“One more for the road, ‘friend’?” He smiled back, knowing what she meant. He leaned over and gave her a sweet but innocent kiss on the lips.
I asked her if she felt sad about it not going anywhere since they both felt such a strong attraction. She admitted that it was a disappointing feeling, but she knew it was the right thing to do and that made her feel good. I was tempted to tell her she shouldn't feel disappointed, she should go with what felt good and right for herself but I didn't. So then she related how everything went along normal and as planned for a while. They fell into a comfortable routine of flirty and friendly behavior, like it had always been before.
Then she started acting a little nervous again. She stood up, leaned back against the railing of the deck and faced me. “I need to tell you something else. Something I feel really bad about.”
“Jeez,” I thought. “What the hell could this be?” I mean, she already knows I'm turned on by all this what could be so bad.
I sat back. “Okay.”
“Promise me you won't be mad?”
“Okay, I promise.”
“Someone else knows about all this.”
“Really?” I was stunned. “Who?”
She said she wouldn't tell me but said it was a friend of hers from work. Not at my company, but the hair salon.
I wasn’t mad but I was shocked. I still am, a little. Shocked and a little excited, too. Why? How the hell should I know.
“Please tell me who it is. And what exactly does this person know?”
She apologized for telling somebody else and said she’d explain it but she didn't feel comfortable telling me who because it may change how I act towards that person and she doesn't want that.
I gave up on knowing who it was but asked if she’d please tell me what the person knew. She said one of her friends from the salon had gone out to lunch with her and Darryl once. He’d stopped by to take her out to lunch and the friend sort of invited herself along. She said when it was over the friend had joked with her about how she and my boss flirted with each other and were obviously very attracted to each other. Samantha said this was after she and Darryl had had their discussion, so they were just being their normal selves. She explained to her friend they are just that way and it's harmless and innocent. The friend wasn't buying it, though, and kept teasing her about it every day. It got to where it was this inside joke between them sort of. The friend would call her a little slut, saying she was sleeping with her husband’s boss and stuff – just playful "girlfriend" teasing. Samantha got used to it and admits she sort of played it up after a while, joking back like she was "busted" or something. After a while Samantha had a real talk with the friend and explained how everything had happened.
The friend (and this is why Samantha didn't want to tell me who it is) sort of encouraged her to go with the flow so to speak and taste the forbidden fruit. She said her friend thought my boss was super hot and since they both felt it, why not see what it would be like? Samantha told her she can't do that and it wouldn't be right. The friend didn't keep pushing it on her or anything but does on occasion still tease her and make jokes and insinuate things.
I shook my head. “Oh my God,” was all I could say. My wife was very concerned I was hurt or mad about this but I convinced her I wasn't. I just said it was shocking to think someone else knows and encouraged her to cheat on me. She swears her friend is a good girl, just a little wild and doesn't view things like the average person.
“A slut, in other words?" I joked.
She smiled. "Yeah, she's a little slutty, but sweet." We both laughed.
I told her I must be crazy or something, but this new revelation turned me on too. Now it was her turn to act shocked.
“Really? Why?”
“If you can figure it out, please explain it to me because I don't understand it either."
“I know, I'm something else, aren't I?” Then I stood up and showed her the tent I'd been hiding in my underwear. It was dark outside so she hadn't noticed my hard on all this time. “See what all this is doing to me?"
She giggled. “Wow,” she said again. She reached out and touched the tip of my covered penis with her finger tip. She sort of pushed at it to see how hard it was. I nervously asked if she thought I was a weirdo or anything for being turned on by that.
“You're not a weirdo, honey, just a little out there." She smiled at me when she said that making me feel more at ease over the admission.
I then took a step forward and wrapped my arms around her. “Is there anything I can do to convince you to take care of this thing for me?" I was looking down between us at my tent while I said it.
She smiled sexily at me, reached down and took hold of my covered cock and squeezed it. She then smiled again and said, "Maybe I can be convinced to do a little something." She took hold of my cock and sort of pulled me by it. “Come on, let's go back inside."
We went upstairs and to the bedroom. In the flick of a switch it seemed like she’d gone from dark and serious to sexy and teasing. With all of her revelations, I had only one thing on my mind and that was getting her naked and eating that beautiful pussy out! As she walked up the steps to our bedroom, with me trailing closely behind, I watched her beautiful ass swaying back and forth and imagined this is what my boss would be seeing one day. She walked into the bedroom and before she could turn to face me, I scooped her up and sort of threw her face down on the bed. She giggled from the surprise attack. In an instant I was on top of her grinding against her ass and kissing the back of her neck.
She starting moaning from my actions. She had clearly become turned on herself. Damn, I was so hot from everything, never hornier, ever! I’d pushed her hair away and was kissing and sucking all over her neck. I whispered in her ear that she was the hottest woman on earth. She seemed to love this and she moaned her appreciation. I sat back sort of straddling her legs and started pulling her shirt off. She raised her arms over her head to allow the shirt to come off. I stood up and forcefully grabbed her legs and flipped her over. I was overcome with lust and my animal side was coming out. She giggled again seeing and feeling the state I was, the state she put me in. Must be a powerful feeling for a woman knowing she can cause this sort of reaction in a man. I undid her jeans and pulled them off her legs hard. Now she was in only a bra and panties. Not dressed up for seduction like the previous night, just a plain set of bra and panties but she looked hotter than ever to me. I'm taking in the sight of this woman, my wife, knowing she has confessed a desire for my boss. She has kissed him and kissed him with passion. She had become more a Goddess now to me than ever before. Hard to explain but just knowing she had shared a little intimacy with him, french kissed him, it drove me wild.
I reached out and touched her parted lips with my fingers. Sort of sticking a couple fingers in her mouth. Not deep, just playing with her puffy, soft lips. She looked so sexy. I started squeezing her tit with my other hand and kept looking at and playing with her lips. Seriously I was a little bit in a fog at this point, lust truly clouding my mind. I said something, not exactly sure at the exact words but something about her kissing him. She moaned through my fingers. I said something else about these lips were on his.
She nodded. “Mmmm hmmm.”
I was overcome with it all. I hopped up on my knees and scooted her up fully on the bed. I immediately went down on her sliding her panties off at the same time. I dove right in to her pussy. She stretched her legs out wide, as wide as they go and held them open like this. I grabbed her ass with both hands and just covered her whole pussy with my mouth sucking and slurping and licking and devouring. She was wild with lust herself at this point. She loves how I eat her.
The conversation we had was long over now, at least in my mind. I look back and think how I sort of took a leap of faith here and a really big chance. She had started the talk with how she didn't know if what we were doing was very smart. But honestly I wasn't thinking about that anymore. I just kn
ow she had driven me past any good sense and reasoning with her confessions and all I could think of was them together... for REAL!
I continued worshiping her pussy, savoring it and all the different thoughts I was having. She had reached down between her legs, cupping and holding my head from both sides, gently and lovingly encouraging me to keep going, to keep worshiping her. Her whimpers and moans all I could hear. Well I could also hear the voice inside my head telling me what I needed to do and say. I was looking up over her belly and tits, watching her face. Knowing what I wanted to say to her, wanting to see her reaction.
I slowly slipped a finger inside her then two. I began working them very slow and deliberately in and out of her all the while still sucking and licking on her clit. Finally I spoke...
“I want you to tell me something. No thinking about it, just answer. Okay?"
"Um, okay. "
I kept sucking and licking and probing in and out with my fingers. She was so damn creamy and tasted delicious. I am so in love with this woman's pussy!
"Samantha, baby, you want my boss, don't you?"
She moaned out immediately when I asked it! But she didn't answer.
"I said no thinking. Just answer truthfully."
"Um, okay."
"Do you want him?"
She answered very quietly, almost in a whisper.
She did it, she admitted she wants him!
"Baby, tell me."
I don't think she was teasing me or trying to drag it out. She really looked and seemed over come by lust herself. I was looking up and her face was contorted and her mouth was open wide. She was in the grip of an impending intense orgasm.
“What?" she asked.
"Tell me, tell me you want him!"
"I want him!"
"Tell me again,” I asked. “Say it. Please!"
She pulled my face in harder, letting me know to start sucking harder.
"I want him... I want Darryl!"
Oh my God, I almost died and went to Heaven! I was almost delirious with passion and lust for her now. I pushed her ass up higher and immediately drove my tongue into her ass hole...Deep! She cried out and started shaking and had what seemed like a huge orgasm. She gripped my head by the hair and started grinding her ass against my face. She raised her own ass up now and looked down at me, pulling me by the hair and feeding her ass to me. Unreal hotness, I tell you!
She almost hissed it at me, “Eat it!”
I just sunk my tongue in deeper, probing her insides with it. She was going wild now. Just grinding her ass on my face and pulling my hair very hard, almost painfully.
I pulled away again and asked her, “You wanna fuck him, don't you?"
Through glazed eyes and gritted teeth she answered. “Right now, I want your dick in me!"
Not the answer I was hoping for but I sure wasn’t complaining. I planted another juicy lip kiss on her hole and then rose up on top of her. She grabbed me around the back and pulled me to her. I stuck my tongue in her mouth right as I entered her pussy. She was literally gushing wet, and very hot!
I seemed to have a little more stamina than usual. I am assuming that was due to cumming three times the night before and maybe because it was so late and I was physically tired. It was just a strange mix of elements because with what all was being said and done I should have already exploded a long time before. I found a slow but hard fucking rhythm that she seemed to enjoy. I knew if I went too fast, I would cum, and I didn't want that. Not yet.
After a minute or so I asked her again. There was no way I could resist.
"You want to fuck him, don't you?"
"You aren't just saying that for me, are you? You really want to?"
"Yes,” she moaned. “I really want to fuck him."
Looking down at her she looked so hot, so sexy. What she was admitting is my all-time greatest fantasy and I loved it. She looked hotter and sexier than ever in her life. She was admitting she wants to fuck my boss and I believed her. I fucking believed her!
"Are you gonna do it?"
"You want me too?"
"You know I do. If you want to, that is."
"Ok,” she moaned. “I'm gonna do it."
"Oh my God."
"Fuck me harder baby!"
"If I do I'm gonna cum."
"That's okay, just fuck me hard...please, baby!"
Damn, I wanted this to continue all night but I had to give her what she wanted. I had to pick up the pace and end this thing. Damn it! I started pounding away with everything I had, which probably wasn't much at this point. I was so charged up mentally but felt my body couldn't keep up. I am no tooth pick in the dick department but I'm not a horse either. I'm a hair under six inches, maybe more when rested and super turned on, but a hair under 6 normally. I was giving it all to her though and she seemed to be loving it.
"When are you gonna do it?"
"I don't know...soon."
"You want me to, right?"
"Oh baby, you have no idea!"
"Then soon."
I was nearing my climax. I wanted to hear more as I came.
"Sam, tell me one more time you're gonna fuck him, please!"
I started pumping away with everything I had, getting closer and closer...
"I'm gonna fuck your boss, baby. I'm gonna fuck him very soon!"
"Oh fuuuck, more...."
"Does he want you too?"
"Mmmm hmmm," she replied.
"My boss wants to fuck you?"
"Yes, He wants to fuck me!"
“You’re going to fuck him?”
"We're gonna fuck, Brayden, you know that now. Your boss is gonna fuck your wife!"
"Oh shit, I'm cumming!!"
"He's gonna fuck me so good. So good with that big cock, I can't wait!"
"Yeeeessssss...I'm cumming!!!"
Now as a finish she cried out, but she surprised me by using my boss's name when she did it...
"Fuck me Darryl, cum in meeeee!"
I blew everything I had. Not much after the previous night but just as satisfying I think. I came so fucking hard. What an awesome awesome experience! I collapsed on her, sweaty and blown...completely!
We laid there her finger tips sliding along my back, caressing me, tickling at my skin with her nails. I felt so drained and so in love. I looked over at her, she smiled at me, sweetly, sincerely, I kissed her beautiful mouth. She pulled me to her tightly, and kissed me back fully.
We laid there and recovered before speaking. I hate to keep saying it but I was exhausted by this point and I'm sure she was too. But my mind was still racing with everything. There was so much still to be found out and asked about, as far as I was concerned. But I knew neither of us had the energy to get into everything.
After I recovered I quietly asked her, “Was it as good for you as it was for me?”
“It was great.”
“Did you mean everything you said?”
“Yes, I did. If that’s what you really want.”
I rolled over and put my hand on her belly and caressed her. I told her I knew I wanted it to happen. She placed her hand on top of mine and held it in place and squeezed it. She admitted she wanted it, too. It’s such a weird feeling to be so turned on but lacking any remaining energy to do anything about it. I leaned over and gave her a kiss. I told her she was everything to me and I hoped she would always love me, too.
She kissed me back. “You have nothing to worry about. I will always love you more than anything.”
There was a pause in the talking while I contemplated everything. Finally I asked her when she thought she may be with him, if she had a plan or anything. She was clearly very tired when she answered, almost drifting off. She said she wasn’t sure. Then she added that she wanted it to be natural and sponta
neous, not forced or anything. I told her I understood that completely and wanted it that way, too. I talked some more about that but nothing really important. Just randomness on the fun of spontaneity and stuff but honestly I think she was half asleep and didn't hear me. After a while I sort of shook her and asked if she was awake. She lied and said, “Mmmm hmmm.” I laughed and said, "Okay, I'll let you sleep." I leaned over kissed her again and fell right to sleep myself.
Ever since that Friday night we’ve been very "hands on" with each other. Almost like the early stages of a relationship where every little thing turns you on and you just got to kiss them or touch them, you know? It's been awesome. Every time I look at her face now I sort of stare at her and imagine her kissing him. Watching her talk, seeing her lips move, imagining them planted firmly on his. Seeing her tongue at times doing various things, just getting a glimpse while she's talking or eating an ice cream cone or sticking it out at me playfully, whatever. It's all so sexual now. I see that tongue and know it's been in my boss's mouth, twirling around his. Damn, it turns me on. Listen, I wanted sex to happen with them and I wanted it bad. But if it stopped right then and I was left with just the fact that they’d shared passionate kisses, well it's a huge turn on to me by itself. Would it grow old eventually and I would want more? I'm sure I would. But right now knowing they shared intimate and sexual type kisses, well it's been great!
Wednesday she texted me at work and told me "Her date cancelled on her." I don't still have those messages now because they weren't that special but she said something like "I'm getting stood up on Thursday." I texted back, “What do you mean?" Darryl had to cancel dance because of a work obligation. I was let down and I’m sure she was, too, even more so – she really loves those dance nights. But we went to dinner, had some drinks, and spent good quality time together. It was very nice.
On the way home from dinner she brought up the fact that she never told me about the third kiss.
“Oh, I thought you did?”
She said no, we got off track with the "friend knowing" thing and she never got to the third passionate kiss. I guess I had thought the little "last kiss" was the other one. Nope.
MY INSATIABLE WIFE: a sweet cuckold romance Page 157