End of Knighthood Part II: The King's Move (Reverence Book 3)

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End of Knighthood Part II: The King's Move (Reverence Book 3) Page 5

by Landeros, Joshua

  “I’m sorry, Captain” Noah apologized, “We lost track of her.”

  Captain Halsey only regarded Will, and he was absolutely calm about the matter. He decided to follow his lead.

  “I thought we stripped you of all weapons,” Halsey commented. Smug as ever.

  “Now, now, I thought I was a guest, not a prisoner.”

  “But there were terms,” the captain argued.

  “And what fun are those?”

  Will pulled the hira-shuriken from the dummy, tossing it back to Mari. She had expected Will to put the weapon away in his overcoat. Stranger yet, Halsey had no objection to her putting the star in her pocket.

  “You talk quite a bit. Maybe we should just settle this and get it out of your system,” Will said casually.

  “I’m not sure how long you think you would last against a veteran such as myself, but don’t sweat it. I’m sure you recognize this marking,” she said as she brandished her bandana.

  “Yes, the Crusaders. I was once a member.”

  “Oh, I know. The Grim Reaper I hear they once called you. Of course, you don’t want to hear what they call you now.”

  “Sure I would.”

  All right, if I don’t step in now they’ll have an all-out brawl.

  “Will, why don’t we head back? Today that mosque is just about finished, and I’m pretty sure Jacob would want us to take a look.”

  Will took his time breaking off his staredown with Marisol, but he conceded to Halsey’s suggestion. Before he joined the captain, though, he had something else to say.

  “37, one last thing.”

  Mari was excited to hear this goodbye.

  “Before making such vain threats, you might want to have that leg looked at. I guarantee you in a fight with me you wouldn’t last very long with that pitiful limp.”

  Marisol angrily looked away as the two departed. This time she had no retort. Halsey was legitimately shocked at that one. The duo headed back toward the barracks. Will had a cheeky smile on his face.

  “Nice lie there, Halsey.”

  “It’s a little early for a duel, isn’t it? Walking the other way is something I do believe in from time to time.”

  “The funny part is that Jacob has been spending a whole lot of time there. You thinking what I’m thinking?”

  “It crossed my mind. I’m having a hard time visualizing him actually romancing her, though.”

  The two shared a laugh just as someone was coming up from behind fast. Will was the first to turn around. What he saw was a tall man in a Canadian military uniform. Neither of them recalled having seen him on the base before. He made no motion to salute them and even though he looked at them both, it was clear his attention was on the cyborg.

  “Can we help you?” Halsey said.

  “Unit 21’s presence is requested at the Dining Hall.”

  “This oughta be good,” said Joe as he prepared to join them. The mysterious man put up a hand.

  “This is a private meeting.”

  Halsey was somewhere between insulted and confused, though it was definitely more the former. He assumed Declan and Ominic would try to change Will’s position on the whole Unit 37 problem. Damn it. He was still trying to find an alternative for that word, problem, but it was what he constantly came back to. He knew damn well that Will would not be swayed, so even though he couldn’t relax per se, he also wasn’t overly worried. Guess I’ll check in with Jacob, after all.


  Will was once again at the Dining Hall, except this time the doors were opened for him graciously. He thanked the man who replied with a courteous, ‘You’re welcome, sir’ before shutting the doors. The grand table was even emptier than before with but a single man seated at it. What the super soldier was surprised to see was that it was neither Declan nor Ominic waiting for him. This was a man he’d only vaguely heard of before. To see him in the flesh was eerie, an odd feeling for a cyborg.

  “William Marconi, it is a pleasure to finally meet you. I’m Cristiano Vanzetti, Secretary General of the AEF.”

  Cristiano was shorter than Will by a few inches and wore a dark burgundy pinstripe blazer with a gray dress shirt and white pants. His excellently patterned red tie matched with the pocket square he wore. His silver hair was long and wavy, and his moustache and beard were kept short. Cristiano’s eyes were a marble gray.

  “Delighted, sir. Are we waiting on the governor general and chief of staff?”

  “No, this is a conversation between us only. I’ve even had my assistant Emir Thani wait outside. I’m sure he’s going to chew me out for that when we talk later,” Vanzetti joked.

  “How long have you been watching me?”

  “I only had him take note of a few things. Not anything for surveillance purposes. You have proved your commitment as far as I can see.”

  Will didn’t believe that, but he went on listening anyway.

  “As you might have assumed, I’m a man like yourself—a man who is adamant that the UNR is an abomination. Ever since I got word of what happened at their HQ, I knew the time had finally come to knock down this diseased empire.”

  Will stood at attention. It was the first time since his disbandment of the UNR that a man of power had spoken to him without fear. Ever since the incident at the Headquarters, he’d found himself acting more and more on his own will. Attempts at retribution and forgiveness, and yet neither had truly grounded him in solace. All he felt was an increasing vacuum within himself, and now he knew why. He needed this; he needed direction. At long last he felt under true command again.

  “Please elaborate, sir.”

  The smile on Vanzetti’s face ensured his ears were delighted to hear that.

  “Before I get to my offer, I’d like to ask you something. You see, Declan told me about the latest UNR fugitive residing here. And now there is all this talk about making the salvage station a publicity stunt where the valiant Crimson Angels come charging in to expose the underbelly of the UNR. So, my question is this, William. Do you truly believe that plan will bear any long-lasting fruit?”

  Cristiano was overjoyed to see the cyborg not bat an eye.

  “No, I think they’d brush it off.”

  “Then you, my friend, see the grander scope that I also see. This brings me to the topic of the hour, this International Summit. Let’s acknowledge what it really is: Venloran putting on a fantastic show for the world because it is changing as we speak. And we have you to thank for that, William. The Crimson Angels have had their chance over the decades and even I’ve put together a few ops that all led nowhere. You have been the single greatest catalyst for change. If this summit goes off without a hitch, then public opinion around the globe will largely agree on staying idle, promptly exploited by the current politicians in office who throw around the term peace to their advantage. No one wants to take direct action. They only want to debate the matter within their senates and parliaments. That’s where you come in. Someone with your prowess.”

  “To sway public opinion by unsettling the masses.”

  “Yes, and there is really only one way to do that—the world needs to see the UNR for what it really is. We’ll remind the world of what they’ve done by creating a fresh wound.”

  “How so, sir?”

  “The UNR has had a number of critics over the years from prime ministers to religious icons. A number of these beloved activists will be at the International Summit where the Chancellor will have them killed before the eyes of the world for their refusal to bow down.”

  Will felt his confidence slip.

  “You want me to assassinate non-UNR targets?”

  “I understand your shock.”

  Will certainly didn’t want to seem shocked, but not even this super soldier could conceal it. He tried to assess the proposition with his own logic.

  “Why not take out the Chancellor? He’s the head of the UNR.”

  “You’d be right, and that is the follow-up operation. Taking out these selected ta
rgets will galvanize the forces of democracy against our enemy. Eliminating the Chancellor will make the UNR appear as a victim. We cannot allow that to happen. This cannot look like the work of some anonymous terrorist group. This needs to look like the work of the UNR itself.”

  Vanzetti read Will’s hesitation and decided to shear through his trepidation.

  “Through my negotiations, I secured the condition that no cyborgs can be allowed inside the building. All so you could have a shot at ending this.”

  This was a crucial factor in such an operation, but Will still hesitated. Vanzetti proved relentless.

  “I want you to think back on The Expansion. How did your government sell it? They portrayed themselves as champions of change and justice. Prime Minister Esteban’s whole family was slaughtered under the pretense he supported Mexico becoming a part of the UNR. How do you suppose a man so high up suffered such a fate? Every leader who fought assimilation after that was a disgrace to Esteban’s legacy and was killed without deliberation. Or will you debate on this history you and I both know took place?”

  But not just any men. I’ve got to know, Val. You were the one who carried out Operation Bloody Mary, weren’t you? Will remembered now. How had he forgotten? His kind was born and bred for these types of missions. This man knowing of something as well covered up as Esteban’s fate is impressive in itself, although Will failed to realize in his speculation that Vanzetti had never actually confirmed knowing the UNR was behind it. Instead, he was already trying to comprehend the groundwork for this scheme.

  “Where does this all end?”

  “With us united against this unholy kingdom, we may then proceed with the second part of the plan, which I give surety to you entails the death of the Chancellor. Facing war and the loss of their leader, they’ll have no choice but to surrender. The UNR would effectively be dismantled.”

  “I grasp the concept, sir.”

  “Then I guess the only thing left to ask is whether you accept the mission.”

  Vanzetti’s stare was a piercing one. The cyborg’s mind was racing even though his outward appearance may not have reflected that. But every second I wait only adds to my own weakness. You know what you were taught: Quick, silent, clean; another job pulled off without a hitch. He only had one final inquiry.

  “And what of the exposure?”

  “You can be at ease. This mission will not be on record. No one but us two will ever know it was assigned.”

  “Then I accept, sir.”

  “Superb, I’m glad to hear it, friend.”

  He put out his hand and Will shook it.

  “I’m honored, sir.”

  “No, I am, William. When it all truly begins, soldiers like Unit 37 are only the beginning. More will join our cause. Victory is now a reality.”


  Edgebrook, Chicago

  The Chevrolet Camaro pulled up to the old house. There was a serene calm. Out of the car stepped Kearney as well as Venloran. They approached the old house, his assistant opening the door for him. That same Chinese dragon rug was still there to greet them, though the couches were covered and anything not was coated in dust. The night’s darkness meant they couldn’t see it, but, hell, they could smell the layer of it on just about everything.

  Kearney remained behind as Venloran ventured up the stairs. Only the moonlight guided him.

  He entered his son’s room, everything being just the way they’d left it. The spreadsheets for a song he’d been practicing was on his bed, ‘Evil Warning’ by Angra. He loved that band so much, even I gave them a listen after a while. His guitar still rested there on his comforter as well, with a photo from his tour on his dresser. Carl seated himself upon it, facing the window.

  The father brought what he had carried up the stairs with him to his lap—the aged cigar box. Time had weathered the container to the extent it creaked as he opened it. The crimson velvet lining still had a glow to it and so did the Beretta M9. Compared to everything else in the room, the relic hadn’t seemed to age a day. He gently lifted it out of the box with both hands. His eyes followed every line right down to the chamber. He checked the ammunition, finding only one bullet amiss.

  Carl closed the box, holding the gun firmly in one hand. Feeling its cold embrace, his gaze was focused on the menacing look to the tree branches right outside the window, casting the bony fingers of a witch on the room’s floor. Is that what made your nightmares persist? His palms were perspiring despite the cold metal he held. Is this what Warren saw?

  Chapter 7 - Dreams in the Dark

  October 21, 2065 - Fort Hosbon Briefing Room

  The many men and women were seated in simple fold-up chairs arranged in front of Halsey and a large telescreen. Next to him was Declan, though the captain was definitely the center of attention. Standing off to the side in the dimly-lit room was Ominic. Gathered here was a tiny fraction of the soldiers on the base, but these brave few would be headed directly into the belly of the beast. Halsey began to lay out the details.

  “Welcome, boys and girls, here’s the game plan. We have secured the location of an R and D compound located at the Rock City State Forest, New York. The Armed Forces Council and I have decided that this mission will be a jab at the UNR’s credibility. Our main objective will be to gather data on the new weapons, a sample, if possible. At the same time, we will document with photo and video what we find. We will humiliate the Chancellor before his big day on that stage.”

  Nusaybah eyed the soldiers seated around her. None voiced their opinion, but it wasn’t needed. She could see the sheer disappointment locked away in their expressions. Jacob was seated next to her, and she went to him next. His ice-cold eyes had the same contempt in them. Their eyes met, Jacob knowing full well she expected something. But he won’t. Not against Halsey.

  Nusaybah raised a hand. Halsey paused for one noticeable moment before giving the go-ahead.

  “Yes, go ahead, Jinnah.”

  “Thank you, Captain.” Nusaybah took it upon herself to stand.

  “I want you to know how much I look up to you. Your Crimson Angels inspired me not to lose hope in a war that seemed like it was already lost. Still, I have to say it—this can’t be it. I studied your tactics and in the past you were much more aggressive. That’s what we need right now, sir.”

  Declan was hesitant to take on Khalid’s daughter. Thankfully, Joe was up to the task.

  “What would you have us do, then?”

  “Why waste our time on this place? The bigger prize is the Summit. There, the world would see we’re not backing down.”

  “By turning our sights on a big target like the Chancellor. Like you said, I have a lot of experience in fighting the UNR. A lot of that was spent face-to-face fighting on the street, bold stuff. I also remember what happened when we kept raising the stakes every chance we got—eventually we got sacked. It was my grand plan to try and take out the Chancellor at the Lincoln Memorial, and that very plan cost far too much for far too little.”

  Out near the back of the crowd stood Will. He didn’t break away, and he kept looking right at Halsey. Joe pushed on.

  “I wanted to try a different strategy this time. This intel is vital to future battle plans. What’s more, we can give what we find to the rest of the world and show them what the Chancellor is really made of. A day will come when we go big, but when we do I want the support of the whole world behind us this time. We’re not going to waste any lives, including our own.”

  Jacob expected Nusaybah to retaliate further.

  “I understand, sir.” She seated herself again. She understood because her father had lived a life of being beaten to a pulp by the UNR. All his friends had perished.

  “Thank you for your input,” Halsey complimented. “And now for our line-ups. Sergeant Neeson’s platoon will be the main force backed up by Jinnah’s squad. Alex will head a tech and med team that will be at the fallback point. I have a friend in Carrollton who will let us use her truck yard. Once in the a
ir, we head back here and crack open the champagne.”

  Saskia gazed at the map on the telescreen. She took detailed notes on the distances between the destinations and then raised her hand. Gabriella was proud to see it.

  “Yes, Tremblay?”

  “How are we supposed to cover so much ground in a single night? And all of it without detection?”

  “Why the X-Jet, of course.”

  “The fuck is that?” Saskia said.

  “The jet used by…my God.”

  Declan let out an annoyed sigh.

  “The AEF has shown their support by allowing us to borrow two of their Peregrines for this assignment. These aircraft have the best stealth technology in the world,” the chief of defense said.

  “No shittin’ me?” Pat said in an outburst. Everyone in the room turned their heads his way. “Please, sir, tell me you aren’t shittin’ me.”

  “No, ‘fraid not, Noels,” Declan said.

  Patrick looked at Gabby, who sat beside him. The biggest smile she’d ever seen was on his face. Halsey, meanwhile, shook off Saskia’s sin, although very reluctantly.

  “For most of you, this will be your first mission in UNR territory. Just stick close to your C.Os. By tomorrow night, we’ll be heading out so I want everyone to rest up. That’s an order. Dismissed!”

  The entire room stood up to salute him. After that everyone began to talk. The lights overhead brightened to liven up the atmosphere.

  “You want a napkin to wipe the drool off your face, Pat?” Gabby teased.

  “A Peregrine, Gabby. I’m gonna beg Declan and Ominic if I can take one of them for a test run.”

  “Sir, I was wondering if you could put a word in for me as well,” said Brielle as she walked up to the two. Patrick gave the sergeant a puppy face. She knew looking away would only lead to that cheesy whimpering.

  “What about Alex?” Gabby asked.

  “He’s given me the next few days off, ma’am. He insisted he could finish up all on his own.”

  “Fucking Alex,” Gabby muttered. “Fine, go on. I don’t think he could handle one of those Peregrines, anyway.”


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