Dakota Love Me: Tiller Brothers Book 2

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Dakota Love Me: Tiller Brothers Book 2 Page 7

by Lee, Judith

  “It’s not like it was legal anyway.”

  She slapped him hard and he dropped to the ground. She kicked him in the stomach. “I had a marriage license you little twit.”

  “Like it was any good anyway.”

  “Get out of my sight before I kill you.”

  Ungrateful kid, she thought to herself. He didn’t know what bad was. She was the one who had to feed and fend for herself when she was ten because her drunken parents were never home. When she went to school in the same clothes she had worn the previous day and the teachers would ask her if everything was okay at home, she had lied and said everything was just fine even though most of the time she was starving. Even after the night her parents brought home another man and they fucked each other right in front of her without regard that she was even in the room, she still wouldn’t have told anyone. She was too embarrassed. The worst was when it was over, the drunken older man had grabbed her and felt her up. She still remembered him saying, “Oh nothin’ better than young meat,” and she had been raped before she even hit puberty. At least there was no way she could have gotten pregnant. Her parents were so fallen down drunk that they just laughed at her screams and told her to shut up. “Nothings better than a good fuck, so get used to it kid.” And it had been the first of many times her parents had shared her with their fellow drinking buddies.

  Well she thought to herself, she was never going to fuck again if she didn’t get something out of it. She had called her attorney, Jim, her ex-boyfriend and asked him to come over. He was a horny bastard and she knew he would do anything for a little piece of ass. Too bad Roy wasn’t a girl or she’d be tempted to offer Roy up in the bargain to the attorney to get him to take her case and take those rich Coopers to the cleaners. She’d just have to be extra special to Jim and even allow him to fuck her ass hole that he liked so much if that would get him back in her good graces. One thing about Jim as an attorney, he was a shark. He would tear up Justin and she’d be rich, even if she had to share the money with him.

  And when she had her settlement, she was going to make Georgia pay. Justin loved her so much; he’d pay a lot of money to get his precious daughter back. She’d even be glad to share Georgia with whatever slug she talked into helping her. “Your day of hell is coming sweet little Miss Perfect who never knew a single day of pain in your life. Pay back is going to be so sweet.”

  She just hoped she didn’t have to get rid of Evelyn too, her mother that wasn’t really her mother. It hadn’t been hard to convince the old woman that she was her long lost daughter that she had let be adopted when she was a young teenager. Sharon had known that this woman, a friend and good neighbor of Justin and Georgia was the key to get her the introduction and stamp of approval that was needed to work her way into Justin’s life. Her own mother and father had been dead for many years, and when Sharon had found out about their deaths in a drunken car accident, she had celebrated for over a week. Roy even joined her as she got drunk night after night.

  Evelyn had been so nice to Sharon after she had accepted her as the lost daughter and for a while Sharon had really enjoyed having such a caring mother. And when she had gotten home from Vegas, Evelyn wasn’t happy about the marriage break up and she couldn’t understand how Justin could want to divorce her beautiful, sweet daughter. Evelyn wanted to know what went wrong and what Sharon could have done better. Sharon was always afraid that Evelyn would find out she wasn’t her daughter. If Evelyn did some investigating and found out the truth before the settlement, Sharon was definitely going to have to take action sooner than she wanted.

  Roy yelled from the other room. “I’m hungry. How long are you going to be on the rampage?”

  “Shut up you fuck...you need to know what it’s like to be hungry. That will build your character more than hauling shit around,” Sharon yelled back and dropped to the couch and picked up her copy of People’s magazine and dreamed of being one of the rich and privilege.

  Chapter Nine

  Georgia had talked them into having a beer at the pool bar because she loved the relaxed atmosphere of the pool area with its beautiful flowers. They ended up eating nachos and a quick hamburger because the men were hungry again and didn’t think they could wait until after the show to eat.

  Dakota was relaxed and flirting with her, but Cameron was brooding. “What’s up Cameron, you look upset?” She turned to see what he was staring at.

  In the pool Kate was playing with a little girl about four years old.

  “Momma, give me another turtle ride,” the little girl giggled. Her mom’s smiled and the two of them looked like they were having a good time.

  “I didn’t know she had a kid. Heard she might be a widow. Now I really feel bad about stealing her story, which I really didn’t do on purpose. I just had a fellow rodeo cowboy friend give me the scoop on the story; she had been working on for some time. Not knowing she was working on it, I went right to the editor and got it published with top billing. Guess she almost lost her job because she’d been holding the story, waiting for the last bit of information; I had gotten in a day.

  “That sucks bro. I can tell you’re interested in her. You need to take her out and tell her what really happened.”

  “Not going to happen. Every time she gets near me I think she’s going to rip my eyes out. She is a great looking blond…brown eyes that seem to swallow me up, but it doesn’t make up for her feisty attitude or stubbornness.”

  Georgia sat up. “I can talk to her for you if you’d like. She might listen to another woman.”

  He looked at Georgia and back to Kate. “Let me work on it a little more and if I can’t make headway, I might enlist your help.” He looked at Dakota, “You have quite a woman here so don’t go fuck it up or I’ll have to beat the shit out of you.”

  “You think you’re big enough.”

  Georgia laughed at the two strong cowboy brothers who punched each other on the arm. It seemed that if she and Dakota’s relationship developed into something more serious, she’d have a parcel of brothers and a sister to look out for her. She’d always missed being in a big family, but her mom’s pregnancy hadn’t gone well and they’d had to do a hysterectomy to save her life. She was sure that was why her mom and dad had always been so protective of her. They had started her college fund when she was only three months old.

  Her mom had been her best friend. She wished she were still alive so she could meet Dakota. Georgia was sure her mom would approve. Looking at the two brothers drink their beer and teasing each other made her happier than she had been in a long time.

  “What time does the concert start?” she asked Dakota.

  He looked at her with such longing she felt it all the way to her toes.

  “In about an hour. Did I tell you yet how beautiful you look in that red evening dress?” he reached over and grabbed her hand and brought her knuckles to his lips to kiss. His other hand’s fingers caressed the exposed skin just above her knee.

  “Hmmm. Yes, but thank you. It’s nice to know. I haven’t had much time with my rodeo career to get dressed up and I have to be honest with you, I’m in love with Keith Urban and could be persuaded to marry him if he ever gets rid of Nicole.” She laughed.

  He put his hand to his heart. “You’ve just broken my heart. You do know I can sing, don’t you? Cody’s better but I’m a pretty close second to singing skills in the family. I might have to serenade you tonight.”

  “Pretty cowboy, I would be receptive to that. It may come with rewards.”

  He sat up and grabbed her and pulled her into his arms and kissed her so hard, she almost forgot where they were.

  “Alright you two love birds let’s go to the concert so Georgia can try to break up Nicole’s marriage. Just want you to know I’m not doing any dancing as you told Dakota we were going to do.

  “We’ll see about that,” she teased back.

  Georgia noticed that Cameron was still watching Kate and her little girl as they scrambled and ran to th
e dressing room. “Hurry little Kitten, or we’re going to be late.” Kate told her daughter.


  They stopped at the casino outside where the show was being held and Georgia insisted that she play another twenty dollars. The twenty turned into one hundred as the brothers were helping her play the slot machine. They kept putting money into the slot. “No you guys, I was just going to play that twenty. Quit putting money in this machine. I keep losing your money.”

  A half hour had gone by so they got in line to go to the show.

  It was packed and in some places standing room only. Dakota had his arm around Georgia protecting her from the pushing crowd. They found their seats and waited for the show to start. She stood up again, and both men stood up and looked at her with questioning eyes?

  “Got to go to the ladies room and it’s just over there. You don’t have to come with me, I’m a big girl and I can manage. My elbows are pretty strong and I can push someone if they get too close. Remember I’m a tough cowgirl?”

  “You sure?” Dakota looked worried.

  “Yes. Be right back.”

  The brothers sat back down but kept a close eye on her. She did have to shove one man out of the way who got a little too close before she disappeared inside the ladies room.

  “She seems pretty nice. You serious about her?”

  Dakota looked at the door she had disappeared into. “Didn’t think I’d ever find a woman who has my guts tied in knots when I’m not with her. We need more time to get to know each other but I’m serious enough about her to not want to look at any other women. First time, I’ve made a commitment like this to a woman.”

  “I thought I’d never see this day big brother. Hope it’s not contagious. I’m not through sowing my oats just yet,” and he punched Dakota in the arm. “Hope she’s good in bed, too.”

  “Oh shit, that’s the thing. She’s practically a virgin but the chemistry is damn good between us…she’s so passionate that we can’t keep our hands off each other. She even made me wait a few days so we could get to know each other better because all I want to do when I’m with her is take her to bed. This morning I had to put a stop to the’ let’s take it slow crap’. I had to have her again.”

  “That’s what the trailer thing was all about this morning?” Cameron asked, “Sorry I had to interrupt you. Seems like it’s pretty serious between you two. Honestly don’t blow it Dakota. I know how the women like to throw themselves all over you. One wrong move and you’ll lose maybe the best thing that has ever happened to you,” Cameron said.

  Dakota shook his head, “Don’t I know it.”

  They kept looking at the bathroom door and finally they saw her exit. To Cameron’s surprise she exited with Kate and her little girl. Georgia leaned down and gave the little girl a hug and then she hugged Kate. Both of them were smiling. Kate went back to her seating area which was at the back of the room. Georgia came over and sat down without a word. Dakota and Cameron looked at each other over Georgia’s head. What the hell?

  She looked back at them, “What?” Before they could ask her about what happened with Kate, the concert started. It didn’t take long and most of the people were on their feet singing and dancing with Georgia leading them. Her arms were waving in the air, and she was hopping up and down in time with the rhythm. Dakota and Cameron enjoyed the concert, but were enjoying Georgia’s dancing just about as much.

  Jumping around, she turned and grabbed Dakota’s hand pulling him to his feet. She shouted over the crowd, “Come on, you can’t just sit there. You have to get into the flow of the music or you won’t enjoy it.” Then she turned and grabbed Cameron’s hand. “Get up little brother; you have to help me dance, too,” she yelled at him.

  She danced back and forth between the two brothers. Dakota had to admit it was fun. Cameron didn’t seem to be minding it much either. Finally during a slow song, Dakota pulled Georgia back into his arms with her back to his chest so she would still be able to watch the show. His lips ran up the side of her neck and his hands caressed her body. It definitely started heating up between them. Dakota’s cock pressed into her back. She turned ignoring Keith, and put her head on Dakota’s chest, purring her contentment.

  The rest of the concert was pretty spectacular. When it was over the three of them left. Dakota and Cameron were still singing some of the songs. “You both really can sing. I’m impressed,” Georgia said.

  Dakota couldn’t see Kate and her daughter as they had exited first. “So Georgia what happened in the bathroom with Kate? What did she say?”

  “Not much,” she said.

  He raised his eyebrow to her.

  The walk back to the hotel was slow as everyone seemed to be on the strip at the same time, but she held both of their hands. Georgia talked almost nonstop about the concert and the different numbers in the show. Her enthusiasm and smile took Dakota’s breath away.

  “Cameron thanks for coming with us to see the concert. It was a blast. Will you have breakfast with us in the morning before I have to go to work?” Georgia asked.

  “I sure can, cowgirl, or should I call you Doctor? Congratulations on the job. I got some business to attend to right now. See you in the morning,” he took off in the direction of a blond ponytail he saw swinging in the crowd.

  Georgia took Dakota’s hand and practically ran to the elevator dragging him behind her. “You in a hurry?” He laughed at her eagerness. On their floor she ran to the door, unlocked it and flew through the door and yanked off her boots. “Quick take your boots off,” she yelled at him. He quickly complied, wondering what his woman was up to.

  She turned her play list on and used her Bluetooth to her I-pad sound box so that they had music blasting. She jumped onto of the bed and started jumping up and down. “Come on, get up here!” Every time she jumped her dress rose higher on her leg. He threw his hat on the dresser and he jumped up after her. She squealed and started jumping up and down on the bed to the music. She threw her arms in the air with her eyes closed and he felt sheer joy radiating from her body. He reached over and grabbed her hips so she wouldn’t fall out of the king size bed and started jumping with her. She flung her hair over her shoulder and started singing the words. Laughingly he joined in.

  The slick comforter kept sliding around. They fell down to their knees a couple of times and got back up. Someone pounded on the wall and she reached down and lowered the sound, but she kept jumping. They were laughing so hard they couldn’t sing anymore. Tears were rolling down her eyes. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her to the mattress. He rolled her over until he was on top of her and kissed her. “I’ve never had so much fun with a woman in my life,” he kissed her again, running his tongue around her lips and tangling with her tongue.

  When he pulled up and looked into her eyes, he asked, “After concert ritual?”

  “Yes, every time I go to a concert I have to come home and jump on the mattress. It makes a perfect ending to the night.”

  “Georgia, I am going to add to your ritual and this,” he leaned in and kissed her like he was starving, “will now be the final ending to your perfect night.” His kiss was filled with hunger and promise. Their clothes slipped off and raw, primal energy exploded between them. His large hands caressed every inch of her body followed by his lips. As he moved he smelled her scent, feeling intoxicated with her woman’s perfume. He sucked deeply on her shoulder, the top of her breasts, on her hip, and on her butt leaving his mark. When he couldn’t stand not being in her any more, he scrambled to find a condom. He sat at the top of the bed with several pillows behind his back and pulled Georgia into his lap. When they united as one it really was the perfect ending. She moved up and down as she lifted off her knees and his hands helped her ram back into his cock. They looked into each other’s eyes. He kissed her eyes, her chin. She opened her mouth, “Kiss me Dakota,” she demanded. The kiss was carnal and all consuming.

  “Ride me cowgirl. Take me to the finish line.” They both exploded
calling each other’s names.

  Afterwards, he grabbed a towel and cleaned them off. He wrapped her into his arms, covering them with the comforter that had slid half off the bed. It was the perfect ending of the day falling asleep with her. He wanted her by his side every night. He wanted to wake with her inside him every morning. Hell, he wanted this woman forever. Again he asked himself, how had this happened so fast?

  Chapter Ten

  When Georgia woke up she saw Dakota standing in his boxers looking at the strip from her balcony. She wrapped a sheet around her and joined Dakota. He leaned down and kissed her and put his arms around her. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you yet. Just woke early and needed some thinking time. We don’t need to leave to go breakfast until seven-thirty. That should give you plenty of time to eat and get to work, but it’s still pretty early.”

  “That should work…I just want to take a long shower. Dakota, you weren’t kidding when you told me I wouldn’t be able to walk. Little sore here, I’m telling ya,” she stood on her tip toes and kissed him. “What ya thinking about…ready to throw me back in the fish tank already?”

  “Not on your life. Honey, you’re a keeper.”

  She studied his sexy smile and kind eyes. “Nice to know, cowboy. I’m getting kind of used to having you hang around. By the way, why do you always call me honey?” she asked.

  “Look at your hair,” he ran his fingers through her hair. “It is such a deep rich chocolate brown, but your highlights are a shimmering honey color,” he kissed her nose, “plus you are so sweet.”

  She laughed. “You are a lady charmer.”

  “You know the other day when I was smiling and you asked me what I was thinking about and I told you that you make me happy.”

  “Yeah,” she looked up at him questionably.

  “I really was thinking how happy you make me, but I was also thinking to myself I am drawn to you like flypaper or super glue. Now, if you’d known what I was thinking back then you wouldn’t be thinking I’m such a charmer.”


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