Where There's Smoke

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Where There's Smoke Page 1

by B L Morticia

  Where There‘s Smoke

  Sharita Lira writing as BLMorticia

  Copyright © 2018

  Published by Triad Literary Books

  Where There’s Smoke


  Editor: Bianca Sommerland

  Cover Artist: Sara York

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED: No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publisher, nor be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. Your non-refundable purchase allows you to one legal copy of this work for your own personal use. You do not have resell or distribution rights without the prior written permission of both the publisher and copyright owner of this book. This book cannot be copied in any format, sold, or otherwise transferred from your computer to another through upload, or for a fee.

  Disclaimer: This book may contain explicit sexual content, graphic, adult language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable which might include: male/male sexual practices and multiple partner sexual practices.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, businesses, and incidents are from the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual places, people, or events is purely coincidental. Any trademarks mentioned herein are not authorized by the trademark owners and do not in any way mean the work is sponsored by or associated with the trademark owners. Any trademarks used are specifically in a descriptive capacity.




  Trademarks and Mentions


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Author’s personal note


  Author Sharita Lira:

  Thanks so much for your interest in the books. Let’s connect with each other shall we? To keep up with the latest on new releases, sales, and participate in contests, please join my reading group.

  Website BLMorticia and Sharita Lira

  Facebook for BLMorticia and Sharita Lira

  Twitter AuthorSharitaL

  See my inspirations on Pinterest AuthorSharitaLira

  Instagram Author Sharita Lira

  Tumblr AuthorSLira

  Ello Srlmort71


  I usually keep my dedications short, but for this book I could not. Although I treat every book with love, this one was given some special extra loving care. This story, this crazy idea had been on my long ass to-be-written list for YEARS! When I finally put the words down beginning with NaNoWrimo 2016, I ended up with 114,000 words plus. I passed this story to two of my publishers. While one flat out rejected it, the other said they would do it with revisions. Knowing how much I loved the scenes they asked me to cut, I couldn’t do it, so I politely declined the offer. Why? Because in the back of my mind, I knew I wanted this story to be released without cutting what I felt were keys to this story.

  At this time, I’d like to thank some people who helped me through my anxieties and showed me they believed in this story as much as I did. Emma, my fellow author and friend who helped me pick it apart initially as well as Kathy who gave me some much needed advice. Also, to my best beta, Jammie, who loved the story and caught so many mistakes in first draft while helping me work out the all-important epilogue. To Diane and Valerie who pointed out some important things about the characters and what they were missing and lastly, but most importantly to Bianca who edited the story and went through it twice, assisting me with filling plot holes or things I’d missed. I hadn’t had many editors to challenge me on my content until now and I couldn’t be more grateful for all the help.

  This story got the once over and there are plenty of versions of it. Thankfully, because of the people I mentioned, it is seeing the light of day almost two years later.

  I hope you enjoy the book!

  And as always, love to Mack and Scottie!

  S.Lira aka BLMorticia

  Trademarks and Mentions


  World in My Eyes - Depeche Mode


  Strack – Strack Van Til


  Oswald Boateng


  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

  Star Wars

  Harry Potter





  “Three Men and a Baby” – Movie

  “Thor” – Movie


  “Godzilla” – Movie


  “Fast and the Furious” - Movie

  The Rock

  Vin Diesel

  “American Idol” – TV Show

  Pinhead “Hellraiser” – Movie

  “Impala” – Chevy Impala Car


  Agatha Christie

  Derek Morgan – “Criminal Minds” – TV Show



  “Sister Wives” – TV show


  Santiago Mendoza

  Chicago nearly destroyed me, but moving to Cobalt, I found everything I needed to put my life back together. Or…almost everything. I have an amazing man, a job I love, and a budding career as an author. Why does it feel like something is missing?

  Jonas Sandbauck

  Being a gay firefighter in a small town like Cobalt is tough, but the day I met Santiago in a coffee shop, all the struggles in the world wouldn’t keep me from his side. I’m ready to give him everything, including a white picket fence home filled with all the strange antiques he could ever want. But first I have to clear the path to our future, by digging through the wreckage of his past.

  Myles Greyson

  I’m no stranger to heartbreak, but I’m a man who knows how to get what he wants. Chaos in my life stole the man I love. Between my Fortune 500 company, my mother’s failing health, and my sister abandoning her daughter for drugs, I barely have time to breathe. But I rise above it all to give my niece the family she deserves. Which means getting my man back, no matter what—or who—tries to stand in my way.

  Three men. Three different lives. And a chance at love just out of reach.

  Where There’s Smoke


  Chapter One


   A loud bang made me jump and I cursed at the flare of colors in the sky. Damn kids, playing with firecrackers again. Hopefully they wouldn’t start another forest fire. They’d come close last time, so close they’d run like hell if any of the firefighters caught them messing around, but they clearly hadn’t
learned their lesson. How badly did someone have to get hurt for them to learn? Fine, it was summer, and they were bored, but their dangerous pranks were going to get someone killed.

  That my man was one of the firefighters had me even more on edge. If it turned out to be a calm day at the firehouse, Jonas would be home in about an hour. One look from him and the kids would stop acting like little shits. Unfortunately, neither me—or their parents—shared his ability to make them behave.

  I’d kept myself busy around the house, doing everything but writing. Which didn’t bode well for my deadline. However, knowing my man was so close to home, I couldn’t focus on penning fairy tales. I’d rather concentrate on the charmed life I led.

  At least Jonas’s gainful employment was good for our financial plans. He was also a penny pincher, saving up to build our dream house for us raise our family in. I wanted that too, but I had a passion for interior decorating, which meant filling the house with every antique I could find.

  Honestly, Jonas hates my little hobby, but loves me enough to put up with it. Within reason. At times, a trip to the antique store or show ended up becoming an expensive shopping spree. Thank goodness Jonas is a master at balancing checkbooks and keeping us in line, or we’d easily be in the poor house.

  We were so close to having what we needed to lay the foundation and start building. With Jonas’s brother Bo offering to be the contractor, we were getting a great price. Soon the white picket dream would become a reality.

  My contribution wasn’t as big as Jonas’s, but my job as a library clerk had helped us reach our goals. He’d told me I could quit and write full-time, but I refuse to leave all that pressure on him. Since sales tax is lower here, we’re much better off than most. Despite Jonas’s insistence that I should follow my aspirations to become a full-time author, the best thing would be to keep my gig for a least a little while longer.

  Preparing for his arrival, I grabbed the fresh fish he’d caught on a short fishing trip last weekend and cleaned it thoroughly. We don’t fry much because we consider ourselves health conscious. We either broil or throw things on the grill to cook. It’s good to fix it outside because I hate the fish stench in the house. The smells linger in here and cling to my antique furniture. And they won’t just go away by scouring and spraying Febreze.

  After closing the grill lid, I walked back in the house, grabbing the lettuce and tomatoes out of the fridge. I’m not a big eater, but Jonas makes up for my lack of appetite. I prepared bigger portions to feed him because my big lug needs all the energy he can get between work and keeping up with me.

  “Santiago? Santi?”

  Hearing the sound of his voice brought a big smile to my face. I placed the knife and vegetables on the counter before making my way to the foyer.

  There was my hunk of man, removing his boots, leaving them at the door as I commanded. I refused to have that filth he’d been trudging in on the hardwood floors.

  Leaning against the paneling, I surveyed him. Six five, hunk of muscle, big everywhere, including the places it mattered most. An all-American boy, with crystal clear blue eyes that held me in place.

  Jonas Sandbauck was a former Army man, who’d served in Afghanistan. When he returned in 2013, he stayed home and enlisted as a reserve. Because of that, there’s always the fear they’ll call him to go back. He’d taught me to not get too worked up about it. Regardless, I’d always have that in the back of my mind.

  When his blue eyes met mine, he flashed me a white smile. “Hey there, Santi. What’cha been up to all day?”

  “Oh, nothing much. We’ve got about ten minutes before I pull dinner of the grill,” I said.

  “Great, because I’m starved.” Jonas took my hand, yanking me into him. We hugged and I wrapped both arms around his shoulders. “I had lunch, but it wasn’t filling enough.”

  “Oh I know,” I chuckled. “So, I was thinking…” I nibbled on my bottom lip because bringing up my last boyfriend was always a sore spot for Jonas. “Perhaps we could have Myles over sometime soon. He hates leaving the city, but he said he would so we could spend time with the baby. I really miss Macy.”

  Jonas sighed and pressed his lips to my head. “Uh, sure. I guess that would be great. From the pictures you’ve shown me, she’s adorable.”

  “And when he comes, no growling, okay?”

  Jonas bowed his head in agreement. “Yes, sir.”

  “Promise?” I asked him, cocking my eyebrow.

  “Yeah. As long as he doesn’t start anything with me. I know how to be civil.”

  “But you have a temper.”

  “Yeah, but I can be nice. Just as long as he doesn’t stay too long or make a habit out of it, we’ll be fine.”

  Hearing that statement, I smiled. “Good. I haven’t seen her since she was born. I’m really excited to play with her.”

  “I’m glad for that, but I told you, we could have a little bundle of our own,” he said lifting me off my feet.

  “I know, but he or she wouldn’t be Macy.” I kissed his lips quick and wrangled myself out of his arms. “Let me go check on dinner. Why don’t you go wash up, okay?”

  “All right.” Jonas turned on his heel and left the kitchen.

  Watching him walk away, I knew the fact I wanted Macy in my life niggled at him. Before I was attacked, I was all set to raise her with my ex-boyfriend, Myles. Then the horror I’d experienced happened and I couldn’t stay in Chicago. Myles had done pretty much everything to make me stay, but I couldn’t do it for him or anyone.

  Bottom line, the big city held too many memories for me. Ones, I wasn’t ready to face. Perhaps someday, but for now I had everything I needed in this small town.

  * * * *


  Intertwined in each other’s arms, we laid on this horrible paisley couch Santiago called antique. I didn’t understand why he loved these old relics, but I loved him, regardless of his awkward taste in décor.

  “So, how was work?”

  I shrugged, tracing my finger down his arm. “A bitch. We gotta find out who’s setting garbage cans on fire before someone gets seriously hurt. The one today wasn’t huge, but we have to figure all this out soon or else we’ll have bigger problems.”

  “I agree. You guys will find these knuckleheads. I’m sure it’s some teenagers who have nothing better to do.”

  “Maybe. Anyway, I hope you’re not giving up on your dream. Being a librarian can’t be all that exciting,” I laughed.

  “No, but I need to help pay the bills. At least a little,” Santiago replied.

  I shifted in his arms to eye him and took his cheeks into my hands. “Baby, I already told you, we got enough cash saved so you can do this full-time.”

  “I know. I’m not sure I’m ready for that. I’m scared. What if no one likes what I write?”

  “They will. I’ve read your stuff. You’re super talented.”

  “You’re biased,” Santiago laughed. “Would you tell me if something I wrote is bad?”

  “Yeah, I would. Better to hear that your grammar sucks from me than anyone else.”

  Santiago gasped and playfully slapped my arm. “Although that hurt like hell, you’re right. I would want you to tell me. I just… I don’t know. I don’t have confidence to think about making this my life’s work. Besides, I want to make you happy.”

  I leaned my head against his. “You already do. I want to make sure, you’re satisfied as well.”

  “I am. I love you. I want you for the rest of my life, Jonas. You’re my everything.” Santiago said with moisture in his eyes.

  “I love you too and I feel the same baby.” Wanting him closer, I brought Santiago in for a hug.

  “Good. Now, how about a little lovin’?”

  Even though I was tired, I couldn’t refuse my man when he wanted to be in command. I met his fiery gaze and pressed my lips atop his, tasting scotch, fish, and coffee. A weird mix, but I enjoyed it. He was my Santiago and kissing him was just as pleasurable as mak
ing love to him. When we finished, he dove his body into mine, nearly knocking me over, and causing the couch to let out a threatening creak.

  “Shit…” Santiago said, moving off me. “Bedroom?”

  I nodded in agreement, taking his hand in mine.

  “Yes, most definitely. This ain’t the place ‘cause the way I want to ride you, this sofa will be broken. Permanently.”

  Chapter Two


  “Mr. Greyson, you have a call on line one.”

  At the sound of my secretary, Diana’s voice, I glanced over my shoulder at my phone. It had rung before, but I’d ignored the call because I was almost positive it was my sister begging again.

  Instead of working on new proposals, I’d been standing by the window, looking out into the clouds, wishing I could fly to escape the life I was trapped in. Lately, I’d been fighting with anxiety and depression. My therapist said I needed a vacation, but I’d reminded her about my mother, sister, and most importantly, Macy.

  “Who is it? If it’s Myrna, tell her I’m busy.”

  “No sir. It’s you friend, Karl. He says it’s important.”

  I sighed and walked over to the desk. “Okay, Diana put him through and thanks.”

  “You’re welcome, sir.”

  The line clicked, and then I picked up the transferred call on the first ring.

  “Hey there, Karl.”

  “Hey. Just calling to check up on you and your fam.”

  “They’re good, for now. Mom’s cancer is in remission, but my sister is still hung up on drugs. What can I do for you?”

  “Nothing. Been worried about you, especially when you said you’d see your psychologist on Monday.”

  “I needed someone to talk to. I pay her enough, so I figure I should always be able to bend her ear.”

  “You can bend mine too. I told you, anything you needed, just ask.”

  That offer brought a tense smile to my face. Karl and I had been friends for years. Back when Santiago and I were together, he’d tried his best to come between us. Now that I was single, he’d been literally throwing himself at me. I’d informed him I wasn’t interested in a relationship. He seemed determined to change my mind.


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