“Mmmm hmmm,” I replied.
“Good, because he did.” She actually reached down with her own hand and touched her pussy through the panties. She sort of rubbed herself briefly and made a little moan herself. She said he stopped squeezing her tit and slowly slid his hand down her front, and all the while they kept kissing. When his hand reached the front of her miniskirt, she parted her legs wider to give him access. Her hands were wrapped around his neck and she was pulling him hard into her. He broke away for a second and was looking down like he was debating whether to do it. She pulled his face back to hers and stuck her tongue back in his mouth, moaning and giving her approval. He slowly reached under her mini and started rubbing her through the cotton material. She said she was already very wet inside from the first moment they kissed, but now she almost felt like she was going to cum. As he rubbed her harder, she started moving her hips slightly back and forth, trying to ride his fingers. She started sucking softly on his tongue and he seemed to really like it. Samantha wasn't sure how long that lasted but before long he slipped his fingers past the thin material and stuck a finger inside her. His finger felt huge – he’s much larger than me, after all - and she feels like she had a mini orgasm right then.
He’d only fingered her for just a minute or two before she broke away for a breather. Samantha was nearing a point of no return where she’d have to have sex, and she wasn't sure it was the right time. They silently stared at each other she said, contemplating what was next. They slowly started kissing again and this time she was feeling his body. He was holding her tight against him and she could feel him poking her in the stomach.
“Did it feel big?” I asked breathlessly.
“Mmmm hmmm,” she purred. “Very big.”
“Did you touch it?”
“No, not then.” But he kept pushing it into her and sort of squatted down lower and rubbed into her, crotch to crotch. They made out like this a little while. Her mind was racing and she was as turned on as any time in her whole life. “I wanted to fuck him so bad, I can't even tell you how bad I wanted it!”
Her admitting that to me was all I could take. I actually squirted in my pants, no lie. That's the first time I have ever came without touching myself or being touched. I've read about it, wondered how hot a man must get for that to happen, and now I know. It takes my hot little wife telling me how bad she wants my boss's big cock, and then I can cum without physical touching. Awesome! When I say I came, I did but not like a full-on orgasm – it was just a quick squirt of cum released. Still hot but not a full cumming.
She could tell it happened, though, and giggled. I felt embarrassed. “Sorry,” I said.
She smiled playfully at me. “Don’t be sorry, I’m glad. That's what was supposed to happen.”
I smiled sheepishly. "Well, it did."
“Do you want to hear the rest or did you lose the mood?”
“What do you think?”
She giggled. “You never lost the mood.”
I agreed she was right and she continued on. She said at some point it dawned on her how long they’d been away and what others might be thinking. She reluctantly broke away from their kiss and said they’d better get back.
He didn't seem to want to let her go but she patted him on the chest and told him they had to. “People at the party will be wondering what’s up,” she said.
“Yeah, you’re right,” Darryl said.
She looked up and kissed him again but this time just kiss on the lips. She said she smiled and reached down and for the first time felt his cock through his pants.
“I’ll take care of this another time for you,” she said.
Darryl smiled. “I sure hope so.”
She giggled. “Don’t you worry, mister, I will.”
I felt like I was going to cum all over again. Samantha smiled at me. “Darryl’s cock really is quite big.”
“I told you,” I replied, laughing.
They let go of each other, she straightened herself up and said she'd head back first. Before she left he pulled her tight one more time and kissed her hard on the lips. She kissed him back one last time and then broke away. She smiled again at him as she headed out the door and came back to the party.
When Thursday night arrived, I was a walking ball of anxiety. I'm not even going to try and describe those emotions, those who've been there know, those that haven't can only imagine. It wasn't all unpleasant or anything, just nerve racking I guess – a nervous excitement that probably can't be matched with any other type activity. I wasn't feeling scared of losing my Samantha to another man or anything like that. But there was a definite fearful type feeling mixed in these emotions as well. Why a fearful feeling? I don't know because this was a scenario I had dreamed about and wanted badly for a long time. I was getting what I wanted and felt extremely happy about it, and happy for Samantha, too. And I know that, as bad as I wanted it, she wanted it just as badly in her own way. I can tell from how she's acted and responded to all this. It was a huge step for her, and one that she’s probably thought about longer than I even know.
I’m not sure now what time I got in bed but it was before 1 am, I'm sure. I had already masturbated three times that night and I was dead tired. I was actually able to fall asleep, something that really surprises me looking back on it.
So Samantha arrives home and makes it to our room at 1:38 in the morning. She actually woke me up when she tossed her purse on the dresser causing a fairly loud noise startling me awake. I immediately looked over at the clock and then back to her. She smiled sweetly and said she was sorry for waking me.
"Are you kidding me?" I said with a laugh.
She smiled again and turned on the bed side light as she sat down beside me. She didn't look all a mess, with tussled hair and smeared lipstick. Her clothes weren't hanging off her or anything. She looked tired, but everything still in place and beautiful. That shouldn't have been a surprise because if you know Samantha she never leaves the house without looking her best (well, most times anyways). The point is she didn't look like a woman who just spent the last four or five hours fucking her brains out. She just looked like Samantha.
She reached over and touched my face then my hair. She ran her fingers through my hair and asked if I'd been asleep long. I told her I thought I'd probably just fallen asleep and was really surprised I had. She giggled a little and said it surprised her too. She thought I'd be waiting by the door or something when she got home. I said I'm sorry and I would have if I knew she wanted that and she just leaned down and gave me a kiss on the forehead saying it's okay, she didn't mind I was sleeping. I reached over wrapping an arm around her waist and pulled her down for a kiss. She kissed me back but then pulled away saying she needed to get out of these clothes, to give her a minute.
I watched silently as she undressed. The room was mostly dark and the only light was coming from beside me from the bedside lamp. I could still see enough to see how sexy she looked. She had worn another new dress, a black and slinky number.
I saw the heels she’d already kicked off before I woke up apparently, strappy things with at least a four-inch heels on them, sexy looking. Samantha and I are almost the same height, so she never wears heels when we go out together. Not many women like to stand taller than their man, so she doesn't wear them with me most times. However, with my boss that's not a problem. He’s 6'3 so she can wear her heels proudly without worry of looking awkward. That’s another reason why I know she likes going out with him, she loves wearing heels and looking sexy while wearing them (all women look sexier in heels). Anyway, she had on matching black bra and french cut panties and black stockings with a lacy type top on them, very hot. I just can't describe her and do her justice. She looks so good and even more so when she's dressed like this.
She went into the bathroom and shut the door. I could hear her peeing and then running the water for a few minutes, I guess brushing her teeth. When she came out she was topless and now was only wearing her panties. I watc
hed her beautiful titties slightly jiggle as she walked over to her closet and found a t-shirt to put on. Believe it or not, I wasn't thinking about sex or anything at this moment. I looked back on this and thought I probably, normally would have felt a real pang of disappointment seeing her slip on a t-shirt because that's a clear sign usually that sex isn't on the agenda for the evening. All the times I thought about this night happening I never imagined it happening without sex at the end of it with me and her. But now here she was getting dressed for sleep, and here I was not even feeling disappointment about it. It was my fault, really, having masturbated so much. I just had cum waaaay too much that night already and the night before and the night before that. I can be a horny man all day and night, but I still only have so much cum in the tank so to speak. Next time I will let it simmer and build for such a moment.
Once she put her t-shirt, she slipped in bed beside me and immediately snuggled in close. I turned to face her and wrapped my arms around her tight. She nuzzled into my neck and whispered, "You okay if we only snuggle tonight?" I told her it was fine. She kissed my neck in return to show she was thankful I guess.
You can all imagine the questions I had floating around in my head. But I wanted to play it cool and not push too hard. I knew she knew what I wanted and would surely give me details when she felt it was right. But still I had to ask a little. I started by asking how was her night. She was very tired and I could tell by her short, non-playful type answer. She just said it was very nice. I asked if she had a nice dance class and she yawned very big and said they skipped dance class tonight and just went to dinner instead.
“Oh, I see.” By now I already knew. I looked back on it and feel I knew from the first minute I saw her that night, standing across the room smiling at me. I hugged her tighter to me and asked if everything went like she thought it would.
I could hear her smile when she answered. You know how you can actually hear someone smiling? I could hear her smile as her face was down near my neck and I couldn't see her face. “It was a very nice evening,” she said.
Even though I knew and I wasn't trying to get all worked up and get in her pants or anything I really felt a need to hear her say the words. It was sexual for me obviously but not a thing of trying to get off either. I just needed it. I needed to hear it from her mouth.
I kissed her on the head and whispered in her ear, "Did you have sex, honey? Did you two have sex?"
“Yes, baby, we had sex."
"Was it as good as you thought it'd be?"
“Mmmm hmmm, it was very good."
"So you're happy then?"
"Mmmm, very happy. Are you?"
She was speaking in a very quiet, soothing way. Almost like she was working on falling asleep but relishing the memory of what she was telling me, too.
"Yes, I'm very happy,” I said. “I'm happy you're happy."
"Good, because I am."
I caressed her back and took in her scent. Her sweet scent now mixed with his. I could smell him on her, in her hair. The scent was faint but it was his. I could smell my boss on my wife. The feeling was very powerful for me. He had taken my wife, his scent sort of marking his territory I felt. She yawned again and this time spoke first.
"Baby would you be mad at me if I fell asleep?"
"No, of course not, I know you're tired."
I almost felt like I was about to drift off myself, even with all the thoughts running through my mind.
“I promise to tell you everything tomorrow,” she purred. “I'm just sooo tired right now."
"I understand, you fall asleep now."
"Thank you baby, I love you."
"I love you too, Sam."
She yawned one more time and seemed to immediately fall asleep. Within a minute she was softly snoring into my neck. I followed right after I think.
The next morning, before noon, she told me everything that happened while we made love. They decided to skip dance class and just have dinner. She says it was her idea to do so and she texted him earlier in the day and asked if that was okay with him. They both knew what was going to happen that night. The little scene in his kitchen the previous weekend all but confirmed it. She says the actual possibility of sex was not discussed, but they both knew. The final barrier had been crossed, it was only a matter of time for them, and with Thursday's date hanging in the air it was a very real feeling they both shared. It was going to happen.
So they went to dinner and she says it felt different. She always felt something magical when they went out together, but this time it just felt different, more exciting than normal. She says every time they made eye contact it felt electric. For her part she says she was literally wet from the time they first met up until that night. The anticipation for her was extreme. This is something she’d fantasized about quite a bit and it had her on pins and needles with excitement. She says he looked more handsome than usual to her, but knows it was probably just her state of mind. She was a woman on a mission and that mission was getting accomplished shortly.
During dinner nothing was said about anything from the cookout or what either of them hoped was going to happen. I was not brought up by either of them. She says she did think of me often at first but as the dinner date went on she sort of put me in the back of her mind. She was getting lost in the moment I guess. They met each other at the restaurant that night so they both had cars there. She says he walked her to her car (still nothing had been said or planned). They stood chatting by her car for a little while and finally he leaned down and gave her a small but sweet kiss. She said the place was packed and lots of traffic was all around so they weren't going to make out right there. He asked her if she would like to come back to his place for a drink and she happily accepted his offer. She followed him home in her car.
Once there she says they sat on his couch talking for a while. Darryl had gotten them some wine and she says the mood and feeling was very romantic. It didn't take long before they were locked into a very passionate kiss that continued to grow in its intensity the longer it lasted. She told me she had a small but powerful orgasm while just kissing there, fully clothed and not even being touched down there. Her level of "turned on" was the highest it had ever been, she said. A lot of what I'm telling you was sugar coated for my ears at first but the more digging and prodding I did, I would get the truth finally. I think at first, even though she knew how turned on I was, she still feared hurting my pride or feelings with some of this.
They ended up laying down on the couch and making out for a while. All the stuff you can imagine, tits being sucked, fingers in places fingers sometimes will go. Typical make out session. I asked why they didn't just head straight to the bedroom and she just said it was a spontaneous thing. Lust took over for them and walking somewhere else wasn't in the cards right then. Eventually they did head to his room, both half-dressed by that point. They actually kissed and groped all the way there she says.
Once in bed, he was inside her in seconds. She was gushing wet already and didn't need any further foreplay. She said that first fuck was so hard and intense it didn't last long at all. She guessed maybe five minutes at best. It was just a long time coming for both of them and also he hadn't been with anyone in a good while so he didn't have much in the way of stamina that first time. She had an orgasm right away, as soon as he entered her. She’d already stroked him and held him in her hand by this point but she said it still was a slight shock when he entered her. He felt huge, so thick.
“It was awesome,” she said. “But it still took some time getting used to it.” There was no feeling around and going slow period. It was fast, hard and to the point for both of them. It goes without saying, he came in her that first time, and every time since. She was protected and he knew it, so condoms were never discussed.
They laid there not talking for a while after. He rolled off her after and they both just laid there staring up at the ceiling, catching their breath. She said she thought of me at this point and wondered what I
would think when I found out it really happened. Would I think of her as a slut now? Would I be sorry? Would I be turned on still? Lots of thoughts, she said.
Her thoughts were interrupted when he apologized for being so fast. She of course assured him it was ok and understandable. She told him it was fantastic and rolled over draping a leg across him and caressing his chest. They talked a little then. He gave his excuse of how long it had been and all that jazz, how amazing he thought she was, and it’d been a dream to do that for a long, long time. She said she felt so flattered hearing him tell her that. They had already discussed this stuff sort of when they admitted their feelings for each other and decided not to pursue them, but now that they had, it felt good hearing it again. She returned his feelings telling him she felt the same way and how wonderful it felt to finally do something about them.
They caressed, kissed and chatted. She didn't look at the clock but guessed they probably did this for close to an hour or so. She ended up getting up and going to get some water for the both of them. When she returned he was coming out of the bathroom and she got her first look at his cock in all its glory. She had had him inside her now and held it and squeezed it and pulled on it and all that, but never just got a good look at it. She sort of stopped dead in her tracks and watched as it bobbed around as he walked toward the bed.
He noticed her looking. “What’s up with that big grin?”
She giggled. “It's so big.”
He gave a little laugh and told her he was glad she thought so. They got back in bed and before long were kissing again. She took hold of his cock and played with it some more, causing it to grow in her hand. She was on her side facing him and he was on his back. She was just stroking him very slowly and kissing him. When it was fully hard she broke away and looked down at him saying, "Yeah, I definitely know so," and giggled.
MY INSATIABLE WIFE: a sweet cuckold romance Page 159