London Bound

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London Bound Page 8

by Amy Daws


  After a busy day of shooing Benji away from my desk so I could actually get some work done, I’m heading to yet another London bar. I asked Frank this morning during my pep talk if any of these challenges would take place anywhere other than a bar and he just looked at me like I had six tits. Okay then. Seven straight days of bars. If this doesn’t get me out of my funk then I don’t know what will.

  Finley, Brody, Frank and I hop off the Tube and walk a couple blocks, arriving at a cute little cocktail bar in Soho. Frank knows all the hot spots in London and apparently this one will have a good stock of men for me to practice my ménage skills.

  Tonight’s challenge is juggling two guys in one night. I am to flirt, tease, and string along two perfectly innocent men throughout the night—basically leading them to think I might be easy, but then leave them high and dry. The leaving high and dry part sounds like a snap, it’s the bits before that scare the bejesus out of me.

  I selected a pair of plum-colored leather skinnies with flashy gold zippers at the ankles. My sky high black pumps have a sharply pointed toe and look like they mean business. I felt pretty ironic when I paired the skin tight pants with my billowy tank that says FLIRT across the chest in large, bold letters. Frank didn’t seem as amused as I was over my selection.

  Armed with drinks, the four of us survey the crowd and suck down some bottled beers.

  “This one is going to suuuuuck,” I groan, looking around and trying to decide who to start flirting with first.

  “Don’t be a defeatist, Lezbo! You can do it. Your arse looks sexy as sin in those buttery trousers of yours. Just feeeeel that leather and let it lead your pussy to peckers.”

  I snort out a laugh.

  “But perhaps a bit less of that,” Frank murmurs, gulping down more of his beer. “Just remember…flirt, get them on the hook, and then leave them for the other. You have to bounce between two blokes for two hours in order to be successful. Got it?” I cringe.

  “You can do it, Lez! That guy’s looked over here a few times—I think you should go for him,” Finley says, glancing over at a standard tall, dark, and handsome bloke at the bar.

  “I’m certain he’s looking at you, Fin,” I grumble, feeling frumpy standing next to tall bombshell Finley. Normally it doesn’t bother me, but when my goal of the night is to pick up a guy, I can’t help but compare.

  “He better not be,” Brody interrupts, draping a protective arm over Finley’s tall frame. God, why did I let them come again? They are too bloody cute.

  Finley shakes her head. “He’s checking you out, Leslie. I’m certain! Just go!” She shoves me gently. I gulp down the remainder of my beer, straighten my shoulders and strut over his way.

  “Hi cutie,” he says, before I have a chance to say anything.

  My posture sags. “Cutie?” I ask, feeling a bit put off by him already.

  “Sorry, didn’t mean it as a bad thing,” he says. He looks embarrassed.

  “It’s just not the most ideal pickup line I’ve ever heard.”

  “You think I’m picking you up?” he asks, sardonically.

  “Well, you did call me cute,” I giggle, feeling silly over this entire exchange.

  He smirks at me, revealing exorbitantly white teeth. “Are you open to being picked up?” I shrug my shoulders coyly. “See?” he says, brushing my wayward auburn bangs from my face. “Bloody cute.” I laugh loudly at his cheekiness.

  I glance behind me for encouragement from my friends and my blood runs cold when I see him. Theo. He’s standing next to Frank, who looks decidedly guilty. Finley and Brody both appear nervous, attempting to chat with Theo—but he doesn’t even look at them.

  His eyes are clapped on mine. And he’s not happy.

  “Can I get you a drink?”

  “Hmm?” I muse, turning back to the tall, dark, and handsome guy. I glance back nervously and see Theo walking straight toward me. “You know what? I’ll be back. Just gotta…” I shoot out and head toward the loo, in the opposite direction of Frank, Fin, and Brody.

  Bloody hell, why is Theo here?

  I reach the hallway to the women’s loo and am almost to the door when a warm hand clamps around my elbow, hauling me backwards so my back is flush with his front.

  “Leslie.” Theo says my name deliberately slow. I breathe heavily, unsure how to respond but already feeling a nervous excitement at his close proximity. “Funny seeing you here.”

  I bite my lip and muster up an ounce of courage and turn to face him. He releases my arm and cocks his head sideways, scrutinizing my face. I’m sure my green eyes look like saucers right now. “What are you doing here, Theo?”

  “Little bird told me you might be here…on the prowl.” His neck veins pulse angrily.

  “On the prowl? Oh, whatever!” I balk.

  His lips form a thin line as if it’s taking everything in his power not to say exactly what’s on his mind. “Liam ran into Frank a couple nights ago. Said you were on some sort of mission to get laid.” My jaw drops and I’m stunned into silence.

  Fucking Frank!

  “Imagine my surprise to hear that, when not only two months ago I was on your doorstep asking for yet another shot with you, Leslie.”

  I wince back at the memory of Theo and Liam stopping by one Sunday. Finley and Brody had just moved in with us and it was about two months before their big wedding. Liam had something to talk to Frank about and Theo presumably came along to try and talk with me. He wanted me to let him take me on a proper date. I adamantly refused and said I wasn’t interested in any type of relationship. A door was slammed, Theo was pissed—what else is new?

  “That’s not what this is about, Theo,” I hiss, feeling frustrated at having to explain myself to him.

  “Then enlighten me,” he crosses his arms and pins me to the wall, eyes locked on mine. “Because you look like you’re dressed for prowling, Leslie.”

  I glance down to survey my outfit through his eyes and then check his to compare. He’s wearing a pair of sexily tailored brown tweed pants and a manly plaid shirt. The sleeves are rolled up, revealing his rippling forearms looking taut with tension. And damn those sexy black-rimmed glasses.

  “Would you just stop saying my name like that?”

  “Like what,” he scowls.

  “Like it’s a stupid swear word or something!” He flinches and his expression softens. “Look, nothing’s changed. I’m not looking for a relationship here. This is just a bit of fun! I’ve been in a bit of a funk.” I regret saying the last part knowing that I’m over-sharing, but the beer I chugged when we got here, and the two we consumed at the house before that are apparently making me loose lipped.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean for it to come off that way. I fancy your name.” It surprises me that after everything I’ve just said, that’s what he responds to. “So, what’s tonight’s challenge?” he asks.

  I look at him surprised. “You don’t really want to know.” He shrugs his shoulders, waiting for my response. I sigh heavily, certain this will just set him off again. “Ménage—not in that way,” I say, quickly, when his expression transforms into horror. “Just flirting. With two different guys.” Jesus, this is mortifying to talk about. In the privacy of our own little house, this cleanse sounds perfectly normal.

  “So, who are the two blokes?” he asks with an edge to his voice.

  “I’ve only found one so far.”

  “Not true,” he says deadpan. I scowl and then realization dawns on me that he’s including himself in this little challenge. “I can count, right?”

  “Theo, you’ve made it clear what you’re interested in and that’s not what I’m doing here.”

  “Don’t you worry about what I’m interested in. I’m a big boy. I’ll be your second.” I attempt to argue, but he presses his hand over my mouth, halting my tirade. The touch of his hand on my skin sends shivers through my body. “In fact, you’ve probably been talking to me too long as it is. Off you g
o, but I’ll be waiting for you to come back.” And with that, he turns and walks back out toward the bar.

  What the fucking tits was that all about? What am I supposed to do now? Feeling confused and a bit agitated, I make my way back out to the bar and tall, dark, and handsome greets me warmly upon my return.

  “You’re back! Lovely. Let’s get you that drink.” He waves over the bartender who pops the top off a fresh beer. I sit down on the barstool right next to him, still trying to work out in my head how to handle this whole sordid night.

  I take a big swig.

  “My name’s Leslie,” tall, dark, and handsome says, brightly, turning my attention from the air in front of me to his wide, eager eyes.

  “You’re kidding,” I reply. “My name is Leslie.”

  “No! Is it really?” he laughs, heartily. “Two Leslies. Isn’t that cute?” He winks briefly and I huff out a laugh because this whole night truly is ridiculous.

  As I come down from my genuine laugh, I am bumped from the other side. I turn over to see Theo sidling up into the open barstool right next to me. I look at him in silent mock horror and he barely glances at me, ordering a beer from the bartender.

  Seriously? Sandwiched between two men? I think that’s taking this cleanse challenge a bit further than necessary, isn’t it?

  “Name’s Theo,” Theo bellows over toward Leslie and me, his eyes not breaking away from the soccer game on the TV.

  Leslie looks briefly to me and smiles politely at Theo. “We’re Leslie.”

  That gets Theo’s attention and he swerves his pale brown eyes to the two of us. “One name?” His brow furrows playfully.

  “Two Leslies…just a bizarre coincidence,” Leslie laughs heartily.

  “There’s a lot of coincidences happening tonight,” Theo says, pinning me with a serious look. “You share a name with a beautiful woman, that’s to be sure.” His eyes rove over my face briefly and then swerve back up to the TV behind the bar.

  Beautiful? Ha!

  Leslie mumbles something beside me that I don’t hear over the racing thoughts in my head.

  “Tell me about yourself, Theo.” I hear the words being spoken aloud and am shocked to discover they are coming from my mouth.

  Theo smirks, eyes still facing forward. He adjusts his glasses slightly and then turns his whole body so it’s facing me, encasing me—surrounding me. “What would you like to know?” he asks, his voice low and husky.

  I shrug my shoulders slightly. “What do you do?”

  “I’m in design. I make furniture. Woodwork stuff mostly. End tables, some dining sets. My style is very….primitive. Masculine.” His tone sends shivers down my spine.

  “That sounds interesting! What do you do, Leslie?” Leslie asks, attempting to turn my attention back to him. Begrudgingly I turn away from Theo.

  “I’m in design too. I design camera bags.”

  A small huff of laughter echoes in my ears. “Coincidence again,” Theo murmurs quietly.

  “Quite right!” Leslie peals. “Couple of arteeests in the room. Very interesting. I’m a dull taxman, I’m afraid. What a bore.”

  “Numbers can be fun,” Theo says. “I once got shut down from a woman four times. Hoping fifth time’s the charm.” He winks straight at Leslie and then looks pointedly at me.

  Leslie coughs awkwardly and gulps down his beer. “I suppose…”

  “Not everything is a numbers game,” I say, stopping Leslie midsentence and turning my neck to pin Theo with a death stare. “Sometimes life and choices are about more than just numbers.”

  “And sometimes, you have to go all in to know if something’s worth it or not.”

  “Going all in can leave you flat broke and then no one’s happy!”

  “But at least they’d know. At least they’d have an answer and wouldn’t just be pining away by themselves wondering and waiting for nothing.”

  “Not everything is worth pining over!”

  “Some things are incredibly worth pining over.”

  His words stun me into silence as I realize how close our faces got during our heated exchange. His expression is serious and sincere. I glance briefly to his mouth, he mirrors my gaze. Finally I scoff and turn away from him.

  I chug down the remainder of my beer. What does he know? Nothing. I’m nothing. He’s an idiot. I slam my bottle down and shove my barstool back hard and fast. The loud scraping of the legs on the wood make both Leslie and Theo cringe. “It’s been real boys, but I gotta dash. My number is up.”

  Theo looks pointedly at me and I avoid his eyes and storm away, leaving a gaping Frank, Finley, and Brody in my wake.



  “What’s the next cleanse challenge?” I ask the next morning when I happen upon Frank, Finley, and Mitch in the kitchen.

  Frank frowns at me. “I thought…”

  “What’s the next challenge?” I ask again, feeling frustration rising. I pour myself a cup of coffee and dump a load of milk in. They all just stare at my actions without saying anything. I look up incredulously.

  “Leslie,” Fin says, finally breaking the awkward silence.

  “Don’t you start, Fin. I’m ready for the next challenge. Let’s keep this moving. I have to finish, right? To receive maximum benefit.” Frank looks down uncomfortably. “Out with it,” I bark.

  “Girl Kiss.” He has the audacity to look shameful.

  “Piece of cake.” I say, striding back out of the kitchen with my mug in tow.


  Vilma, Benji, and Hector insisted on coming out with me tonight. After my sullen mood at the office all day, they ended up dragging the whole sordid tale out of me. Having my coworkers present for my girl-kiss challenge isn’t my idea of fun. But having seen these pervs drunk at the Christmas party every year, I know this is child’s play to them.

  Shay Nightclub. Frank had to choose this spot of all spots. I feel anxiety prickle all over my skin. Images of Theo and me dancing provocatively on this very dance floor bang around in my head. It’s official. Shay Nightclub is ruined for me. I wonder if anyone here ever found my panties I ditched in the bathroom.

  Screw it. I’m on a mission. I’m going to blast through this challenge and it’s going to start with shots. Lots and lots of shots. I order everyone a round of lemon drops. A girl kiss draws a big crowd apparently because we’ve got my three coworkers, Frank, Finley, Brody—and even Mitch and Julie graced us with their presence tonight.

  “Whoo!” I hoot after tossing back the sweet shot. It’s stronger than usual. “One more!” I bellow and gesture to the bartender to bring another round.

  “Leslie,” Finley chastises.

  “Finley,” I croon. “Turn that frown upside down! It’s girl-kiss night!” I sing merrily, propping my knees up on the high barstool to get a bird’s-eye view of the crowd. “Now, who’s going to be the lucky lady getting a nice smooch from me tonight?”

  My view is pummeled by the sight of Theo strolling toward me with Liam and Ethan flanking either side of him. Oh fuck me up the ass. Is he for real? I mean, honest to Pete! Was tonight’s challenge announced at the freaking changing of the guards today? Do all of these people have to be here tonight of all nights?

  I shake my head and slip down off the stool. My skirt nearly catches and flashes my bare ass. Oh shit. Not good when you’re not wearing any knickers! Finley likes to scold me for that but the things are uncomfortable and annoying as hell. I don’t intend to ride any man’s leg, so what difference does it make?

  Tonight I skillfully selected a sweet floral-print dress with a short flowy skirt and sweetheart neckline. I think if I’m going to attract a woman for a kiss, she’ll need to know I am the flowery kind.

  “Can I get you a drink, Leslie? A regular one, not a shot,” Benji asks, approaching me with caution.

  I throw my arm around him. “That’d be grand, Benji! A V&T please, and keep ‘em coming!” I snort out a laugh. He squirms uncomfortably but dutifully or
ders me my drink.

  Finley comes to steady me on the other side and I smile saccharinely at her. Benji hands me my drink with my arm still awkwardly tossed over his shoulders. I swerve around to take a sip and see that Theo and his crew have arrived.

  Oh joy.

  Looking at these three guys, you’d think they just stepped off of a London runway. Liam has a posh blonde quiff hairstyle—sexy messy volume on top. Ethan is broad, tall, and chocolate skinned. And Theo…

  Oh, Theo. He is just my bloody type. Dammit.

  “Leslie,” Theo says, cautiously glancing over to Benji with a frown.

  “Theo, my dear boy. Fancy seeing you here!” I say, loudly, in my nearly perfect classy British accent. I then drop my jaw open for dramatic effect.

  He squints slightly, adjusting his thick-framed glasses. God, I want to rip those damn things off his face right now. Why are they so sexy?

  Liam looks down, uncomfortable, then suddenly says, “Congratulations, mate.” He offers his hand to Brody who’s standing by Mitch and Julie. Brody eyes Liam sternly for a second and then smiles politely.

  “Thanks. Good to see you again,” Brody offers coolly.

  Oooo, it’s chilly over here. Finley’s British fling and her hubby facing off! I drag my arm off of Benji and break away from the pack to join my other coworkers who are huddled up at the bar.

  “What are you guys talking about?” I slur, suddenly feeling no pain.

  “We’re placing bets on whether or not you’ll actually follow through with it!” Vilma snickers and Hector smiles smugly.

  “Screw you guys. I’m gonna make out with a girl so hard,” I say, whirling around to survey my prospects and turn smack into Theo.

  “Theo, dammit. What?” I whine, wiping the spilt drink off the back of my hand. Benji is standing right next to Theo, looking so young and innocent in comparison.

  “Leslie, you’re drunk,” Theo scolds.

  “An astute observation, fine sir,” I curtsey dramatically. “Must be those stunning glasses that make everything so crystal clear for you!”

  He lets out a frustrated sigh. “Please, Leslie. I don’t like this.”


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