Where There's Smoke

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Where There's Smoke Page 29

by B L Morticia

  “The only positives to come out of this whole ordeal are spending time with my new love and getting waited on by my other love.” Myles winked at me while taking a bite.

  I smiled at that, rubbing his leg through the sheet.

  “Mhmm. Your new love would like to wait on you in other ways too, you know.” Jonas said after swallowing down his sandwich in less than three bites.

  Myles turned to kiss Jonas on the cheek. “Once we all recover, I’m all yours, baby.”

  I shivered at the banter between the two of them already playing the scenarios in my head. This union we had together was so special and it would only get better once we had the chance to go full steam ahead.

  “Um, guys, can we stop talking about this? You two are giving me a serious boner.” I said laughing.

  “Really? Then maybe we should try to satisfy you somehow.” Jonas said, wiping his hands with the napkin.

  “No, not now. I thought we could chat about something else. With everything going on, we haven’t discussed future plans.” I took the plate from Jonas.

  “Such as where we’ll live? I thought we’d do that once we finished drawing up the plans for the house,” Myles said, finishing his lunch.

  “I guess. I’m really anxious, guys. I want to get our lives started now.” I said excitedly, taking Myles’s platter and handing him his iced tea.

  “Our lives are started, Santi. We’re together. Albeit a little broken, but still here.” Myles answered.

  “I know, I just…” I sighed and shrugged. “The accident, the assault. They really disrupted our plans. I almost think the fates did it on purpose to test us.”

  “Maybe,” Myles said. “And it didn’t harm what we’re building right now, did it? I believe we’re stronger because of it. Knowing what happened to Jonas made me understand how I couldn’t hold back what I wanted. I have to admit, I’d planned to prolong this a little so I wouldn’t have to leave Chicago as quickly. This little town still isn’t my ideal place to live, but I’d much rather give that up than lose the two men I care about most.” Myles squeezed Jonas’s un-bandaged hand and grabbed mine with his other one.

  “Aw, Fancy. Don’cha know you can build something like that here? That ivory tower can be replicated if that’s what you want. My dad ain’t no hick. He’ll build it for you.” Jonas grinned.

  “No, Jonas, it isn’t the tower. Just city life in general, But it means little if I don’t have you and Santiago there to share it with Macy and I. When Santiago called about you, everything horrible ran through my mind. Did I miss out on an opportunity because I cared too much about my amenities? I prayed to God I didn’t because it would’ve been the biggest mistake I’d ever made.”

  “You didn’t, Fancy, and believe me, I got the hesitation. You got a lot to lose. Your contacts, business partners. I only got those idiots at the station and my Chief to worry about. Now it don’t matter though cause my dad, bro, and sister support us. Stanley knows too, and he accepted it better than I thought.”

  “Really?” I said in surprise. I knew Stanley well, but I had no idea he’d be on board with our relationship.

  “Yes.” Jonas said.

  “That’s incredible, but really Jonas, when I realize the company would run without me because I have my best friend there, none of that mattered anymore. Knowing you risked your life for a man who hated your guts impressed me. If you could deal with that and still run into a burning building for a judgmental guy, I could tell my closest confidants about my relationship with both of you. If they don’t accept me, then they weren’t really friends in the first place. I don’t need them. I only need the two of you and Macy.” Myles smiled at both of us.

  Tears welled up in my eyes and I patted both their hands. “I love you both so much. You’ve given me everything I could’ve asked for and more.”

  Myles nodded at me with teardrops streaming from his eyes. “I love you both, too. Jonas, I don’t care if it’s too soon. I feel it in me and I know it’s real.”

  Jonas bowed his head and leaned into Myles, kissing his lips. “I feel the same, baby, no worries there.”

  * * * *


  After weeks of staying at home recovering with Santiago and Myles, I could finally go back to work. Although I hated being pampered and babied, I had to admit how much I’d loved having both of my men with me.

  With each and every passing day, I got closer to Myles and Macy. We ate together, watched television, read with Macy and of course, when bedtime rolled around we enjoyed one another. Not too much since Myles and I were recovering from injuries. Let’s just say Santiago had gotten very creative. Now that both of us were almost at full strength, I looked forward to making everything up to the both of them because I’d ached to have my men in every way possible.

  Despite being enormously happy, the only thing that niggled at me was Myles being assaulted and robbed. They’d caught the guy and his sister, but Myles refused to press charges against his sibling. I guess I got it. She was his flesh and blood. No matter how much me and Santiago pushed him to change his mind, he repeated that she was still his only sister.

  When I stepped into the station, I was hugged and manhandled by all my fire station brethren. I winced when they grabbed my arm with the brace, but braved it because it would be one of the last timed I’d be part of the team. They all clapped, chanting Twinkle, and I stood there embarrassed, waiting for something else to happen.

  Chief stepped forward and nodded at me appreciatively.

  “Son, you disobeyed me, but you saved someone’s life. And for that, I’m giving you this special medal for bravery, courage, and grit beyond belief.”

  All the guys cheered again and Priley, the guy I saved, stepped forward to place it over my neck. We shook hands and I nodded at him, then at my fellow firemen.

  After they all said their peace, Priley stood in front of me, smiling.

  “Thanks man,” Priley said. “If it weren’t for you, I would’ve been a goner.”

  “I already told you it was no problem. It’s part of my job,” I responded.

  “Listen, we hadn’t gotten along in the past, but, really, I’ve learned a lot after this. You’re a good guy. I never should’ve judged you because of your −uh, lifestyle.”

  I shrugged. “It’s fine, Priley. We all make mistakes. All’s forgiven.”

  Priley nodded and shook my hand again. “Thanks, man.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  We exchanged grins, and I sighed, heading to the Chiefs office. I’d hinted at giving up my position at the fire station already, but he’d told me to think about it. Although I’d already decided, I agreed. There was no changing it. I wanted more time with my family and the only way to do that was by stepping back.

  Once we finished chatting, I went through the day working with the guys as if nothing was different. Doing chores, playing cards when we were done. When the time was right, I’d tell the guys, but for now, I’d enjoy these last few days of being part of the team.

  The day seemed to fly by after that and I raced home to be with my daughter and my men. I cut the engine, then walked up the pathway to the porch. As I did, I caught sight of Myles’s Jaguar in the driveway and smiled. When he got better, he’d drive to work, then come home to us. It was a big sacrifice that Santiago, and I appreciated.

  Wanting to see them, I jabbed the key inside and pushed open the door, then ambled into the foyer. I reached down to remove my boots, then sat them against the wall after taking off my jacket.


  Sarah’s voice along with Macy’s cooing greeted me and I sauntered inside the living room to say hello to them both.

  “Hey, Sarah. Hey there, sweetie.” I lifted her from Sarah’s arms and held her close to my body. She flailed in my arms and I pressed my mouth to her cheek.

  “Aww. Oh my, Jonas, she loves you!” Sarah said with a smile.

  “Well, what can I say? It don’t matter that I’m gay. I’m
a hit with the ladies,” I said. “Where are my men?”

  “Um. In the bedroom. Myles just got here, so −” Sarah winked.

  “Ah. Well, I’ll let them have it. I’m kinda tired from last night.”

  Sarah laughed. “Oh really? Well.” She looked embarrassed.

  I chuckled and gave Macy a big smooch. “If Macy weren’t in my arms, I’d give you a full rundown.”

  “No, no really. I love you guys, but that’s unnecessary.” Sarah snickered and got up from the new couch Santiago purchased a few weeks ago at a rummage sale.

  It was paisley, much like the other one, but slightly bigger and purple. I told Santiago every time I sat down it was like sitting on Barney’s lap.

  “Has she eaten?” I asked Sarah.

  “Yeah she did. She really loved those mushy carrots, didn’t you sweetie?” Sarah toyed with Macy, making her laugh aloud.

  “Aw, sad I missed it. Well, there’s always tomorrow. I’m scheduled off.” I patted Macy’s back and eyed Sarah who looked to be distracted by something. I wondered if it had anything to do with her new friend that we kind of pushed her into getting to know.

  “Sooo uh, you and Pamela are hitting it off, right?”

  Sarah blushed and looked away from me with a smile. “Yes, we are. She’s so sweet, kind, and beautiful. I think I might be ready to take the next step with her.”

  “Whoop! Good. She needs to be with someone to give her more strength to come out. Her parents are a piece of work.”

  “Yeah, they are. The last time I went by her house, they told me to help her find a man,” Sarah sighed.

  “What do you think about her living here?”

  “With us? I mean, aren’t we already crowded?” Sarah asked in confusion.

  Macy cooed in my arms and I kissed her cheeks again. “No, Sarah. When we move, I mean. I told Santiago we should let her lease the apartment when the house is built. She needs her own spot. I mean, you can come over here and stay with her on your nights off.”

  “Aw, look at you and Santiago trying to play matchmaker,” Sarah giggled. “I think she’d like that. And well I would too. That way we won’t be disturbing you guys.”

  “Nah, you won’t. Remember, Myles and I drew up plans for the house. We’re giving you your own section and we take the other. That way you’ll feel like you have your own space too. Having Pamela stay here gives you another spot just in case you and her wanna get loud.”

  “Oh, my God, no you didn’t!” Sarah’s face pinked even more.

  “I did. I’ll stop for now.” I turned my attention from Sarah to Macy. “What do you want to play today with Jo Jo, hmm? Oh, horsey? No, no, how about patty cake? You love that.”

  Macy smiled at me and I couldn’t tell if that was happiness or gas. Either way I appreciated it. She slapped my face a few times, and I kissed her little fingers one by one.

  “Goo goo… joo jo.”

  I gasped in surprise and then eyed Sarah. “Do you think −”

  “I think so. She tried saying Dada earlier.”

  I hugged her close and pressed a small peck on her forehead. “Did you try saying Jo Jo? It’s hard, but…”

  “Doo doo goo…”

  “Aw, Jonas, she is trying.” Sarah nodded at me appreciatively.

  “Yep. Wait until I tell…”

  At that moment, the door opened and Myles walked out straightening his clothing and looking as hot as ever. If I didn’t have my hands full I would’ve attacked him right then and there.

  “Hello, Fancy,” I said with a smile.

  “Hey, sweets.” Myles walked over, kissing my lips and leaving me breathless. “How was work?”

  “Nice. They gave me a medal.” I showed it to him and Sarah.

  “Whoa.” Sarah patted me on the shoulder.

  “Well look at that.” Myles pecked my lips again. “My man’s a local hero.”

  I shook my head. “I don’t wanna be anyone’s hero but yours, Santiago, and Macy’s. I enjoyed being lauded a little, but I couldn’t wait to get home.”

  Macy made noises with her mouth, spitting and blowing bubbles.

  We all laughed.

  “I love this kind of stuff. Does she have to grow up?” I whined. “Myles, she just tried to say Jo Jo.”

  “She did not.” Myles waved his hand at me, then curled that same hand around my waist.

  “She did,” Sarah responded and giggled.

  “Really?” Myles looked at Macy, then kissed her on the head.

  “Babe? Jonas and Sarah say Macy tried to say Jo Jo.” Myles said.


  Santiago walked out in shorts and a t-shirt. It was November, but warm so his clothing worked for today.

  “Hey, babe.” Santiago kissed my lips quickly and smiled.

  “I think she tried it with me too. So, they might not be−,”

  “Dooo doo… goo…”

  All of us laughed, and I pecked her cheeks again.

  “See!” I said chuckling.

  “Apparently, she is trying to say your name. I suppose goo is close enough.” Myles said with a grin.

  “Goo is short for gorgeous,” Santiago said, pecking me once more.

  I leaned against him and smiled. “Maybe. Hey, I’ll take whatever I can get.”

  * * * *


  After we’d put Macy to bed, Sarah left so we could spend time alone. We had discussion that needed to be had as a throuple and well other than a lot of kissing, groping, and blow jobs, we hadn’t formally made love. Yes, Myles and I had our time, especially this afternoon when I asked Sarah to watch Macy in favor of me spending time alone with one of my lovers. It wasn’t enough for me so I was glad when both of them agreed for us to take time out together without distractions.

  Since we all were busy fussing with Macy, we hadn’t eaten. Jonas fired up the grill and made steaks along with mixed vegetables and wild rice for our dinner. Myles ran out to get a couple of bottles of wine. While Myles and Jonas recovered, we’d eaten together and talked a little, but this would be the first time we’d had a full on discussion.

  “Whew. Jonas, that meal was incredible.” Myles patted the sides of his mouth with a napkin and leaned back in his chair, rubbing his stomach.

  “Glad you liked it.” Jonas winked at him. “Want some more wine, Fancy?” Jonas held up the bottle.

  “Yes, please,” Myles snickered.


  “Yes, lover.” I nodded and pushed my glass closer to his hand.

  Jonas poured in Myles’s glass, then mine. “So, we need to chat about where we’re building that house.”

  I nodded. “Mhmm. I still think we should stay here in Cobalt.”

  “I agree. Cause it’s close to where I’ll be working with dad and Bo. We won’t have to get used to a new set of strangers or homophobes. We got enough of that to tide us over.”

  Myles sighed and bowed his head. He took his glass in hand. “I’ve been thinking that too. The more I’ve been here, I’ve got used to this little town. Also, Garrett said since we’ll be working with Jonas’s dad on his financial planning for the company, I could set up shop here to convince others to do the same. Sort of, like a community outreach for small businesses. If it became successful, we could do it in other towns as well.”

  I gasped, nodding appreciatively. “That would be awesome, Myles! The people down here may need help.”

  Myles shrugged. “I get that, but as I told Garrett I want to be on my own schedule. So he suggested having a small team down here to help out and I supervise.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Jonas said. “Then it’s settled. We move on that plot of about twenty acres between Maisley and Barnett. It’s close to the city, but in kind of secluded area. We’d have neighbors and most of the housing there is up to Fancy’s standards.”

  Myles nudged Jonas, then kissed him on the head. “They are. I’m only concerned with how long it will take to get completed. Which is why I tho
ught about Highland with the ready- made house that needed fixing. We can’t continue to live in this cramped place together, Jonas. Santiago. Macy needs room to grow. The house won’t be built for at least another six to eight months.”

  I took a drink. “Then we’ll move to Chicago into your condo until it’s done.”

  “What?” Both Myles and Jonas said surprised. They looked at me.

  “Myles, Jonas, both of you have sacrificed for this to be reality. It’s time I did it for both of you. Besides, Jonas and I want Pamela to have this place. She’s about to come out to her parents. Her and Sarah are about to be a couple so…”

  “Babe. I’m not forcing you. I’m sure it’s hard for you to face Chicago knowing what happened,” Myles said. He squeezed my hand in his.

  “It is, but I need to face it. You two are giving me what I’ve always wanted. A loving family. Other than Gram and my auntie I didn’t have much of that. In fact, none. With both of you there, I could try putting those fears to bed temporarily. Besides, once the house is done, we move back here.”

  Jonas pulled my other hand into his. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes,” I said with hitched breaths, knowing it wouldn’t be easy. Still, I was determined to beat my fears. If Jonas could run into a burning building to save someone who hated him and Myles could drive from Chicago to Cobalt every damn day to be with us, while he still ran a company, I could get over my fears of the big city.

  “I love you both. I want Macy and the three of us along with Sarah to be comfortable. I can do this because I have all of you by my side,” I said with tears in my eyes.

  Jonas and Myles looked at one another, then back at me.

  “I love you too, sweetheart. And I swear you won’t have anything to worry about. I’ve already ordered a bigger bed, but it would be transferred here,” Myles said.

  I released both their hands and grasped my glass. “Well, have it shipped to Chicago, because we’re going to need it. We’ve already broken the one in our room.”

  “We have, but that’s because it really can’t take the weight of three big men.” Jonas laughed.


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