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Gay Paranormal Romance: Mpreg Box Set (MM Shifter Mpreg) (Gay Paranormal Fantasy Romance)

Page 49

by Sy Walker

  “There’s something to say about an old dog learning new tricks. I’ve seen and done it all, but what I haven’t had the pleasure of is stepping onto the battlefield. I do have to warn you that these negotiations with the dragon shifters are going to be different this time around. I’ve already told you that I want them gone. Unlike my father, I have no love lost with any of them. They have prevented us from achieving greatness. That is about to stop at my hand.” His armor was blood red, where the others that stood around us wore their armor in the color of plain silver. He was the only one that was permitted to have his armor mixed with a pigment to give him a uniform look over others.

  “You say that they are preventing us from achieving greatness. We’ve developed over the years and the shifters have been there to help us where necessary.” I actually admired their strength of character. They could’ve easily brought down hell upon the village and the surrounding area. There were times in the past that they had decimated the land, leaving nothing behind, but the charred remains of those that stood against them. “I’m not entirely convinced that it’s necessary to antagonize them. You really don’t know what they’re capable of.” I was trying to be the voice of reason, but I sensed that my father was never going to listen.

  Chapter two

  I left the comfort of the castle, taking a horse out of the stable and going into town to be amongst the people. My father had no idea that I had made weekly sojourns to the surrounding villages. I wanted them to know that I was not like my father. I did not stay in the castle to protect myself against the obvious backlash. I was an open book and I gave the people a forum to speak their mind.

  “Your father is power hungry. That is going to destroy everything that has been built over the years. There’s no way that you have been, so blind that you haven’t noticed that he has lost touch of reality. He is not in his right mind. We should not be poking at the dragons, unless of course we want to get burned.” That was the same sentiment from many that had come at my bequest.

  “Lucas, your opinion matters to me, as well as those that are in attendance. I agree in theory, but my father is of a different breed. I don’t think that he has lost his mind. I’ve seen no sign that he has lost touch on reality. I do worry that his attempt to fool the dragons is going to be met with fierce retaliation. I am doing my best to sway him from his course of action. Unfortunately, he is dead set on sending the dragons away once and for all. I’m sure that we will feel a certain kind of freedom without them always under foot. I just don’t know that they are going to go willingly or with a fight that will be for the ages.” I respected Lucas and we had become fast friends over the years. His wise counsel and his willingness to listen had always been something that I had needed. My father was not one that would give out advice willingly. Lucas was a little older. I never voiced my desire, but I did feel that we could be more than friends. Maybe that was wishful thinking on my part. He had always been the ladies’ man.

  “My grandfather used to tell me about battles that they had with the dragons. The only reason why your grandfather stepped up and decided to do something was because they were too powerful. Armor and shields back in the day weren’t strong enough to withstand the heated blasts that converged on those warriors from above. We’ve come a long way since then, but I still fear that we will be on the losing side.” He slammed down his mug and spilled some of the contents onto the wooden table.

  “There’s no reason to get hostile. I came here in good faith to listen to your concerns. I will try to convey them back to my father. It may not be good enough and this might need to be taken publicly. Perhaps, my father will listen, if he sees that he is only hurting those that he rules over.” The heated debate continued, until the light of day had extinguished, leaving behind the light of the moon.

  “You are a good friend. There’s no way that you came from the loins of that egotistical tyrant. The day that you hold the power in the palm of your hands is going to be a great day for everybody. Let us have this one last drink and then I must return to my home to sleep it off.” I was able to handle my liquor better than most. I glanced to my side and I saw that the night had become almost daylight. It could only mean that the dragon shifters were out in force.

  We walked out of there together and were accosted by the sight of different color flames streaking across the sky. “I see this all the time. They are just playing, but they put on a light show that is spectacular. There are times that I sit and watch in awe, thinking about the future and how bad it could be. Anyway, that debate is for another time my friend. I will see you soon.” He had his arm around a comely young barmaid. They stumbled out the door together, kissing wildly and daring each other to initiate the fire that would spread beneath the sheets.

  I began the slow and arduous journey back home with the use of my horse, as the only means of conveyance. I stopped momentarily to watch these dragons have the time of their life. They were like children, but you could see that there was a method to their madness. In retrospect, I should’ve known that they were training and perhaps this was in the exact same way that my father trained me. Was it possible that they knew that something was going to change significantly between them and us? I was in no hurry to get back home. I had a feeling that my father would be up, pacing the floor and waiting for me to arrive to chastise me for my behavior. It was not a conversation that I was looking forward to.

  “I heard what you said in there. You’re definitely not like your father in any way.” I was an English nobleman and I knew from personal experience that this man was named Drake. He was the only one of the dragon shifters that had deemed it necessary to show us his human form. His hair was black, but there were streaks of gray that made it appear that he had lived a long and fruitful life. He stood with no regard for the naked profile that he was projecting.

  “I don’t think that we’ve had the honor of introductions.” I slid easily from the horse and landed heavily on my boots. I walked towards him, until I was close enough to see the moon bouncing off his naked hindquarters. He showed no shame and I suppose he was used to walking around unencumbered by clothing. “You and I have only met once. I was too young to know any better back then. To be honest, I was slightly intimidated by how easily you dwarfed a conversation.” He had his back towards me and I could see the contours of his muscles and the way that his shoulders seemed to be weighed down by some kind of stress and frustration.

  “Your father is walking down a dangerous path. I did not want it to come to this, but the ruling was made and I must abide by that. It sickens me to think that you and I might be the only one that is thinking clearly. Your father thinks that he can hide the fact that he is destroying what was once a very proud land. His attempt at subterfuge has not gone unnoticed. Like you, I’ve had my own debate with those that want blood.” I didn’t like where this conversation was going. I had not brought anything to protect myself. I’d never needed a sword to visit the neighboring villages before, but maybe things have progressed too far.

  “Something tells me that you and I meeting here today was not by chance.” He turned slowly and I couldn’t help, but to stray my eyes a little further south. The flag of his species was saluting a man of my distinction. I could not take my eyes off the thickness and the strength that he wielded between his legs. “I don’t know what you want, but I will not go down easily.” It almost made me laugh at the absurdity of what I had just said. Had he known of my taboo tastes, I might have easily succumbed and found myself on my knees.

  “I’m afraid that I have no choice, but to take you with me. You can either come quietly, or I can do this the hard way. Your father will find out that we have taken you and that will play nicely into negotiations. To be honest, I’m not one to take these kinds of direct actions, but your father has forced my hand. There are those that I am beholden to that have chosen to place all of us in an untenable situation.” He was obviously agitated and his use of our vernacular was that of somebody that had been
trained from a very early age.

  I swallowed hard, backed away and got into a defensive posture.” He threw his head back and then snapped forward with a wing that emerged from out of nowhere. I was hit very hard and was literally thrown off my feet. I was a little stunned, unable to shake out the cob webs. I was taken by something with a natural force.

  My vision cleared up and I found myself hovering over the trees with my feet dangling in the air. Something sharp was digging into my shoulder blades. I screamed, but it was lost within the wind, as I was dragged away from the only place that I knew.

  Chapter three

  I felt something shining in my eyes and I awoke to find that I was strapped down onto a makeshift bed made out of unforgiving rocks. The slab was cold and that was when I realized that I was stripped of all of my defenses. My clothes lay scattered on the floor of what looked to be some kind of cave.

  “I had to bandage your wounds. I’m afraid that I may have done some permanent nerve damage. Only time will tell. There are times that I just don’t know my own strength. I forget that you don’t have the same strong scaly hide that we do.” This place was not a cave and I could see that there was a window cut out from the rock. “You are my prisoner, until such time that negotiations come to an end. I’ve sent an emissary to inform your father that you will not be released, until we come to terms.” I pulled at the chains, but they were heavy and felt like they were weighing me down.

  It wasn’t long before I was exhausted, my limbs depleted of all energy and unable to lift a finger in my own defense. “This is not how a civilized society acts. You’re only going to make things worse and I think you know that.” He didn’t say anything. His eyes were staring at my own manhood. “You could’ve given me more time. I might even able to get him to see and this was not the right way to go about things.” I had no doubt that my father would have dismissed me out of hand.

  “Robert, the world is changing. If we can’t change with it, then we will be left in the dust to become extinct. There are only a dozen of us left. We cannot allow our life to be for nothing. We will fight for what we believe in. Your father speaks for the rest of you. Maybe by taking you we give him a reason to change.” The word change was being thrown around easily. He circled the makeshift bed.

  “I don’t think that it was necessary to strip me of my clothing.” He was licking his lips, and traveling his tongue along the bristly ends of the stubble on his face. He stared at me and for a moment. I thought that there was something more there than just a casual curiosity. “Wait a minute… I believe that there might be a reason why you want to take away my clothing.” This made him stop and then he turned his back like he was embarrassed by the revelation.

  “Humans have no idea what makes us tick. I can tell you that there are no females in our species. We’re primarily male, but we do not have sexual relations with each other. That is not how we procreate a new generation. It has been some time since any of us have seen a suitable companion. I feel that there is something here between us. Correct me if I’m wrong, but do you not like more than just feminine curves. The way that you looked at me in the forest told me that you might be the one.” I wasn’t sure what he was getting at. The only thing that I was sure about was that my cock was never going to go back down without some kind of relief.

  “I never knew that about your kind.” He got down on his knees and he was coming closer, until he was situated with his hot breath wafting over my newly shorn balls. I don’t know why it mattered, but I had begun to shave with a straight razor to make sure that there was nothing to deny a lover of my choice the chance to taste me without getting anything in his teeth. “There have been talk and most believe that you have a female that gave you newly born babies. How is it that you can have relations with a human man and be able to procreate your species at the same time?”

  I arched up all my elbows, thrusting my pelvis in the direction of his mouth, as he engulfed one of my balls into his heated mouth. I wasn’t exactly a virgin, but my experiences were not exactly what I expected. I had to do it under the cover of darkness to keep my father from finding out. My disguises were that of a commoner. I made sure that I only frequented those bars that had never seen my face in the company of my father.

  “I love how responsive you are. The lovers that you have had in the past are nothing. When you’re with one of us, we fully immerse into the experience in more ways than one. When we get horny and excited, we tend to heat up our entire body from the top of our head down to our toes. Our mouths and the inside of our bodies get superheated.” To prove his point, he blew hot steam up the length of my shaft, making it bob back and forth with a mind of its own.

  “That’s not something that any man of my species can do.” I was breathing with my chest rising and falling with each breath. I was totally taken aback by how easily he had made my cock into a rock hard stiffness that would not be denied. “I should be fighting you more, but I think I like that you have me where you want me.” Both of my balls disappeared within his fiery orifice. That hot tongue slithering along the surface felt like a hot poker branding me, as his lover.

  He popped them in and out of his mouth in rapid succession. I could tell that he enjoyed the look of the pillar of strength reaching towards the ceiling. He grasped it in his hand and even his palms felt like I was sliding into a warm glove. He stroked me with long movements of his hand, turning my shaft into a crimson color from the friction alone. It was uncomfortable and I thought for sure that I would be destroyed for any lover in the future.

  “Your reaction to what I’m doing is amazing. I’ve only had two lovers. I needed that feeling to make me realize that I was with the right one. I feel that same way with you, Robert.” He had now wrapped both hands around my package. I was sporting almost 8 inches, but it was nothing in the same scope, as what he was carrying of his own. I had this thirst to see how much of his length that I could fit down my throat. I squirmed, thrashing in my head from side to side, as he teased me mercilessly beyond the point of reason.

  His mouth came off of my balls and they soon made their way agonizingly up to the top. He slid his tongue around the eye, before making half for me appear to have disappeared. He looked up and those eyes suddenly began to show a fiery existence. The way that steam was coming out of his nose had only made me well aware of the fact that his mouth was that of an inferno. He slammed his face down on to me; kissing my mid section and using his tongue to once again give my balls the incentive that they needed to unload.

  “I don’t think that it’s a stretch of the imagination to say that you are the best that I’ve ever had.” I thought that I knew what a blow job was, but this was taking things a little further than I could ever imagine. The heat of his mouth, the scorching feel of his boiling saliva dripping down onto my balls was a good way to find that hidden pleasure switch. “I’m afraid that you have me at a disadvantage. There’s no way that I could possibly do this for you.” My balls rose up with a feel of his hot suction taking me to new places of sexual pleasure. I pulled at those chains, letting my passions unfold naturally inside his mouth.

  I had no idea how many streams shot in wild arcs, until finally I slumped down onto the hard surface of that rock. Even the rock had become warm to the touch due to his body sliding on top of it.

  He moved to kiss me, letting me share in the bounty of what I had given him. I could feel the discharge clinging to his tongue and then dripping into my own mouth. He was giving back what he got, but keeping some for himself. He was smiling, moving my hair out from covering my eyes. His long dragon tongue slid effortlessly to the back of my mouth. My eyes went wide with surprise, as he tried to choke me on that digit. The way that it flitted up to the roof of my mouth had started to tickle on those nerves. That allowed my cock to become more than just the flaccid state that he had caused. I’d never seen or felt anything like that. It was like he had personal knowledge on what made my body become hard like an iron bar.

That was interesting. I can honestly say that this was not what I thought was going to happen. I figured that you would fight me every step of the way and that I would have to use some force to get you to see things my way. I’m glad to be proven wrong and this is so much better than trying to keep you against your will.” He went to let me go, but I stopped him with my hand curled around his wrist. “Oh my god…you don’t want me to let you go. You’re getting some sick little thrill out of me using your body for my own amusement. That suits me just fine.”

  He got up, showing off that tight pair of globes. My tongue came out of my mouth. I wanted him to sit on my face. Tongue fucking that tight little chute would have put him in the perfect mood to drive his dragon love muscle into the deepest part of me. I’d only done that one time and I had since never done it again. I was still a virgin in fucking and I was hoping that he would allow me to service him.

  “Where the hell do you think you’re going? We’ve only begun and there’s still a whole lot more that we can do. I want you to stay the night, until we are spent in each other’s arms with a sheen of sweat sticking to us like glue.” He stopped and turned with a bemused smile on his face. He walked over and flicked at the head of my cock, making the last little bit of my cream slip from the confines. He used his thumb to clean what was there and then he stuck it in his mouth like an aphrodisiac for more to come.

  “Normally, I would be more than happy to wallow here in your arms for hours on end. Unfortunately, I have some business to conduct with your father Peter. I know that he’s not going to be very happy with me, but hopefully this will put a fire under him to make some concessions.” He transformed, until his entire body was this orange color of scales. There was no denying that seeing something like that for oneself is a jaw dropping experience. “I just hope that he doesn’t take offense by my tactic to take you for leverage. I’m sure that he would do the same thing. In fact I’m almost positive that he would gladly do to somebody I love the same that I’m doing to you.”


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