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Ours Page 3

by Hazel Gower

  They all trudged to her family room. Zack sat on her lounge as Jake checked her foot for glass. Once they’d figured out she had only cut her foot, and no glass was in it, they all sat down and glared at each other.

  Her father was the first to break the silence. “Who are these men?”

  Moving herself off Zack’s lap but only getting as far as sitting between him and Jake, Sandy looked at her dad who sat leaning forward on the lounge. “This is Zack and Jake. They are Susie’s friends. Um, my friends.”

  “Why are they here, Sandy?”

  She shot a stare at both men hoping they would keep quiet. “They came by this morning to help me organize a surprise for Susie. She’s pregnant, so I was going to do something nice.”

  Her dad raised his eyebrow as he looked at Jake and Zack. “If this is true, why are you wearing one of their shirts?”

  She glanced down and saw that the something she’d shoved on was Zack’s shirt. Groaning at her stupidity, she ignored the men on either side of her and tried to figure out how she could get out of all this.

  “Zack and I have been seeing each other. Last night was the first time he stayed over. He came by after work. Jake here had a little too much to drink, and Zack picked him up. As he lives out of town, I said he could crash at my house.”

  Her father seemed to think this over for a minute before he looked Zack up and down. “He’s a bit old for you, isn’t he?”

  She was about to answer when Jake butted in. “Sandy lives by herself and is over twenty-one, sir. I have to go to work in an hour, so I’m going to rush this along. My name is Jake Bear, and I am one of your daughter’s mates-slash-boyfriends-slash-fiancés.”

  Sandy choked and saw her dad’s face going red and her brothers clenching their fists. Oh shit. “Dad, I have no idea what he’s talking about. He’s joking. Calm down. Think of your blood pressure.” She shot a death stare at Jake and elbowed him.

  Jake held her elbow with one hand and stroked her cheek with the other. He brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed it before murmuring in a soothing voice, “I’m not giving you up. I will be open and honest from the start. You are mine. Ours.”

  Her bothers said, “I don’t think so,” and broke the spell Jake had woven around her as she stared into his emerald green eyes.

  Philip and John stood and came toward her, and Philip snarled, “You two sickos are not having our sister. We’ve heard of you Bear men. And I’m not letting my sister date playboys like you.”

  Her temper started to rise as everyone started telling her what she was going to do and who she was going to see.

  Sandy’s father joined her brothers. “Sandy, come here now. I didn’t raise you to go off with the first man who looks your way. If this is what living out of home does to you, then you are coming home with me.”

  Okay, that was it. She’d had it. Standing up, she screamed at the top of her lungs, “Out. Everyone out now.”

  All the men stopped arguing and turned back to her.

  “I have had it. Get out. I moved out so I could have a mind of my own. A place of my own. I moved out so I wouldn’t be told what was expected of me all the time. I moved out so I could have a space that I wasn’t so overprotected in. For Christ’s sake, until last night I was a twenty-four-year-old virgin.” Sandy glared at her father. “Oh and, Dad, these are not the first men to offer.”

  Pissed off more than ever, she glared at each of her family members before looking at Jake and Zack, who were grinning at her, which just made her madder. Pointing at both of them, she gritted out, “You don’t get to choose if you keep me. That’s my choice.” She stomped back to her room, not caring anymore what happened.


  Jake couldn’t help the grin that spread over his face as their feisty mate marched off.

  “What the hell are you grinning about?”

  Jake looked up at one of Sandy’s brothers.

  “I’m grinning because she is a feisty one, isn’t she? I’m going to enjoy making sure she know she is ours and looked after.”

  Sandy’s dad got up from his seat, his fists clenched and his face bright red. “I don’t care who the hell either of you dickheads are. If either of you hurt my baby girl, no one will be able to find your pieces.” With that he stalked away.

  Her brothers glared at Zack and Jake for a moment before the older of the two snarled, “Leave our sister alone. She is a sweet innocent and too good for the likes of you two. You are both too old for her anyway. We’re going now. Say your good byes, but be gone by the time I get home tonight.” With that, both men followed their father out.

  After looking down at his watch, Jake cursed, pulled out his phone, and dialed his partner. “David, I’m going to be late. Cover for me.” He hung up without waiting for his partner’s answer.

  Turning to Zack, Jake waited for him to say something. “You have nothing to say after everything that was just said?”

  Zack lifted his shoulders and smirked. “What can I say? She is our mate, and I’m not giving her up. I know you feel the same way, so her family is just going to have to get used to us.”

  Nodding, Jake walked back to the kitchen and looked for the broom to clean the mess up. Zack came over with a vacuum and plugged it in to clean over the spots Jake swept. Working together, they cleaned the kitchen and were putting away the things they’d washed when the smell of strawberries and honey washed over Jake’s scenes.

  “What the hell are you two still doing here? I told everyone I wanted them out.”

  Jake stared at Sandy who eyed the kitchen. She seemed stunned until she remembered she was angry and scowled.

  Loving her spirit, Jake couldn’t help it when he flashed his teeth at her in one of his wicked grins that were known to bring ladies to their knees. “Yeah, but you didn’t mean us.”

  Placing her hands on her hips, Sandy narrowed her eyes at them, her lips thinned, and she snarled, “I bloody well did. I have enough idiotic men in my life. I don’t need any more. Last night was fun, but it was a one-night deal only. I’m not looking for a relationship. I don’t know if I will for a long time, but when I do, it will be with one man. I already cook and clean up after three, so I’m not going to add another two into the mix.”

  He and Zack waited for her tirade to finish before Zack picked her up and walked toward her room.

  “Put me down, you Neanderthal. Put me down now or you won’t like the consequences.”

  Jake chuckled as she pounded on Zack’s back.

  “You were right there, coz. Looks like we were given a tough one.”

  Zack placed Sandy on the bed and she tried to scramble away.

  Jake rested himself over her, caging her in.

  “Jake, let me go.”

  He kissed her forehead and then both cheeks. “Never. I will never let you go, Little Red. You’re our mate.”

  Sandy rolled her eyes at him, groaning, “Not the mate thing again. What are you two going on about? Why is this mate thing so important to you?”

  Looking into her eyes, Jake wondered if this was too early to say anything or to show her what they were. He peeked over his shoulder at Zack who sighed, stood up, and took his pants off.

  “Um, I’m all for looking at his body, but I don’t really think we should have sex again. My brothers will be waiting and watching until your cars leave.”

  Sitting up, Jake sat her on his lap and wrapped his arms around her. “Zack’s going to show you something. You have to promise not to scream because he would never hurt you.”

  Sandy studied the both of them for a while before she nodded. Zack started to transform into a big brown grizzly bear. Hair grew all over his body, his height and width shot upwards and out, and finally, a rainbow of lights swirled around him. When it cleared, a bear stood there.

  A long, drawn out scream left Sandy as she tried to get out of Jake’s arms. Zack was hunched as he tried not to touch the ceiling. Zack growled and slowly walked to them which only scared Sa
ndy more.

  “Little Red, calm down. Zack would never hurt you. We would never hurt you. We are shifters, bears shifters.” He stroked her hair. “Shh, I promise you are the safest person in the world.”

  She turned on him, fighting to get away. Realizing they’d done this wrong, he signaled for Zack to change back.

  Once Zack stood before them in human form, she stopped screaming. In a hoarse voice, she mumbled, “Let me go. Let me go now.”

  Slowly he dropped his arms from her waist, and she scrambled out of them and off the bed before backing as far away from them as she could go.

  Zack carefully moved toward her. “We’re not the only shifters in the world. There are wolves, tigers, seals, lions, and many more. You have probably met a couple without realizing it. You’re okay with my brothers Brian and Blake.”

  Jake watched as Sandy hit her bedroom wall. She put up her hands. “Please don’t hurt me. Stay back.” She was shaking, and Jake didn’t like this new Sandy. This Sandy wasn’t feisty.

  He looked to a worried Zack, who was now a step away from the trembling woman. Jake turned to Zack and indicated he was going to leave. Jake knew Zack was worried he’d terrified her enough to run. Maybe leaving would help as she would only have to contend with one of them. Jake also really needed to get to work.

  Getting his stuff, he moved to the door and said in a load clear voice, “I will be back tonight, Little Red.”

  Her eyes never left Zack’s, and she didn’t even acknowledge him as she tried to plaster herself into the wall. Sighing, Jake walked out of the room and house to his car. He saluted her brothers who glared at him from the lawn next door. Getting into his car, he dreaded the day ahead, knowing it was going to be one of the longest of his life.


  Zack stared at the terrified woman before him as she tried to blend into the wall. Only a step away from her, he held his hands in the air. “Firebird, please don’t be afraid. I’m still the same man I was last night.”

  A hysterical giggle escaped her. “Oh God, I slept with mythical beings.” Sandy touched the spot where her neck met her shoulder. “Am I going to turn into a bear now you two have bitten me?” She seemed to be coming back to herself as she looked around the room. “Hey, where is Jake?”

  After slowly pulling her still trembling body to him, he hugged her tight. “He left a moment ago. Thought it would be better if only one of us was here. Not as overwhelming with only one of us to contend with, and he needed to get to work.”

  She nodded and her shaking started to ease. After walking her back to the bed, Zack sat her on it, and they both moved to the middle and got comfy.

  “No, you won’t become a bear or a shifter from a bite. You can only be born a shifter.”

  She nodded again against his chest.

  “We can only have shifter children with the same species of shifter or our true mate. Shifters also live a little bit longer than humans.”

  Sandy touched her neck again and snuggled into him. “Okay, good. Not that I don’t think turning into a bear would be cool, but I have enough stuff going on without having to worry about turning into a big hairy bear. If you didn’t bite me to turn me into a shifter, then why did you two bite me? Is it some kind of kink thing you do?”

  He chuckled and kissed her head. “No, Firebird, that wasn’t for kink. That bite is our mate mark. It gives you extended life, makes you heal quicker, and it binds you to us forever.”

  Screeching, Sandy pushed on his chest and crawled away. “You’re joking, right? I can’t be with two men.”

  He raised his eyebrow, and she reached for a pillow and threw it at him. “No way. This was only for one night. A fantasy come true. A stupid one, I see now, but still…” He reached for her only for her to avoid him. She snarled, “You did just meet my family. Surely you understand why I couldn’t be with guys like you?” She didn’t let him answer as she hopped off the bed and paced.

  “No, this can’t be happening. I’m not Susie. I couldn’t live with more than one man in my life. I was starting to get a life. I have my first big concert next weekend with no brothers following or being body guards. I’m not going to be like Susie who thinks she’s coming alone, but I know her men have tickets…” Her voice trailed off and her eyes got large as she turned to him. “Does Susie know?”

  Zack nodded and waited for her reaction.

  She sat on the edge of the bed and ran her fingers through her wild hair. “Is her child going to be like you?”

  He nodded again.

  She stared at him with her lips a tight line and eyebrows drawn together. “What do you want from me? I can’t be that mate thing you want. You need to leave. ”

  “No, I don’t want to leave you after what you just saw.” He was worried. Zack wasn’t sure leaving and letting her mind run wild was such a good thing.

  She fell back on the bed and put her hands over her face. “Please leave. Just give me some time. Everything has happened so quickly.”

  Studying her, he knew he had to take off, but he didn’t want to go without her knowing he and Jake wouldn’t give up. “I’ll leave only if you promise to go on a date with Jake and me tonight.” He stood and waited for her answer.

  Taking her hands from her face, she glared at him. “If I say yes, will you go and leave me alone?”

  He grinned down at her. “Yes, I’m leaving now and I’ll be back at seven thirty.” He waited until she nodded.

  “Fine, but make it six. I have work tomorrow.”

  Smiling, Zack walked out of her room and knew his day was going to be a good one.

  Chapter Four

  Sandy stared at herself in the mirror and told herself she was doing the right thing. “I will see them just one more time.” Saying it out loud didn’t seem to be helping. All day her brain had been in overdrive thinking of what she’d seen and what Jake and Zack had told her.

  Not sure what to think of the fact that creatures from books and fairy tales existed, she’d tried not to think of what other crazy beings that she thought were fictional were real. The thing that she found the hardest to believe and seemed to only be sinking in now that she’d had the day to relax and think it all over was that she’d lost her virginity to bear shifters.

  She studied her reflection to see if anything had changed. Would people now see her differently? Would they all know that she wasn’t innocent anymore?

  She’d avoided her family all day. They’d come by but she’d ignored them, locking her doors and putting the chain across them all. Sandy couldn’t handle them today, not after the way they acted that morning.

  Glancing down at her watch, she saw she had five minutes until the men she couldn’t get out of her head for many reasons arrived. After grabbing her purse, she walked out of her room.

  She decided waiting outside was the best option. Then Jake and Zack wouldn’t need to come in her house again, and she wouldn’t be tempted to see if last night’s pleasures were exaggerated in her mind or real.

  Sandy opened the door, growling to herself to see it still broken, and saw her porch light was already on. Sandy walked out and almost bumped into two tall, very familiar muscled bodies.

  Jake’s arms came instantly around her, pulling her to him. “Wow, Little Red, you are beautiful.” He picked her up and his mouth came down on hers without giving her a chance to respond.

  As soon as Jake’s mouth touched hers, Sandy knew she hadn't imagined the pleasure they brought her. His tongue traced her lips before slipping into her mouth and meeting her tongue in a tangle that left her fighting for air.

  She broke away to catch her breath, only to have Zack reach for her and plaster his mouth on hers. His hands cupped her arse, and he gently bit her bottom lip, sucking it in and letting it go.

  Her body started to burn, begging her to continue as it now knew what they had to offer. But when her outside light turned off, she remembered where they were and pushed on Zack’s chest. Sandy felt her pussy clench as he let
her go, and she took a wobbly step back, staring at the gorgeous sight before her.

  Zack had on a long-sleeved dress shirt hanging over dark blue jeans and black skate shoes. Unable to help herself, she reached up on her tippy toes and pushed a piece of his shaggy hair out of his bright lust-filled eyes. He looked so yummy.

  Jake, she noticed, wore the same clothes from the morning. Worried, she studied his face and saw both lust and something else in his eyes. She wrapped her arms around him as she looked up at him. “Come on, let’s go inside. What’s wrong?”

  Shock filled his emerald green eyes. “No, it’s nothing. Let’s go. We said we would take you on a date, so let’s go.” His lips brushed against hers, and she knew he wanted her to drop it, but she wasn’t giving up. Sandy knew that look, had seen it on her father’s and brother’s faces. It usually meant something bad had happened, or they were stewing over something that they’d done wrong.

  “I’m not going anywhere until you tell me why you are in the same clothes as this morning. You look like someone took honey away from your bear.” She grinned at her own little joke.

  Jake sighed, picked her up, and walked to a black Land Rover.

  “Hey, I said I wasn’t going.”

  Jake gripped her tighter, palming her arse. “I’ll sit in the back with you. I can’t tell you much as it’s police business, but…”

  He trailed off but she knew the drill. Her father and brother said that about the fire station. Sandy nodded as he opened the car door and placed her inside. She smiled when he followed.


  Jake felt very lucky as he glanced at Sandy before nodding to Zack that they were all in. She’d just met them, and already she was worried about him. The only other person who worried about him was his mother.

  Today had been a hard one. They were looking for a shifter killer. Jake was usually pretty resilient, but today they’d found a pregnant shifter murdered while she’d been in her wolf form. It was the third killing in two months. Jake had never been so angry and frustrated with a case. The perp didn’t seem to have any rules bar only killing shifters. The three shifters had all been different—a tiger, a seal, and the last one a wolf. It was blatantly clear it was the same person due to the distinctive smell, and the name he carved into them— Animal.


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