After The Break

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After The Break Page 40

by Andrea Joan

  To my adulting guru, AKA The Wizard, AKA Jen Armentrout (I can already feel you side-eyeing me by the way), I thought long and hard as to how I could properly convey what your friendship and advice meant to me during this writing process, and honestly, I realized the few words I’m allowed to put in the acknowledgments probably won’t do it justice. But I will say this, you saved me a million times mentally and you probably didn’t even know it. If I was forced to choose between our phone calls and reality TV, I would give up reality TV, and you know how much I love my shows. You have become easily one of my best friends, and a mentor, and I am just so grateful you came into my life.

  This is a very special thank you to my favorite Brit, Jodi Marie Maliszewski. We bonded over KC Lynn books and never looked back. You my love will never know how much your encouragement meant to me. I swear the first time you made me a teaser just because you liked a portion of the book I sent to you I almost cried because your opinion was incredibly important to me. Because, let’s face it lady (and I think many, many, MANY people would agree with me); You are the heart of this book community. Your posts and commentaries make so many laugh, give recognition and praise to authors some may never have heard of, and your reviews are fucking epic every single time. You are a positive light in the book world and you better never leave us…because we will find you.

  Someone once told me that a great editor will help the author learn, teach them how to be better through their notes. Because of Kara Malinczak I know that to be true. I lucked the hell out finding you as my first editor Kara (well actually not finding you so much as Jen recommending me to you. I owe you for that Jen by the way). You were patient, knowledgeable, and went above and beyond any expectations I had about what an editor does for an author’s manuscript. I am so excited for you to edit book two for me just so you can see how much I’ve learned and grown as an author. You are my hero woman!

  KC Lynn, the fact that you were willing to be my friend after my super Facebook stalking of you and your books still amazes me to this day. Even though we voice message and chat on the regular I still fangirl out a little every time. And when I ask you to read something so I can get your opinion and you say yes, I get equally nervous and excited because, OMG KC LYNN IS ABOUT TO READ SOMETHING I WROTE!!!! Your books were my happy place, my wonderful escape when my mind needed that writing break (as you know I have read them all about a gazillion times). I was a fan from your first release, and now I get to be your friend through all the others. Thank you for being you!

  To my KB Ritchie reading buddy and second BETA Jullie Anne, FINISH YOUR BOOK WOMAN I CAN’T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT! And also, thank you for all you did for me. Your amazingly hilarious and helpful notes, your opinions and your epic food videos on SnapChat. They almost make cooking seem easy. But seriously, please finish your book. The people need to see that natural talent on some pages yo.

  A HUGE thank you to my Proofreader Kimberley Foster Holm. You took the job last minute and you freaking KILLED IT! Eyes of a freaking eagle. It scares me to even mention you here or sing your praises on Facebook as I want no one else to know of you. Well except KC Lynn of course since she was the one that sent me to you (THANK YOU KC!). You are amazing and I can’t wait until next time.

  Speaking of people who came through last minute for me. Kelly of For the Loves of Books and Alcohol (by the way if you have never seen that blog you should check it out, they have the COOLEST way of rating books), the fact that you agreed to BETA for me with a five-day deadline meant the world to me. You, my fellow Irish friend, are seriously the best. I thank you a million times over!

  To my Aussie Nugget, Skyla Madi, you are my people. I love and adore you, and not just because you wrote Seth Marc into existence. But that is a huge reason. The rest of the reasons are because you make me laugh, you amaze me with all the things you’ve accomplished at such a young age, you are always willing to help when I need it, and also I’m still not entirely sure you know how Instagram works which amuses me to no end. I swear one day I’m going to kidnap you and bring you to the US and force you to be my neighbor! But until that day we always have Facebook messenger.

  A much deserved thank you to my cousin and longtime bestie Whitney Edwards. Thank you for getting me out of the house for cocktails and sliders when I had been stuck in it too long writing. Also, thank you for understanding when I had to cancel last minute because I was in the writing zone. You just get me Whitters, and I love you for that.

  Dad, nothing makes me prouder than to be able to tell people; I am my Father’s daughter.

  Mom, I would not be half the woman I am today without you in my life. Thank you for sacrificing all you did to make sure you would stay in it.

  Sister, you are a unique one, and it has been awesome watching you grow into the woman you’ve become. I can’t imagine what my life would be without you in it, and even though we aren’t able to talk often (probably my fault by the way) don’t think I’m not thinking about you every day. In fact, I wish I could awkward hug you right now Bubba.


  Alison Rian (Beneath The Covers Book Blog), Kelly Emery (Beneath The Covers Book Blog), Tiffany Riley, Millie Noonan, Ashley Erin, Fabiola Francisco, Rebecca Gates, Tiffany Robinson, Casey Decock, Jennifer Norman Corzine, Kat Maloney (Biblio Belles Book Blog), Danielle Rose Hernandez (For The Love of Books and Alcohol), Jessica Landers, Samien Newcomb, and Dannah Murray.

  You guys have all been so vocal and supportive through this process, and it helped so much along the way knowing at least a few wanted to read it. You guys freaking rock!

  And if I left anyone out on that list don’t think I forgot about you. I probably just had a minor brain-dead type of moment. But don’t worry, I will get you on the next book ;)

  Once upon a time, in my innocent youth I had a dream of being a figure skater. Mostly because I loved the outfits and the smell of the ice. Then, one day, I fell flat on my ass and those dreams disappeared quickly…because…ouch. After that my dreams progressed with my age; there was the police officer, the actress, the FBI agent, the Burlesque Club owner, the therapist, the dragon hunter. I learned everything I could about every profession I was interested in (yes even the dragon hunter). Especially the actress, that one even had me moving to LA where I lived for a brief period time. When I learned I wouldn’t bleed to succeed, I knew acting wasn’t my true passion and moved back home to Washington. Which is where I came to a realization; my love of books was the root cause of all my many, many, short-lived professional desires. I devoured books like crazy & after each one I was enthralled. I just wanted to live in the stories, become the characters. And that is when I knew. I was meant to be an author. I was born to create the stories I so badly wanted to be a part of. So here I am today, making all my dreams come true through my writing. And hopefully you, the reader, enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.

  *Side note-My time living in Hollywood is what inspired my debut novel After The Break. Oh boy the things I learned. The things I saw. Anyway, just a little fun fact of information to keep in mind when reading, because some of the situations or events you may find a little unbelievable, may actually be incredibly factual. *


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