Untamed: Demon Soul

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Untamed: Demon Soul Page 15

by Julie Anne Addicott

  “She’s mine,” he growls.

  “Hmm,” Rafael murmurs.

  The other angel has one hand poised over the gilded hilt of a long silver sword. “Perhaps you need to be taught a lesson, Belial,” he says.

  Belial releases my hand and wraps both arms around my waist. He lowers his voice, “Lola, is mine,” he says. The thumping beat of his heart pounds against my back.

  Rafael smiles. “We shall see,” he replies.

  The other angel steps—floats— forward. “Lord Belial, you have come to see the Great Archangel, Zadkiel?” he asks.

  Belial presses his chest against my back. “Yes.”

  “It will not work,” Rafael says, perhaps gleaning the truth from Belial’s thoughts. “I am afraid you are on a fool’s mission.”

  “I will try,” Belial says, as if it’s no big deal he’s about to kill someone—an angel no less.

  Rafael waves a hand toward Belial. “You will not win, Belial. This is our Kingdom, remember that.”

  “Come to my Kingdom, and I will show you what I can do.” There’s a confidence in Belial’s voice. He has no fear—of anything.

  The angels laugh. “Belial, do not fool yourself. You do not retain the rights to any Kingdom, am I correct? For what claim do you have to the Ebony Throne now, or in the past? You are nothing more than a servant to Hades, his pawn to move as he pleases.”

  Belial doesn’t reply. He leans down close to my cheek and speaks quietly, “Lola, this is Michael.”

  I think back to what Belial said about them loving everything pure and I say hello in the sweetest voice I can manage. They both take a deep breath as if they’re smelling me, then they stare at me, smiling.

  The angel, Michael, speaks, “Of course, come, follow us, Belial.”

  The angels turn and their wings send another gust of honey scented air around my head before they take off flying.

  I look up at Belial over my shoulder. “That easy?” I ask.

  “Hmm, no thanks to you. They want sex, you know? It’s all they do here.”

  “Bullshit,” I say. The angel’s wings stop mid-flight. “Sorry,” I call out, and I hear quiet laughter.

  “They want to fuck you, Lola, and probably at the same time,” Belial whispers. His expression tells me he’s more than annoyed, and the death grip he has around my waist confirms I belong to him. He tells me to turn, and I wriggle myself around, still worried I’ll fall through the clouds.

  I put my hands on his shoulders. “Oh nice, when?” I ask, feeling more confident than ever.

  “You belong to me now. You’re not fucking anyone.”

  I don’t reply, but for some reason I’m smiling like I’m high. Maybe I am. Belial is certainly intoxicating, and there’s something about him I can’t get enough of.

  I sigh. “Do I have to watch you kill an angel?”

  I balance my feet on his as he hovers just inches above the cloud. “Shut your eyes, if you don’t want to look.”

  “Why are you killing him?”

  “I have to.”

  “Why though? If he’s up here, and you’re… down, right down there. How can he be a problem for you?”

  He puts one arm around my waist. His wings extend and flutter gently. “Balance Lola, it’s all about balance.”

  “Hmm, I mean do you absolutely have to kill him? If the demon gangster guy, whoever he is, doesn’t know. Can you lie? You said it’s what you do.”

  Belial laughs. The Archangels stop mid-flight, and when Belial raises his hand, they ascend until they disappear into the clear blue sky.

  “Ok, Lola, listen to me,” he says, pulling me closer to his chest. His arms snake around my waist. One hand is firmly planted on my back, the other tangles through my hair at the back of neck.

  My body feels as though it’s on fire, burning from the inside with a passion I’ve never felt before. My first thought is of kissing him. I shake my head and focus as he holds me tight. It’s as if he knows what I need more than me, as if he is actually reading my mind.

  Belial continues, “Right, so Hades, the King of Hell, he’s my father and what you call a ‘demon gangster.’ Lucien is his brother. There are Nine Circles of Hell. Hades has power over eight, and Lucien just one. The Ninth Circle. Anyway, Lucien wants the Ebony Throne. Hades obviously won’t give it up, and without the Ninth Ring there’s no one strong enough to kill him. Balance, remember? There needs to be a King, both in the Heavens, and in Hell.”

  I nod, understanding so far, but still confused about what the angels have to do with it all.

  “I found out last night that Hades isn’t my father.”

  “Lucien?” I ask.

  He shakes his head. “Zadkiel.”

  Oh no, this is bad. My eyes grow wide and I open my mouth in shock. “Wait, what? The angel you’re going to kill is your real father?” He nods. “No, Belial, don’t do it,” I say.

  His shoulders tense. “I have to.”

  “Why though? He’s your father… Belial, you can’t.” My stomach turns as a wave of nausea washes over me. I think about my parents and wonder how anyone, demon or not, could talk about killing their own flesh and blood so easily.

  He pushes a lock of hair behind my ear, and looks at me strangely for a moment. “I made a deal.”

  “With who?” I ask.

  “The devil,” he says simply.

  “Oh shit, Belial.” Is anyone is going to get out of this alive?

  “Look Lola, Hades fucked up. I don’t know exactly what happened. If Hades is dethroned, or killed, Lucien will be king. He’s promised if I kill Zadkiel, and bring him the Sword of the Archangels, he’ll give me the Ninth Circle.”

  “And you believed him?” I ask in shock.

  “It’s a deal with the devil Lola, there’s no out.”

  I slide my hands down his chest. “So, you’ll kill your father?”

  A nod. “Yes.”

  I sigh. “It’s stupid. Why not ask your father for the sword, find the ring of whatever, and kill Hades and Lucien? They are evil right, demons and all that?”

  He stares down at me for a minute and cocks his head. His fingers trace my spine. I can tell when he’s thinking now, his brow creases and he squints.

  “No,” he finally says.

  “Why? If you’re the King of Hell, won’t there still be balance?”

  He doesn’t say a word, but continues staring into my eyes. He leans in closer, and oh, how I want him to kiss me again. The angel calls his name, but he doesn’t respond. It’s almost as if he’s taking inventory of all he’s about to lose.

  He smooths his hands down my waist, stopping at my hips, where he tightens his grip, and my knees go weak. He presses his lips to mine, and I open my mouth to kiss him back. But he closes his mouth, and we’re flying again.

  I want to punch him. I want to scream at him to kiss me, to touch me and to stop whatever he’s doing. Instead, I bite my tongue and hold on to his strong shoulders as he takes off through the sky.

  The gates to Heaven are at least a hundred feet high and alabaster white, with thick twisting and twirling sparkling silver vines. They circle around and through the ornate filigree patterns of the gates. The vines are covered in beautiful ivory flowers, and leaves that emit their own light.

  All around it’s calm, warm, and completely still—other than the angels I see flying above, who appear only as mere specks in the distance. Their wings though, are unmistakable. On either side of the gates, stand two young girls, stark naked. They don’t look as though they’re older than sixteen. Goddesses, is my first thought. But why in Heaven?

  They float over, their feet never touching the ground, or cloud. I’m not even sure what this is. They have flawless ivory skin and magnificent, golden ringlets that fall all the way to their feet, blowing around their ankles as though there’s an invisible breeze. Their eyes are like golden honey. They must be goddesses. They don’t have wings, so I’m sure they’re not angels.

  The two Ar
changels, Rafael and Michael, land on either side of the girls. They don’t look at them though, in fact even Belial isn’t looking. Am I the only one who can see them?

  “You see them right, the naked girls,” I whisper to Belial.

  He shrugs, not taking his eyes off the male angels.

  “You see them too?” I ask Michael. He stares at me with an odd expression as he raises his eyebrows and nods. “Ok guys, what’s with the silent treatment?”

  Belial keeps his arms tight around my waist. “No, she stays with me, Rafael,” he says, to a question that was never asked. “No deal then,” Belial adds.

  “Come, sweet, Lola,” one of the girls says, putting her hand out to me. Her voice is almost like a beautiful song that’s suddenly stuck in my head, and I want to hear it repeatedly.

  I shake my head and grip Belial’s hands.

  “Do not fear, Lola, for we will show you what you are missing.”

  I shake my head again. Her voice is enticing, and I want to go but I want Belial. I want him.

  Rafael looks at me strangely, causing me to turn to Belial, confused.

  “What’s going on?” I ask.

  He glares at Rafael and says, “No.”

  Stuff them all! I pull Belial’s arms from my waist, and walk right past the girls and the angels to head toward the gates. The clouds beneath my feet make it feel as though I’m walking on soft, warm grass.

  An angel appears in front of me, his wings bigger than all the others. His body is glorious and glows with a golden haze. Tiny particles of gold dust shimmer all over his body, letting out pin sized rays of light. I swallow hard and step back, right into Belial.

  He pushes himself against me and laces his fingers through mine. As strange as it is, it doesn’t feel wrong. Instead, it feels like I do belong with him—like I am his.

  The huge angel looks down at me. “You have quite the stubborn nature, Lola.” His voice is like honey, smooth and sweet, and I bet he would taste the same too. My mouth waters and I swallow hard, forcing myself to focus. He smiles and extends his hand. “Come, we have been awaiting your arrival.”

  This time, Belial says nothing. His hand leaves mine, and my hand magically goes right to the huge angel whose touch makes me feel lightheaded. “It will pass, Lola,” he assures me. “Walk with me now.”

  I do as he says, but I glance back. The other two angels are on either side of Belial, and I’m worried they’ll take him somewhere and I’ll never see him again. Despite my apprehension, I can’t bring myself to leave the angel by my side.

  “Who are you?” I ask.

  “I am an Archangel. Prince Gabriel of the Kingdom of Heaven.”

  “A prince?”

  “That is all you ask, if I am a prince?”

  I ask, “Will you hurt Belial?”

  “No harm will come to Belial while he is within the walls of the Kingdom.”

  I scan the horizon, if that’s what it’s called here. In the distance are thick plumes of fluffy white clouds, and clear blue sky. “Walls? There are no walls. This is the sky, right?” I ask.

  “I assure you, dear Lola. There are many walls in the Kingdom, although your mortal eyes will not see them.”

  At my feet, wisps of clouds swirl all around me along with a warm, gentle breeze. “Belial said I was a half-blood.”

  “Among other things, but mortal still.”

  “Among other things?”

  “Hush now, dear Lola. You will have much time for questions.”

  I sigh and shut my mouth, wanting to be back with Belial. Then I shake my head, trying not to focus on him so much. I tell myself I don’t love him. I barely like him most of the time. He’s made it clear he doesn’t want me, and that he still intends to kill me.

  Although, he does keep saying I’m his.

  I am so confused.





  It reeks of purity. The scent is so strong my head is pounding. There’s no way I’m an angel, it must be a lie. Hades has planned something and whatever it is, I’m stuck in the middle of it with Lola. Damn the angels and their reeking purity. They’ll ruin her here in Heaven. They’ll show her the light in their pure hearts, and teach her how she can control the balance within her half-blood mortal soul.

  I can’t do anything to stop them, not until I know the truth. I shake my head, trying to think of anything but purity. Blood, death, Hell, fire. Nothing helps.

  A familiar voice catches my attention, “Try breathing.”

  I turn my head and see my reflection. This place is driving me insane, and I’ve only been here an hour. I stop walking and stare into it, confused. I reach out, and it smiles.

  No, it’s not me. It has thick black hair, clear skin and blue eyes. Or maybe it is me—but not. This is messing with my head.

  “Belial,” my reflection says.

  “Belial?” I repeat.

  The nameless face speaks again, “I’m your brother, Belial. We’re twins.”

  What? “No,” I tell him. I would know if I had a twin, wouldn’t I? More lies.

  He smiles again, and it’s disgusting. It doesn’t suit my—his—face.

  “Come, Belial,” calls Gabriel from behind me. He distracts me from my twin reflection.

  I follow him into the castle, ignoring the weirdo who thinks he’s my brother. Stupid angels.

  I’m led into a large circular chamber, through ten-foot-high sparkling silver doors. I catch up to Lola and grab her hand. I’ll fight to keep her. The Angel King walks toward us wearing an ornate silver crown and a long white robe. I can’t see his wings, but I’ve heard that other than the wings of Genesis, they’re the largest and most magnificent in all the heavens.

  Beside him is another male, not much taller than me, who stands with a long silver sword at his side. There’s something familiar about him. Although everyone here looks the same with their sparkling eyes and flawless faces.

  The angel beside the King steps forward and extends his hand. “My son,” he says.

  It’s Zadkiel. Knowing he is my father sets my heart hammering. And it means the angel beside me really is my twin brother. There’s some relief knowing they won’t kill me—not here. I know with certainty, no blood will be spilled in their precious heaven.

  With that relief comes an ache deep in my chest that brings with it a sense of what I imagine must be sadness. For three hundred years, Hades used and abused me, and although I’m finally figuring out who I am, I’m not sure I’m capable of becoming an angel, or giving up my life in the Underworld.

  I turn back to the King when I hear him speak my name, “Belial.”

  My eyes meet with his, and I bow slightly. “Your Highness,” I reply.

  He speaks softly, but his tone tells me he’s not impressed. “Surely, you must have realised this plan of yours would be unsuccessful?”

  I nod. “Worth a try though, hey.” I look down at Lola, she gazes up at me with tears in her eyes.

  She squeezes my hand and shakes her head slightly. “Please don’t,” she whispers as a tear rolls down her cheek. There’s a lump in my throat and no matter how hard I swallow, it won’t budge. I know it’s because of Lola. I know what she’s thinking without reading her mind. She has nothing to worry about. I won’t kill Zadkiel now, I merely want answers. I rub my thumb over the back of Lola’s hand, and when she tightens her grip on mine I feel a rush of warmth spread through my heart.

  The King takes a step toward me, and clasps his hands. “And the additional reason you have proposed?”

  “You know,” I say, knowing he can, and will read my mind.

  He paces to his throne, and his robe flows around his feet as he turns to sit. “Of course, and indeed. Alas, tell me why I should disclose such knowledge when you have come here with the intent to destroy an Archangel? Your own father?”

  I shrug. I know he doesn’t have to give me anything, but I realise Lola’s plan might be useful. If I
can be the King of Hell, I’m damn well going to try.

  He raises his brow. “Do you believe that venture will end successfully?” the King asks.

  I shrug. “It’s possible.”

  My father steps forward. My real father. He has the same hair, nose, and lips as me. There is no real difference, other than the white wings and blue eyes.

  “Belial,” he says, “I shall honour you with my Archangel Sword, if you promise to reconcile with the angels.”

  “Sure thing,” I say. The Angel King sighs.

  I drop Lola’s hand and cross my arms. “Come on, you’ve read my mind, I know that. Clearly, I’ve got no idea what else you’re talking about, so why not stop with the mindreading bullshit and tell me? Then I can have the sword, kill Hades and Lucien, then take the throne.” I look my father in the eyes and tell him, “You’ll never have to see me again. Sounds like a plan to me.”

  He tilts his head and takes a step toward me. “Is that truly what you believe, Belial?”

  I shrug again. First, I need to find out what’s so special about Lola. Getting the sword is a close second.

  The King waves his hand and a hazy image of a grassy clearing appears. “Perhaps you will consider a stroll through the Garden of Remembrance, after which we shall converse again,” the King says.

  I sigh and roll my eyes. “The what?”

  The King steps forward and the silver doors open. “Prince Gabriel shall lead the way. I assure you, Belial, you will find it most valuable, as will Lola,” he says.

  “Whatever.” I take Lola’s hand and we follow Gabriel out into the clouds again.

  We come to a meadow, an open space of bright green grass surrounded by thick bushy trees. All over the meadow are small pink and white flowers with shiny specks of something—purity no doubt—hovering above them. They probably bottle the shit and sprinkle it over everything.

  Gabriel laughs. “I’ve never thought of it that way, Belial. Thank you for an interesting take on purity, although I doubt the King will appreciate it,” he says with a nod.


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