When Anderius had sex with Skylar, she was very vocal in bed, crying out in orgasm and moaning loudly, telling him how much she loved his thick cock. She was always so quiet in bed with me but I began to realize that she was really a sexual animal who just needed the right man to awaken her. I especially loved watching him fuck her doggy style, pulling my wife’s hair back and slapping her ass. Skylar was never able to orgasm during intercourse with me but he always got her off with doggy style, and sometimes with missionary. I loved watching him fucking her in the spoon position, her face flush and her ample tits hanging down as he kissed her neck while fucking her from behind. I felt no fear or jealousy, only admiration for Anderius. At some level I knew he was a superior male, and it was right for him to breed my wife, even a compliment to me. I trusted and respected him without question.
Soon Skylar became pregnant. When we found out the baby was a girl, we were disappointed to learn that the contract specified that we’d only get the $200,000 if the baby was a boy. The agent suggested abortion but Skylar was adamantly opposed to that. She gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, who we both love to death, and I happily put my name on the birth certificate. She had four more babies by Anderius and two of them were boys, and he was true to his word. Although the $400,000 didn’t go as far as I’d expected, it did allow us to pay off our house and educational debt.
We’re now the happy parents of five black babies. Skylar went back on the pill after the last of Anderius’s children were born. While we’d talked about Skylar having my baby some day, she’s really cooled on the idea. She’s concerned that I might favor my own child over our other children, and the last two pregnancies were very difficult. Also, the kids are now potty trained and she doesn’t want to go back to changing diapers. “We have five children,” she said. “That’s more than enough.” She has a tubal ligation scheduled for next month.
We’re all eager to see whether the plan worked, and whether one or both of our boys will make it to the NFL. The oldest is ten and the youngest is five, so there’s a long way to go. In the meantime, Anderius and Angelique had two children, both boys. I bet at least one of them will make it!
By Polly Andrea Busch
Copyright 2015 by Polly Andrea Busch. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or any method including (without limitation) electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. This work is a work of fiction. All characters in the work are fictitious and any similarity to any other person, living or dead, real or fictional, is purely coincidental. All characters in this publication are twenty-one years of age or older. All rights reserved.
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I had a “date” last night and was tired when the night was done. He was one of my regular lovers. My husband Seth always loves me after him, and I made sure he got his feeding. I was going to give him a little something else, but he was so excited he couldn’t last for it, but that’s another story. But I want to tell you about the feedings.
When I first started out as cheating on my husband, I didn’t really know what I was doing. But I was lucky to soon get some help from an experienced woman in the lifestyle, in the form of his Aunt Amy.
“McKenna,” she said, “I know what kind of woman you are.” His aunt (not blood) didn’t have any children, and when he was born my hubby became the apple of her eye. Amy and Mike would keep him overnight half the time. He had his own room in her house with his own toys, and their house was his second home. When he became interested in girls and needed advice, she became his mentor. Seth spent many nights with them as a teen, and especially after a date he didn’t score on (he didn’t have many of those, only with me). When he enlisted in the Army, she was just beginning to teach him restraint.
I didn’t get to meet her until we got out of the Army and I was carrying my first son, by another man, and no, hubby didn’t know. She pegged me within fifteen minutes (she should have, I was just a young version of herself) and wanted me to take a walk with her. God, I didn’t want to take that walk. She wasted no time letting me know how much she loved her nephew, and would not want him hurt. Then she stopped looked me right in the eye, and told me, she knew me. And she knew I was the woman that would make him happy, and she would be there to help me.
Aunt Amy began coming by our house for coffee when hubby was working for little chats. I could tell she was sincere, but I was having a hard time believing some of the things she was sharing with me about my hubby, and my new uncle. She was slut, and Uncle Mike knew and loved her that way. Some of their very close friends were the same way, and later she would introduce us to them. She taught me quite a bit in that next year.
It didn’t bother her when she asked me if the baby in my womb was her nephew’s. When I told her no, she just smiled. Later, she would introduce me to the young man that I would for the first time “openly” cuckold my husband with. Though the cuckolding scene we had planned didn’t work out, she made it possible for me to have my affair with him anyway, and our second son would be his.
Amy’s husband was well-trained, very docile and very much in love with her, and if it worked for her I was sure going to listen. Whether it worked for me or not, she accepted me as the cheating slut I was, and I loved her for that.
She knows everything I’ve done to/with her nephew, approved of everything I did (including the children), and most of it was at her suggestion. My hubby knows all about his aunt’s participation, and loves her for that.
Yes it was his AUNT, and it may come as an additional surprise that his FOSTER MOTHER (the same type woman, a little older) also recognized and loved me, and offered her help more than once. But I would caution you, though, about those family members – our first son was the product of an irresistible brother-in-law. But I guess that didn’t matter too much since our second, third and fourth sons were not by my husband, either. I guess you can tell that I do love the risk sex!
Although I started off as a cheating wife, we had some talks in bed after sex and I agreed to become a hotwife for my hubby. I said I would bring my lovers home and let him watch. The very first lover I ran into wouldn’t go for that, and hubby had to decide whether he could live with me “dating” my lovers then coming home and sharing with him. Luckily, he is an agreeable man, and accepted me dating then coming home and sharing. Had he not, I would have gone on cheating because I was going to have that lover.
Surrendering (I don’t know why we call it surrounding, women are always in control) to your lover on your husband’s bed is always erotic, and becoming pregnant by your lover on hubby’s bed is unforgettable. Only one of my children was conceived on a lover’s bed. The other four were all conceived on our marital bed. Seth only got to watch the last one, but it was incredibly hot and it made up for all the others.
When my “mentor,” Aunt Amy, was discussing our “planned” initiation of Seth in cuckoldry, she discussed the feeding to me. Aunt Amy explained that you should feed hubby your lover’s cum. It was a great piece of advice, along with the wonderful lover she was setting me up with. The feedings did seem to help bring hubby around to increased acceptance, if not a subtle desire for me to have other men.
When she first mentioned the feedings, though, being a very naive twenty three year old my reaction was, “eeeeew, gross!” But she took the time to explain to me that it wasn’t for me; it was for “him.” She told me that by ingesting the hormones of another male in me, his body would become addicted and he’d always need that taste. And when he would do it, by knowing he was drinking another man’s cum from me, in his mind, he would be realizing one more act of submission to my control.
It was still hard for me to handle that one, but I did “finger feed” hubby the cum of the lover she introduced me
to without his knowledge. He took to it like a child in a candy store. And, though I can’t explain why, I began to get a tingling thrill every time I dipped my fingers inside and he sucked them clean. The night I had my first date (that he knew of), I was so excited when I got home I pushed his face down, and told him he had to do that before I told him one thing about the date.
Hubby was a little reluctant at first, but he “submitted,” and that night he got his christening. From that night on, he was more interested in doing that when I came home than anything else. And I have to admit that I get an unexplainable high knowing he is tasting my lover. Though it may be for him, darn I love it, too.
Aunt Amy was right - having him kiss you after your lover is when he’s finally happily and totally your anxious, willing cuckold. The first time I pushed his head down there and made hubby do that. After the first moment of reluctance, I never knew his tongue could be so long or he could get it so deep inside me. And for me, and him, it was another moment that we’d never fail to do again.
Although I majored in Accounting, that’s stuffy work and I didn’t want my job taking away from my play time. That’s why I became a Cocktail Waitress for the first fifteen years of my work life. I enjoyed meeting new people, and the entertainment industry gave me an inexhaustible supply of handsome “passionate” young studs.
Seth was a “nice guy,” and I always felt that he was ripe for the plucking, and when I was a cheating wife I had only begun with him. I never felt bad about it because I knew I was “not” doing anything he didn’t want me to do. And the things I told him, the shows I put on for him, only made the moments more intense for him when he’s downstairs lying on the couch stroking his hard dick, while listening to me upstairs screaming at my lover lover to give me his baby. I took all the power knowing that he wanted it that way. He wanted me to exercise my imagination, to explore my sexuality, and “use” it on him. I’m not saying some of things I did didn’t hurt him, but husbands need that ounce of pain to intensify the ton of pleasure they’re going to receive at our soft feminine fingers. It’s a very important ingredient of this lifestyle. The “risk” is just as (maybe even more so) intoxicating for a husband as it is for the wife, and a caring wife owes him that pleasure.
When I began sleeping with the lover that Aunt Amy set me up with, it was hubby who asked me to go off the Pill. He wanted me to get pregnant. And when I brought my first black lover home, Seth was beside himself when he opened the door and invited him in. He nearly came right then, and knowing my lover was upstairs filling his wife’s fertile white womb with his black seed, by the time I was done hubby didn’t have a drop left.
My brother-in-law was the second largest man I’d ever had, my black lover being the biggest. When I met my BIL at an October family party, I danced with him. During a slow dance, he made me know how large he was, and I knew I had to have him inside me. I could never got him out of my mind, but it would be two years before the opportunity would present itself. And the second week after we moved back to town, everything I had imagined about him was true, and he gave me my first son. We had an affair that ran over two years, but it was only after his death that I could finally share the truth with Seth.
With most husbands, it isn’t important that they sow the seed in our wombs. In fact, I think most would prefer to love us as our bellys swell with our lover’s seed. I know that Seth loved me with the first two he “thought” were his. But the last three he knew belonged to my lovers, he worshiped my bulging belly.
By Polly Andrea Busch
Copyright 2015 by Polly Andrea Busch. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or any method including (without limitation) electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. This work is a work of fiction. All characters in the work are fictitious and any similarity to any other person, living or dead, real or fictional, is purely coincidental. All characters in this publication are twenty-one years of age or older. All rights reserved.
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“I just don’t want to have sex anymore,” our friend Donna said to my wife Kennedy over a glass of wine. She’s a beautiful black woman, twenty-six years old and married to Jeremias, a handsome personal trainer. “Ever since the children I’ve totally lost my sex drive and his drive is so strong.”
“It’s okay,” Kennedy said. “It happens.”
Donna was crying. “I’m afraid I’m going to lose him.”
As they talked about their sex life, it was clear that Donna just wasn’t able to take what Jeremias had to offer. His cock was too large for her, for one thing, and he was just more adventurous in bed. Their differences had always been a problem, but now that Donna had lost her sex drive it was threatening to tear them apart.
“He has women throwing themselves at him all the time,” she said. “If I can’t satisfy him, I know he’s going to cheat on me.”
That night in bed, my wife and I talked about what we’d heard.
“Brandon, you know how you’d always wanted to see me with another man?” Kennedy asked, curled up under the blankets. “How about if I do the heavy lifting for Donna? I could keep her man sexually satisfied until her desire comes back.”
“You want to sleep with Jeremias?”
Kennedy nodded. “He’s a very sexy man. I’ve always fantasized about having sex with a black guy. And he keeps his body in such great shape.”
“I think what you’re really interested in is that big cock of his,” I said. Kennedy just smiled. She’d always commented that my penis wasn’t as thick as she would like, and she’d used dildos that were long and thick.
After talking about it for a couple of hours, we agreed that we would run it by Donna. When we did, she was surprised but not against the idea. “I just don’t want this to affect our relationship,” she said. We assured her that we’d continue to be friends with them as we always had.
Kennedy got a call from Jeremias the next day. He was very excited and said he’d always admired my wife’s body and wanted to ride her bubble butt. They both talked provocatively over the phone and agreed to meet at our house for sex that night.
Jeremias arrived at 8 pm, while Donna was still putting their children to bed. He was dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, and I could see a large bulge in the front of his jeans where that black weapon was hiding. Kennedy walked down the stairs wearing nothing but a white slip and black panties, and took him by the hand and led him up to our bedroom.
I walked up and looked through the doorway. Jeremias was naked and his big black hands were roaming over the slip, feeling Kennedy’s body. She was softly moaning, her hands up around his neck as she leaned up to kiss him. She threw off the slip and began kissing his chest, wearing nothing but a pair of panties. After a moment, she slowly dropped to her knees and took his cock in her hands.
When I saw it, I understood why Donna had so much difficulty taking his manhood. It was about seven inches long and as thick as one of my wife’s dildos. Kennedy pumped his shaft with her hands and it stiffened a bit. She slowly licked the cockhead with her tongue then took the head inside of her mouth. Jeremias moaned as he held my wife’s blonde hair out of her eyes. She cupped his ball sack with one hand, slowly running her fingers over it as she pumped and sucked. Soon he was fully erect, and Kennedy I saw lay back on the bed.
Jeremias stepped between my wife’s legs, his thick, mighty weapon aimed at her crotch, her vulnerable womanhood shielded only by that sheer pair of black panties. He reached down and grabbed the panties, my wife lifting her hips to assist him, and he slid them down her legs and tossed them on the floor. He leaned forward and lay on top of her, kissing her, his hands in her hair as his large athletic body pressed against her delicate white frame. He was humping h
is hips, his cock laying on top of her groin, and I could see just how huge that thing would be inside of her. I wondered if she could take all of that.
He lifted himself up on his arms, placed the head of his thick black battering ram at her soaking blonde entrance, and pushed himself inside. Kennedy’s body pulled back and she moaned. She kept a hand against his hip to keep him from going too far. “Go slow,” she said. And he did, slowly inching himself inside of her. It took a good thirty seconds before he was all the way in.
“Damn, that’s good,” Jeremias said, his head just above hers, looking down into her eyes as he thrusted slowly inside of her. “You’re so warm and wet. Is it good?”
She nodded. “You’re so big. It feels awesome!”
I could see her wet blonde pussy hair holding onto his shiny black cock as he pushed in and out of her. His testicles were large, one hanging lower than the other, as he pounded inside of her. They were both breathing heavily. I saw Kennedy’s white hands running up and down his black ass cheeks. Soon he picked up the speed and was pounding her fast. Kennedy cried out in orgasm, and I saw her body bucking on the mattress, her head going from side to side.
“I’m gonna cum,” Jeremias said.
“Cum inside of me,” Kennedy pleaded, locking her legs around his waist and putting her arms around his back, holding him close. He gave a deep guttural groan and he pushed deep inside. I saw the base of his cock jerking, his heavy balls contracting, as he filled my wife with his seed. The two of them kissed, then he rolled over onto his back.
“That was amazing,” Kennedy said, her face glowing as she looked into his eyes as she slowly stroked his slimy cock. “You’re so sexy and handsome, and I just love the contrast, seeing your black body against my white body. It really turns me on.”
“Yeah, I like that, too,” he said, catching his breath.
“I’ve never climaxed just from sex before. I always need oral sex or a vibrator, but your cock is so thick. It just feels amazing!” She kept pumping him and soon he was erect again. She rode him cowgirl, and I could see his semen dripping down from her blonde fuzzy cunt as she did. They had a powerful simultaneous orgasm and then collapsed on the bed. They held hands and talked for a few minutes, then he got dressed and left. Kennedy walked him out the door wearing just a robe, kissed him and said, “You can fuck me anytime!”
MY INSATIABLE WIFE: a sweet cuckold romance Page 68