MY INSATIABLE WIFE: a sweet cuckold romance

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MY INSATIABLE WIFE: a sweet cuckold romance Page 55



  By Polly Andrea Busch

  Copyright 2015 by Polly Andrea Busch. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or any method including (without limitation) electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. This work is a work of fiction. All characters in the work are fictitious and any similarity to any other person, living or dead, real or fictional, is purely coincidental. All characters in this publication are twenty-one years of age or older. All rights reserved.

  * * *

  “What is a ‘nikah mut’ah’?” my wife Rachel asked. We were standing outside the tent where we’d been staying while visiting an Afar tribe in the Horn of Africa.

  “It means a temporary marriage or a ‘pleasure marriage,’” explained Manahil, our beautiful Ethiopian guide. “It’s a part of our Islamic traditions. In essence, the tribal chief Alemu desires you and wants to make you his temporary wife. He can take up to four wives but the temporary wives do not count against his limit.” She smiled. “I would advise you not to turn him down. Every woman who has ever rejected his offer has been killed.”

  Rachel looked at me with concern, then asked her, “How long would this temporary marriage last?”

  “It is up to the chief,” she said. “But probably four months. That is the length he has used in the past with American women. He enjoys the look of the hair and the fair skin.”

  At twenty-four, my Rachel is a thin and attractive brunette and I wasn’t surprised that the chief would find her appealing. When the Afars told us that they would only allow single women to visit them, we thought it would be just a little white lie to present my wife Rachel as a single woman and my sister. And the fact that they required pictures of the women before they would permit them to attend also seemed strange. But now I was beginning to realize the reason for this: the chief wanted to use our international aid effort to “temporarily marry” white women. After having lied to them, we couldn’t tell them the truth.

  “If we don’t have a choice,” I said hesitatingly, “I guess Rachel will be the chief’s new wife.”

  When we got back to our tent, Rachel was very upset. “You want me to be his lover for four months?”

  “Of course not,” I said. “But we have no choice. If you turn him down, he’ll kill you. I want you to return alive with me to the States.”

  Although she didn’t like the idea, she admitted that she found Chief Alemu to be an attractive man. He was only thirty years old but had fifteen children by his three wives. We also learned that he had other children from his “temporary wives” but children born of a mut’ah are not considered his children. Also, Manahil told Rachel, she was once a temporary wife of the chief and he is great in bed.

  I was called before the chief and, with Manahil as our interpreter, he asked for my blessing to marry Rachel. I told him that I approved and handed her over to the chief, who was standing in a warrior outfit in front of his four wives. He said some words in their language, which went untranslated, and he took Rachel off to his tent.

  It was tough sleeping that night, with my wife’s sleeping bag empty next to mine. The whole next day I hoped to see her but was rebuffed. Finally I ran into Manahil who, blushing, told me that Rachel was having a great time in bed with the chief. “They are spending all day in bed together. I can hear her cries of pleasure through the walls. She crows about his giant penis and how it stuffs her inside.” She smiled. “Don’t worry, she is very happy.”

  A full five days had passed before I finally saw my “sister” at a meal. I had the chance to pull her aside and speak with her. I was happy to hear that she was doing well. I asked about their “marriage,” and she said that Alemu is rather sweaty and his cock is too big for her sometimes, but she also gets a lot of pleasure from him. “I don’t want to hurt your feelings, honey, but his cock touches places inside of me that you just can’t reach.” She asked me to explain to the charity why she couldn’t return for four months and hoped that they would keep her job open for her.

  When I flew home alone, I felt terrible having to wait for Rachel to return to me. There wasn’t any cell reception but we sent each other letters. She finally told me that her marriage would officially end on June 3rd and that I should get the earliest plane flight back to the States after that. She also mentioned that she was bringing back a big surprise for me. She wasn’t kidding: the moment she stepped off the airplane, I noticed her large belly. “I’m pregnant,” she said, smiling as she rubbed her belly. “We’re having twins! One boy and one girl!”

  Although Rachel and I had always planned on only having one child, we weren’t at all unhappy to have two. We’ve picked out traditional Ethiopian names for our children. I’m scheduled for a vasectomy next week as two children is more than enough with our limited incomes. Unfortunately, Rachel lost her job at the charity but she’s managed to find work at a temp agency until the birth next month. It’ll be a struggle but one way or another, we’ll find a way to provide for our beautiful and growing family.


  By Polly Andrea Busch

  Copyright 2015 by Polly Andrea Busch. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or any method including (without limitation) electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. This work is a work of fiction. All characters in the work are fictitious and any similarity to any other person, living or dead, real or fictional, is purely coincidental. All characters in this publication are twenty-one years of age or older. All rights reserved.

  * * *

  I have an interesting encounter to share with you. Four years ago, my wife Julia and I replaced the back deck on our house. There was a deck on the house when we bought it but it was old and hadn’t been maintained properly. We had two young children and there were rusty nails popping out of the boards that made me concerned for their safety. The previous owner, I’ve been told, wasn’t very handy and he hadn’t sanded down the wood and stained the deck for many years. I suggested that we replace it with a Trex deck.

  “I think that’s a great idea, Caden,” Julia said to me as we stood looking out the back door. “It would be a lot easier to maintain. But it’s going to be expensive. When Jeri had her deck built it cost them $5,000.”

  “That’s fine by me,” I replied. “My buddy John knows a guy who builds decks. I’ll give him a ring.”

  I called John and got the guy’s number. The deck builder’s name was JayVaughn and he agreed to come over our house and give us a quote. When he arrived at our house, he was wearing jean overalls and a white t-shirt. Julia seemed quite impressed by him, though, and I caught her making eye contact with him, smiling and flipping her hair. I guess I could understand her attraction. JayVaughn was a handsome middle-aged black man with muscular arms, and Julia had told me once that she’d always had a thing for black guys but wouldn’t date them because her parents disapproved.

  “After factoring in the labor and materials, it’ll come out to around $10,000,” JayVaughn said. He apparently saw the look of surprise on our faces and said, “That’s pretty much industry standard, even a little on the low side. You can get a second quote if you’d like but you won’t find quality work for less than that.”

  Julia walked right up to him, pressing her waist against his body and put her gently placed her finger a few inches below his neck and slowly ran it down his shirt. “That’s a lot of money, baby. Are you sure you can’t think of any way you could, you know… pound it in for me … without charging so much?”

  I co
uld tell JayVaugh was attracted to my wife. She’s a pretty twenty-six-year-old brunette. Although her hips widened a little from the births of our two children, she had remained thin and looked amazing.

  JayVaughn looked at me and back at Julia. “I’d love to help you out but the materials alone are five grand. And I have to pay my crew. It’ll take us a good two weeks to build it, and we’ll need to get hotel rooms. My wife and I live two hours from here.”

  “Do you think you could do it for cost?” She put her hands around his waist and I could see his cock pressing against his clothes. “Your crew can stay here with us. I’ll be here for you and your crew the whole time.” She kissed his neck. “Every day for two weeks.”

  JayVaughn’s began breathing hard. “Every day?”

  Julia looked into his eyes and nodded. “Mmm hmm. You have nothing to worry about. Your wife will never know.”

  JayVaughn agreed to do the job for $6,000. That night, Julia and I had some of the hottest sex we’d had in years fantasizing about her making love with JayVaughn. She said she wanted to know if it was true about black guys having big cocks, and she can’t wait to feel him inside of her. When she said that I just lost it and shot my load into the condom.

  The next week, early on a Saturday morning, JayVaughn’s truck pulled up in our driveway. Julia was watching out the window as JayVaughn and two other men made their way up the front walkway. One was a college-aged black guy with a great physique and the other guy was an overweight, middle-aged white guy.

  “What do you think?” I asked.

  “They’re all cute,” Julia said. “I think this is going to be fun.”

  “You now have four guys to please,” he said.

  She smiled. “I’m up for the challenge.”

  They introduced themselves. The fat white guy, we learned, was Harold and the athletic young black guy was Deuce.

  JayVaughn and his crew spent the day working on the new deck. At 11 AM, she took JayVaughn into our bedroom for a little lovemaking. She said that his cock was average size, just over six inches and not much bigger than mine. She loved having sex with a new guy, though, and he gave her two orgasms before he filled the condom. During lunch there were some funny stares, as everybody knew where the two of them had been, and then they returned to work. At 2PM, she had sex with Harold. Although his cock was only five inches long, it was pretty thick and bent upward to the left, and she enjoyed the way it hit her g-spot.

  At 3:30, after a quick shower, Julia had sex with Deuce. She found him to be incredibly sexy, from his great body to his cocky attitude. She even enjoyed the fact that he was a good bit younger than her. But what turned her on the most was seeing his cock – it was nearly a foot long and very thick, like a large dildo. She tried to roll a condom over it but it wouldn’t fit. After the second condom broke while putting it on, she agreed to allow him to take her bareback as long as he promised to pull out. He fucked her good and hard in a number of different positions, finally ejaculating all over her lower back while fucking her doggy style. That night, while JayVaughn and Harold slept in the spare room and Deuce slept on the couch, Julia and I had a wonderful lovemaking session. She told me all the details as I slowly licked her flowering pussy, bringing her to an orgasm, and then I rolled on a condom and fucked her.

  Over the next two weeks, Julia kept her word. She had sex with each of us every day. Although I had to go to work during the week, I knew what happened while I was gone because she told me everything at night while we made love. The only thing that concerned me was that after a few days Deuce, who was too large for my condoms, started cumming inside of my wife. He claimed it was an accident the first time but he kept doing it and Julia didn’t do anything about it. I went to Wal-Mart and bought a box of Magnum condoms, but the next day I could still taste spunk when I was eating her pussy. She told me that she was intensely attracted to him and she felt a strong desire to feel him finishing inside of her. Holding my hand, she assured me that it was okay and I didn’t need to worry about it.

  It ended up taking them nearly three weeks but when it was finished, the deck was amazing. It was autumn already and unseasonably cold so we didn’t get much use out of it that year, but it was great having it the next summer, especially since we were home a lot with our newborn baby girl Tiana. Knowing how Julia’s family didn’t want her dating black guys, I was a little worried about how they’d react but I have to say that they’ve been great grandparents, welcoming their black granddaughter with open arms. After paying for all the food and diapers for Tiana, I’m not sure we really saved money on the deck with Julia’s white wife discount but it was an adventure that none of us will ever forget.


  By Polly Andrea Busch

  Copyright 2015 by Polly Andrea Busch. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or any method including (without limitation) electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. This work is a work of fiction. All characters in the work are fictitious and any similarity to any other person, living or dead, real or fictional, is purely coincidental. All characters in this publication are twenty-one years of age or older. All rights reserved.

  * * *

  A couple years ago, I got a job working for my state senator. I had just met my then-girlfriend Isabella and we moved into an apartment in Tallahassee so that I could be close to the legislature. Isabella got a part-time job working at a bank. We were both twenty-three-years-old and still working on our careers.

  “You won’t believe what I overheard last night, Alex,” Isabella said as she put a fried egg on my plate. “Lisa took a young black guy home last night. His name is Aaron. She’s in her fifties and dating somebody our age.”

  “I hope she had a good time,” I said, dipping my toast in the egg. “She’s a single woman. Nothing wrong with that.”

  “Oh, she had a great time,” Isabella said. “I heard everything.” The walls between our apartments weren’t great but the bedrooms were next to the living rooms. Often times I would go to bed earlier than Isabella and she liked to sit on the couch right next to the wall, sometimes even putting her ear against it, to hear our neighbor getting it on.

  Lisa would bring home a few guys a week and it really seemed to entertain my girlfriend. In fact, sometimes late at night she would sit in a folding chair in our apartment near the entrance with the door open so that she could better hear the conversation next door. “She went on and on about how big his cock was and how great it felt. And he got her off repeatedly. I counted four orgasms.”

  “Oh, my,” I said. “Well, good for her. It sounds like she had fun.” I finished my breakfast and headed off to work.

  Over the next few weeks, I learned that Aaron was coming around frequently. While Lisa had always been rotating through guys, she was now seeing Aaron a couple times a week. After that, though, Isabella stopped talking so much about Lisa’s exploits. At one point I mentioned it to her and she said, “Oh, you know, she’s doing the same old thing.” I thought that was pretty odd because up to that point, she had seemed obsessed with our neighbor’s love life.

  I started to notice some other changes, too. We had been making love about four times a week but that dropped down to once or twice. I’d heard that women’s libido often drops in a relationship and I wondered if that was what was happening. But then one day, when I came home early from work, I found out what was really happening.

  When I opened the front door, I heard music R&B music playing in our bedroom. That was odd. We usually play that music when we’re making love in order to stop our neighbors to our left from hearing everything the way we can hear Lisa on our right. Then I heard a man’s low voice and Isabella’s giggle. I put my keys down on the counter and slowly walked over to t
he bedroom door. I opened it just a crack.

  Isabella was laying down on the bed in her bra and panties. A muscular young black man was on top of her wearing only a pair of jeans, and she was smiling as she looked into his eyes.

  “You want this black cock, don’t you?” He asked.

  “I love your big black cock, Aaron,” she said. Then she made a playful pouting face. “Don’t make me wait. I need to feel those nine inches in my pussy right now.”

  “Better than your boyfriend’s?”

  She laughed. “Ha! His little thing is only four and half inches long. I can barely feel it. I have to diddle my clit to get off with him.”

  Aaron was rubbing his crotch against hers. “You got a tight little cunt. Better than Lisa’s old loose pussy.”

  They both giggled. Then Aaron removed his jeans and brought his half-erect cock up to my girlfriend’s mouth. His cock was so large that she was only able to take the head into her mouth as she gently played with his balls. Isabella is a great cocksucker and it feels great when she takes my whole penis inside of her mouth. But with Aaron’s huge member, he would never get that amazing experience.

  Aaron lay down on the bed and Isabella got on top of him, riding on his large cock. I didn’t have the best angle but I could see her ass bouncing up and down as she rode him. She leaned down and I was pretty sure they were kissing as his black hands roamed over her lower back and ass. Then they flipped over into the missionary position – Isabella’s favorite – and I saw her lock her white legs around his waist as he pounded her.

  He pussy was filled, her walls wrapped tight around Aaron’s mighty manhood. He was making long strokes, bringing that long, thick cock all the way out before plunging it back in. The bed was rocking as he pistoned in and out, and Isabella was moaning like a whore. “Oh, fuck, Aaron. Shit. God, I’m cumming!” He brought her off three consecutive times in the missionary position in the space of ten minutes.


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