MY INSATIABLE WIFE: a sweet cuckold romance

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MY INSATIABLE WIFE: a sweet cuckold romance Page 47


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  My name is Megan. I’m a twenty-four year old blonde. I’ve been told by many people that I have a beautiful face and I work hard to maintain a great figure. Men are always looking and me, and I get hit on more than once every day. I honestly feel like I can have any man that I want.

  For some reason, though, I’m attracted to guys who are broken. Strong, sexy, charismatic guys with handsome face and a tendency toward reckless behavior. I don’t know why I like guys like that. My friends say that I date men who are beneath me, and it’s because I don’t realize that I deserve better than that. Like my last loser boyfriend, Perry. He was violent with me and he ended up incarcerated for an assault. It was drug related but the police never figured that out, and he only had to serve two years in prison.

  While he was locked up, I met Nathan. We’d been dating for over a year now and he was everything that Perry wasn’t. First off, he’s white, which isn’t an issue for me but it is for my family. (They hate it when I date a black guy. In their minds, black guys are violent men who spend their lives in and out of prison, knocking up women and abandoning their families.) Nathan is intelligent, has a college degree, and he has a high-paying (if boring) job. He treats me like a princess, holding the door for me and helping me in whatever ways I need.

  There were a couple of problems with our relationship, though. Although Nathan is the nicest guy, I don’t feel anywhere near the physical attraction that I feel toward my ex-boyfriends. Like I said, I have had my pick of men and I got to date the kind of men that women drool over – tall, strong guys who work out at the gym for hours a day, guys with large packages who really know how to use it. Frankly, Nathan can’t compare to those men. He puts in the effort but he just doesn’t move the right way. And his penis, which is less than six inches long and rather thin, just doesn’t do much for me. He’s a sweet guy and a great provider, he just doesn’t offer much in the sex department.

  Recently, Nathan started dropping hints about marriage. All my friends think that I should marry him but I keep hedging. I just feel like something important is missing. I don’t know how to explain it other than if you had a man stand next to a cardboard cutout of himself – they might look the same but only one is a real man. Deep down, I feel that picking Nathan would be settling, and settling on love is the worst thing that you can do.

  And then I got a call out of the blue. “Hey baby.” It was Perry’s voice. “I got your number from Cindy. I’m getting out of prison next week. I want to see you.”

  I’d told my friends not to let him know my new number, but I felt butterflies in my stomach when I heard his voice. His voice was deeper and manlier than Nathan’s but it was more than that. At a deeper level, I knew that I was meant to be with him. If not him then a man like him. I’d rather try and fail with a man like Perry than to settle for a half-man like Nathan. And at that moment, everything became clear and I knew what I had to do. As I spoke with Perry, we talked about what was going to happen. Then I sat my boyfriend down for a tough conversation.

  “Nathan,” I said, sitting next to him on the couch. “You know I love you, right?”

  “Yes.” He seemed worried. “What’s wrong?”

  “Perry, my ex-boyfriend, is getting released from prison on Monday. He needs a place to stay. I told him that he can live here with me.”

  “I pay the bills, though,” Nathan said. “Don’t you think that you should have asked me before you told him that he can stay here?”

  “I realize that you pay the bills and you’re a good provider, honey. But a girl needs more than just money. I need more out of life than you can provide, and Perry can give that to me.”

  “Perry is a scumbag,” Nathan replied, clearly hurt. “He beat you up repeatedly. You had to get a restraining order. He cheated on you constantly. He’s selfish, violent, narcissistic, dishonest…”

  As Nathan went on and on, I just nodded and looked down at my feet. Everything he was saying was true but in the end every person has plusses and minuses. The sexual attraction that I felt for Perry wasn’t everything I needed, but it was something a needed. It was a bare minimum for a relationship.

  “Perry isn’t perfect--”

  “Isn’t perfect!?!”

  “He’s not perfect,” I continued, “but a person can change. Perry has had a lot of time to think while he was behind bars and he tells me that he’s a new man. He’s done with the lying, the violence, the cheating – all of it. And while I love you, Nathan, I’ll never truly be in love you. If I stayed with you, I would be staying because of your money and because it’s convenient. That wouldn’t be fair to either of us. I’m in love with Perry and I need to give him another chance.”

  As hard as it was for Nathan, he knew that what I was saying was true. He agreed to move to the bed in the spare room so that Perry and I could sleep together. Nathan would try to find a new place to live, and in the meantime we would just be friends.

  When I arrived at the prison to pick up Perry, he took my breath away. He seemed even a little taller than I remembered him, but his shoulders were broader and his body was heavily muscled. Obviously having the chance to work out all day had improved his appearance. He smiled that gorgeous smile of his, came over and kissed me, and we walked out to my car. On the drive home, Perry just talked about how great it was to be a free man again and how much he missed me. I was so attracted to him and I couldn’t wait to get him home. When we walked into the house, we went straight for the bedroom.

  Perry just about ripped the clothes off of my body. I wanted him to move more slowly, but at the same time I loved that he was doing whatever he wanted and wasn’t focused on me. With Nathan I had felt unnaturally dominant, but now with Perry I finally felt like a real woman again, submissive to his needs and whims. He quickly dropped his pants and boxers, and out sprung his thick, veiny black cock.

  “Suck my cock, bitch,” he said. I immediately began sucking him, taking his mighty manhood inside my lips and worshipping it with my tongue. He pulled my head forward, pushing his cock deep into my throat. I gagged a little and I felt tears in my eyes but he didn’t let go. He released me for a moment, giving me a breath of air, then pulled himself deep inside my mouth again. He began thrusting in and out, and I kept my tongue flat to cover my teeth as he face fucked me. “Ahh, yeah, bitch. That’s right. Suck my black cock.”

  After a few minutes of this, he ordered me to stand up and strip. I did a sexy little strip tease for him, down to my bra and panties. Then he pulling me close to him, kissing and hugging me, then undid my bra. I pulled my panties down as my bra fell to the floor.

  Perry pushed me back onto the bed, then got on top of me. My pussy was aching for him, wet and swollen, as he lined up his black cock at my entrance.

  “Please, Perry. Please! I need to feel you inside of me.”

  He pushed himself in, a couple inches with each slow stroke, stretching my grateful pussy to the max. It was so much bigger than Nathan’s and I really missed that feeling. Although I was always quiet and unresponsive in bed with Nathan, I felt myself moaning and groaning uncontrollably. My arms were around Perry’s back, holding his sexy black body against mine, my legs up in the air beside his legs. His cock was so big that my clit was moving with every thrust, and it wasn’t long before I was moaning through a powerful orgasm. “Oh God… Oh shit, Perry, fuck!” I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed the powerful orgasms that men like Perry could give me. Nathan managed to get me off with oral sex, but Perry did it effortlessly just by being who and what he is. My body wanted and needed Perry.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw some movement. I turned my head. Nathan was standing there in the doorway. He had a hurt look on his face, but there was a bulge in his shorts. I’m not sure if he loved or hated what he was seeing, but I liked the fact that somebody was watching. I decided to put on a little show for him. Perry’s chiseled chest and washboard stomach were glistening with sweat, and I could tell from his breathing and
facial expressions that he was nearing his climax. “Come inside of me, baby. I want to feel your big cock erupting inside of me. Fill my womb with your sperm!” I locked my legs around Perry’s waist as he grunted, pushed deep inside and came. I looked deep into his eyes as I felt his cock twitching, delivering his seed into my cervix. I turned and saw Nathan, his mouth wide open, his pants around his ankles, pounding his little white penis in his hands. His eyes rolled back and he squeaked, squirting his dab onto the carpet.

  Over the next few months, I often would catch Nathan sneaking a peek inside of our bedroom to catch us making love. I wondered if he’d be upset at seeing how much bigger Perry’s cock was, or be jealous of the way I’d move and moan when Perry delivered to me a thundering orgasm. But he seemed to enjoy it, vicariously perhaps. It seemed like everything had worked out perfectly, in a strange way, to the satisfaction of all three of us.

  Then something happened that changed the whole cozy relationship. I started to feel sick. I took a pregnancy test and it confirmed that I was pregnant. When Perry found out he was incensed, denying that he was the father and slapping my face so hard that I fell to the floor. I was crying but luckily Nathan was there to comfort me, and he threatened to file charges if Perry ever touched me again. The next day Perry moved out, informed me that he was moving in with another lover of his, and told me to never contact him again. I was heartbroken and desperate, not knowing how I would ever pay for the baby by myself, but then Nathan approached me.

  “Megan, you know I love you. And I know you love me, too. I understand that you need more sexually than I can offer, and I would never want to deny you that. But if you’ll take me back, I won’t ask you to be exclusive to me. You can have other lovers, Perry or any other guy, and we can still be a couple. I love you and I want to raise your baby together as a family.” He got down on one knee, opened up a black box, and presented me with a beautiful engagement ring. “Will you marry me?”

  I nodded, crying uncontrollably. “Yes! Yes, Nathan, I’ll marry you!”

  That was four months ago. Nathan has moved back into our bedroom. We make love about once every week or two, and I have two guys I met through a dating app that I have sex with, each about once or twice a week. Dating is a little strange right now, being pregnant and all, and Nathan and I just got some great news – we’re expecting triplets! Nathan is taking on some extra hours at work and we may have to sell the house and get a larger one, but we’re both excited to start our new family together. I haven’t heard anything from Perry since he left, and frankly my friends and family are all overjoyed that I’m done with Perry and I’m marrying Nathan. It’s the perfect happy ending!


  By Polly Andrea Busch

  Copyright 2015 by Polly Andrea Busch. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or any method including (without limitation) electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. This work is a work of fiction. All characters in the work are fictitious and any similarity to any other person, living or dead, real or fictional, is purely coincidental. All characters in this publication are twenty-one years of age or older. All rights reserved.

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  My name is Noah. I’m thirty-eight years old. For the last sixteen years I’ve been married to Chloe, 37, a raven-haired beauty that I met at church. One time when we were dating, Chloe noticed that I was interested in reading stories about “hotwifing,” where the husband is faithful to the wife but she’s permitted to date other guys. I asked if she’d be interested in that but she told me that she’d be worried that she’d fall in love with the guy, and she’s not really interested in having that kind of drama. I figured that was the end of that, and I was resigned to my fantasies remaining just a fantasy. But one day, lying in bed together after making love, she opened the door a little crack.

  “Honey, do you remember when I asked you about those stories you like and you asked if I’d be interested in sleeping with other men?”


  “Is that invitation still open?”

  Although I’d already came about fifteen minutes before and I usually need hours between erections, my cock quickly hardened to full strength. “Of course it is. Why do you ask?”

  She slipped her hand into mine, threading our fingers. “I’ve had some guys hitting on me at work and at the gym. You know, the usual stuff. But a couple of the guys were really cute and I like them. Do you remember Tony from the holiday party?”

  I thought about it and I did remember him. He was a cocky guy, divorced a couple of years ago. From what I’d heard he’s quite a ladies’ man, and he’d dated a number of the women in my wife’s office. In fact, one of the women at the party – a blonde knockout – was breast feeding Tony’s little present, and she informed Chloe that he’s well-endowed and a magnificent lover. He’d hit on my wife a number of times over the years but she’d always turned him down.

  “He’s one of the guys that I’d like to date,” she said. “Would you be okay with that?”

  We talked about our fears and concerns, about jealousy and the danger of falling in love. We agreed that we were strong enough to live this lifestyle, and we just needed to keep the lines of communication open. Then we talked about the possibility of pregnancy. I’d had a vasectomy after our daughter was born so birth control really hadn’t been a concern.

  “How about using condoms?” I asked.

  “Tony hates condoms, and frankly so do I,” she said. “Here’s what I’m thinking. You know how I’ve been wanting another baby. If we do this, I’m not going to use any birth control. We’ll tell our friends and family that you’re getting your vasectomy reversed so we can try for another baby. If I get pregnant, you’ll raise the children as your own.”

  “Okay,” I said, swallowing hard. My cock was so swollen it almost hurt. “We’ll tell them I reversed the vasectomy. You’re my wife and I’m your husband. If you get pregnant, it’s our baby.”

  Chloe smiled and leaned in, kissing me. “I think we have a deal.”

  Over the next few months, we started a new routine. Chloe would go on a date three or four times a week. I would help her pick out her outfits. Before she would leave, she would masturbate me to completion. I would wait up for her to come home, then she would tell me all the dirty details of her encounter while I gave her delicious oral, withdrawing her lover’s creamy deposit. She soon had three regulars: Tony from her work, Frank from the gym, and Delon who she met online. All three guys were tall, muscular, dominant and arrogant, but what stood out to me is that Delon was black. I started to feel a little queasy in my stomach.

  “You’re dating a black guy?” I asked when I found out.

  “Is there something wrong with a white woman dating a black man?”

  “No, but honey… if he gets you pregnant and we have a black baby, everybody will know what’s going on. I’ll be humiliated. Can’t you date somebody else or make him use a condom?”

  Chloe looked shocked. “I’m really surprised at you. That’s just so racist! Of course I’m not going to do that. If society looks down on some people, that’s their problem and not mine.”

  A couple of months later, we learned that Chloe was pregnant. I was very worried about who the father might be. I knew I wasn’t the father because of the vasectomy, and most of the time Chloe just masturbated me instead of intercourse (sometimes a blowjob when I was a very good boy). But there were three lovers who were constantly shooting their cum inside of her. I was on pins and needles as the birth neared.

  In the hospital, when Chloe gave birth to a white baby boy, I felt relieved. It looked just like Tony, and we did a paternity test that confirmed that he was the father. I didn’t really care whether it was Frank’s or Tony’s baby
, I just didn’t want to have to explain to everybody how we had a black baby! I signed the affidavit of paternity and added my name to the birth certificate, making me the legal father and ensuring that Tony couldn’t interfere with our family by trying to take custody.

  When she healed and it was time for her to resume her sexual activities, Chloe told me, “I was talking with the guys and they agree that it’s not fair anymore to just let the three of them try to impregnate me. Tony already fathered a child by me, and it’s only fair that Frank and Delon should get a turn. Although I hate condoms, Tony will need to use condoms until the next pregnancy.”

  Although my cock started getting hard again at the news, I knew that this meant there was now a fifty-fifty chance that Chloe was going to give birth to a black baby. She started seeing each of those guys twice a week and only seeing Tony once every week or two. When she happily announced that she took a pregnancy test and it’s positive, I was totally anxious. How would I explain a black baby to my friends and family? They’d certainly know it’s not my baby, and everybody would snicker about me.

  Nine months later, at the hospital, I was relieved when my wife gave birth to a white baby girl. We were pretty sure it was Frank’s baby, but a paternity test soon confirmed it. Again I protected our family by getting my name on the birth certificate, taking all rights and responsibilities as the father.

  “You were so worried the last two pregnancies,” Chloe said, as she prepared for her first date since the birth. “I’m glad you won’t be worried this time.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You won’t have to worry whether the child will be black. Both Tony and Frank will be using condoms, so you can rest assured that the baby will be Delon’s.”


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