I hadn’t seen Kylie so excited in years. When we made love that night, she seemed especially enthusiastic. She even gave me head, something that she only does on special occasions. (She’s only in the mood about once every week or two, but sometimes she will relent and give me a hand job. A blowjob, though, is a treat.) I was so happy to see her excited.
When Kylie returned home after her interview, she seemed distraught and distant.
“What happened, honey?” I asked. “It didn’t go well?”
“It…” She paused. “It went well, but I can’t take the job.”
“I don’t understand,” I said. “Just tell me what happened.”
“When I met DeTremon at his home, I was just in awe. It’s a real mansion. I’ve never seen a place like that in my life. The ceilings and staircases, it was incredible. And then DeTremon himself – he’s so tall, handsome and sexy. I was totally charmed by him. But as we were talking about the job, he asked some questions about our marriage. Like whether my husband is a jealous man. That I’d need to fly with him to hotels, and that he gets a king sized bed at hotels because he doesn’t like to sleep alone. He said that he has a voracious sexual appetite. He said that in his view, a personal assistant would do everything for him that she would do if she were his wife. Just statement after statement, it became clear that his idea of a personal assistant includes sex. And when he gave me a tour to show me the house, he put his arm around me. At one point he stood behind me, hugging me, and I could feel his huge cock through his pants.”
“Wow,” I said. I felt bad for her, but at the same time I felt my little white penis starting to stir. “What did you do?”
“I didn’t say anything about it. I told him that it was a very tempting offer, but I’m a married woman and I’d need to discuss it with my husband. When we left, he gave me another hug and a kiss on the lips, and he asked me to think about it and give him a call. He mentioned that his last assistant was also married and the job was a great springboard for her career. She now has a job as a television reporter in San Diego.”
“It’s a great opportunity,” I said. “I’ll support you in whatever decision you make.”
“But if I take the job with him, he expects sex.”
“I understand that. You’ll do everything for him that a wife would do for him.”
“You’re okay with that?”
I assured her that I was, as long as she told me all of the details of her adventures and didn’t neglect me in the bedroom. I told her that it might be fun for both of us. As we talked it over, she seemed to get happier and more confident, and finally was downright bubbly. She told me that she was going to accept the job. The next morning she called him and she started the next week. He sent over a package with an outfit for her to wear. It looked just like a Lakers cheerleader outfit, except for shorts instead of a skirt. He said that was for wearing at games but her first day would be at his house, and she would just need to wear something attractive. She chose a sexy little black dress with a matching lacy red bra and panties. I kissed her goodbye that morning and wished her good luck. She said she expected to be home around 6.
That night, I was wondering what was going on. I got a text from her that she would be working late into the night with DeTremon and I shouldn’t wait up for her. I tried to call her but the phone just went to voicemail. I went to bed wondering what the heck was going on. About one in the morning, I heard movement in the bedroom. I reached over and turned on the light. It was Kylie. Her dress and hair was all disheveled, her makeup smeared, and she seemed a little tipsy. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” she said. “I just need to take off my makeup and get ready for bed.”
“Did you have fun on your first day?”
“Lots of fun,” she said with a wicked smile. “I’ll tell you in a minute.”
I was laying there with a rock-hard erection, just thinking about the image of DeTremon Chandler kissing my wife, his big black hands roaming all over her little white body. It seemed like forever, but she came out of the bathroom wearing her nightgown and slipped under the covers.
“You had sex with DeTremon?”
She nodded, putting her arms around me. “It was amazing. I couldn’t believe how big his cock is. I’ve been with some big guys in the past but nothing like him. I almost couldn’t take it, it was so much.”
“You didn’t like it?”
“Oh, I loved it. It was incredible.” She ran a hand over my body. “Yours is good too, though. I think five inches is really nice.” She slipped a hand down to my crotch and started to slowly pump my manhood. I leaned forward and we began kissing. I tried to move on top of her, but she pushed me back.
“Not tonight. I’m not sleeping with two men on the same day. That’s disgusting. Besides, I need to shower and douche. He came inside of me.”
“What?” I couldn’t believe it. We always used condoms for birth control. I slipped a hand down to her pussy and slipped some fingers in. Sure enough, she was totally wet and greasy.
“He’s too big for condoms and he hates them. I was going to ask him to pull out but in the heat of the moment, I guess we just got carried away.” She then got up on her knees and began pumping my cock in earnest. I lay back down and listened while she told me about DeTremon’s incredible sexual prowess, how great a kisser he is and how intense her orgasms were. I was so turned on that I started pumping my hips up and down in her hands, faster and faster. I then pushed up hard and groaned, spilling my seed into Kylie’s fingers. She kept going, running her hands over my raw, sensitive cockhead, and used her fingers to remove every drop of semen from me. Then she went to the bathroom, washed her hands clean, and returned to bed and snuggled with me.
Over the last few months, I’ve had the chance to see Kylie on television many times. She was sitting in the front rows next to celebrities and millionaires. It was great seeing her so happy and confident. She was having sex with DeTremon nearly every day, and she was giving me a hand job three or four times a week while giving me all the dirty details. She loves everything about DeTremon and says he’s the most incredible lover she could ever imagine, bringing her to orgasm over and over. When she’s on the road with him, she calls me at night and tells me about her latest adventures with him, and I masturbate furiously to her sexy stories. I couldn’t be any happier!
By Polly Andrea Busch
Copyright 2016 by Polly Andrea Busch. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or any method including (without limitation) electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. This work is a work of fiction. All characters in the work are fictitious and any similarity to any other person, living or dead, real or fictional, is purely coincidental. All characters in this publication are twenty-one years of age or older. All rights reserved.
* * *
“I just don’t understand, Samuel,” my friend Allison sobbed hysterically into the telephone. “What’s wrong with me? Why do men treat me like this? I just want a man to treat me right.”
It was almost two in the morning and we’d been talking for half an hour. Allison was complaining about her boyfriend Delon. Ever since she was in high school, Allison dated the bad boys. They treated her like trash, cheating on her and often being physically abusive. They’d leave her or she’d be forced to break up with them.
About four years ago, Allison started dating her current boyfriend Delon. He was a tall, athletic, charismatic and cocky black man, and she fell hard for him right away. She put up with his heavy drinking and drug abuse, as well as his violent tendencies, saying he was misunderstood and nobody had ever given him a chance. But she wanted him to be monogamous and he refused. He said that if she wanted to be his girlfriend, it would be
an open relationship.
At first she’d tried to make it work, being faithful to him while he dated freely. She gave him an ultimatum, to give up his other girls or she’d leave him, but when he refused she caved and stayed with him. Finally, hoping to get back at him, she opened an account with an internet dating service.
That’s where I came into the picture. We met on a dating web site. It started off largely platonic, just having coffee or dinner. After six months of dating she finally let me have sex with her. She insisted that I use a condom, as I wasn’t her primary partner. That was fine with me – I was just happy to get the chance to make love to her. The condoms did reduce the sensation and I had trouble feeling much of anything, but I was so excited that I managed to fill the condom in short order. When I was finished, she cried. I asked her what was wrong but she just shook her head and said, “nothing.”
Allison didn’t seem all that interested when we had sex. That surprised me because she’d described the sex with Delon as being incredible. In fact, she said the neighbors would pound on her bedroom wall because she’d moan and groan so loudly. Allison claimed she was trying her best to keep quiet but she couldn’t control it, and they started playing music to cover up the sound. After being with her, I wondered if she’d just been exaggerating.
She held my hand in hers and told me that she’d had other friends like me back in high school, nice guys who were kind and emotionally supportive while she dated her boyfriends. “I never had sex with any of them because the attraction just wasn’t strong enough, and looking back I feel bad about not letting them have anything more. I’m glad that we did this.”
Allison informed Delon that she was dating me to make him jealous. I guess it worked because he slapped her hard, sending her to the ground and leaving a welt on her face. She pointed out that it was an open relationship. “If you’re willing to be monogamous, I’ll end it with Samuel right now.”
Delon said, “Not a chance. I’m not a one-woman man.”
I comforted Allison after that, as I always do. She calls me every day. I ask her about her day and she tells me how she’s feeling, but the one recurring theme is how poorly Delon treats her. I’ve told her many times that I love her and that I’ll treat her the way she deserves to be treated. But Allison always responds that she loves him dearly and wouldn’t ever consider leaving him.
I feel really bad for her. All Allison really wants is a guy who will treat her right, but she just can’t see that I’m the person she’s looking for. She has be relegated to the friends with benefits role, and there aren’t many benefits. She says that she’s really a monogamous person at heart and she doesn’t feel right having sex with more than one man. Although she had sex with Delon four or five times a week, she only allows me to have sex with her about every month or so, often when he’s done something horrible to her or she’s drunk. Even then it’s usually just a handjob, although sometimes he gives me a blowjob or allows me to roll on a condom and penetrate her. She calls me her “emotional friend” but I want to be more than that, to be her lover as well as her friend.
Recently there’s been another problem between Allison and Delon. She found out that she’s pregnant with twins. When she told Delon he went ballistic and again acted violently. He called Allison a slut and said that I’m the father of her babies. We took a prenatal DNA test and it shows that I’m not the father, but Delon refuses to believe the results and refuses to take the test himself. I told Allison that she has nothing to worry about, that I will marry her and raise the children as my own. She almost agreed, but she told me that Delon is the real father and she needs to try and work it out for the sake of their children.
“Listen Allison,” I said, taking her hand. “Any animal can father a child. It takes a real man to be a dad. I want to be the dad of your children. You can put my name on the birth certificate as the father. I’ll help raise them and pay for them. And if I’m the father, you won’t have to worry about Delon changing his mind and going to court to take them away from you.”
Allison’s eyes welled up with tears. She hugged me and told me that she was so happy, and yes, I could be the daddy to her children. I brought up marriage again but she said she’s not ready for that – she’s not ready to give up on Delon. Honestly, I just need to be patient. I know deep down that eventually she will realize that I’m the person that she’s destined to be with. I don’t like waiting but I know she’s worth it.
By Polly Andrea Busch
Copyright 2016 by Polly Andrea Busch. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or any method including (without limitation) electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. This work is a work of fiction. All characters in the work are fictitious and any similarity to any other person, living or dead, real or fictional, is purely coincidental. All characters in this publication are twenty-one years of age or older. All rights reserved.
* * *
“I’m sorry but your annulment has been denied,” the priest told my wife Jasmine. “In the eyes of the Church, Sean is not your husband. You are still married to Ezrah.”
Jasmine was twenty-three when I married her last year. I knew that her family was devout Catholic and they did not support her getting married without first obtaining an annulment through the Church. Years before, she’d married a guy named Ezrah, a handsome black guy with a violent streak. Although Jasmine was a devout Catholic and made me wait until our wedding day for any kind of sexual contact, she simply couldn’t resist Ezrah. When her parents found out about their sexual relationship, they pushed them into marriage. The way Jasmine described him, Ezrah was very sexy and an incredible lover, and sex was the only good thing about their relationship. When I met her, he was serving time in the county jail. He’d been released just a couple months ago.
“What do I do now?” Jasmine asked. “I want to be a good Catholic again and receive communion in clear conscience.”
“You need to reconcile with your real husband, Ezrah,” the priest said. “And do not have any further physical relations with Sean.” He turned to me. “Legally you may be married, but it is adultery for you to have sex with Ezrah’s wife.”
The next day when I came home from work, I found that all my stuff was missing from our bedroom. When I asked Jasmine about it, she told me that she’d moved my stuff into the guest room.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “But it’s the right thing to do. Like the priest said, we’re just going to live as friends now, as brother and sister. I should never have gotten married outside of the Church. I should have obtained an annulment before I married you. Now it’s too late. We’ll just have to adjust to it.”
“What about Ezrah?”
“He’s moving in this weekend,” she said. “He’s coming over tonight after dinner to see our place, so you’ll get to meet him.”
When Ezrah arrived, I couldn’t believe how ripped he looked. The pictures that Jasmine had shown me were from years ago, in his late teens, and the years had made quite a difference. His shoulders had broadened and his chest was larger, and he’d clearly had the opportunity to work out while incarcerated. He was wearing a t-shirt, which revealed that he had lots of tattoos on his arms. He was quite a few inches taller than me, too, and I felt somewhat intimidated by him when he shook my hand. I noticed that he was carrying a duffle bag – apparently he was staying the night.
Jasmine came around the corner and gave him a big hug. “Welcome home,” she said. “Your new home.”
Ezrah immediately began French kissing my wife, running his hands all over her beautiful body. Her face went flush, and I could tell by the change in Jasmine’s breathing that there was some powerful chemistry between the two of them.
“I missed you, baby,” Ezrah said.
“I missed you, too,” she replied. They kissed again, then she took his hand and offered to take him for a tour of his new house.
“I’d like to see the bedroom.”
“You will,” she said, running her fingers down his chest. “I’ll show you that last.”
Jasmine quickly gave him a tour of the house, ending with the bedroom. “Honey, I think you understand,” she said to me. “I’d like to be alone with my husband.”
“Of course,” I said, closing the bedroom door behind me. I went to my room, which was adjacent to the master bedroom.
“Oh God, Ezrah,” Jasmine said, breathing heavily, “I’ve been needing this for years.”
I was hoping to hear something through the bedroom wall, but I realized that the windows were open in both bedrooms and the sound travelled clearly. I quietly pulled the shade down so that the neighbors couldn’t see, then undressed and got into bed.
I could hear their bed squeaking as they fucked, and the headboard banging against the wall. “It’s so big, Ezrah. I love feeling your big, black dick inside of me.” Ezrah said something low that I couldn’t make out, then she responded, “So much better, honey. Sex with you is amazing.” I listened quietly but intently, jerking my little white boyhood to the sounds of their lovemaking.
As they made love, I heard Jasmine moaning and groaning. “Oh God, I’m cumming,” she cried out and moaned loudly through a long, rolling orgasm. Jasmine usually didn’t orgasm with me, telling me that it didn’t matter and she just enjoyed the closeness, but Ezrah managed to get her off three more times before he finally reached his climax. “I’m cumming again!” Jasmine said. As the two of them groaned loudly through a simultaneous orgasm, I reached my own climax, quietly moaning as my sperm squirted onto the floor.
Ezrah moved in that weekend and it’s been a pretty easy transition so far. It’s been four months and Ezrah hasn’t engaged in any violence or gotten himself in trouble with the law. He’s still looking for work, though, but it’s difficult to get work when you have multiple felony convictions on your record. The three of us are excited that Jasmine is now pregnant with Ezrah’s baby. Of course, as the legal husband, my name will be on the birth certificate and I’ll be responsible for things like finances and discipline like any other parent. Now that Jasmine is following her faith again and isn’t using birth control, we expect that we’ll need a larger home that can accommodate our growing family.
MY INSATIABLE WIFE: a sweet cuckold romance Page 180