And the sex had been great for Noah. He was so excited when he knew my lovers were breeding me. His little penis would get so hard and he’d fuck me so hard. He wouldn’t last long at all, pushing in as deep as he could (which wasn’t much) and firing his load futilely in the direction of my womb, his sperm caught helplessly inside the rubber. But it was so exciting for him, trying to compete with the big boys, trying to stop them from fertilizing his wife’s eggs.
But now Noah was very worried. The next baby would be Everson’s and he’s very dark skinned, tall and strong. There was no question that the baby would be too dark to possibly by Noah’s baby. He was very worried about what his family and friends would say. Would they begin to question the paternity of our other children? Would they think less of him, that he can’t satisfy his wife in bed? I assured him that he had nothing to worry about and the fact that we stay together as a couple proves that he’s keeping me happy. No matter how I tried to assure him, he was worried.
Sex with Everson was always amazing, as he’s so attractive and masculine with an intoxicating scent, and his big cock never failed to give me multiple orgasms. But I was especially turned on, knowing that he was putting a baby inside of me. Noah was outside of the room, listening to our lovemaking, with his mini-penis hard and ready. He’d become excellent at eating pussy and as soon as Everson finished his job, Noah would run into the room and place his face inside my crotch, licking up every drop of my lover’s cum and giving me a few orgasms before strapping on his rubber and getting his own pleasure. I was in heaven as Noah’s tongue searched deep inside of me for every drop of semen, as I knew that he couldn’t reach the seed near and inside of my cervix. That mighty black man had given me his precious seed, and he would soon give me a strong and attractive child for my husband to raise.
After our black son was born, there were some questions by friend and family. We both insisted that Noah is the father. And he is the father, as his name is on the birth certificate and he’s responsible for paying for the child and raising it, just like any other father. In the end, the topic just seemed to go away with everybody knowing that our son wasn’t Noah’s biological child but realizing that it doesn’t really matter. As long as there is a husband there to raise the child, that’s all that matters.
After a few more years, I decided to allow Noah out of condoms to have a baby of his own. He was so excited to be bare inside of a woman that he came in no time flat. We tried for many months to no avail. We then went to a fertility clinic to see if there’s a problem and we learned that Noah is infertile. At that point, we realized how lucky my husband was to have had other men to step up in the areas where he is weak, giving his wife sexual pleasure and also children, and that’s allowed Noah to have the joy of being a parent. I think every cuckold husband should thank the wife’s lovers for everything they do, and for enhancing their lives and marriages!
By Polly Andrea Busch
Copyright 2015 by Polly Andrea Busch. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or any method including (without limitation) electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. This work is a work of fiction. All characters in the work are fictitious and any similarity to any other person, living or dead, real or fictional, is purely coincidental. All characters in this publication are twenty-one years of age or older. All rights reserved.
* * *
Three years ago, my wife Grace and I were attending an Octoberfest party at her friend Jenny’s house. The weather wasn’t too chilly for mid-October and we were having a great time. Since it was near Halloween, a couple of people came dressed in Halloween costumes. I wasn’t good friends with any of the guys there but I’d met most of them before and we had some idle conversation while sipping on seasonal craft beer.
One guy who I hadn’t seen there before was Karver, a black guy who had just broken up with his girlfriend. I’d heard rumors about him and supposedly he’s quite a ladies’ man. As we were chatting out on the deck, I noticed that he kept glancing in the direction of Jenny and my wife who were walking near their fire pit. I gathered that he liked what he saw but I wasn’t sure which woman he was looking at. Jenny is a 34 year old with black hair and in great shape, while my wife Grace is in her late twenties with brown hair and a killer body. But when Jenny walked over to their shed to get some sticks, I could tell that it was Grace who had caught his eye. Frankly, I was flattered that this tall, handsome black man found my wife so attractive.
Later on, dinner was served and it must have been obvious that Grace was my wife. Karver introduced himself to her but was a perfect gentleman. After dinner, the guys went over to the TV to watch the game while the women were hanging out in the kitchen. I guess I got caught up in the beer and conversation but after a while I realized that I hadn’t seen my wife in a while. I got up and asked Jenny where my wife was at. She claimed she didn’t know and looked a little nervous, then claimed that Grace had offered to start the bon fire so maybe she was still in the shed. Jenny offered to accompany me outside to see if she was all right.
Jenny and I went to the shed but there was no trace of Grace. She started a conversation with me outside about my relationship and asked if something was wrong. I told her that things were fine as far as I knew. But Jenny said that she’d been talking with Grace and she’d mentioned that I hadn’t been paying enough attention to her and she felt neglected. She suggested that I might buy her some flowers occasionally and give her more attention. It suddenly occurred to me that Jenny was stalling. I returned to the house to look for my wife.
I went around the house, room to room, looking for Grace. Finally I stepped over the gate at the bottom of the stairs and went up. Sure enough, I could hear some sounds coming from up there, a man’s voice and woman’s that sounded like Grace. I tiptoed down the hallway until I reached the master bedroom.
“Oh God, I’m cumming again!” Grace’s voice. She was clearly inside the bedroom. Did he really make her cum more than once? She’d never done that with me! I could hear the bed springs creaking, the headboard tapping gently against the wall.
“I’m cumming, too.” That was Karver’s voice.
“Oh yes, baby. Give it to me!” my wife moaned eagerly, desperately.
I opened the door just in time to see the climax. Karver’s magnificent, athletic black body was tensed up. Grace’s white body was beneath him, her legs around his and her hands gently caressing his ass cheeks up and down, as he came inside of her. I could see the base of his cock twitching as he ejaculated, his balls scrunching as he filled her with his seed.
Was he wearing a condom? Grace always insisted that I use a condom but I couldn’t see if he was wearing one. But he pulled out and his thick black cock slithered out of her, coated in semen. At that point there was no doubt that he’d filled my wife’s womb with his sperm. Grace saw my face and she had a look of sheer terror on her face. “It’s not what it looks like,” she said, pulled a sheet up over her.
Grace and I had a big fight after that. She explained that she’d felt neglected by me and that she really needed the attention by Karver. Grace apologized for letting things go too far, but the thing that bothered me the most was that she allowed him to cum inside of her without protection. I knew that Grace had done that with a few guys she’d met before me, but that was when she was on the birth control pill, before she realized that it was causing her mood swings. She wasn’t using anything for birth control except for condoms now. We made up, though, and when she found out that she was pregnant I agreed to stay and raise the baby as my own.
Things are good now between us. “Uncle Karver” stops by every few months to see his daughter and catch up with Grace. I allow them to spend time alone because I trust my w
ife, and she promises that she will make him use a condom. What happened at Jenny’s house was a one-time thing. The next baby will be mine.
By Polly Andrea Busch
Copyright 2015 by Polly Andrea Busch. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or any method including (without limitation) electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. This work is a work of fiction. All characters in the work are fictitious and any similarity to any other person, living or dead, real or fictional, is purely coincidental. All characters in this publication are twenty-one years of age or older. All rights reserved.
* * *
My name is Mia. After five years of marriage, I was bored with our sex life. My husband Alex is a good guy in a lot of ways but he’s not exactly exciting in the bedroom. Part of it is that he’s really only interested in having sex in a couple of positions and that he’s just not great at it. Part of it is his penis size – he’s a little small, to tell you the truth. But the biggest problem is that he just isn’t a sexy guy. He’s got everything you would want in a friend and partner, but he’s lacking as a lover. Before I’d met him I’d had quite a few different lovers and I knew that there was better sex, and I deserved better sex.
I knew it would be wrong to cheat on Alex, so I wasn’t going to sleep with any new guys. But if I’d already slept with a guy before, there really wasn’t any harm in it. It wouldn’t be a new lover, and if we’d wanted to get married we would have. And in most of those cases, the relationships were purely sexual. Honestly, I prefer to have more than just a sexual relationship. I enjoy knowing a guy and going through life with him, living vicariously with him. It’s almost like getting to live another life. By having boyfriends in addition to my husband, I could live life to the fullest.
I contacted a couple of guys who I’d been dated in the past. One was Joe, a mechanic who kept in great shape. Another was Gino, a guy I’d dated in college who was now working on the line at a machine plant. I also contacted a third guy but he was married now and never responded. But Joe and Gino were both interested in rekindling our romances.
Joe was really great at sex and enjoyed a lot of different positions. His cock was just six inches long but he knew how to use it, and I never felt cheated. He would play with my clit during intercourse and he’d get me off that way. We started meeting at a hotel near his work. During our lunch breaks we would enjoy a quickie, and we would chat during the day using a messenger app. He was married with two kids, loved his wife, and he loved having another woman to spend time with.
Gino was divorced and living alone. He also had two kids but they lived with his wife and only came to his house every other weekend. At nights when I could get out, I would drive over to his house for sex. Sometimes he’d come to my house and we’d have sex on my marital bed. I always got a thrill out of that, knowing that Alex and I slept on that bed. Gino had a large cock, just over eight inches long and very thick. It felt great but sometimes it was almost too much. Still, I’d came hard like a whore from his big cock when we were dating and I was happy to learn that it still did it for me. Actually, it felt better than ever. After having had my son I was a little looser and I really needed a larger man like Gino. Alex had almost been adequate before the baby but now his lack of size really stood out.
But the best thing that happened was when I got a request on social media from an old friend, Markael. He was a stunning black man who had an eye for white women. I’d slept with him a couple of times in college and the sex was the best I’d ever had. He wasn’t a one-woman man, though, and he loved to sew his wild oats. When I saw his request I was flattered and I started talking with him. We met up for sex a dozen times last year and I loved experiencing his big cock. He’s such a great kisser, too, and I love seeing and feeling his dark body against mine.
Alex doesn’t know anything about my other lovers, but the truth is that my number hasn’t climbed. Since I met my husband, I honestly haven’t slept with any new men. We make love about ever two or three weeks and he seems happy with the relationship we have. I think there are a lot of other wives who are doing the same thing as me, enjoying their sexuality without hurting their husbands, and the ones who haven’t are thinking about it. We live in a new world these days with social media and cell phones. You can multi-task and take care of more than one man at a time and there’s really no reason not to.
By Polly Andrea Busch
Copyright 2015 by Polly Andrea Busch. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or any method including (without limitation) electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. This work is a work of fiction. All characters in the work are fictitious and any similarity to any other person, living or dead, real or fictional, is purely coincidental. All characters in this publication are twenty-one years of age or older. All rights reserved.
* * *
“Riley, you need to break it off with Stan,” my mother said. “It’s not fair to Logan.”
For years, I’d had an on-again-off-again relationship with Stan, a lead singer in a local band that’s trying to make it big. I met Stan when his band was playing at a fair downtown. He saw me in the crowd and when they were done playing, he invited me to join him for a drink. There was real chemistry there and I felt a strong connection to him, and the sex was amazing. But he never had any money because he was always waiting tables during the day and playing at night. We fought all the time about priorities. The makeup sex was great but I just couldn’t see how I could have a family with him.
Then I met Logan. He was everything that Stan was not – steady, supportive, a good listener and good provider. I didn’t feel that intense connection with him, though, and while I was dating him I was still occasionally seeing Stan on the side. Logan knew about it and he accepted it. In fact, sometimes he would drive me to Stan’s house for my dates or he’d pick me up in the morning. He’s such a great guy!
The sex with Logan wasn’t bad. He was an attentive lover and always worked to make sure that I reached an orgasm. He couldn’t do it with his penis, which was less than five inches long and not very thick – about the same size as one of Stan’s thumbs – but he enjoyed cunnilingus and could get me off that way. Putting his penis aside, I just didn’t feel the strong attraction, excitement or sexual chemistry that I felt with Stan. With Logan, sex was almost a chore, more about a personal connection than a physical experience, but sex with Logan was incredible and a privilege.
As time went on, though, I just couldn’t decide between them. Logan had everything that Stan was missing, but Stan was strong in every area where Logan was weak. Logan and I were talking about marriage, and my friends (and my mother) all suggested that I dump Stan. But I really loved Stan and it just didn’t seem right to throw away the amazing relationship we had. I wasn’t sure if his group would ever hit it big and I knew he wasn’t faithful to me, but we had something very special between us that you only find once in a lifetime.
Happily, I met Lucy Anne. She’s an Episcopal priest at a church a few towns over. I met her at a friend’s party and I explained my dilemma to her. She listened carefully and gave me some amazing advice.
“You don’t have to choose,” Reverend Lucy Anne said. “You can marry both of them.”
I was dumbstruck. “Isn’t that illegal?”
“It wouldn’t be a legal marriage,” she said. “But you can have a ceremony in our church. We’re very progressive and we support non-
traditional choices. If the three of you have a relationship that works for you, and you are all consenting adults, we will support your choice.”
I realized that she was right. When I ran the idea by Stan, he thought it was a great idea. Logan was a little uncertain and probably hurt. He’d thought I would break it off with Stan but he was mature about it and realized that it was what I needed.
We had a beautiful ceremony. On paper, I became Logan’s wife but the ceremony said that the three of us were becoming a family. My father walked me down the aisle and gave me away to my two husbands, Logan and Stan. There were some friends and family who didn’t attend but honestly I didn’t care. It was the start of a new life for us. On the honeymoon, I got a room for each guy and I went back and forth, making love to each man.
We’re now one big happy family. Logan and I share a bedroom together, and Stan has a room in the basement. I have two boys now, both fathered by Stan but raised by Logan as his children. I’m planning on having a baby by Logan, too, but first Stan wants to try for a girl. Logan hates condoms but he understands why he has to do it until we have a girl.
I spend most of my time with Logan and the boys upstairs. Stan practices downstairs in the basement, which we’ve soundproofed, and he’s still working on becoming famous. We fight a lot but, like I said, the makeup sex is amazing. He comes upstairs for sex about four times a week, and I still sleep with Logan once or twice a week as well. I think all of our needs are being met. I know Stan sleeps with groupies and other girls that he meets when he’s working, but our relationship is special and I’m the mother of his children.
MY INSATIABLE WIFE: a sweet cuckold romance Page 75