Give Me Love

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Give Me Love Page 3

by Zoey Derrick

  “How can you be so certain?” Vivienne breathes.

  This time Elizabeth is the one to speak. “Why, child, would she be anything but? She will be taught our ways, live amongst the purest of angels. She will know no different. Take a look at your life, Vivienne. You’ve dealt with far more than any one person should have to endure in a normal lifetime, and look at yourself, what you’ve turned into. You’ve never followed the path of evil, why would your daughter?”

  Though Elizabeth sounds confident, it is hard for Vivienne or Mikah to be certain of the path her daughter will take.

  “Some of the devil’s demons are full-blooded angel, as well,” Zirah says. “The path we choose dictates where we will spend our lives. Those who choose the path of evil stay evil, and those who choose the path of good stay good. Their goodness or evil is heightened by their blood, but their blood does not dictate their path.”

  Vivienne is trying to process Zirah’s words.

  “Take your mother for example, and we’ve already talked about this, but while she never did anything to earn herself a spot in hell, she’s done enough away from the good that she cannot live in Elysium and is considered one of our fallen.”

  The reality of her mother’s banishment from Elysium is slowly starting to sink in. Vivienne wipes tears away from her cheeks as Mikah softly rubs his thumb along her back. She wonders if she’ll ever see her mother again.

  When you’re ready to see her again, we can bring her back here, Zirah says quietly inside her mind.

  Vivienne looks to Zirah. Vivienne’s heart rate spikes, she fights the urge to let the revulsion play out on her face.

  Only when you’re ready.

  Vivienne realizes she doesn’t know if she’ll ever be ready to face her mother again. Suddenly she feels overwhelmed by everything that’s happened in the last several hours, and exhaustion overtakes her.

  Mikah senses a shift in Vivienne. His ability to feel and read her emotions has him sliding closer to her.

  “I’m not sure how much more of tonight I can take,” Vivienne whispers, and Mikah wraps his arms around her.

  The guardians exchange urgent glances with Elizabeth, silently pleading with her to let them all go for tonight.

  “Go and rest. We will have more information soon, and when we do, I’ll bring you back here,” Elizabeth says.

  Vivienne leans into Mikah, and the rest of the guardians are quick to lead them to an exit.

  When they walk back through the door, they are no longer in Vivienne’s condo, but in Mikah’s.

  “Until we know what’s going on, I think it would be best if you both stayed here,” Red says as he turns back toward Vivienne and Mikah.

  Vivienne nods, and Mikah holds her a little tighter.

  “Thank you,” Mikah says.

  Red nods at him, but his eyes fall to Vivienne. She can see the sadness in his eyes.

  “Vivienne, I—” But he falters. Red, usually so sure of himself, is at a loss for words.

  Vivienne breathes. “It’s a lot to take in. I’m exhausted. Can we talk about this later?”

  Red’s lips form a half smile. “Of course. Get some rest. I’ll come if there is news.”

  “Please wait until at least tomorrow afternoon, no matter how urgent you think it might be,” Mikah says.

  Red nods, and he and the others leave.


  “How are you?” Mikah asks as soon as they are alone.

  “Tired, scared, concerned, tired, confused. What about you?” she asks as she leans into him.

  He gently kisses the top of her forehead. “All of the above. Let’s go to bed.”

  They both start toward the bedroom. “Are you okay with staying here?” he asks her, knowing how she feels about her independence and not wanting to upset her by forcing her to stay.

  “I’m happy to be wherever you are.”

  Mikah’s heart swells at her words and he stops, gently taking her cheeks in his hand, and kisses her, softly and tenderly.

  She returns his kiss, this time without any hesitation. Knowing that tonight they’ve crossed a line that can never be recrossed, she puts everything she feels into their kiss.

  Mikah pulls back and looks deep into her eyes. She recognizes that underlying emotion. Similar emotions are running wild through her veins, she takes his hand and he leads her into the bedroom.

  As she steps across the threshold, the dream image of her and Mikah in this bed comes back into her mind, and she’s reminded of how ready she is for their relationship to move forward.

  “I’m going to use the bathroom,” she says as she heads in that direction.

  Once inside, she takes stock of herself in the mirror, runs water over her face and tries to take a deep breath. She doesn’t understand why she’s suddenly so nervous.

  When she steps back into the bedroom, Mikah is standing on the opposite side of the bed, pulling back the covers.

  He looks up to see her standing in the doorway. A brief moment passes between them, and then he gestures for her to come to him.

  He watches her as she walks quietly around the bed. Her hair bounces across her back, and she smiles at him as she comes closer. The desire he felt for her earlier tonight grows deeper within him and he wants her. After all the mess in Elysium, he needs her close to him.

  He reaches for her hand and gestures toward the bed, and she takes her cue and climbs in. He bends down and kisses her forehead.

  “I’ll be right back,” he whispers as he steps back and goes around the bed toward the bathroom.

  Vivienne snuggles into bed, turning to face the other side, where she expects Mikah to lie down when he returns.

  While she waits for him, her mind begins to go over everything that has happened in the last twenty-four hours: the shifter in her apartment; learning about who and what Red, Connor, Andrew and Celeste are; the news of her mother’s passing; the new information about Riley. She has no doubt that he is behind her mother’s death, and she wonders how much more destruction he will create in his haste to get to her. And then her confrontation with her mother and the discovery of who her father is.

  What is she supposed to do about Red? Is she capable, after all this time, of embracing that relationship? What will Red think if she doesn’t know what to do?

  “Easy,” she whispers to herself. “You can deal with that tomorrow.”

  Just then Mikah steps out of the bathroom. He’s wearing the same pants, but he’s shed his shirt. Seeing Mikah standing there shirtless, his inky black hair falling onto his face and those liquid eyes vibrant and blue, has her desire for him growing hot and fast throughout her veins.

  Vivienne’s beautiful. Her soft cheeks are flushed, and a hint of a smile plays on her lips. Seeing her in his bed brings back the memory of seeing her with his other self in that dream so many weeks ago.

  He’d wanted to stop earlier, unsure of what she was really feeling for him, but seeing her now leaves no doubt in his mind that they are both on the same page, both wanting and needing each other in a way he’s never felt before.

  But he won’t push it. She needs to come to him when she’s ready.

  Resolving to be patient, he walks the ten steps to the bed. As he does, she pulls the covers back to receive him. Excitement spreads like wildfire through his veins. Just the idea of sleeping in the same bed as her is enough to send his heart racing.

  But his mind is running wild with what happened earlier tonight and everything that’s happened between them in just the last few hours. He needs a chance to collect himself and bring his overwhelming need for her under control.

  She watches as he turns to sit down on the edge of the bed. He puts his elbows on his knees and rubs his face. She reaches over and lightly runs her fingers down his back along his wings.

  He shivers with pleasure at her touch, and he can feel his wings unlocking themselves. Closing his eyes, he hopes to keep them in check. She does it again and he turns toward her.

She’s so beautiful, unlike anything he’s ever seen before. He can no longer resist; he climbs into bed facing her.

  “Hi, beautiful,” he whispers.

  She slides closer to him, brushing his hair out of his eyes. He kisses her palm and she shivers.

  He wraps his arms around her, holding her close, trying to understand her mood, or her need. Having her close to him, knowing that she’s safe in his arms, helps to bring his racing heart back to normal.

  Relief washes through Vivienne as she settles into his embrace and feels his heartbeat slow. While being with Mikah is what she wants more than anything, she’s too tired.

  Before they can even consider anything further, exhaustion claims them and they both fall sound asleep.


  “Your plan isn’t working. We have to get out of here before we get caught.”

  “No. We wait for her.”

  “Why, she’s not showing up here. You said it yourself, you never even knew she had a mother until Link told you. If her mother didn’t mean enough to her to tell you, what makes you think she will show up here?”

  Riley turns away from the window in Rebecca Callahan’s old room. He looks the same as he did before the devil killed him in that cave, but he’s far more powerful now. “I just know,” he snaps. He runs his hand across his buzz cut hair and looks back to the window

  Derek, the idiot Link made him bring along, has been pacing the floor on the other side of the bed since they got here. Riley’s six-foot-one frame is big enough, but Derek dwarfs him. His military-short hair is jet black, and his features are hard. His eyes are a solid black, something Riley guesses he’s gained from all his years of service to Link. Derek is also someone Link trusts, otherwise he wouldn’t be here now. Link had made Riley fight Derek before he left hell, and the idiot had somehow managed to kick his ass. The last thing Riley wants to do is admit Derek might be right, that Vivienne might not come after all.

  He’d succeeded in taking care of Rebecca so that no one would think she’d died of anything other than natural causes. Then he’d read her chart. Vivienne, no doubt, drove her to the madness she suffered from. Vivienne isn’t good for anything other than pissing everyone off.

  “I wouldn’t be too sure about that. Let’s go.”

  “You go then, if you’re so damn concerned about the humans.”

  “Let me explain something to you, Riley. You don’t call the shots here, he does. You will follow orders or you will end up back where he pulled you from. You get me?”

  Riley shivers at the memory of hell. He vowed to complete his task just so he wouldn’t have to return to the pits he was pulled from. Anything is better than being sliced open and left to bleed out, only to heal back up and go through it all over again.

  All Riley wants to do is be done with this mess. He could’ve sworn up and down that when he’d left Vivienne in her apartment she wasn’t breathing and didn’t have a pulse. Once this is over, Link will see that he means business and let him keep working for him and, more importantly, let him keep working with the amazing powers the devil himself has given him.

  “Fine,” Riley spats finally. “I’m going to see my father.”

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Derek says as they leave the room.

  They walk down the hallway toward the exit door at the end of the hall. It has a warning on it that an alarm will sound when opened, but they crash the bar and go right through, and no alarm goes off.

  “What the fuck do you care?”

  “The cops are watching your dad’s place.”

  “What do I care about cops?”

  Derek slams him up against the brick wall of the building they’ve just left. “You better start caring. If you fuck this up, get caught or get yourself killed, you will be tortured, and believe me, you don’t want to have to deal with that again.”

  But Riley shoves him off, straightens his jacket, and takes off as fast as he can toward his father’s house.


  A few hours later, Vivienne stirs in his arms. Opening her eyes, she can see that it is still early; it’s very dark in the room. Unsure of what woke her, she snuggles closer to Mikah.

  This isn’t the first time she’s woken up next to him, but this is the first time since she came to understand all the hidden emotions she’s been fighting. She squirms slightly and he stirs.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks, and she can hear the concern in his voice.

  “Nothing, I just woke up. That’s all.”


  She pulls herself closer to him, pressing their bodies tighter together. She can’t stop what happens next; it comes so natural to her now. She leans in and softly places her lips to his.

  Her heart begins to race, desire shattering the nerves that have built up since they stepped into the room. Last night, seeing him on the floor on his knees with his wings extended had brought out her deepest desires for him, ones that were, at one time, only felt in their dreams, and she couldn’t stop herself.

  She can’t stop herself now.

  He kisses her back, letting go of all his inhibitions, and he lets her take the lead.

  She hitches her leg onto his hip and pushes him onto his back. Rolling with him, she now sits atop him, her hands sliding down his cheeks, down his neck. Their kisses grow more and more passionate with every touch.

  She runs her hands down his chest and back up to his shoulders, then down along his arms until she finds his hands. She lifts them to her body, encouraging him to touch, to explore, and he takes the not-so-subtle hint.

  While their soft, warm tongues continue dancing, he ever so lightly runs his hands from her hips up her sides and down her arms. Her desire for him skyrockets to a fever pitch.

  She shivers, and that need she feels for him grows hotter, stronger, making her bold and brave. This is it. This is what she’s been needing: to know that she can have him as completely as he has her.

  Until a moment ago, kissing Mikah was all she could think about, all she ever wanted to do, and she wants more. She trails her fingers down his chest and over his abs, lightly tracing the bumps with her fingertips until they reach the point where their bodies meet. She can feel it between them, his erection growing stronger.

  His hands glide down her body once again, but she longs to feel his fingers against her bare skin. She grabs the hem of her shirt.

  His hands cover hers, stopping them. Through their kiss he whispers, “Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” she breathes back, and he lets go of her hands.

  “Can I?” he whispers again, and she nods.

  At a slow, measured pace, he pulls the hem of her shirt up. Once the t-shirt rises higher than her breasts, the cool air of the room hardens her nipples into tight, painful peaks, and desire explodes. It causes her wings to unlock and spread.

  She raises her arms to allow the shirt to come off, but in order for it to come off, she has to stop kissing him. She doesn’t want to stop kissing him.

  Mikah pulls away from their kiss long enough to bring the neckline of her shirt over her mouth. Then he is instantly kissing her again. He stops pulling on the shirt, but it still covers her eyes. She smiles as she kisses him again; she’s trapped slightly by her shirt.

  His hands are on her bare skin, leaving goose bumps in their wake. She shivers again and her wings rustle. She pulls her shirt off the rest of the way, and as soon as she tosses it aside she hears Mikah’s sharp intake of breath. His touch radiates through her wings and is felt deep down there. She moans into his mouth.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he breathes as his hands continue their exploration.

  He sits up, taking her with him so they are nose to nose, lips against lips. His hands slide up her sides to the swell of her breasts, tickling along her heated skin until his fingers brush her nipples and she moans again.

  He pulls his lips away from hers and begins to kiss along her jaw, down her neck. Vivienne is lost to his touch; nothing matters
but the two of them. His mouth continues down her chest to her breast — licking, kissing, nipping lightly as she writhes in his lap — until finally his tongue makes brief, searing contact with her nipple and she trembles.

  He feels the tremor along the shaft of his throbbing erection, and suddenly he’s on the verge of losing control.

  Sensing his distress and pleasure, she flicks her hips against his erection once again. This time he responds by running his hand along the front part of her wing. She stops as the pleasure locks down all of her muscles in a delicious tease. The moment his hand comes away, she is released.

  “Not fair,” she says.

  She smiles and breathes. Bringing her own hands around to his back, she brushes her fingers along the edges of his wings, which are still locked away, but the touch has the same effect: He is locked down with desire.

  He turns, pushing her onto the bed, but before she makes contact, her wings disappear. He laughs at how quickly she pulled them back in.

  “Now it’s my turn,” he says.

  He slides his body between her legs and she wraps them around his hips, holding him tight. He kisses her again, then slowly licks and kisses his way down her body, between her breasts, and further still. Her legs fall slack and she runs her hands through his hair, urging him to keep going.

  His lips come to the top of her bump, and he kisses it ever so tenderly. She fights the urge to cry as the emotions swell inside her. Something deeper spreads within her, a feeling she’s never experienced before and never wants to lose, as he softly kisses her belly along the waistband of her yoga pants.

  He’s never felt this way about anyone before – at once nearly overwhelmed by his desire for her but also desperately needing to take things slow.

  His hands slide into the waistband of her pants, and she responds by lifting her hips so that he can remove them. But he doesn’t pull them off immediately. Instead he continues to kiss along the lower swell of her belly.

  “I will always protect you,” he says, his lips brushing against her belly while his eyes never waver from hers.


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