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Levittown Page 25

by David Kushner

  51 With every trip: Ibid., p. 18.

  52 “There are many”: Ibid.

  52 Despite eventually winning: James W. Loewen, Sundown Towns: A Hidden Dimension of American Racism (New York: The New Press, 2005), pp. 10–11.

  52 There, Oliver Brown: Juan Williams, Eyes on the Prize: America’s Civil Rights Years, 1954–1965 (New York: Penguin Books, 1988), p. 21.

  52 At the same time: Ibid.

  54 “The word spread”: Ibid., p. 45

  55 “Mrs. Myers”: Myers, Sticks ’n Stones, p. 18.

  56 He supplemented his income: “Embattled Home Owner,” New York Times, August 22, 1957, p. 16.

  Chapter Six

  60 “We bought five thousand acres”: “Levittown, PA: Building the Suburban Dream,” State Museum of Pennsylvania, 2003, http://server1.fandm.edu/ levittown/one/c.html.

  60 “Every store, filling station”: Kenneth Jackson, Crabgrass Frontier: The Suburbanization of the United States (New York: Oxford University Press, 1985), p. 237.

  60 The second-largest steel mill: “Is All Fair at Fairless?; Will Negroes Live, Work in U.S. Steel’s New Half Billion $$$ Industrial Town?” Chicago Defender (national edition), January 23, 1954, p. 7.

  60 Each neighborhood would: “Levittown, PA: Building the Suburban Dream,” http://server1.fandm.edu/levittown/one/c.html.

  60 Schools would be: Ibid.

  60 In total: Ibid.

  61 “It is hoped”: “Dream Town—Large Economy Size,” New York Times, December 14, 1952, p. 40.

  61 More than sixteen hundred homes: “Levittown, PA: Building the Suburban Dream,” http://server1.fandm.edu/levittown/one/f.html.

  61 The New York Times called: As quoted in “Developer Levitt Dies,” Bucks County Courier, January 30, 1994, p. 11A.

  61 “There is no social strata”: Linda Abby Fein, “Levittown, Pennsylvania: A Community Survey,” January 6, 1965.

  64 After a family there: Martha Biondi, To Stand and Fight: The Struggle for Civil Rights in Postwar New York City (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2006), pp. 230–31.

  65 Cotter concluded: William Cotter, letter, Committee to End Discrimination in Levittown, 1951, Levittown History Collection, Levittown Library, NY.

  66 “If we don’t like”: “Levittown Meet Marks Brotherhood Week,” Newsday, February 20, 1952, no page number, Levittown History Collection.

  66 When it opened: “Ronek Park, Equal Opportunity Suburb,” Newsday, September 28, 1997, p. H19.

  66 Not far from Levittown: Chad Kimmel, “Levittown, Pennsylvania: A Sociological History” (diss., University of Western Michigan, 2004), p. 179.

  67 “A large majority of people moved”: Ibid., p. 177.

  67 As Blanshard promised: Ibid., p. 186.

  67 As Blanshard put it: Friends Service Association semiannual meeting notes, October 29, 1955.

  67 They called for meetings: Lewis Wechsler, The First Stone: A Memoir of the Racial Integration of Levittown, Pennsylvania (Chicago: Grounds for Growth Press, 2004), p. 15.

  67 When Bill stood firm: Kimmel, “Levittown, Pennsylvania,” p. 186.

  68 The lawsuit came to pass: Wechsler, First Stone, p. 15.

  68 In a statement: “Human Relations Group Supports NAACP Suit,” Levittown Times, January 1955.

  68 Representing the veterans: Ibid.

  70 The song was never banned: “The Lonesome Train in Levittown,” in Joseph F. Maloney, State and Local Government: A Case Book (University of Alabama Press, 1963), p. 47.

  70 “When I walked through”: “Levittown, PA: Negroes Not Wanted,” Buck’s Traveler, 5th year, no. 10 (June 1954): p. 12.

  70 “Any evidence of”: Ibid.

  71 As one member of the group: Stockholders and Friends of Suburban Housing, Inc., newsletter, February 4, 1957.

  Chapter Seven

  73 Capps then either: “Ex-GI Confesses He Murdered Levittown Teenager,” Bristol Daily Courier, January 26, 1954, p. 1.

  73 When he was through: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. George Capps, May 23, 1955.

  73 Betty Peart, stunned: Chad Kimmel, “Levittown, Pennsylvania: A Sociological History” (diss., University of Western Michigan, 2004), pp. 170–75.

  74 Marta’s grief-stricken: “Ex-GI Confesses,” p. 2.

  74 One time when Bradbury: Neal Gabler, Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2006), p. 608.

  75 “It is a one-class”: “Levittown, PA: Building the Suburban Dream.” State Museum of Pennsylvania, 2003, http://server1.fandm.edu/levittown/one/b.html.

  75 Levitt, he argued: “Suburban Pioneers,” Newsday, September 28, 1997, p. h25.

  75 With his huge: Ibid.

  75 “The plain fact”: “Levittown, PA: Negroes Not Wanted,” Buck’s Traveler, 5th Year, no. 10 (June 1954): p. 29

  76 “Strangely enough”: “Up from the Potato Fields,” Time, July 3, 1950, http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,812779,00.html.

  76 While Bill cruised: Author interview, Jon Levitt.

  76 Alfred “didn’t give”: Kimmel, “Levittown, Pennsylvania,” p. 55.

  77 The 675-acre: Herbert Gans, The Levittowners: Ways of Life and Politics in a New Suburban Community (New York: Columbia University Press, 1967), p. 4.

  77 In 1953, he left: Author interview, Jon Levitt; and “Dream Builder,” News-day, September 18, 1997, http://www.newsday.com/community/guide/lihistory/ny-levittown-hslevpro,0,721552.story.

  Chapter Eight

  79 When he told Daisy: Daisy D. Myers, Sticks ’n Stones: The Myers Family in Levittown (York, PA: York County Heritage Trust, 2005), p. 23.

  82 And at $12,150: Sam Snipes, “Racial Crisis in Levittown,” The Writs 17, no.(June 2006): p. 6.

  82 “Would we be able”: Myers, Sticks ’n Stones, p. 26.

  83 “What can happen?”: Lewis Wechsler, The First Stone: A Memoir of the Racial Integration of Levittown, Pennsylvania (Chicago: Grounds for Growth Press, 2004), p. 48.

  84 “I can lend you”: Ibid., p. 19.

  84 “There is no depreciation”: “Fair Housing in Bucks County,” report, Lower Bucks County Council of Churches, July 9, 1957.

  Chapter Nine

  86 Rain had not fallen: “$5,000,000 Loss Seen in Drought,” Bristol Daily Courier, August 15, 1957, pp. 1–2.

  86 On the advice: Sam Snipes, “Racial Crisis in Levittown,” The Writs 17, no. 2 (June 2006): p. 6.

  86 “I will appreciate”: Letter archives, Sam Snipes.

  88 Though they wanted: Daisy D. Myers, Sticks ’n Stones: The Myers Family in Levittown (York, PA: York County Heritage Trust, 2005), p. 5.

  88 FIRST NEGRO FAMILY: “First Negro Family Moves into Levittown,” Levittown Times, August 13, 1957, p. 2.

  89 Just fifteen minutes after: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Eldred Williams, James E. Newell, Howard H. Bentcliffe, Mrs. Agnes Bentcliffe, John R. Bentley, David L. Heller, John Thomas Piechowski, Mrs. John Brabazon, September term, 1957, p. 11.

  89 The traffic built: Ibid.

  90 “I only wanted”: “Stones Break Windows in Home of First Negro Family in Levittown,” Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, August 14, 1957, p. G3.

  92 “It’s up to the local” Myers, Sticks ’n Stones, p. 7.

  92 The police made no move: Snipes, “Racial Crisis in Levittown,” p. 6.

  92 He was James E. Newell: “Bias Mob Stones Cop in Levittown, PA,” News-day, August 21, 1957, p. 4.

  93 One of the people: Commonwealth v. Williams et al., p. 245.

  93 “Thirty pieces of silver!”: Snipes, “Racial Crisis in Levittown,” p. 6.

  94 It was the first time in: “Five Arrested in Levittown Disorder,” Bristol Daily Courier, August 14, 1957, p. 1.

  94 As the police were: Ibid., p. 3.

  Chapter Ten

  95 The Levitt & Sons representative: “Five Arrested in Levittown Disorder,” Bristol Daily Courier, August 14, 1957, p. 3.

  95 The Levitt exhibit center was packed: “Legal Mean
s Sought to Force Negroes to Leave Levittown,” Bristol Daily Courier, Levittown edition, August 16, 1957, p. 2.

  95 Representatives from the mob: Ibid., p. 2.

  95 “The right to live”: “Group Blasts Mob Violence,” Bristol Daily Courier, August 15, 1957, p. 1.

  96 A Concord Park spokesperson: “Legal Means Sought,” p. 2.

  96 The plan: to construct: “Fantastic Triangle Poses Big Problem,” Washington Post and Times-Herald, October 5, 1957, p. D1.

  97 He bragged: Current Biography Yearbook 1956 (New York: HW Wilson, 1956), p. 375.

  97 He would be the first: Author interview, Roy Sheldon.

  97 With eighty dollars from his friends: “Dream Builder,” Newsday, September 18, 1997, http://www.newsday.com/community/guide/lihistory/ny-levittown-hslevpro,0,721552.story.

  97 On the right rose: “For Sale: Special Levitt Home,” Philadelphia Inquirer, Levittown Public Library, Levittown, PA.

  98 “What toll would:” Daisy D. Myers, Sticks ’n Stones: The Myers Family in Levittown (York, PA: York County Heritage Trust, 2005), p. 8.

  99 Why had this: Ibid., p. 30.

  99 The Myerses even: Ibid.

  100 “As soon as”: “Protest over Negro Family Ends Meeting,” Bristol Daily Courier, August 15, 1957, p. 1.

  100 “They have a right”: “Police Guard Site of Race Violence,” New York Times, August 15, 1957, p. 14.

  101 To their astonishment: Ibid.

  102 “Do something!”: “Protest over Negro Family Ends Meeting,” p. 1.

  102 “Disturbing the peace”: “Negro Family Insist They’ll Move into Levittown Home Despite Crowds,” Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, August 15, 1957, p. 5.

  102 “You tell that black”: Author interview, Hal Lefcourt.

  103 Because this was August: “Legal Means Sought,” p. 2.

  103 “We regret the violence”: Lewis Wechsler, The First Stone: A Memoir of the Racial Integration of Levittown, Pennsylvania. (Chicago: Grounds for Growth Press, 2004), p. 26.

  104 “I am ashamed”: “Levittown Group Seeks to Oust Negro Home Buyer,” Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, August 16, 1957, p. 2.

  105 As the former commander: “Anti-Negro Group Seeks Legal Bolster,” Bristol Daily Courier, August 16, 1957, p. 1.

  105 One man in the mob: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Eldred Williams, James E. Newell, Howard H. Bentcliffe, Mrs. Agnes Bentcliffe, John R. Bentley, David L. Heller, John Thomas Piechowski, Mrs. John Brabazon, September term, 1957, p. 150.

  105 Volunteers were picked: “Legal Means Sought,” p. 2.

  105 It belonged to: Commonwealth v. Williams et al., p. 328.

  106 Anyone who wanted: Ibid., p. 325.

  106 “But if it doesn’t”: Ibid., p. 211.

  106 “Burn them out!”: “Anti-Negro Group Seeks Legal Bolster,” p. 1.

  107 Drawing from union techniques: “Negro Home Gets Expanded Guard,” New York Times, August 17, 1957, p. 7.

  107 And it was burning: “Anti-Negro Group Seeks Legal Bolster,” p. 1

  Chapter Eleven

  109 What had happened: Daisy D. Myers, Sticks ’n Stones: The Myers Family in Levittown (York, PA: York County Heritage Trust, 2005), p. 33.

  109 “Nothing whatever will”: “Levittown Group Signs Petition on New Owner,” Philadelphia Inquirer, August 17, 1957.

  109 News spread: San Snipes, “Racial Crisis in Levittown,” The Writs 17, no. 2 (June 2006): p. 7.

  110 “Our committee works”: “Levittown a Disgrace to America,” Philadelphia Tribune, August 17, 1957, p. 2.

  111 “If you come in peace”: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Eldred Williams, James E. Newell, Howard H. Bentcliffe, Mrs. Agnes Bentcliffe, John R. Bentley, David L. Heller, John Thomas Piechowski, Mrs. John Brabazon, September term, 1957, p. 204.

  112 Nearby, a disheveled: “Battle of Levittown,” New Jersey Afro American, August 24, 1957, p. 1.

  114 Newell stared down: Ibid., p. 2.

  114 “As long as”: “Both Factions Seek Peaceful Solution,” Levittown Times, August 17, 1957, p. 3.

  114 “Well, what’s”: Commonwealth v. Williams et al., p. 294.

  115 That night, the ice cream: Ibid.

  116 There was no need: Ibid., p. 127.

  116 Sam Snipes: Sam Snipes, author interview.

  117 “As a sailor can”: “The Pastor Speaks,” Bristol Courier Levittown Times, August 17, 1957, p. 8.

  117 The first thing he did: Commonwealth v. Williams et al., p. 146.

  117 When a local reporter: “Negro Couple Back at Home in Levittown,” Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, August 19, 1957.

  117 “This is no longer”: “More Meetings Planned on Levittown Issue,” Bristol Daily Courier, August 19, 1957, p. 3.

  117 The Lower Bucks County Council of Churches: “Statement Concerning Fair Housing Practices,” Lower Bucks County Council of Churches, August 16, 1957.

  118 “We regret the violence”: “Declaration of Conscience,” August 18, 1957.

  119 “Do you think”: Myers, Sticks ’n Stones, p. 39.

  Chapter Twelve

  121 Levittown, New York, was: Barbara M. Kelly, Expanding the American Dream: Building and Rebuilding Levittown (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1993), p. 100.

  121 “All is all right”: Author interview, Jon Levitt.

  123 “Levittown is a new”: “Levittown’s Shame,” Trenton Evening Times, August 16, 1957, p. 4.

  123 Lew’s United Steelworkers: “Steelworkers Union Urges Halt of Levittown Bigotry,” Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, August 20, 1957.

  124 The president of the group: “The Shame of Levittown,” Union Reporter, September 1957.

  124 “You look toward”: “Street Scene in Levittown,” Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, August 20, 1957.

  125 It was, she resolved: Daisy D. Myers, Sticks ’n Stones: The Myers Family in Levittown (York, PA: York County Heritage Trust, 2005), p. 43.

  126 As one housewife: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Eldred Williams, James E. Newell, Howard H. Bentcliffe, Mrs. Agnes Bentcliffe, John R. Bentley, David L. Heller, John Thomas Piechowski, Mrs. John Brabazon, September term, 1957, p. 462.

  127 Advisers from: Ibid., p. 45.

  128 “I knew all the reaction”: “Negro Family Takes Over House in White Section,” Associated Press, August 19, 1957.

  128 And he added: “State Police Swings Clubs in Levittown,” Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, August 20, 1957.

  128 Bill looked the reporter: Ibid.

  128 “I realize you have”: “Troopers Repel Unruly Crowd at Levittown Home,” Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, August 20, 1957.

  128 “You have to take”: “State Police Swings Clubs in Levittown.”

  129 “I give you ten minutes”: “Troopers Break Up Crowd; Man Arrested,” Bristol Daily Courier, August 20, 1957, p. 1.

  129 They pulled him: “State Police Swings Clubs in Levittown.”

  129 “America!” they sang: “Troopers Break Up Crowd,” p. 1.

  130 “You don’t have”: Lewis Wechsler, The First Stone: A Memoir of the Racial Integration of Levittown, Pennsylvania (Chicago: Grounds for Growth Press, 2004), p. 43.

  130 “Mr. Lewis (I love)”: Ibid., p. 60.

  132 And any further statements: “State Troopers Ban Crowd; Township Officer Felled,” Bristol Daily Courier, August 21, 1957, p. 2.

  132 He had battled: “Out of Control,” Bucks County Courier Times, August 14, 1997, p. 15a.

  133 One young boy: “Rock Injures Policeman in Levittown Row,” Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, August 21, 1957.

  Chapter Thirteen

  134 “In addition to”: “Levittown to Mark Ten Years on L.I.,” New York Times, September 19, 1957, p. 24.

  135 As one writer: Barbara M. Kelly, Expanding the American Dream: Building and Rebuilding Levittown (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1993), p. 101.

  136 As for the three-story: “Levitt Enters Highest Bid on Maryland Farm,” Bristol Daily Co
urier, August 28, 1957, p. 1.

  136 And it would: “Levitt Firm ‘On the Move’ in Jersey,” Bristol Daily Courier, August 22, 1957, p. 1.

  136 But they wanted: “Bucks’ Attorney Offered to Buy Negro’s Home,” Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, August 23, 1957.

  137 Sorry, Bill said: “Crowds Stay Away from Dogwood,” Bristol Daily Courier, August 22, 1957, p. 1.

  137 A meeting would: Ibid.

  137 The wooden cross: Ibid.

  138 “I’ve been contacted”: Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Eldred Williams, James E. Newell, Howard H. Bentcliffe, Mrs. Agnes Bentcliffe, John R. Bentley, David L. Heller, John Thomas Piechowski, Mrs. John Brabazon, September term, 1957, p. 385.

  139 “It will be”: “Betterment Meeting Set,” Bristol Daily Courier, August 30, 1957, p. 2.

  140 One day, Harwick: Lewis Wechsler, The First Stone: A Memoir of the Racial Integration of Levittown, Pennsylvania (Chicago: Grounds for Growth Press, 2004), p. 64.

  141 “I knew Negroes”: Daisy D. Myers, Sticks ’n Stones: The Myers Family in Levittown. (York, PA: York County Heritage Trust, 2005), p. 55.

  141 Daisy, who on the advice: Ibid.

  142 Joseph Segal: “Crowds Stay Away from Dogwood,” p. 3.

  142 “I don’t like”: Ibid.

  142 “Go home to”: Wechsler, First Stone, p. 155.

  143 It pained him: Ibid., p. 24.

  143 The owner of the house: Commonwealth v. Williams, et al., p. 403.

  Chapter Fourteen

  145 “Now’s the time”: “Back to School,” Bristol Daily Courier, August 26, 1957, p. 1.

  145 A small item: “Negro Is Teacher in Levittown, PA,” New York Times, September 17, 1957, p. 21.

  147 “They burned a cross”: Lewis Wechsler, The First Stone: A Memoir of the Racial Integration of Levittown, Pennsylvania (Chicago: Grounds for Growth Press, 2004), p. 61.

  148 A broken jar: “Cross Burned in Levittown,” Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, September 6, 1957.

  148 Such intimations: Wechsler, First Stone, pp. 61–63.

  148 A story in: “Two Lonely Little Boys in Levittown,” New York Post, September 3, 1957

  149 As Lew later noted: Wechsler, First Stone, p. 67.

  150 “I expected some”: “Levittown Deals with Integration: A Study in Contrasts,” New York Post, September 17, 1957.


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