Gay Paranormal Romance: Mpreg Box Set (MM Shifter Mpreg) (Gay Paranormal Fantasy Romance)

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Gay Paranormal Romance: Mpreg Box Set (MM Shifter Mpreg) (Gay Paranormal Fantasy Romance) Page 38

by Sy Walker

  I climbed in and immediately felt the blistering heat of the hot water hitting my body. It was more than enough incentive to turn him away from me, so that I could see his finely sculpted ass right in front of me. I got down on my knees and I stuck my tongue into that sweet dark hole. The pungent aroma was only punctuated by the surprised gasp coming from his mouth. I continually tongue fucked that hole, opening it up and giving it the necessary motivation to take things to the next level.

  “If you don’t stop that, I’m going to shoot off. I don’t want to cum yet. I’m sure that you don’t want that either.” He had his hands up against the wall. I could only surmise that he was trying to keep himself from losing it all together.

  My tongue came out and I stood up to wrap my hands around his waist to join his in the process of taking things beyond his own limits. Pushing his hands away, I slowly used the slickness of the soap and his own juices to slide my hands up and down one after the other. He had his hand behind him. He was touching my ass and squeezing it with his fingernails digging in for good measure.

  “I know that that it probably won’t take much for me to get you to where you need to go. I can feel your pulsating member, and I know that sooner than later I will have a handful to deal with. You can either let me finish you off that way, or we can take this into the master bedroom, where we have a lot more room to play.” I didn’t have to wait long, before he was the one that was forcibly taking my hands off of him. He was breathing heavy. If I hadn’t said anything at that moment, I’m sure that I was going to have my own kind of hand lotion.

  Book 2

  “I have no idea how I possibly pushed you away. I admit that I’m curious to see what’s behind door number two.” I climbed out of the shower with my hand back without looking to feel his touch mine. I guided him easily down the hallway in the buff, not caring about trying to cover up for the benefit of my own shame.

  “I’ve never had a man in this house before. You should feel honored that I’m giving into my desires. I don’t know what it is about you, Jeremy, but I feel that we are kindred spirits. You have this fire in you that needs to be unleashed and I have an animal inside me that needs the same thing. Together, I think that we can give each other what we really want. You need to be open and willing to play by my rules.” I opened the door and his eyes were accosted by blood red sheets and a black duvet that covered the entire thing.

  The four poster bed was taking up half the room. It was a king size and perfectly constructed for the purposes of a deep and lasting slumber. The mattress was custom made to perform to my specifications. If I didn’t get a full 8 hours of sleep a night, I could be hard to live with. It wasn’t just the full moon that had me crawling on all fours and leaping from the balcony and into the forest below. I found that it was a combination of nature and my own emotions that was the catalyst to becoming the wolf.

  “I knew that you would have a sophisticated taste. That was pretty damn evident from what I’ve seen already of this place. You really did not spare any expense in putting your own flair on things. I can tell that you are gay and that there is nothing here that indicates that there was a feminine touch to be had anywhere.” I was behind him with my head cocked, looking at that ass and wishing that I could pry those cheeks loose.

  “I know that it’s selfish. People are suffering all over the world, but I like the finer things. I don’t see any reason why I can’t have my cake and eat it too.” I knew that it was forbidden for me to have relations with a human man. Mating for my species comes from two of us getting together and doing what is required to take the edge off. I convinced myself that I could stop any time I wanted to. I’m sure that is what any drug addict or alcoholic would say if they were presented with temptation.

  Chapter 2

  It looked like Jeremy was experiencing these things for the first time. He was a common man with everyday tastes. If I could introduce him to another world, then I didn’t see any reason why I shouldn’t do that. “I think that we may need a little liquid encouragement. I have just the bottle that I have been saving for a special occasion. It was given to me, as a gift and I want to share it with you. If you give me a few moments, I’ll go downstairs and see if I can find the bottle and then a bottle opener.” I think I was a little nervous and maybe a cool refreshing drink would soothe my troubled nerves.

  “I’ll just make myself comfortable.” I wasn’t sure what he meant by that. Was I going to find him wearing my underwear when I returned? I probably shouldn’t have left him alone to snoop, but I really didn’t have much to hide, except for the secret of being a wolf. “I imagine that I could probably get lost in this place. You’ve done yourself justice. You’ve made your own personal oasis away from the real world. You probably think that you’re safe in this ivory tower, but trust me bad things happen to good people all the time.”

  I left him and went downstairs. I went into the living room and I thought that I saw a shadow outside. On further inspection, it was just a branch that was blowing with the wind and the driving snow that had made four foot drifts. It was not safe out there for man or beast. Even my wolf probably wouldn’t have survived that kind of weather.

  I went down to the wine cellar, found the bottle that was given to me by a man that I respected more than life itself. He was the one that made me. Kenneth was not an easy man to read and his humanity was stripped away. Any time that I brought up what had happened, he would scoff and say that I was putting too much of the blame on my shoulders. I didn’t want to tell him that I didn’t blame myself. If he hadn’t bitten me, then I wouldn’t be this monster that felt the need to lash out for no good reason.

  I went to the living room and snatched up the two glasses of wine that I had placed there for him and myself. There was still some in the glasses. I down them. It helped to put me in a seduction kind of mood.

  I took a moment to stand at the bottom of the stairs in nothing but my birthday suit. I closed my eyes and I could literally smell him like that of the fine wine that I was carrying in my hands. His essence permeated the air. I became powerless to resist the need to climb those stairs and back into his arms.

  I was at the door to the master bedroom and he was lying there in what I could only consider to be a sexy pose. His leg was strewn to the side and his hand was on the side of his head. The black duvet was flung aside. The only thing that was preventing me from seeing him was the thin sheet that covered him. I was about to say something, when I heard what sounded like the crackling of electricity. The lights dimmed and then the lights immediately extinguished. The fire downstairs was not enough, but thankfully I had another fireplace built from the one downstairs to take up one side of the wall in the master bedroom.

  Putting the wine down in the bucket of chilled ice, I went over to the fireplace. I heard the rustling of the sheets and I turned “You don’t have to do anything. Stay there. I’ll join you in a few moments.” I showed him that I was handy and before long there was a blazing fire. It was the old fashioned kind where I needed to place pieces of wood and then something to ignite it. I used one of those lighters with a bit of kindling to bring it to life.

  “My god, Randle…are you gonna make me wait all night for this? I was that close in the shower, but you convinced me that it was a good idea to wait for gratification.” He was eager, but he had no idea what he was asking of me. There was a small part inside me that wanted to tell him to go and sleep in the guest room down the hall. This was a risky venture and one that could lead to far reaching ramifications.

  “Keep your pants on… Oh wait…you’re not wearing any pants.” I smiled wickedly with one finger up to my mouth. I picked up the glass and poured him some wine. I brought it over to his lips. He drank heartily and then we snuggled up into the bed with the warmth of the fire to keep us warm. The light of the fire and the half moon outside was the perfect environment. Romance was never my forte, but I was willing to try something once to see if I liked it. I straddled his body, feeling my
cock rubbing up against his own. I continued to play this dangerous game. Unfortunately, this could lead to both of us becoming spent too soon.

  “This is more like it. My last time with a man was five years ago. I usually have a girlfriend, but I’ve been without for almost six months. She broke my heart and I think deep down I knew that I was only fooling myself. I knew that my friends and my family didn’t approve of my lifestyle. I allowed them to dictate the terms of my life. I realized upon seeing you that I was exactly who I should be. I shouldn’t have to explain myself to anyone. If I’m happy, then why is it anybody’s business? What makes them think that they can say anything that’s going to change my mind?” I had his hands up over his head and I was kissing his neck and listening to this diatribe.

  “I really don’t think that we need to talk about prejudice. There’s always something that somebody’s not going to agree with. You can’t live your life pleasing everyone. The only person that you really need to please is yourself.” I kissed his mouth and at first it was like he wasn’t sure, but then I found his tongue stabbing into my mouth. Our cocks were sticking together.

  “I guess I never thought of it that way before. I’ve always been a people pleaser and I thought that I had to be something that I wasn’t. I’m not going to let anybody tell me what to do with my life. If I want to be with you and shout it to the world, then I don’t care who understands.” His voice had turned husky and I could feel his fingers entwining around my own. He was doing his best to break my grip, so that he could roam his hands down over my body, but I wasn’t having any of it.

  “Let me show you that it feels, so much better to give in to those urges. I’ve hungered for you from the moment that I saw you, but I wasn’t going to do anything to make you feel that you had to go on the defensive. I will say that once I saw your body that all of that vanished in the blink of an eye. We are here alone and what we do behind closed doors is our business.” I moved my hands down his frame, holding his shoulders, while raking my nails down his chest and over his nipples. Upon contact, he arched his chest into the air and made this moan of arousal that had me wanting to see what other noises I could make him let out.

  “You make me feel like this is natural, when we know that it’s not. Society would frown and those that were stuck in the old ways would condemn us for going against the natural order of things.”

  I stuck out my tongue and licked at his nipple, making him close his eyes and throw his pelvis into the air. “Are you sure this is what you want, Jeremy?”

  “I guess I needed someone to bring me back to life. I was drowning and you threw me a life preserver when I needed it the most.” I found his package and I grabbed at the bottom and squeezed like I was his own personal cock ring.

  “You have the perfect size. I’m not one for those 12 inch monsters, but I certainly don’t want one that is only 2 inches long. I would guess that this one is eight inches and as thick as my wrist.” This was not my first time, but five years without someone had probably made him apprehensive. It was clear to see that he was willing, but how far was he going to go, before he put the brakes on. I had to give him a reason not to. The best way to do that was to get him, so fucked up in the head that he couldn’t even think straight.

  “I don’t know if I’m the perfect size, but I’ve never had any complaints before. You do know that you are a cock tease.” Of course I knew that, but this was how I got them to want this more than anything else in their life. “You make me squirm and look at you with fire in my eyes. Please… I want more… I don’t want you to give in, unless you can’t help yourself.” I was blowing warm air along his shaft and watching it react with a bit of leakage at the top. I lashed at the head with my tongue and pulled back a string of sticky excitement.

  Chapter Three

  I took a moment to sit there in his lap. I could feel his cock in between my ass cheeks. I’m sure that he thought that I was going to stab myself repeatedly with his cock. “You need to learn how to wait for pleasure. You won’t believe the feeling that you’ll get from delaying the inevitable. Let me show you and I promise that you will not be disappointed.” I could feel a wetness in the crack of my ass. I went down to take a closer look at what I had caused. His cock was pumping and he was having what I could only describe, as a dry orgasm. He grunted his reply and I began to stimulate his body with light touches to stir the pot.

  “I don’t know what I did to deserve this kind of torture. If I had information, you can be a sure that I would already be giving it up.” I kissed the head of his hardness, sticking my tongue out and moving it around in a clockwise formation. He couldn’t sit still, moving around; until I had to do something to make sure that he wasn’t going to interfere. Putting my hand up, I went and collected two very rare and expensive ties made of silk. One was red and the other was black.

  He stared at me, as I lifted one hand and tied one end of the black tie to his wrist and then the other to the headboard. I did the same thing to the other and he was now practically my prisoner. It was almost too delicious. “I don’t normally let anybody do this to me. I know instinctively that you will never hurt me. It’s the only reason why I’m going along with this.” Jeremy was never going to be able to break free without my assistance.

  I once again went to his crotch and I saw his love muscle straining towards the ceiling. I stood over it. I drooled hot spit down the length of it. I jacked him with a quick succession of hand movements. He moaned and stared at me in disbelief that I was going to finish him off this way. When he was right there, I put a stop to what I was doing. I did this several times, knowing when I was going too far.

  “I was right about you and you really can’t be trusted. You make me think that it’s going to be over, then you stop and leave me wanting more. Is that the game that you’re trying to play with me? If it is, then you needn’t bother. I was never going to leave without uncovering the reason why I feel, so attracted to you. You could say that it’s a journalistic curiosity.” I’d never had good feelings about the press. They tend to sensationalize and make things bigger than what they are.

  I opened my mouth and encompassed his knob, until I was swallowing him whole like some kind of snake eating its dinner. He was in my tight throat and I had difficulty pulling back. It felt good to make him writhe in sweet agony. He was kicking his legs out in frustration. I had to use a bit of the wolf’s force to push him back down onto the mattress.

  “This is going to be better than you have ever had in your life. It doesn’t matter who you have been with…man or woman…who cares. Tantric sex is better than anything else that you’ve had in your life. It’s all about connecting mind, body and soul.” His cock was soaking wet from my obvious oral expertise. I bobbed up and down; taking him all the way and making him stare down on me with my mouth full of his staff.

  “You have taken this…too far. I’m fucking hair trigger and I think we both know that.” His hips came off the mattress. I scratched his thighs, leaving behind trails like that of a cat getting revenge for something that its master did to upset it. The pain had only made him hurt in a way that he probably didn’t think was possible.

  He was working his way to the unloading zone. His body was high strung with every muscle in his body working in tandem with each other. His thighs were tight and his arms were trying desperately to break free. I knew that I wanted to have taboo and forbidden sex with him. I was going to lift his legs into the air and pierce his manhole.

  “Randle… Randle… Oh fuck… Randle…YES… Oh my god…YES…RANDLEEEEEEEEE.” I should have stopped him, but I figured that the first one would be a freebie. Once he got a taste, he would want more of what I had to offer. It made me sound like I was some sort of drug dealer. If he didn’t get his fix, he wouldn’t be the same again.

  His scalding seed landed heavily on my tongue. I worked him with one hand, taking him out of his own body. The scream that I heard coming from him was that of an animal about to be attacked. He was
a captive of his own orgasm. He was lost in his own little world and then he finally fell back down onto the mattress with a sigh of pleasure.

  There was no way that I was going to give up. What I had just received was an aphrodisiac meant to stimulate and to push me into going further. That kind of intoxication made me into a sexual wanton beast that needed to take that man. He was lying there in a post orgasmic trance with his legs spread and those ties digging into his flesh.

  I slowly crawled up his body, staring at him the entire time. This was my way of energizing his libido and giving it a reason to put up a fight for another round. I got to his neck and my growl made him shiver. The fact that he was afraid was only making me salivate for the feel of his ass quivering around me.

  “Forget it… I don’t think that I could get it up again, even if I wanted to.” He may have thought so, but he had no idea that I had been down this road before. Men claimed that they were done, but I had a certain technique that I was going to share with him. “I mean it… I’m depleted and drained of everything that I could possibly give you.” I savored what he had deposited. It took me a moment to let it glide down my throat like a three point oyster.

  I had a hold of him and for a moment I thought that it was a lost cause. The smirk on my face made him look at me and wonder what I was so happy about. “I don’t think that you really know what your body is capable of, Jeremy.” He looked down between us and his semi hard state had taken him by surprise “You know what they used to say back in the day about having ways of making you talk. Well, I have ways of making you hard that hasn’t even been dreamed of.” I had a grip of him and I was squeezing in pulsing motion on the head and only the head. It was like I was pumping up a balloon and in retrospect, it was almost exactly like that.

  “I stand corrected. I thought for sure that I was going to need a few minutes and maybe a carton of orange juice to put the lead back in my pencil. You did it and you’re only using your thumb and forefinger. How is that possible and can you teach me, so that I can surprise other lovers in the future. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that. I’m getting a little too ahead of myself. I really don’t know what the future holds for the both of us. If this is to be our one time together, then I want to make it memorable. You’re the one that’s going to have to decide, if you want something of a commitment.”


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