by Jim Marrs
CIA-backed Cuban Revolutionary Council, 98, 129, 138–140, 142, 187, 211, 220
Document No., 632–769, 192–193
history of, 167–171
Item 450, 70–71
and Mafia death plots, 173–174
and mind control experiments, 171–173
and Nosenko (Soviet defector), 124–126
Oswald as Agent, 36, 101–103, 122, 141
Zapruder film, 68–71
ZR/RIFLE project, 147, 194–198
Cinque, Ralph C., 45, 47
Civello, Joseph (gangster), 155–156, 376, 380
Civil Air Patrol, CAP
and Oswald, 97, 98, 139, 156, 174, 220, 328, 482
Claasen, Fred, 148
Clark, Ed (attorney to LBJ), 269, 294
Clark, Kyle G., 211
Clark, Max, 260
Clark, Ramsey, 367, 475
Clark, William Kemp Dr. (Parkland director of neurological surgery),
description of head wound, 367–368
description of neck wound, 367
pronounces JFK dead, 352
Claude, Alfred, 214
Claunch, Max, 242–243
Claverie, Marguerite (Marguerite Oswald’s maiden name), 90, 94
Clemons, Acquilla (Tippit witness), 309, 332, 543
Cleveland, Grover, 224
Clifton, Chester Gen.,
orders Walter Reed autopsy, 358
Coalition on Political Assassinations (COPA), 514
Coffee, Melvin,
accompanied Ferrie to Houston, 214
Cohen, Mickey (gangster), 155, 248, 376
Cohn, Roy, 164
“Coke” (Oswald Coca-Cola issue), 52–54
Colby, William (CIA official), 171, 281
Coleman William T. Jr. (WC attorney), 102, 450, 461
Coleman, Kay. See aka Kay, Kathy
Coleman, Walter Kirk, 242
Collom, Mark (co-author, The Man on the Sixth Floor, 1995), 293
Colson, Charles, 198, 479
Compton, Jerry, 499
Condon, Richard, 171
Condon, Robert L., 207
Conein, Lucien “Black Luigi,” 195, 198, 285
Conforto, Janet Adams “Jada,” 389–390
Connally, John B. Jr. (Texas Governor),
on assassination, 8–15
on knowing Ruby, 272
Connally’s clothing, 429
Democratic Party rift, 6–7
at Parkland Hospital, 352–355, 367
in motorcade, 8, 11–12
“single-bullet” theory, 356–358, 455, 458–466
spectrographic analysis, 424–425
testimony to Warren Commission, 11
also mentioned on pgs. 5, 14, 23, 26, 59, 62, 63, 65, 67, 226–229, 236, 271, 274, 346, 377, 393, 394, 450, 453, 478, 541
Connally, Mrs. John B. Jr. “Nellie,”
in motorcade, 8, 10–12, 15
Connor, Pete (former Marine), 104
Conservatives in Dallas politics, 1
Conspiracy theories. See Assassination theories
Cook, Chuck (Dallas newsman), 324
Cooke, Leon R., 372, 375
Cooley, Sherman (former Marine),
on Oswald as “Shitbird,” 100
Coolidge, Calvin, 214
Cooper, John Sherman (WC member), 441, 450, 451, 462
Cooper, Roy, 505, 524
Cooper, William, 229
COPA, Coalition on Political Assassinations, 514
Costello, Frank (gangster), 154–156, 164, 273
Couch, Malcolm O. (TV cameraman), 315
Cox, Archibald, 437, 440
Crafard, Larry (Ruby employee), 389
Craig, Roger Dean (deputy sheriff and witness),
actions on Nov. 19, 308, 318–321
also mentioned on pgs. 417, 418, 453, 454, 505, 506, 524, 543
Crawford, Joan, 250, 407
Crawford, John, 534
Cronkite, Walter, 279, 545–546
Crow, Jim, 439
Crowe, William D. Jr. (aka Bill DeMar, Ruby entertainer),
tells of Oswald in club, 388
Crump, Raymond Jr. (accused of murdering of Mary Meyer), 537
Anti-Castro movement in United States, 138–143
Banister and anti-Castro Cubans, 98
Bay of Pigs, 127–129
CIA-backed Cuban Revolutionary Council, 98, 129, 136–138, 140, 142, 187, 211, 220
and CIA-Mafia death plots, 173–174
Fidel Castro, 127–128
history of, 127
and Jack Ruby, 379–385
and organized crime, 158–160
Shaw’s “umbrella man” theory, 30
Cubela, Rolando, 173–174
Cummings, Raymond, 388
Curington, John W. (aide to H. L. Hunt), 257
Curry, Eileen, 378
Curry, Jesse (Dallas police chief),
after assassination, 221, 306, 351–352
on fake Secret Service agents, 314
on JFK’s security, 227
and man in doorway, 46
in motorcade, 8, 12
on Oswald’s death, 525–526
on Oswald’s innocence, 47
on Rifle substitution, 419
photo of Roger Craig, 321
on Ruby/Oswald connection, 396
on taking of evidence, 239, 347–348
also mentioned on pgs. 56, 88, 181, 205, 227, 295, 526
Curry, Tim (Tarrant County DA), 525
Cushing, Richard Cardinal, 478
Cushman, Robert E. Jr., 130
Custer, Jerrol F. (Bethesda x-ray technician), 364, 365
Cutler, Robert (researcher),
“umbrella man” theory, 29–30
Czolgosz, Leon F. (lone assassin of President William McKinley in 1901), 241
D’Amelio, Carlo, 470
Daley, Richard, 163
Dalitz, Morris “Moe,” 164
Kennedy’s trip, 5–7
Police Radio Recording, 497–503
Political climate, 1
The Dallas Morning News,
day of assassination, 6–7
and Robert Groden, 21
Dallas Times Herald
Day of assassination, 6, 329
Dallek, Robert (professor of History), 82
Damaris, Ovid, 163
Daniel, Jack (witness), 351–352
Daniel, Jean (journalist),
Castro’s reaction to assassination, 135
Dannelly, Mrs. Lee (Selective Service official), 518
Darby, Nathan (Austin Police Dept.), 294
David, Christian (French gangster), 194–198
David, Dennis, 368
Davis, 195, 381
Davis, Avery (witness), 315
Davis, Barbara (witness), 336
Davis, Jack, 343
Davis, John H. (Kennedy relative and author, The Kennedys, 1984), 163, 173, 244
Davis, Robert (CIA station chief), 132
Davis, Thomas Eli III,
with Jack Ruby, 195–196
also mentioned on pgs. 381, 534
Davison, Captain, 122
Davison, Natasha, 122
Day, John Carl Lt. (Dallas Police crime lab), 416, 417, 419, 422–424
De Brueys, Warren (FBI special agent), 137, 180, 211–212
de Gaulle, Charles, 194, 471
DeLorean, John, 479
De Menil, Jean, 260
Dealey, George Bannerman, 9
Dealey Plaza (site of first Masonic Lodge in Dallas), 9–10, 13–16
Dean, Harry J., 181
Dean, John (Nixon aide), 252
Dean, Patrick T. (Dallas police officer), 356
Decker, J. E. “Bill” (Dallas County Sheriff), death of, 534
in motorcade, 8, 12, 351
also mentioned on pgs. 18, 61, 87, 88, 318, 319, 321, 408, 414
Dejanovich, Owen (Marine with Oswald), 106
del Valle, Eladio (
associated with Ferrie), 474
Delaune, Henry, 534
Delgado, Nelson (former Marine), 100, 106, 136
Delillo, Don (author, Libra, 1988), 97
Deloach, Cartha D. (FBI official), 208, 250, 442
DeLorean, John, 479
DeLucia, Felice. See aka Ricca, Paul
DeMar, Bill. See aka Crowe, William D. Jr.
DeMohrenschildt, George S. (aka Philip Harbin, last known close contact of Lee Oswald),
background, 258–268
on Backyard photograph, 266–267
discusses, Russian literature with Oswald, 522
relationship with CIA, 189–192
also mentioned on pgs. 16, 180, 264–267, 535, 540
DeMohrenschildt, Jeanne,
on Oswald’s language, 522
on Oswald in Russia, 260–262
also mentioned on pgs. 16, 117, 522, 535
The Depository. See Texas School Book Depository (TSBD)
DeSimone, Frank, 156
Deslatte, Oscar, 517
DePugh, Robert, 307
Dewey, Thomas E., 152, 153, 207, 247, 438
di Spadaforo, Gutierrez, 470
Diallo, Syedou, 135
Diamond, Legs, 152
Didenko, Nikolai, 119
Diehl, Harold Dr., 143
Diem, 198, 284, 285, 286
Dillard, Tom C. (news photographer), 55, 64
Dirksen, Everett, 437
Dodd, Christopher, 492
Dodd, Richard C. (witness), 59–60, 452
Donahue, Howard (ballistics expert), 234
Donovan, Hedley, 545
Donovan, William “Wild Bill,” 168
Dorfman, Allen, 248
Dorfman, Paul J., 157, 392
Dorfman, Rose, 157
Dorman, Mrs. Elsie, 44
Dostoevski, Fyodor Mikhailovich, 522
Dougherty, Jack E. (TSBD employee), 41, 428
Douglas, Helen, 247
Douglass, James W. (author, JFK and the Unspeakable, 2008), 267, 345, 485, 536
Dowell, Pat (film critic, the Washingtonian), 504
Dowling, Mary (Dobbs House waitress), 452
Dowling, Richard, 467
Downing, Thomas N. (Representative),
and formation of HSCA, 486, 487, 489, 501
Doyle, Harold, 323, 326
Drain, Vincent “Vince” (FBI special agent),
Drain’s conflicting report, 222, 428
Oswald’s palm print, 422–423
takes assassination evidence, 422
Duff, William McEwan (Gen. Walker employee), 240
Dukel, Lawrence Alan. See aka Mack, Gary
Dulles, Allen W. (CIA Director fired by Kennedy and WC member),
Bay of Pigs invasion, 128–138
as CIA director, 169–171
destroy WC record, 216–217
mind control, 128–130
“nobody reads,” 216, 461
on Oswald as agent, 216–217, 447–449
on psychological profile, 460–462
also mentioned on pgs. 68, 347, 441, 445, 450, 536, 550
Dulles, John Foster,
CIA and United Fruit, 170–171
Duran, Silvia Tirado de,
arrest of, 140, 183–185
Duvalier, Francois “Papa Doc” (Haitian president), 263–264
Dyson, W. F. (Dallas police officer), 370
Eaglesham, Allan, 297
Eames, Mrs. Doris (neighbor of Oswald in New Orleans), 99
Eastland, James O., 437
Ebert, Robert (journalist, Chicago Sun- Times), 504
Echevarria, Homer S. (Cuban militant), 141
Echeverria, Louis, 170
Eddowes, Michael (British author), impersonation and exhumation of Oswald, 521–528
Edwards, Robert E. (witness), 22
Egeter, Betty, 182
Ehrlichman, John, 252
Eisenberg, Melvin A. (WC attorney), 349–350, 440
Eisenhower, Dwight “Ike,”
authorizes covert action against Cuba, 129–131
with Khrushchev, 109
“military-industrial complex,” 280–281
also mentioned on pgs. 3, 4, 228, 235, 247, 248, 256, 289, 439, 445
Ekdahl, Edwin A., 91, 95
Ellis, Starvis, 12
Ellsberg, Daniel, 111
Ellsworth, Frank, 314
Ely, John Hart, 458
English, J. M., 535
Epstein, Edward Jay (author), 102, 120, 125, 173, 190, 266, 441
Estes, Billie Sol (LBJ associate), 275, 294, 504
Euins, Amos Lee (TSBD witness), 25–26
Evans, Courtney, 208
Evica, George Michael (researcher), 242
Exchange Stabilization Fund, 169, 255
Executive Order #11110 (EO-11110), 254–255
Exner, Judith (aka Judy Campbell), with Jack Kennedy, 164–165
Factor, Lawrence Lloyd “Loy,” 293
Fain, John W. (FBI agent), 209–210
Fall, Albert B., 256
Farris, Tom (FBI agent), 300–301
FBI. See also Federal Bureau of Investigations,
Commission Document 1245, 42
history of, 199–201
and Julia Ann Mercer, 16–17, 454
manipulation of assassination investigation, 221–223, 422–423, 428
search for Oswald in 1959, 117–118
and Tague testimony, 62–63
and witness Ed Hoffman, 83–87
also mentioned on pgs. 199–234
Fedora (KGB Defector Code Name), 124
Fedorenko, Nikolai T., 126
Fenley, Bob (reporter Dallas Times Herald), 215
Fenner, Nancy (FBI receptionist), 217
Fensterwald, Bernard (researcher), 487
Fenton, Cliff, 496
Ferrie, David W.,
with Judyth Baker, 144–148
background and death, 472–474, 533–534
544 Camp Street, 138–139
connections, 239–240, 328, 466, 471
Ferrie as CIA agent, 174–175, 540, 550
Garrison investigation, 214, 466–468, 472–485
Oswald’s library card, 98–101
in Ruby’s club, 36, 388–389
also mentioned on pgs. 155, 156, 167, 188, 191, 220, 268
Fetzer, James H. PhD., 45
Fiester, Sherry (author, Enemy of the Truth: Myth, Forensics, and the Kennedy Assassination, 2012), 427, 460
Files, James (aka James Sutton), 179, 294–297
Finck, Pierre (Army Lt. Colonel, Bethesda Naval Hospital coroner), 359–360
Fischer, Ronald B. (witness), 22, 454
Fisher, Dr. Russell, 367
Fithian, Floyd J., 426
FitzGerald, Desmond, 173
Fitzsimmons, Frank, 157
Fleming, Ian, 136, 179
Florer, Larry,
arrested in Dal-Tex bldg., 327
Flynn, Charles W. (FBI agent), 219, 383–384
Flynn, William J., 200
Folsom, Allison G. Jr., 469
Fonzi, Gaeton (HSCA investigator), 489, 490–492, 496
Ford, Gerald R. “Jerry” (WC member),
as FBI informant, 442, 552
Jack Ruby interview, 408
also mentioned on pgs. 82, 157, 253, 362, 450, 451, 462, 544
Ford, Trowbridge (researcher), 249
Fortas, Abe, 437, 441, 463
Foster, J. W. (Dallas police officer),
and Triple Underpass, 57–60, 88, 306
on bullet in grass, 304
Fowler, Clayton, 534
Frankfurter, Felix, 450
Frazier, Wesley (Oswald companion),
on assassination, 44–46
curtain rod story, 41
paper sack, 427–428
also mentioned on pgs. 40, 534
French Connection,
to Kennedy assassination, 192–199
Freyss, Pierre, 258
z, Will (Dallas homicide captain),
arrival at TSBD, 303–304, 417
with Lt. Francis Fruge, 385–386
interview with Oswald, 47
Left out of motorcade, 227
on Mauser rifle, 419–420
Oswald denies backyard photos, 430
order to move Oswald, 402
Roger Craig in Fritz’ office, 320–321
Testimony to Warren Commission, 53
also mentioned on pgs. 219, 319, 347, 348, 358
Fruge, Francis Lt. (LA State Police), 385–386
Fuller, Mrs. Ross (mother of injured child), 355
Fuller, Ronald (injured child at Parkland), 355
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 277
Galloway, Calvin (Admiral), 509
Gambino, Carlo (gangster), 156
Gandy, Helen, 207
Garfield, James A., 224
Garner, Darrell W., 534
Garner, Mrs. Jesse (Oswald’s landlady in New Orleans), 99
Garner, Dorothy Ann (witness), 44, 55–56
Garrison, Earling Carothers “Jim” (New Orleans district attorney). See also Garrison Investigation
conspiracy theory of, 70, 139, 174, 466–487
on Gerald Ford and CIA, 442
A Heritage of Stone, 214
on NASA, 214
also mentioned on pgs. 17, 98, 146–147, 240, 260, 328, 388, 454, 503–505, 531, 533–534
Garrison Investigation, 466–487
Gatlin, Maurice Brooks (Banister employee), 220, 471, 533
“Gator” (possible CIA field operative), 177–178
Gaudet, William George (CIA employee), 187–188, 384
Gearhart, Ira D. (warrant officer, codenamed “Bag man” or “Football,” presidential launch code carrier), 276
Gedney, John Forester, 323, 326
Gehlen, Reinhard, 259
Genna Brothers, 163
Genovese, Vito (gangster), 152, 156, 162, 273
Gervais, Pershing, 482–483
Giancana, Angeline, 164
Giancana, Sam “Momo” (Momo Salvatore Guingano),
background of, 163–166
death of, 534–535
Jack Ruby connections, 373–374, 377
at Ruby’s club, 391
also mentioned on pgs. 133, 157, 160, 381, 385, 396, 550
Gibson, Donald (professor/author, Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency, 1994), 268
Gibson, John, 341
Gibson, Lois, 323
Gill, C. Wray (New Orleans attorney), 99
Gillin, Edward (New Orleans assistant district attorney), 172
Givens, Charles (TSBD witness), 543
Glover, Everett, 262
Goering, Hermann, 206
Goldberg, Alfred Dr., 461
Goldman, David, 471
Goldstein, David, 533
Goldwater, Barry (senator), 77, 135
Golovachev, P. Y. (Hero of the Soviet Union General, father of Pavel), 116
Golovachev, Pavel (friend of Oswald in Russia), 116
Golz, Earl (Dallas newsman), 20–21, 181, 187, 334–335, 395, 546
Gonzalez, Reinaldo, 141–142