The Bully's Nanny (The Nannies Book 5)

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The Bully's Nanny (The Nannies Book 5) Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Her heart raced.

  Her hands shook.

  She climbed behind the wheel, turned the engine over, and took off toward Callum’s house. It was already getting dark. Meghan cried in the back.

  “Hey, darling, sweetheart, it’s okay.”

  “It’s not. Mommy likes to hurt me a lot.”

  Her heart broke. Hearing Meghan’s cries, seeing the look on Drew’s face. She felt her eyes fill with tears. She didn’t let them fall. Meghan needed her to be strong and so did Drew. “I won’t ever let that happen, sweetie. Okay? You’re here with me. We’re going to Uncle Callum’s right now. You’ll get to see Rebecca and it will all look amazing in the morning. I promise.”

  She hoped she didn’t break that promise. The thought of hurting this little girl, of giving her false hope, would break her.

  What was Drew going to do?

  She arrived at Callum’s house. All the lights were still on. After parking the car, she climbed out and went to Meghan’s side. The young girl slumped out of the car. She picked her up in her arms, rushed forward, and knocked.

  Even her clenched hand shook.

  Callum opened the door with a big smile on his face, which quickly turned into a frown as he looked at her. “What’s going on?”

  “Drew asked me to come here.”

  “But why?”

  Leah came round the corner, as did Rebecca.

  “Meghan,” Rebecca said.

  She let Meghan down, who ran off with her cousin.

  Running fingers through her hair, Callie looked at him. “Tilly, she … she’s back. Er, she’s, she was going to hurt Meghan. I stopped her. Drew told me to come here to you.”

  Callum closed the door. He put a hand on her shoulder but she pulled away from his touch.

  “Drew told me what she used to be like. You know what she used to do?”

  Callum nodded, shoving his hands into pockets.

  “She could hurt him?”

  “Drew can defend himself.”

  “But he’d never hit a woman?”


  She shook her head. “It’s too risky. We can’t let them—”

  “No,” Callum said. “Drew can handle this. He sent you and Meghan here. It’s our job to protect you.”

  “But who’s going to protect him?”

  “Drew can handle himself. You’re just going to have to trust him.”

  She didn’t want Drew to take care of himself or to put himself in any kind of danger. This was fucking sick.

  She looked at Leah, who immediately came forward. “It’s going to be okay.”

  The words were nice but they were also hollow.

  Why had Tilly come back to town?

  Chapter Eleven

  Watching Callie walk away upset Drew. He didn’t want to make her leave.

  Tilly watched them go, spinning on her heel and collapsing on the sofa where a few days ago, he’d screwed Callie.

  Seeing this woman, he felt angry.

  For a year, he’d not heard from her, nor had his PI. He’d come home to find the house trashed, her clothes gone, and he had to figure out how to take care of a kid, keep a home and his job. He’d sent the divorce papers. He didn’t want to be married to this woman.

  “You really have let yourself go if you think being with that is a step up from me. Come on, Drew, you hated her.”

  “Why are you here?”

  “You want a divorce and seeing as you’re shacking up with her, and ruining my reputation because of it, I don’t see a reason why I should grant it to you. Adultery and all that.”

  “Adultery.” He laughed. “The entire time we were married I didn’t stray. I know for a fact you slept with a dozen men. All of them will gladly take my side and tell the courts exactly what kind of a slut you are.”

  “Yeah, and I’ll take custody of Meghan.”

  “Try it, Tilly. The way you reacted then, no one in the world would give you custody. People here know you. You don’t have a job, you’re not stable, and I’m pretty sure people know what kind of person you are.”

  “Oh, you mean because I stood up to you. Because I wouldn’t let you hurt me.” Tilly stood. “There are always ways of getting the truth to look just how I need it. I didn’t want you to hurt me, Drew, so I hurt you to stop you from attacking me.” She covered her face. “Don’t hurt me, please, don’t hurt me.”

  “I can’t believe I ever married you.”

  “If you don’t end this charade with that bitch, I’ll make you pay. I will have this entire town believe that you’re a beater, and I’m the victim.”

  “You really care that much about who I’m dating.”

  She shivered. “Please, don’t use that term.” Tilly cringed. “She’s horrible. I mean all of that fat.”

  “She’s more woman than you will ever be.”

  He should have seen the punch. It didn’t knock him out, but he stumbled back, cupping his face.

  “No, she’s not more woman than me. I’m the best you ever had, Drew. Do as I say or you’ll regret the day you took her instead of me.” Tilly got to her feet. “I can’t stay here. When you’re done getting rid of the filth, clean this place of it.”

  Tilly let herself out of the house and he touched his eye. He was going to have bruises tomorrow.

  Fuck. He’d never reported Tilly’s abuse.

  Now he was fucked.

  Tilly could act the victim.

  He didn’t want to lose Callie, nor did he want to have to go through a custody battle to have his little girl.

  The door opened.

  “Drew, where are you?” Callum said, the panic in his voice clear.

  “I’m here. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”

  Callum slammed the door closed. “Where’s the fucking slut?”

  “She’s gone. She’s done her damage and now she’s gone.”

  He’d slumped on the sofa. All he wanted was Callie wrapped around him, holding him, but instead, he had emptiness.

  “Did Callie come to you?”

  “Yes, she’s safe.”

  “Good. I didn’t want anything to happen to her. Tilly went to hit Meghan. You should have seen Callie. She was … amazing.” He winced.

  “She punch you in the eye?” Callum asked.

  “Yep. I guess after a year of not dodging her fists, I forgot how she likes to lash out when I least expect it.”

  “I’ll get some ice.”

  “It’s fine. I can handle it.”

  “Don’t be a prick. I’ll get you some ice.”

  “So much for being a nice big brother.”

  “I am being a nice big brother. I’m getting you some ice so you can stem the bruising. It already looks like it’s going to leave a nice shiner on your face.” Callum’s voice faded. “You’re going to have to call the cops.”

  “And tell them what? I’m sorry I couldn’t take care of myself, I got punched by a girl?”

  “This isn’t high school, Drew. Anyone else, you’d tell them to report her ass to the cops. It’s time you took this matter seriously. She’s back and I guess with the punched eye, you’re not going to get an easy divorce.”

  “She wants me to get rid of Callie. If I don’t, she’s going to claim I’m the one who hurt her and she only defended herself. Then she’ll take Meghan from me.”

  “You have to report her,” he said.

  “Callum, what good would it do?”

  “I don’t give a fuck. I’m not hearing this shit anymore.”

  “Who got her here?” Drew asked.


  “Tilly, she’s been gone an entire year. Why now? Why would she turn up when I was moving on? She already knew about Callie. She came here with a mission. She already knew what she was going to do. How did she know that?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Someone told her.”

  “Who do you think?” Callum asked.

  “Was it you?” Drew asked.
r />   “Fuck no. I hated that bitch. I was the one who had to deal with the fallout whenever her temper flared. I wouldn’t do that to you.”

  “No, but maybe my mom would,” he said.

  “No. Mom wouldn’t do this.”

  “She asked Callie what she’d do if Tilly returned and I did the right thing.”

  “Come on, our parents?”

  “Not our parents. Mom. She did this. I know she did.”

  “I…” His brother couldn’t deny it. “Look, we’ll deal with that in a moment. For now, I’m calling Michael.”


  “You’re going to report your eye, and then we’ll deal with it from there.”

  Drew pressed the bag of frozen peas to his eye and tried not to panic. Talking to anyone about this upset him. This wasn’t what he wanted to do, and he didn’t want to let anyone know.

  Callum hung up. “Michael is on his way.”


  “Drew, seriously, I’m here, okay.”

  Tears filled Drew’s eyes. “You’re here. If you were here, you’d tell Michael not to bother coming.”

  “There’s no shame right now.”

  “Callum, stop.”

  His brother took his hand, squeezing it tight. “I’m here for you. You have done enough. You have paid enough. Meghan is a beautiful girl. Tilly isn’t part of that. You are. You don’t have to keep on fighting and I for one am not letting her come in here and ruin your life. You’re not going to have to pick between Callie or Tilly. This isn’t a choice you’re going to have to make.”

  “I got hit by a girl. Do you know how it sounds?” He couldn’t … he didn’t want … he wasn’t this kind of person. “I’m not afraid of Tilly.”

  “I know. You didn’t get hit by a girl, Drew. You’ve been physically abused by Tilly for years. You have been attacked, hurt, and you don’t have to suffer this anymore.”

  “But I’m no better than her. I hurt Callie.”

  “Did you ever hit Callie? Ever attack her with a skillet? With an iron? Did you ever make her curl up in a corner, rocking? I saw you after she hit you with the iron, Drew. You sat in the nursery as Meghan slept. You didn’t think I saw you but I did. You rocked and you sobbed, and I couldn’t help you. You’re not a monster. You were a teenage asshole, but not anymore. You don’t have to suffer like this. Not now, not ever again. You’re going to be whole again. I promise.”

  There was a knock at the door.

  “I won’t leave your side after I open that door.”

  Callum left and he heard Michael. He’d dealt with the sheriff a few times. He’d never been in trouble by him though.

  Michael entered the room. “Hello, Drew.”

  He lowered the peas.

  “Callum’s given me the rundown. I think it’s time you started to talk and I don’t want you to leave anything out.”

  “Even though it makes me sound like a pussy?”

  “You’re not a pussy, son. Start from the beginning and don’t leave anything out.”

  Callum sat next to him. His brother’s presence provided him with the strength he needed. Gritting his teeth, the tears fell, he opened his lips, and he started to talk about the hell his life had been prior to this past year.


  “It’s a good thing Callum hasn’t come back yet, right?” Callie asked.

  She sat with Leah, nursing a cup of steaming hot chocolate as Leah sipped at her wine.

  “It is. If there was anything to worry about, I promise you, Callum would have called. He wouldn’t leave me fretting over nothing.”

  This didn’t fill her with joy. “Did you ever meet Tilly?”

  “A couple of times but Callum knew I wasn’t her biggest fan. I didn’t like how she ignored Meghan. We went to the park a few times. I knew Drew’s parents wanted nothing to do with her, and so I tried to keep up the family togetherness, but it didn’t work. Tilly was always more interested in the men who were coming and going. She never had the time for Meghan. A few times I thought I saw bruises on her, I told Callum. Did you know her?”

  “I did. She was a first-class bitch back in high school. I hated her. She … she wasn’t nice. I feel wrong saying that because she’s part of Meghan. I love Meghan.” She pressed her lips together.

  “I think it’s safe to say you’ve got some pretty strong feelings about her father.”

  “I care for Drew a lot.” She took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I feel a little scared. What if he takes her back?”

  “It’s not going to happen.”

  “You’re that confident?”

  “Yes.” Leah took her hand. “You’ve got to learn to believe.”

  “I wish I shared your enthusiasm.”

  Leah chuckled.

  The front door opened and Callie got to her feet. She walked to the entranceway and saw Callum with Drew. She didn’t know if she should go to him or not. The door was closed, and Drew looked up.

  “What did she do?” Callie said. Screw what was right or not, or even her own pain. She was pissed. She rushed toward Drew and cupped his face.

  “It’s fine.”

  “She hit you?”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “I think you two should talk,” Callum said. “Leah and I will be in the kitchen.”

  Drew nodded.

  Her stomach twisted into knots. Was this where he’d tell her that he was leaving her? That he wanted nothing more to do with her?

  Nibbling on her lip, she looked at him and waited.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  “It’s nothing.”

  “It is something, talk to me.” He cupped her face.

  “You’re breaking up with me, aren’t you? Because she’s back.”

  “Hell, no. Fuck that. No.” He slammed his lips down on hers. She moaned his name as he traced her lips with his tongue. “You and Meghan, I can’t give you up. I don’t want to ever lose you.” He stroked her face. “You’ve given me so much happiness. I’m not going to let you go.” He kissed her again. “Tilly made some demands.”

  “She did?”

  “She wants me to get rid of you. If I don’t, she’s going to make the whole town believe that I beat her up. That the only reason she hit me was to defend herself and a woman needs to learn to take care of herself.”

  “No, she won’t, will she?”

  “If I don’t do as she asks, there’s more.”

  “What more could she possibly want?”

  “She’ll take full custody of Meghan.”

  “But she was going to hit her. Her slap wasn’t aimed at me.”

  “I know. It’s okay though.”

  “You’re going to do what she wants?”

  He shook his head. “No. Callum called Michael.”

  “Sheriff Michael?”



  “I told him everything. I told him about all the abuse. The violence. I didn’t leave anything out. I don’t have any proof other than a black eye.” He pressed his lips together. “I’m not going to let her come between us, Callie. She can try but you’re the only woman I want.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “I thought you’d go back to her.”

  “Never. I don’t want anyone else.”

  She wrapped her arms around him and held him close. “I’ll be here. I promise. I won’t let her hurt Meghan. I know it’s not my place. She’s her mother and I know I shouldn’t interfere.”

  “Callie, you’ve been more of a mother to Meghan than she has. You were going to protect her even though she could have hit you in the process.”

  “I can handle Tilly’s hits, believe me, I’ve been doing it for a long time.” She shrugged.


  “Back in high school. Tilly used to follow me into the bathroom. I think she did. She was always alone. She liked to hit me. Punch me. I never fought back. Not once.” She took a deep breath. “I know what it’s like to be afraid of her.” She cupped
his face.

  “I’m so fucking sorry.”

  “What? Why?”

  “I was with her. I was part of all of this. I hurt you and I should have been protecting you.”

  “Drew, you didn’t know.”

  “But I still bullied you.”

  “I forgive you.”

  “You shouldn’t.”

  “I can if I want to, and I do. I forgive you.” She went on her tiptoes and placed a kiss on his lips. “You can’t give back my forgiveness. You’ve got to take it.”

  He wrapped his arms around her, pressing his face against her neck. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you but I’m not ever letting you go, Callie. I want to keep you forever.”

  Being a nanny for over ten years, she knew how it felt to have a child tell her they loved her, how they never wanted her to leave. Then circumstances changed. They got old enough. No tears were shed. Just a simple goodbye, and your services were no longer required. No one had ever wanted to keep her for longer than was necessary.

  Being in Drew’s arms, she felt at peace and whole.

  He wanted her, just as she wanted him. They were safe together, united.

  At that moment, she knew she loved this man. Her past bully had somehow turned into the love of her life.

  Chapter Twelve

  The following day, Drew took Callie and Meghan back home. He wasn’t going to hide from his past or the woman who’d made his life hell. Being at Tilly’s mercy for so long and finally breaking free by speaking the truth, he’d come to see he wasn’t wrong for being hit. No, Tilly was wrong for hurting him.

  He wasn’t weak.

  He was strong.

  There was no way he was ever going to allow that woman to push him around anymore, or for him to risk his happiness because of her fucking whims. Not now. Not ever again. Marrying Tilly was his mistake and he would pick up the pieces, no doubt about it.

  His parents had been right from the start and now, he needed to go and see them.

  Parking his car outside of his parents’ house, he saw both of his parents on their knees, weeding an overly grown patch.

  His parents had never seen the aftermath of Tilly’s hard work. This time, he didn’t hide from them.

  His father spotted him first and got up from his knees. “Son, is everything okay?”


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