eyes as he spoke to her.

  He produced a riding crop and slapped it against the palm of his other hand as he spoke. He got her to go on all fours and he lifted her dress up over her ass. He ran the riding crop over her body slowly and then the shaft firmly between her legs like he was playing a fiddle. He teased her with it, running the leather tongue over her ass cheeks. I have to say I was a little doubtful as to how she would take this.

  He then administered lashes to her buttocks slowly and paused in between each one. She took a sharp noisy intake of breath each time, occasionally letting out a groan. I saw that each time he would hit Cheyenne, a red welt would mark the spot of impact. She took the beating remarkably well but after several lashes to each cheek she called yellow, at which point he gave each cheek one further blow before stopping. Her bottom was a patchwork of red marks, but he obviously knew how to control the instrument, as by the time we got home they had disappears leaving only a couple of very faint small bruises. Later in our adventures, when she had had more experience, she told me that that was one of the most severe implements along with the cane, as it was concentrated on such a small area.

  Don then sat Cheyenne in a chair in the middle of the room. He blindfolded her and cuffed her hands behind her back. He undid the buttons on her blouse and opened it fully, he seem to take a moment to take in the full beauty of her fully exposed rack. He groped them and teased and pinched her pink nipples. He told her to stretch her legs wide apart and he fingered her pussy having pushed her panty gusset aside. Her head and shoulders arched back in instant reaction, as if hard wired to her clit, she was biting her bottom lip. This movement accentuated her firm full white breasts, with their swollen pink nipples which started to darken under his attention. He picked up his crop and proceeded to tease her nipples with little flicks of the leather tongue.


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