The Bully's Nanny (The Nannies Book 5)

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The Bully's Nanny (The Nannies Book 5) Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  The truth was, he’d have the kid locked up with the intention of teaching him a lesson, but that wasn’t going to pay them money.

  “It’s been a month. How are you finding things?” Callum asked, closing the door behind him.

  “Do you have a problem with my productivity?”

  “Not a single one. Our clients are happy and you’ve gotten some swift action on the foster kid with the community service deal. On the work front, you’re great. The best lawyer I have.”

  “Cut the shit, Callum. What is it?”

  “Your mood has turned sour the past couple of weeks. How’s your home life?”


  “You come to work in an awful mood. I haven’t heard of Tilly arriving. Want to reassess everything? Is Callie not working out?”

  “What’s with all the questions? I said I’m fine.”

  “And you’re a fucking useless liar.”

  “You’re lying now because you know I’m the best.” He needed his pen and it was hiding under a mountain of work.

  “Callie getting under your skin?”

  “Fuck off, Callum.”

  “Does Meghan not like her? Are you having to find another nanny? Or are you thinking of banging the nanny on a regular basis and what we’re suffering is the blue balls you’re dealing with?”

  He glared at his brother. “Fuck off.”

  “I got it, didn’t I? My bully little brother is finally facing the consequences of his past behavior. So, I’m guessing having Callie close, and being the best kind of fake mom, is just everything you ever wanted. She brings you lunch every day with Meghan, which creates the bond. I bet she also has dinner ready, laundry done, house completely clean. A perfectly well-behaved daughter. Am I doing well so far?”

  Giving up on his pen, he sat back and glared at his brother. “Why are you being an asshole?”

  “I’m your brother. I’m supposed to.”

  “I thought you were supposed to be supportive of me.”

  “Oh, I’m supposed to be that too, but for now, I’m playing the part of a giant dick.”

  “You’re doing it really well. The best kind.”

  His brother laughed. “I’m more than happy to oblige.” Callum bowed even though he was seated. “Come on then. Tell me what the problem is.”

  “There isn’t a single problem. Meghan is happy. She’s finally got some routine. She doesn’t wake up at night unless it’s a bad dream. No late-night demands for movies. The weekends, we hang out, and Meghan is always talking about Callie.”

  “And what does Callie do?”

  “She cooks and assists me if I need it. She’s always there.”

  “And is this a bad thing?”


  “Give it to me honestly, Drew, because right now, I’m not seeing a problem.”

  He ran fingers through his hair. Before he went to court, he was going to have to put some gel on it so no one saw that he was hanging on by a fucking thread. What to say to his brother so he didn’t sound like an asshole…

  He craved Callie.

  Wanted her more than anything.

  His nights were spent thinking about her.

  Yearning for her.

  Desperate for her.

  He’d watch her with his daughter and imagine her pregnant with his kid, and it would drive him crazy because all he really wanted to do was slide his dick inside her, and fuck her so hard and fast all the freaking time.

  Instead, he kept his thoughts to himself. Callie wasn’t affected by him. He’d watch her as they sat together in front of the television, Meghan curled up between them. His little girl snoring, filling the silence.

  “I need to finish this work,” he said.

  Callum sighed. “Fine. Actually, I came here for another reason. Leah would like Meghan for a sleepover. It has been so long since we’ve had her.”

  “I know what you’re trying to do,” Drew said.

  “No, Rebecca misses her.” Rebecca was Callum and Leah’s youngest kid. She was two years older than Meghan.

  He blew out a breath.

  Before he could say anything, there was a knock at the door. He didn’t need to look up to see it was Callie and his little girl.

  The door opened. “Is now a bad time?” she asked.

  Callie would put his lunch by his briefcase every morning, but he asked for her to bring Meghan to the office. Even though he loved his work, and he felt more himself at being back here, he couldn’t help but miss her. He’d spent a lot of time with his little girl, and now nothing. He missed her daily.

  “No, it’s not a bad time.”

  “Hey, Meghan,” Callum said.

  “Uncle Callum.” Meghan squealed, running to him.

  “I was just talking to your daddy. Rebecca would love a sleepover. Would you like it?”

  Meghan looked at him then at Callie.

  Callie just smiled.

  “It is up to your daddy. What do you say, Daddy, can she have a girly sleepover?” Callum asked.

  He hated his brother. One day, he would find a way to get back at him and make him pay. “Yes, you can have a sleepover.”

  “How about tonight? We can come and pick her up.”

  “What will she need?” Callie asked. “I’ll get her a bag ready.”

  Meghan bounced across the room to him, sitting on his lap.

  He wrapped his arms around her, kissing her temple. “Hello, darling,” he said.

  “Callie made you peanut butter cookies,” Meghan said. “I helped scoop and plop.”

  “Scoop and plop?”

  “Yep.” She did the action. She held a scoop, and then moved then to his desk and let her hand open, saying the plop as she did.

  “Ah, I see.”

  “I’m getting good. Callie says I’m going to be a master baker one day.”

  “I bet she’s right.”

  “I want to be just like you, Daddy,” she said.

  He chuckled. “I’m not a master baker.”

  “No, but you’re a master daddy.”

  “You can’t be a daddy.”

  “I can. Callie said whatever boys can do, we can do too. A boy at the park pushed me. He told me I was a fat loser and I couldn’t do the same as him, but Callie said I could. She said some boys are just mean, and they can’t see how awesome girls are.”

  He smiled and then thought back to their past. Callie hadn’t told him a boy had hurt his little girl.

  Tonight, he’d have a word with her about that. He didn’t want her going to the park if there were mean boys there who would bully his little girl. Not happening.

  All too soon, his lunch was over. Callie and Meghan were gone. Callum had connived to get his daughter out of the house, and he was due in court in an attempt to keep his entitled rich kid on the streets.

  Driving over to the courthouse, he thought about Callie.

  She’d been a quiet kid. He’d grown up with her. They’d never been close. She’d always been in the same year as him, and their classes were the same. She hung out in the front, he in the back. He used to throw balls of paper at her. Damn, he was a piece of work. There was a time in preschool he’d even hit her with a book because she’d been showing the book more attention than him.

  Damn it.

  Not once while he was being mean did he really think about what he was doing. He’d simply reacted, and now he was living with the consequences. What would he do if someone treated his daughter the way he’d done to Callie?

  He couldn’t think about it. Not now. Not ever. He wouldn’t let it happen.


  Callie waved at Callum, Leah, and Meghan as they drove away. Meghan looked really excited about going to her uncle’s and had talked nonstop about it.

  After closing the door, she picked up a couple of Meghan’s toys and took them upstairs to her room.

  Drew wasn’t home. Callum had let her know he’d been dealing with a couple of last-minute problems and would be home as so
on as he finished. She hoped he didn’t return until after she’d gone to bed. This was their first time alone. She wasn’t afraid of him or anything. Just nervous.

  The tension between them had been mounting.

  She didn’t know if she was going crazy imagining something that wasn’t really there, or the only one to feel it. Drew never made any inappropriate moves or said anything to give her cause for concern.

  She walked back downstairs and paused as the door opened. Drew entered as she came to the bottom.

  “Callum already came to pick up Meghan.”

  “I bet she was excited,” he said.

  “Yep. She packed two bags to go for an overnight stay.” She laughed. No matter what she tried to say to Meghan about it being one night, the young girl knew her own mind and what she wanted. Who was she to refuse? “How are you?” she asked.

  “It has been a long day. I need something to eat.”

  “I’ll go and serve you up.”

  “Actually, there’s something I want to talk to you about.”

  “Okay.” She walked into the kitchen and pulled out the pasta casserole she’d been keeping warm. It was only a small casserole and she’d eaten her portion.

  “I don’t want you taking Meghan to the park anymore.”

  Of all the statements he could make, that hadn’t been the one she’d been expecting.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. I don’t want her there. It’s not safe.”

  She paused in serving him up. “How is it not safe? I was there.”

  “And clearly you weren’t keeping an eye on her if you allowed a boy to bully her.”

  “The boy didn’t bully her. Meghan got up and she came over to me. I was going to talk to the boy’s parent, but she asked me not to.”

  “And you take your orders from a four-year-old?”

  “Yes, I’m a nanny.”

  “Wrong. I’m your boss. You take your orders from me. You will not take my daughter to the park anymore. There’s no way I will allow her to be bullied.”

  She couldn’t help it, she burst out laughing. “Seriously, you’re going to get defensive because your daughter encountered a bully? Do you even know what she did to retaliate?”

  “I don’t care.”

  “Well, tough, because seeing as I’m still dealing with a type of bully right now, I’ll tell you. She walked right up to that boy, and she climbed the ropes, proving to him that he couldn’t push her down. He could tell her she couldn’t do anything, but with her head held high, she proved to him that she damn well could. You don’t have to back down from bullies, nor do you hide from them. You prove what they say and what they do mean nothing to you.”

  “Is that what you’re trying to tell me now? Huh, I mean nothing to you?”

  “What’s it like, Drew? One day you’re going to have to realize there are going to be guys just like you, only this time, your daughter could be the target. How does that feel?” Callie asked.

  He stepped around the counter, advancing toward her.

  She took a step back until she hit the wall, hindering her escape. What was she doing? This wasn’t professional. This was her past clouding her judgment. Pissing her off. She shouldn’t even be allowing it to get in the way, but she was.

  She hated it. Fuck.

  Drew slammed his arms down on either side of her head. “And what if my girl is the next Tilly, and it’s someone like you that she picks on? What then?”

  “You’re an asshole.”

  “Yeah, well, let me keep up with the tradition.” Before she knew what the hell was going on, his fingers were in her hair, he pulled the strands back, and his lips were on hers.

  At first, she didn’t do anything.

  In the back of her mind, she screamed at herself to push him away. There was no way she wanted this kiss, or him.

  He was a monster. A bully. The past she wanted to keep there.

  But she didn’t.

  She wrapped her arms around him, drinking him in. Kissing him back. This wasn’t passionate. This was punishment. Their teeth crashed together and he bit into her lip. Moisture flooded her core.

  He grabbed one of her hands, pressing it above her head, keeping her locked up tight. Within seconds, he had both of her hands there as he traveled down her body.

  She gasped as over her shirt, he sucked her nipples, taking each one in turn.

  “Fuck, they’re so big.”

  She wanted to scream at him to stop but her body wanted him. No, she wanted him. “I hate you.”

  “Good. You can hate me all you want.” He held both of her hands in one of his as he pressed his hand down the front of her pants. “Because if this is what hate feels like, then sign me up for more.”

  She spread her legs as he plunged two fingers inside her, arching against him. He pumped his digits, drawing them out to circle her nub. She cried out, but he didn’t stop.

  “So wet. You want my cock, don’t you, Callie?”

  Her name came off his lips as a sneer. “Fuck you.”

  “Oh, I will.” He let her go only so he could grab her hips. He pressed her over the counter, pulling down her sweatpants as well as her panties. The cool air brushed across her naked flesh.

  “I’ve thought about how good you would look.”

  His hands moved from her hips to her ass. She felt his lips as they stroked across each rounded cheek, kissing them. He spread her ass wide and she heard the unmistakable sound of his belt opening. The zipper sliding down seemed to echo through all of her senses.

  When the tip of his cock traced over her entrance, she had a split second worth of sanity that immediately vanished.

  She didn’t want this, but she did. She hated him but still wanted his cock.

  He slammed forward, surging into her, fucking her hard. It was a deep thrust, owning her with a matter of seconds. She cried out at the sudden fullness of it. She hadn’t been a virgin for a long time, but she also hadn’t been with a man in quite some time either.

  Closing her eyes, she basked in the fullness. Feeling her own need rising as he suddenly pulled out of her, only to fill her once again. His grip on her hips was almost bruising. Heady. The sensations all mixed and melded together.

  She wasn’t herself. She lost all focus. The only thing she felt was this need to come. To be fucked, to be filled. To have everything that was Drew.

  There would be bruises on her hips where he held her, but she didn’t care. The pleasure was intense.

  He reached between her spread legs and began to stroke her clit. Over and around, back and forth, he worked her pussy at the same time he rocked within her, heightening her need, filling her with his dick. His other hand moved from her hip to cup her tit.

  “What the fuck have you done to me?” he asked. “I don’t want to want you.”

  “Then stop.”

  “Tell me to stop.”

  It was on the tip of her tongue to make him stop as he teased her clit. She wanted to come more than she wanted him to stop. The impulse to abandon him wasn’t strong enough.

  She needed this more than anything.

  “Please, don’t stop,” she said instead, hating herself as she gave in to her weakness.

  Drew teased her to a release. She cried his name. The echoed sounds mocked her as he fucked her harder, taking what he wanted. He was relentless, pounding deep within her until he came. When he did, he shouted her name. She felt each ripple and pulse as he flooded her.

  They hadn’t used a condom. She wasn’t on anything. She was also his employee.

  They shouldn’t have fucked.

  With the fog of arousal fading, all that remained was the knowledge that she’d fucked up. This went against all the rules. Drew’s dick shouldn’t be inside her.

  Closing her eyes, she panted for breath, for sanity, for the hope that she could somehow turn back the clock.

  What was wrong with her? She’d let her bully fuck her, and now, she had to live with it.
br />   What was she going to do?

  Chapter Five

  Drew had never had a woman who ran away from him immediately after sex, not in all of his life, not even when he was in high school and didn’t know what the fuck he was doing. Callie, though, she ran. She pulled up her sweatpants and didn’t look at him.

  “Callie,” he said, calling her name.

  She didn’t answer.

  Following her upstairs, he found her room empty but the bathroom door shut. There wasn’t a lock on the door. Rather than open it and invade her privacy, he knocked on the wood, waiting.

  She stayed silent.

  “Come on, Callie, we both wanted it downstairs. Don’t act like this.” He was starting to feel as if he’d forced her and that wasn’t exactly the feeling he was going for. Gritting his teeth, he tried not to think about what just happened. At no point did she ask him to stop. He’d been many things in his life but a rapist wasn’t one of them. Not once had he used force to get a woman to spread her legs.

  Putting his hand on the door, he grew tired of this. “If you don’t open this door, I will. I’m not going to let you run away from this.”

  The door opened and she stared at him. “What is it you want?” There was no glare on her face, and she looked a little pale.

  “Callie, why did you run away?”

  “Why did I run away? Let me think about that, because I just had sex with a client. Do you know how unprofessional that is?”

  “I’m your employer, so yeah, I get it. Believe me, the entire office a few years back got a whole lot of training because of it.”

  “I don’t want to talk to you right now.”

  “Why are you ashamed you actually felt something? Do you just want to be a block of ice for the rest of your life?”

  “You’re unbelievable.” She went to close the door but he stopped her by keeping his hand on the door. There was no way he was going to let her close him out. Not now, not ever, and certainly not today. “You’re not going to do this.”

  “Yes, I am. I should hand in my resignation right now. You could report me.”

  “How about this? If you close this door, I will report you and put a very descriptive letter on the internet about the kind of services you offer.” He wouldn’t do it but he wasn’t above blackmailing just to get her to do what he damn well wanted. Why was she always fighting him?


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