Because of a Boy

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Because of a Boy Page 17

by Anna DeStefano

  “You’ve had five whole minutes to yourself!” Kate swatted his shoulder. “See why I locked myself in there? We’ll miss our flight at this rate.”

  Stephen followed her into the bedroom, staying close as she double checked her suitcase and carry-on bag. As close as Martin was sticking to Lissa these days. Lissa had scored a new job at a local bank branch, and she and her adorable girls had moved in to Kate’s condominium complex. Martin spent most evenings eating at either Kate’s place or Lissa’s. But Kate knew she wouldn’t remain in the rotation long. Not now that Martin had proposed.

  Her brother would be married soon, to a wonderful woman who had helped both him and Kate see beyond their broken past. Martin was going to be okay, and so was she.

  “Robert called.” Stephen leaned against her chest of drawers as she zipped her suitcase. “I thanked him for the champagne. Told him we put it to good use.”

  “You didn’t!” Kate tossed a pillow at her husband’s head. Robert hadn’t been at the ceremony, but an expensive bottle of bubbly had been waiting for them when they’d got in last night.

  “Damn straight I did.” Stephen tossed the pillow back, then tackled her to the rumpled covers she hadn’t bothered tidying before she’d started to dress. “The man knew what he was doing when he sent the booze over.”

  The same way Robert had known what he was doing each time he’d secretly met with Martin to encourage him in his physical therapy. The same way he’d known what to do for Kate that awful day when Manny Digarro’s life had hung in the balance. Now he was wishing the best for her. Kate just hoped he found someone to share his own life with, someone as perfect for him as she’d turned out to be for Stephen.

  She kissed her husband and snuggled into his embrace, letting the rightness of having him close, of wanting him close, sink in. He settled on his side, propped his head on his hand and gazed thoughtfully at her. Despite how perfect yesterday and last night had been, despite the two-week vacation they were taking, there had been a weight on her heart all morning.

  And of course Stephen had noticed.

  “Do you think they’re settled somewhere?” she asked, loving him more for waiting until she was ready to talk about it.

  Stephen cupped her cheek.

  “We’ll never know where,” he said. “But, yes, the Digarros are protected and starting over. They’re going to be okay.”

  Dillon’s condition would always have to be monitored and treated, but he would have access to the best care available. Stephen had made sure of it when he’d negotiated Manny’s deal with the DEA. One minute, Manny had recovered enough to talk with the federal operatives himself and sign whatever paperwork Stephen had had drawn up. The next, he and Dillon had quite simply vanished from the hospital.

  No chance to say goodbye. No final hug from Dillon, who’d become even more special to Kate those long days while his father was unconscious, and Dillon had needed someone to hold on to and help him believe.

  “You okay?” Stephen asked.

  Kate smiled.

  “How could I be anything else?” She kissed him softly, then rolled to her feet and began pulling her suitcase toward the door. “That is, if you’d stop lolling around the house and take me to the airport, so I can start my honeymoon.”

  Stephen followed, her carry-on bag in hand. His things were already in the car.

  He’d planned the whole trip, acting as excited as a kid going on his first vacation. They’d put off deciding where they were going to live. Her condo was an easy choice for now. They were both making significant changes at work—Stephen taking over more of Neal Cain’s responsibilities, and Kate learning to better blend into the team of nurses she was privileged to be a part of. There was so much to figure out together, lots to still fight through, but all of it could wait.

  “Let’s go have some fun,” he said, looping his arm through hers and leading the way outside.

  For the next two weeks, all they were going to do was enjoy the sea, explore exotic ports of call and learn how to love each other more deeply than they already did. Their hearts were intertwining more every day, the way their lives had become irrevocably meshed over the well-being of one very special little boy….

  Stephen loaded Kate’s bags into the trunk, then pulled her into his arms.

  “I love you, Nurse Rhodes,” he said.

  “I love you, counselor.”

  They’d fought the odds and found a way to trust, to be safe. To be together.

  “Let’s go,” she said as she took her hero’s hand. “I can’t wait to see what happens next.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-0734-3


  Copyright © 2007 by Anna DeStefano.

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