The Exile's Redemption (The Heart of a Tyrant Book 1)

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The Exile's Redemption (The Heart of a Tyrant Book 1) Page 8

by Reece Dinn

  'They needed to be taught a lesson. People thinkin' they can jus' come 'round 'ere, shoutin' their mouth off, thinkin' they can attack my friends. I ain't standin' for it.'

  His father hissed. 'Awon, it was him,' he pointed at Ten, 'he ran away with the lad's girl. He started this.'

  'He was horrible to her,' said Ten. 'But I love her. Had to get her away from him.'

  Awon's father scowled. 'Love? What do you know of love? You're just a horny little shit who can't keep it in his trousers.'

  'What'd you know of love, fat man?' said Awon. 'You been with one woman in yer 'hole life, and yer drove her away.'

  His father's voice caught in his throat. 'I didn't drive her away.'

  'Then where is she?'

  Norox snorted. 'The point is Ten started this.'

  'An' I ended it,' said Awon.

  'Ended? This isn't over. Do you not see that?'

  A crash cut off Awon's reply. Heavy boots stomped through the front of the shop.

  'Oh no,' said Awon's father, burying his face in his hands.

  The door to the back room burst open, wood cracking and splintering as the door smashed into the wall. Big Red loomed in the doorway, his eyes fixing on Awon. 'Yer stupid son of a bitch,' he spat, eyes bulging. He stomped straight over to him and heaved him up into the air by the front of his shirt, then, before Awon could react, flung him into the wall. As Awon sprang back to his feet, Red shoved him up against the wall, pinning him. 'Wha' the fuck did yer do?' Spit flicked through the gaps of Red's teeth onto Awon's face.

  'I said I ain't apologisin',' said Awon, looking directly into Red's bulging eyes. He tried to break free of the huge guy's grip, but Red was too strong.

  'I ought to rip yer legs off and fuck yer up the arse with 'em, you stupid, stupid, shit.' He threw Awon to the ground.

  Awon hit the floor hard, pain flaring in his left arm as he landed, but he forced himself to jump back to his feet, ready to fight. The cleaver was on the small side table next to the worktop, he could see it out of the corner of his eye, it'd only take a second to reach.

  'Who the fuck do yer think yer are, eh?' snarled Red. 'Fuckin' disobeyin' me. No one disobeys me.' He took a step forward.

  Several of Red's friends had entered the room behind him. They'd been around the fire in his warehouse earlier. The yegeyor with the broken fins had Norox pinned against the wall. Some guy with a big scar down his face had a knife to Awon's father's throat. The small guy with the iron ball on a chain walked around the outside of the room, that ball of his swaying to and fro as he moved.

  Awon's eyes returned to Red's. 'They deserved it,' he said.

  Red ground his teeth. 'So you try 'n start a fuckin' war?' He clenched his large hands into tight fists.

  Awon shrugged. Red punched him hard in the side of the head, smashing him back to the ground. Awon's head bounced off the floor, teeth chattering as it did.

  'I SAID SORT YER BOY OUT, DIDN'T I?' Red roared at Awon's father.

  Awon glanced up at the side table. The cleaver rested on the edge of it.

  'This shop is mine now, Tenemu. Yer understand? Mine. Payment for me not killin' yer son. An' I might jus' still do it.'

  Awon jumped back to his feet and grabbed the cleaver.

  The small guy with the iron ball swung it.

  Awon ducked under the swing, then shoved the side table into him, knocking him into the wall. He spun on his heels, cleaver in hand, ready to fight.

  Red grinned wickedly. 'Try it, little boy. I'll give yer one chance.' The huge guy strode towards him.

  Awon grinned back, glancing at that massive neck. His grip tightened on the cleaver. He leapt at Red, swinging at his neck. Red roared and grabbed his arm before the cleaver could connect, then punched him hard in the stomach. Awon wheezed as he doubled over, then Red brought his elbow down hard on his neck, sending him face first into the floor.

  'Liar,' groaned Awon, pushing himself back up while doing his best to ignore the stinging pain in his face. 'Yer said I'd get one chance.'

  'Said a chance.' Red pressed down hard on Awon's back with one of his big feet. 'Yer got too much fight in you, boy. Don't know when ter back down.'

  Awon spat on Red's boot, then stabbed the cleaver into his leg.

  Red cried out, falling back and crashing into the wall. He clutched his leg, blood dribbling out of the wound. The cleaver remained stuck there, although it hadn't penetrated very deep.

  The small guy with the ball and chain leapt on top of the worktop, iron ball swinging by his feet.

  Awon pushed himself up, holding his sore stomach. His ears rung with loud bleats, roars and crashes, but Awon stayed focused, kept his eyes on the small guy. He took a step forward, preparing to grab that iron ball and smash his head in with it.

  'What's going on here then?' came a voice from the front of the shop.

  The mayhem quietened.

  Awon risked a look around the room.

  Red yanked the cleaver out of his leg with a moan. The blade dripped with his blood. 'Yer lucky yer didn't cut too deep, boy.' He threw it aside.

  Norox's head was pinned against the floor, the fin-less yegeyor pressing down on his back. Scar Face still had a knife to Awon's father's throat. Ten sat cowering in the corner, knees pressed into his chest.

  'Wasn't luck,' said Awon.

  Red sneered. 'Yer the craziest bastard I ever met, yer know that?'

  Metal clinked, floorboards creaked, and then an armoured man carrying a rifle appeared in the doorway.

  'Konar,' Awon muttered under his breath in disgust.

  'Fenon. Glad you could join us,' said Red, struggling to stand up straight. He rested himself against the wall.

  The fin-less yegeyor removed himself from Norox's back, and Scar Face hid the knife he'd had at Awon's father's throat behind his back. The small guy dropped his ball and chain, and jumped down off the worktop.

  The Konar stepped into the room, taking the entire scene in with one sweep of his eyes. He wore dull bronze plate mail over a white shirt, bronze gauntlets, bronze leg plates over black trousers, and brown boots. On his arm he wore a green band that marked him as a Konar-Chase, in charge of the area.

  Two more Konar appeared in the doorway, these dressed the same but wore bronze helms too. Fenon handed one of them his rifle. He still had a short sword in the scabbard at his side that was just a bit longer than Awon's cleaver.

  'I'll ask again. What is going on here?' said Fenon.

  'They were lookin' ter buy some meat,' said Awon.

  Fenon turned to face him, looking him up and down. 'Buying meat?' He smirked.

  'Got real hungry, boss,' said Red. ''ad a hankerin' fer some prime rib.'

  Fenon glanced down at the huge guy's leg, then up at his face. 'Spare me the crap.'

  Red sniggered, limping forward. 'If it's about yer money. I told yer you'll have it when...'

  'I'm not here about that. Fires over in Nuchai. Two Konar said they saw two lads and a yegeyor running through a hole in the city wall around the time the fire started.' Fenon gestured to Awon, Norox, and to Ten sat in the corner cowering. 'As soon as I heard the report I knew exactly who to come see.'

  'We ain't startin' fires,' said Awon.

  Fenon turned back to him. 'Then what were you doing climbing through holes in walls at night if not fleeing a crime?'

  'Tryin' ter steal wine.'


  Awon rubbed his nose, amazed to find that it wasn't broken. 'Wimbu at the Cart Stop Tavern said he'd the best wine in the district. Went ter break in and steal some, but were too many people 'round an' we got bored waitin' for the place ter close so we came back.'

  'Really? You expect me to believe that?'

  'Don't care if yer do really.'

  'It's true,' said Norox, looking even more uncomfortable than he normally did when telling a lie. 'I've never had wine. My dad won't let me try it.'

  Fenon turned back to Red. 'Why are you here then?'

her owes me money. Collectin' it,' said Red, gesturing to Awon's father.

  'Borrowing money from the likes of him,' Fenon said to him, shaking his head and tutting. 'Thought you knew better than that, Tenemu?'

  'So did I,' Awon's father stammered.

  Fenon's gaze swept around the room before returning to Red. 'Leave these people alone. I don't need any more bloodshed in my area, you hear? The amount of reports I've had to make disappear on account of you is ridiculous. Especially when you don't pay me on time.' He clicked his fingers and his two companions snapped into motion. Within seconds their rifles were ready and aimed at Red. 'This is my area, not yours. Remember that. You have until the end of the next moon to pay me, or me and my friends will be paying your warehouse a visit.'

  'I'll have yer money, boss. Don't yer worry,' said Red.

  'Good.' Fenon clicked his fingers again and his two companions shouldered their rifles. He took back his own rifle. 'As you were gentlemen.' He motioned to his companions to leave, and the two spun on their heels and walked away.

  Fenon lingered a moment, giving everyone one last look. His eyes fell on Awon. 'Don't think for one second I believe you, boy. I'm keeping my eye on you.'

  Awon shrugged.

  Fenon glared at him for a moment, then finally left.

  'Fuckin' Konar,' muttered Red when the Konar were well out of ear shot.

  'That was close,' said Scar Face.

  Red pointed accusingly at Awon. 'Yer a good liar, boy. Doesn't surprise me.'

  Awon shrugged again.

  'Shit. My fuckin' leg. I ought to rip yer fuckin' throat out.' Red rested himself against the wall again. 'Yer got me in quite the dilemma 'ere. Don't like dilemmas.'

  'He stabbed you in the leg,' said the small guy, picking up his ball and chain.

  'Jus' a scratch.'

  'Reckon we cut them into tiny pieces,' said Scar Face.

  'I agree,' said the fin-less yegeyor.

  'Try it,' said Awon.

  'Do yer really wanna start a fight with this one?' said Red, sniggering.

  'I'll rip his teeth out,' said the fin-less yegeyor.

  Red pushed himself back upright and hobbled over to Awon. 'Yer better pray the Drowners don't figure out it was you. If they do I'll feed yer to 'em. Ain't startin' a war cos of you, understand?'

  'You're just gonna let them go?' said the small guy.

  'Don't 'ave much choice now, do I? If I touch 'em Fenon'll 'ave us in a cell 'fore sunrise. All of us. Cutter won't be happy with that.'

  The small guy mumbled something.

  'I can use you, boy. If yer learn to do as yer fuckin' told we can do good things, you and I. When this blows over come see me. Oh and...' He grabbed Awon's head with both hands and slammed his forehead hard into his. Pain exploded through Awon's head and he was smashed to the ground once again. He moaned, clutching his head.

  'That's fer the leg. Fuckin' little shit,' spat Red.

  Awon tried to get back to his feet, wanting to break the big guy's nose, but when he moved his head swam as the pain became even worse.

  'Come on, lads. Let's leave these women to their evenin',' said Red.

  Awon sat up, clutching his forehead. His eyes wouldn't stop watering no matter how much he wiped them.

  Red's companions slunk out of the room, the small guy shooting Awon a dark look as he left. Red glanced at Awon's father as he hobbled by and said, 'sort yer fuckin' boy out before he gets yer all killed.'

  Awon's father nodded solemnly. When Red was out of the shop his father crumpled to the floor, gasping for breath. Norox rested against the wall, his white skin looking even paler than normal. Ten still cowered in the corner, his face buried in his knees.

  'That went well,' said Awon.

  'What?' said the other three in unison.

  'Yer thought we were gonna get killed, but we didn't. Went well.'

  'You're too much for me,' bleated Norox, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.

  'You nearly cost me my shop, son,' said his father. 'Would have done if the Konar hadn't come.'

  'Quick thinkin', eh?' said Awon. 'About the wine story, I mean. Was thinkin' bout stealin' some at some point, jus' ter shut that old bastard up. Guess I can't now.' He shrugged. 'Ah well.'

  'How can you be so calm after what just happened?' asked Norox, making a grumbling sound.

  Awon shrugged. 'Dunno. They ain't scary.'

  'Your mum was right,' said his father. 'There's something not right with you.'

  'I jus' saved yer arses.'

  'You put them in danger in the first place.'

  'Maybe. But now we have Red's respect. Risk was worth it, I reckon.'

  'Worth it?'

  'This was all just to earn his respect?' asked Norox.

  'Yer don't get anywhere playin' it safe,' said Awon.

  'What if you'd killed somebody?'

  'He may have already.' His father covered his mouth with his hand. He made a strange gargling noise, then rushed out of the back door of the shop. The sound of him vomiting made Awon smirk.

  'He never did 'ave the stomach fer this,' he said.

  'So what now?' asked Norox.

  'We wait and see.'

  Ten pulled his face out of knees. 'Can I go see if Helma is okay?'

  Awon shrugged. 'No one's stoppin' yer.'

  The scared look on Ten's face vanished and he jumped to his feet. 'Thank you,' he said, and ran out of the shop, slipping on Red's blood as he went.

  'All this for a girl,' said Norox. 'Just gotta hope that the Drowners don't come looking for trouble.'

  Awon smirked. ''ere's hopin' they do.'

  His father slunk back into the shop, wiping his mouth, his head glistening with sweat. 'The state of this place,' he said. 'We need to get this cleaned up.'

  'Not a chance, fat man,' said Awon. 'I'm goin' to bed. Been a long day.'

  'You made this...'


  'I'll help you,' said Norox. 'Won't sleep much tonight anyway.'

  'Goodnight.' Awon went out the back door and climbed the outside stairs up to their rooms, smirking to himself as he heard his father moaning about him. 'Yer'll thank me when this is over, fat man,' he mumbled. 'When I'm in charge of the Cutters and yer debt free, yer'll be thankin' me then.'

  Chapter Eight

  Kanisha ran her hand through the water made green by the lush trees that drooped over the river. Below the surface little ludwifs swam together in small groups, their blue scales shining in the warm, early morning light. She breathed in deep, the sweet scent of the blooming flowers along the riverbank wafting up her nose, relaxing her.

  Several of the fishermen who lived along the bank in shacks, like Kanisha's, were already awake and checking their fishing lines to see if they'd caught anything in the night, while others prepared to go out on their skiffs to fish, using trained trellites to catch the fish for them.

  She and her family didn't fish much, instead they weaved. It was tedious work, but it kept them busy and they made a decent living from it.

  Kanisha stretched her body. The water looked inviting, and she decided to swim a little before resigning herself to another day's work. Her mother was already up and working, but she wouldn't mind.

  She took off her pale green dress, ignoring the glances from the fishermen across the river. Perverts, she thought as she dived into the river, instantly feeling refreshed. Swimming along the river bed, she tried to catch the ludwifs darting around her, but they were too fast. She broke through the surface and floated on her back, gazing up at the clear blue sky. A flock of jedin flew by, their white feathers making them appear like fast moving clouds. They were noisy creatures, their constant wailing echoing through the valley.

  Kanisha rolled over to her front and dove back underwater, swimming downstream, the river's current not particularly strong. Coming back to the surface she spotted someone watching her from outside her shack. Her stomach suddenly twisted in knots.

  I have seen him before.
The day before yesterday. He walked by as I was drying my clothes. Then kept on appearing throughout the day, walking along the river, and by the shack.

  Even from a distance she could feel his eyes on her, examining her body, despite it being hidden under the water. Not in a lustful manner, the way most men looked at her, this was different, like he was appraising her, judging her worth. It made her skin crawl even more than the fishermen's stares did.

  What could he want? She dove back underwater and swam back to shore, staying close to the river bed until she reached the bank, not daring to look up. He stood by the river's edge when she broke the surface again, looking down at her with piercing grey eyes. He was dressed head to toe in a black garb that clung to his lean frame. He dresses like a Dragon Shadow, but his head is uncovered. Shadows keep their faces hidden. His face was youthful and smooth, save for the dark circles under his grey eyes. He crouched down, offering her his hand. She didn't accept it, pulling herself out of the water on her own. He stepped back.

  'Who are you?' Kanisha demanded. 'I saw you the day before yesterday, observing me.'

  The man's face remained impassive.

  She felt vulnerable being wet and naked under this man's gaze, not through fear of him touching her, but something else. He stood between her and her dress.

  'What do you want?' she asked.

  'I have been searching for you,' said the man.

  Kanisha didn't know how to respond.

  'I am Holi,' he said. 'Sent by the Emperor himself to locate you.'

  'The Emperor?'

  'It is the will of the Ragi. You have a great service to perform, Kanisha. You must come with me. Your training shall begin at once.'

  'How do you know my name?' Kanisha felt the urge to dive back into the river, to swim downstream to the sea and escape this man.

  'The Emperor sees everything. He has seen you in his dreams, through the eyes of the Ragi. You must come with me.'

  This man is insane. 'I will not. Please leave and do not return.'

  'It is not for you to refuse.'

  'I do refuse.' Kanisha eyed the man's garb. 'Why do you dress in black? You think yourself to be a Dragon Shadow?'

  Holi's face remained impassive.

  Kanisha eyes widened. 'You are a Shadow? Do not lie. You are no Shadow.'


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