“Fascinating. I didn’t know portal sickness could be cured,” said the beggar.
“Neither did we. Then again, it isn’t as if we’ve had a great many subjects to examine over the years.”
“True,” he said. “You’re confident in the silver key’s identity?”
“The students encountered a fifth-level devil, as reckoning goes. I doubt it could be any other than what you suspect.”
“Wonderful. Keep me updated.”
“As you wish,” she said. “What is your stance on interference in this situation, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“I trust your judgment, and that of your staff.”
“You shouldn’t. That man’s a fool.”
“A genius,” he said.
“Too intelligent for his own good, by far.”
“As you say.”
“My apologies.” She blushed. “Please continue.”
“Do as you see fit. If they draw too close to the truth, well… A certain someone has instructed us not to harm the one-armed boy.”
“That may prove difficult if we wish to keep this contained.”
“Even he knows we can’t guarantee everything.” The beggar waved a hand. “Do as you must. That is all.”
“Thank you, sir. We will be discreet.”
“I know you will.” The beggar hobbled away as the woman stepped back into the bakery. The city of Ormuil ignored them both.
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The purchaser of this book is subject to the condition that he/she shall in no way resell it, nor any part of it, nor make copies of it to distribute freely.
This book is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and situations within its pages and places or persons, living or dead, is unintentional and coincidental.
Copyright © 2017 Taylor Clogston
All rights reserved.
The Black Librarian Archives Page 10