By Polly Andrea Busch
Copyright 2016 by Polly Andrea Busch. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or any method including (without limitation) electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. This work is a work of fiction. All characters in the work are fictitious and any similarity to any other person, living or dead, real or fictional, is purely coincidental. All characters in this publication are twenty-one years of age or older. All rights reserved.
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My name is Tom and my wife’s name is Nicole. We’re both 40 years old. The story behind Nicole’s adventures is pretty common, in that I urged her to at least consider the idea of finding a guy to take care of her physical needs better than I can. We’re both frustrated that my penis isn’t large enough to satisfy her. When I realized that she was faking it and my penis just wasn’t enough to get the job done, I started to work really hard (so to speak) on my skills with a tongue and my fingers. Both of us are convinced that I’m pretty damned good at giving her orgasms with my fingers and tongue. During foreplay now and then, I'd suggest that she should find a stud to properly take care of her the way I couldn't.
For a bunch of years, before and after that expression of mine, she was all "Hell, NO!" But then a year ago I met this guy Mike, and I had him come to the house to give Nicole a massage for Valentine's Day. Nothing sexual of any type happened then. But Nicole mentioned to her friends that "this really hot guy" had visited, so I was tipped off that he might be a candidate for her.
Sometime in the past three or four months she started thinking that maybe I was right, that a stud would work for her. Her biggest objection, after her self-image, was that I couldn't take the hurt. And then, lo and behold, one day I got an email from her. She wanted me to proofread it before she sent it to Mike. It invited him to begin getting intimate with her! I was shocked that she was up to this, and that I was finally was getting what I wanted from her. She invited him to our house one evening that I'd be at an evening meeting, and they, indeed, did get it on. They had sex in lots of positions, oral sex, and even the discussion about hard rules. (Nicole said no anal, among other things.) Mike was gone when I got home, but she was about as excited as I've seen her in way too long. Upon my arrival I said that now that it's official - you really are a hotwife - and I gave her a hotwife pendant on a nice short gold chain. The short chain is so it stays in full view and isn't covered by her clothes or lost in her magnificent cleavage.
Nicole and Mike set up a visit for last Friday. Unfortunately it fell through thanks to a gig he was to play out of town that evening. He sent a text saying that he'd make it up "big time,” and she's just left here on the way to his house. She even dressed well for such a thing, wearing a t-shirt that I gave her a while back saying "Nice Rack." Months ago she wouldn't have worn that when she goes to Wal-Mart, but now it’s fine. She's going to visit her daughter and her new baby after her hookup with Mike, so she ought to be wound up pretty well, and wearing the shirt. I'm giving her another shirt tonight: “I (heart) Cock.” It shows a rooster but we all know what it means. Let's see if she wears that in public.
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Sure enough, Nicole has taken to the hotwife life really well -- and full of excitement. She has a lot of Interesting things going on besides the sex, too.
For instance, when Mike, her first (and only up to now) fuck buddy sent a text saying when the next time might be, he included the phrase "once or twice a month" would be enough. Nicole almost immediately said that that wouldn't be enough for her. She needs more than that. (Mind you, two months ago she was continuing her years-long refusal to even talk about bringing in a guy to give her the physical pleasures that I wasn't capable of delivering.) Anyway, when she said that twice a month wouldn't be enough, I right away told her to start looking for someone new, whether to replace Mike (if he dropped out or just didn't get with her enough). She did start looking. That night, or the next day, she came home from work and told me about this guy that she’d seen at her job and how he'd probably fit the bill -- except that he's quite a bit younger and has a live-in girlfriend, and she doesn't want to upset his relationship. I suggested that she continue - and see if she can, without prejudice, encourage him to see her as an available hotwife. That’s all I’ve heard so far about him.
Last night, on the way home from a bar where Mike and his band were playing, she mentioned another guy that we know. She told me that he's obviously been quite interested in her since they met five or six years ago and she sees him as good-looking and all of that. He's got his own personal baggage and she's hesitant to approach him. But still, she's talking about expanding her horizons. The funny thing about this last guy is that she often gives him a ride to and from his job. She mentioned to me how they had never done ANYTHING that might be out of line. She said this out of the blue, so to speak, as if she was reading my mind. I admit that I used to have those issues about him, but not in the recent year or so. But she was thinking about him and me in the same mindset. She's on the way to fetch him to work right now, and I'll hear later what they talked about on the ride.
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Mike is the lead in a three-piece rock and acoustic band, so we often go to one of his gigs. Last night it turned out that it was a birthday party for a guy who was turning 50. So the beer and snacks were free, and we danced some - her lots more than me. She gently hit on a couple of the guys on the dance floor -- and that's something she almost never did in the pre-hotwife days. And as for Mike on the stage? Well, he's trying very hard to keep their liaison on the down low, but when she went up to talk with him after the show ended I noticed that he hugged her at least five times in two or three minutes. Pretty damned close, hot, and heavy hugs. So much for his self-control! And then there's Nicole's control. She had worked until 9 pm that night, so when I picked her up to go to the show, I made sure to clean up the truck and make it look nice and clean, and made sure that the console could fold up and get out of the way. After we'd been inside the bar/restaurant for a while, and were enjoying the music, I sensed that a break was coming up soon, and I told Nicole that she should take Mike out to the truck during the break and give him a quick blowjob.
“No!” she said, like she was shocked at the idea of such an impropriety. “Well, maybe next time. Maybe I’ll tell him what I’m going to do.” (Did I mention that Nicole was positively glowing all evening -- and not just from the free beer and cherry shots. She was a very happy woman -- what a hotwife should be.)
* * *
Well, bummer. Mike has passed up a couple of recent opportunities to get together with Nicole, and while she and I are certainly not giving up on him -- because he's a great fit to her wants and desires -- it's time for us to learn how to find other candidates.
First of all, please understand that we are in a very remote part of the country - so there just plain aren't any real clubs other than bars, and most of those are "working class" - not much at all in the way of even sort of fancy where we might hope to find someone a little more sophisticated. Not that there aren’t sophisticated people who go to the bars -- but I think you know what I mean. And that distance from the rest of the world also makes other ways of searching -- like Ashley and those sites - pretty unlikely to find us someone nearby. We're new at this and don't want to be driving a few hundred miles to find out if a new guy is worth a second look. I'd rather have coffee with him, give him my (and Nicole's) look-over, and then move on to more of him - or someone else.
It’s now been about four weeks since Nicole and Mike first got together (in bed, at least), and they've had only one visit since then. He's a musician that plays mostly locally -- but his schedule is all helter-skelter and it makes it difficult for them to hook up. So ear
lier this week, I prodded Nicole that it was time to start trying to add a guy or three to her stable of men. She tried Craigslist for the first time - I think it was Wednesday. I was at work and she was at home. She sent me links to two guys that appeared to be candidates. I get the pleasure/duty of vetting her guys. One of these didn't care to respond with a photo so he was off the list right away. The other one, Tony, sent a photo that Nicole very much liked, so I started following through. Well, things move faster than Nicole expected, I guess -- because it was later that day that he showed up, at my invitation, to meet me at our store. We chatted for a while - long enough for me to decide that he was okay enough to send to Nicole-on-her-job-at-Lowe's, so I did. She got to take about ten minutes with him there.
Fast forward to today. We're meeting Tony for a sandwich and drink later today. After seeing him for just ten minutes and getting my approval, she's already calling him her "Italian Stallion." It’s amazing, she’s no longer the shy and introverted girl that she was only a couple of months ago. Guys who are waiting and hoping for your wife to make the big decision -- be patient and be supportive and look forward to a hell of a fine ride.
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We went out to a local pizza restaurant to meet the new guy, Tony, for a real social meeting and some food. We'd planned this get-together for a day or two, and had started making the plans for when she might get with him the first time, what she'll tell Mike (her current/first outside lover), and so on. Good discussion, good reassurances from each of us to the other that "I'm cool with it," and so on. We'd gone out for a comedy club last night and she had one too many beers, and Nicole said her tummy just wasn't quite right today and so wasn't going to drink this afternoon, but maybe a beer with supper.
"Do you think that this will turn into a sex night?" she asked.
“Well, yes,” I replied. I'd been thinking about that right along, but she evidently hadn't put much thought to it. “It's up to you, honey."
She nodded. “Maybe I'll have a drink or two after all.” Then he expression changed. “Oh god, I need to shave if I'm going to see him." I offered to help her shave, but she decided to do it herself.
On the way to town, we talked about what was going to happen soon (if not tonight), and we were pretty clear with one another. We told one another the good stuff, like I love you more than anything and nothing will ever change that. I wasn’t really worried about it, but it was nice to hear. I’ve noticed that she's getting a little quicker on pulling the trigger, though -- in that this guy we met first time, on craigslist, just three days ago. It took Mike about two months to get close enough for her to have sex with him.
Later at the pizza place, around eight o'clock, Tony went to the bathroom and Nicole and I had a couple of minutes to talk about her plans for the evening. We got ourselves satisfied that he'd be okay for her.
“Are you going to go with him to his house?” I asked.
“I don’t know,” she said. “We’ll see.”
When he came back and sat down, one of the first things Nicole did was - out of the clear blue for him - say "Tony, if we're going to be intimate, will you be bothered by the fact that this is so open between Tom and me, and you?" Pretty plainly and out in the open and right up front, I’d say!
Around eight thirty, I excused myself from the table and headed for the bathroom, mostly to give them a couple of minutes together without me there. Sure enough, when I got back to the table, she’d reached across the table and was holding his hand. Okay, I thought, this is going well. So I sat down with them.
“Tom,” she asked me, “are you sure you won't mind if I go home with Tony for a while?”
I assured both of them that it was okay by me, as long as he gets her home kind of early tonight. (I wanted my frantic sloppy seconds, of course!) Nicole’s adventures had really revved up our love life, and we were doing it nearly seven days a week. So hell yes, it's okay with me! Look what it's done for you and for us in just a month, I told her.
As I drove home by myself, around a quarter to nine, I saw the clock and wondered if they'd got to his house yet. A few minutes later I saw the time again and wondered if she still had her clothes on. A couple of more minutes passed, and I wondered if she had his cock in her mouth yet. And so on. They've been at his place for about 45 minutes now -- and I expect that by now they have positive carnal knowledge of one another.
I wonder when she'll get home? I wonder what time is "get her home early" time?
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So, to summarize, two months ago my wife was saying “Hell, no, I’d never do that." One month ago, she was like, “Well, I guess I'll give it a try, but remember it was your idea." And now? She meets a guy on Wednesday, and on Saturday she’s fucking him at his house while I sit at home and she's on her own. What's left -- pick up a guy at the bar and do him in the back seat of his car? This is turning into one hell of a fine thing, isn't it?
I'll give you the ten-second story on what happened at Tony’s on Saturday night. She went to Tony’s and they had sex. Nicole had a fine time. As for Tony, it turned out that this was his first time with a woman since his divorce last summer, and he had a rough time of it. The sex was fine, Nicole tells me, and he was kind and courteous and drove her home, but he didn't manage to let down and really enjoy balling. To make it unhappy since then, he hasn't responded to Nicole's (or my) calls or texts other than one to her a couple of days later saying that he couldn't get together after all. Damn. But I guess I'm not terribly surprised. Nicole was bummed, as she’d enjoyed his attentions.
So we’re back to the real world of Nicole, Tom and Mike. Mike's schedule is funky, what with a high school daughter living at home with him and him being a musician that plays gigs three or four or five nights a week. And then his dad visited with them last week and it was Easter vacation from school. So Nicole kept making plans with him and then he'd have to cancel. About the best was when we went to see him play one evening at the Holiday Inn and they spent a minute or two necking, or the time he went to the store where she works to buy some hardware -- and she walked out to the car with him for a bit of parking lot necking. Then a few nights ago she and he had planned a repeat of his first visit to the house -- second Wednesday of the month when I've got a meeting in town. All set, freshly showered and shampooed and shaved.
But then Mike texted to say that his dad was still there and he couldn't get away.
I texted back: "Mike, tell your dad that you're going out to get laid and you'll be back later."
Nope. He cancelled, and Nicole was so frustrated that she spent the evening cursing him and Tony, and drinking wine and venting. She was quite fun when I got back around 9.
So back to waiting for Mike. She's got this Monday off of work, and they've after talked about getting together on her off days. Nicole sent him a text yesterday.
“Mike,” she texted, “how about this Monday? I’ll keep hounding you until you’re balls deep in my hot box.” Subtle text, from my bride who only a few months ago wouldn't have even acknowledged that sex outside the marriage is conceivable much less fun. I didn’t know she knew those words, lol.
His response: “Absolutely! Next Monday is the day!"
So, we're trying to set up a trifecta for Nicole tomorrow. She hasn't heard from Mike since he responded to her "balls deep in my hot box" text (he said that he'd try to make that happen), so we'll assume she'll head for his place. Funny, she has to get there after 10 am or so since he plays music in the evenings and sleeps late. And then she has to get hers and be gone by 2:30 or so, before Mike's daughter gets home from high school. That gives them time for a couple of couplings, but that's it.
And now there's the newest guy, Rob, that we're set to meet in person for the first time tomorrow night. We'll go to a restaurant in town, eat a meal, and then – if Nicole is okay with it – head straight for our house for a tryst with him and her. Since he lives nearly two hours away, he'll need to leave at some reasonable time, and that leav
es me for being her third lover for the day. She's already promised that she won't claim that she’s too tired, sore, fucked out, etc. She’s promised that I’ll get to have the pleasure of sloppy thirds with her before she goes to sleep.
Three guys in one day – heck, three guys in twelve hours! Not bad for a girl who, three months ago, wouldn't think of anything even remotely like that. Sure hope it all works out right….
By Polly Andrea Busch
Copyright 2016 by Polly Andrea Busch. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or any method including (without limitation) electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. This work is a work of fiction. All characters in the work are fictitious and any similarity to any other person, living or dead, real or fictional, is purely coincidental. All characters in this publication are twenty-one years of age or older. All rights reserved.
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I’m Nathan. I’ve been married to my wife Lauren for ten years since leaving the university. We've always had a Christian faith, which has been tested over the years but is still at the core of us both. It's very important to Lauren that she’s a good girl, and she doesn't want to go to Hell. I obviously love and fancy her madly, and I’m definitely the one who keeps pushing the boundaries. My sexy wife plays along with most things but has drawn a few lines in the sand, which she has mainly stuck to. But even those have started to erode over the years!
We've been to naturist beaches when we’re in Europe for as long as we've been together, always at my request. She usually gets bolder as we go through the days of a holiday, usually getting brave enough to walk past people naked by the end of the holiday. Sunbathing naked near people feels normal to her, but walking naked past them feels a bit exposed to her. Over the years I've tried to encourage her to visit a naturist resort with me but she has always said she would never do that.
MY INSATIABLE WIFE: a sweet cuckold romance Page 176