by Jim Marrs
Voorhis, Jerry, 247
Voshinin, Igor, 261
Wade, Henry (Dallas district attorney),
corrected by Ruby, 399, 484
documents linking Ruby and Oswald, 394–395
first mention of fingerprints, 423
knew Jack Ruby, 375
open-and-shut case, 415
on Oswald as FBI informant, 215, 448
more than one person involved, 346, 543
rifle as Mauser, 418
skirts conspiracy, 346, 407–408
also mentioned on pgs. 149, 348, 401
Wagenvoord, James (executive editor, Life magazine), 275
Waldo, Thayer (journalist), 452
Walker, Gen. Edwin A.,
assassination attempt on, 122, 236–243, 262, 388
Lee Harvey Oswald, 181, 236–243, 262, 388
retained by CIA, 237–238
Ruby/Oswald link, 387
also mentioned on pgs. 7, 543
Walker, Ira, 401
Walker, Wanda (Dallas Morning News employee), 315, 398
Wall Street and Kennedy assassination, 253–255
“Wallace” (aka Jack Ruby), 293
Wallace, George (Governor of Alabama), 7, 243, 485, 495
Wallace, Irving, 109
Wallace, Malcolm “Mac,” 293–294
Walle, Marilyn “Delilah,” 533
Wallechinsky, David, 109
Walsh, Edmund A., 206
Walter, William S., 212–213
Walther, Mrs. Carolyn (witness), 19–20
Walthers, Eddy R. “Buddy” (Sheriff deputy), 20, 63, 303, 304, 306, 319, 534
Wantland, Clyde, 271
Ward, Hugh, 474, 533
Wardlaw, T. T., 321
Warner, Roger C., 389
Warren Commission (WC),
Bowers testimony, 77–78
Document 205, 18
formation of, 436–438
Foster testimony, 57–58
and Kantor testimony, 316, 356–357
on Oswald murder, 398–410
on Oswald palm print on Mannlicher-Carcano rifle, 415, 422–429
on Oswald and Russian language, 104
on Oswald/Ruby link, 387–396
on Oswald’s stay in Russia, 108–127
on shell cases evidence, 333–335
and single-bullet theory, 459–488
testimony conflicts, 451–458
on General Walker’s assailant, 236–245
Willis testimony, 23–24
Warren, Earl (Chief Justice),
as Chairman WC, 438–440
death of, 534
reluctance to chair commission, 438–440, 552
Jack Ruby interview, 408–412
as Presidential candidate, 247
WC blocks other investigations, 552
WC minutes voicing doubts missing, 462
also mentioned on pgs. 93, 216, 247
Watson, Marvin, 198, 279
Wayne, John, 104
WC, See Warren Commission
Webster, Robert E. (American defector to Russia), 111–112
Wecht, Cyril H. Dr. (coroner),
intolerable autopsy, 369
also mentioned on pg., 424
Weigman, Dave (witness), 60
Weinberg, Jim, 374
Weiner, Irwin S., 396
Weisberg, Harold (researcher), 362, 425, 443, 462
Weiss, Mark, 498–499
Weiss, Victor Dr., 386
Weissman, Bernard (wrote anti-JFK ad for Dallas newspaper), 237, 409
Weitzman, Seymour (witness), 75–76, 82, 310–311, 418–419
West, Aase Jean (aka Jean West), 328
West, Joseph H. (Dallas PI), 296–297
West, Louis Joyon, Dr. “Jolly” (Professor and Director of UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute), 414
West, Robert H. (witness and Dallas Co. Surveyor), 18, 434–435, 455, 511
Westbrook, Karen (witness), 27
Westbrook, W. R. Capt. (Dallas Police), 336–337
Weston, Walter “Wally” (Ruby club emcee), 379, 390–391, 394
Wetli, Charles Dr. (chief medical examiner, Dade County), 296
Whalen, Edward, 473
Whaley, William (cab driver), 331, 336, 533
Wheeler, Earl, 534
Whitaker, Anthony, 530–531
White, J. C. (police officer)
and Triple Underpass, 58
White, Jack (researcher)
on Zapruder film, 71
“badge man” photo, 81
Joseph Milteer, 245
Harrelson as tramp, 324–325
on backyard photos, 432–433
White, Geneva (Mrs. Roscoe), 299, 303, 430
White, Ricky Don (son of Roscoe White), 299–303
White, Roscoe Anthony (possible shooter), 299–303, 430, 534
Whitman, Walt, 101
Whitmayer, George Lt. Col., 8
Whitten, John (aka John Scelso), 182
WI/ROGUE (cryptonym of CIA employed assassin), 194–195
Wicker, Tom (journalist), 203
Wickersham, George W., 200
Wiener, Irwin S., 377
Wilcott, James (CIA finance officer), 103, 212
Wilkins, George, 104
Wilkinson, Sydney (film post-production expert), 512
Willens, Howard P. (WC staff), 385
Williams, Bonnie Ray (witness), 48–49
Williams, Edward Bennett (Hoffa attorney), 157
Willis, Bill (Ruby musician), 390, 394
Willis, Linda (witness), 23, 24
Willis, Phillip L. (witness),
background, 23
“black dog man,” 74–75
Dal-Tex arrest, 327
single bullet theory, 24, 455
photographs assassination, 23–24
photographs Ruby in front of TSBD, 23–24, 315
on the WC, 453–455, 543
also mentioned on pgs. 37, 510
Willis, Rosemary (witness), 23–24
Wilson, Clifford, 265
Wilson, Eugene, 518–519
Wilson, John, 382
Wilson, Steven F. (witness), 44
Wilson, Woodrow, 150, 200
Winborn, Walter L (witness), 60
Wirtz, Alvin, 270
Wise, David, 170
Wise, Wes (witness), 315
Witcover, Jules, 250–251
Witherspoon, Ronnie, 311
Witt, Louis Steven (“umbrella man”), 31–32, 495
Wood, Homer Dr., 520
Wood, John (federal judge), 324–326
Wood, Sterling, 520
Woods, James (FBI agent), 260
Woodward, Mary E. (witness), 27
Worrell, James R. Jr. (witness), 308, 533
Wright, Frank (Tippit witness), 332
Wright, James C. Jr. (Texas District Judge), 524
Wright, Mrs. O. P. (Parkland nurse), 356
Wright, O. P. (Parkland security chief), 356
Wrone, David R., 45, 47
Yablonski, Joseph, 487
Yaras, Dave, 534
Yaras, Sam, 155
Yarborough, Ralph (Senator),
1963 Texas political scene, 6–8
denies Youngblood story, 232–234
location in motorcade, 6, 15
proximity to JFK, 6
sluggish SS response, 232
smelled gun powder, 14, 80
suggests JFK visit, 5
treatment by the WC, 455–456, 543
Youngblood, Rufus W. (Secret Service agent),
reactions to shots, 232
also mentioned on pg., 8
Zahn, Leo (director and cinematographer expert), 513
Zapruder, Abraham. See also Zapruder film,
background, 66
death of, 534
government compensates Zapruder $16 mil, 71
Life pays $150,000, 69
sale to Life magazine, 68–69
on shots from behind, 67–68
also mentioned on pgs. 72, 81, 296, 306, 455
Zapruder film (Z film),
alleged driver as gunman, 228–229
called into question, 70–71, 509–515
CIA manipulation of, 71, 434, 508, 541, 549
frames transposed by Life, 306, 435
frames transposed by WC, 69
Garrison obtains, 70, 479
at NPIC, 511
Dan Rather’s description, 69–70
umbrella man, 29
also mentioned on pgs. 15, 23, 24, 25, 66–67, 87, 339, 459, 545
Zavada, Rollie, 510–511
Zoppi, Tony (Dallas Morning News columnist), 398
ZR/RIFLE project (CIA Executive Action program for assassinations), 147, 194–196, 198