Threat: A Blood Riders MC Novel (Book 1)

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Threat: A Blood Riders MC Novel (Book 1) Page 8

by Tia Lewis

  I’d slide her jeans off next, running my hands over her thighs, her calves, then back up again until I cupped her ass. She would beg me to let her come as I’d kiss my way up the insides of her legs, my tongue sweeping around in big, wet circles as I got higher and higher. She’d smell so sweet, the scent overtaking my senses. When my fingers would find her, then my tongue, she’d be so wet. Her first orgasm would come that way when I ate and fingered her pussy.

  By the time she’d calm down, I’d be ready to go. My hand pumped harder at the thought. I was so close to coming, still lost in my fantasy. Yes, she’d be begging me to fuck her, to slide my thick cock into her quivering, wet pussy. She’d look up at me with longing and desire and need, and I would give her everything she wanted in one long, hard thrust. She’d be so fucking tight. I knew it. So tight, so wet, and so hot. It would take a second for me to recover from that first burst of bliss at being inside her.

  Then I would fuck her. No sweetness, no gentleness. I would fuck her like she’d never be fucked before. I would punish her for talking to me the way she did, and she would love it. She would go nuts, begging me to take her harder, faster. I would, plunging in and out, her pussy sucking me, trying to drain me. So good. So fucking good. She’d scream, clenching around me, pumping me, trying to get me to come. I would hold on because it felt too good to stop. And she would beg for more, her head rolling from side to side, her eyes closed. More, more, she would beg. Fuck me, Drake.

  My hand flew over my cock in a blur, and I grunted as the first stirrings started in my balls. Yeah, I would fuck her until we both came, until she screamed my name and I exploded inside her.

  “Fuck!” I groaned it softly, out of breath, coming hard. I gasped, leaning my forehead on my arm against the shower wall. Jesus. I stroked once, twice more, letting myself finish before standing up straight again. I took a few minutes to regain composure before I washed myself off, then finished washing the rest of me. I’d already been in there long enough for my fingers to prune, and the entire bathroom was full of steam.

  I wondered if my fantasy would be as good as what she really had waiting for me. And how long I would have to wait for it. Not long, I hoped, because I couldn’t walk around with a hard-on all the time. Especially if she wanted to stick around. No way, I would tell her no, not after being close to her the way I was. Not after just the thought of her made me come like that.

  I stepped out of the shower and dried off quickly, then wrapped the towel around me again to go back to my room. Ace crossed paths with me on his way to the common bathroom.

  “Hey, Jack said we should have a party tonight. He didn’t say why. The guys are already real excited. What do you think?” I could tell from the look on his face that he would be heartbroken if I said no. All the guys would. But I had to approve parties, too, since they came out of our budget.


  “Why the party? I don’t know, man. Like I said, he’s a closed book.” I thought I might know. He was all about living life while he still could. How could I refuse that?

  “Yeah, brother. Sounds good.” Ace grinned and walked away, and I went to my room to get dressed. I looked down at the bed, still a mess from when I fucked Violet. She was nothing, nobody. By the end of the night, I would have Bree with me. I would find out if reality was as good as my fantasy.



  “So, let me get this straight. Jack has been the leader of the Club since, like, the early nineties?”


  “Wow. That’s a long time.” I already knew all of the things the girls were telling me, but the fact that they were willing to give up club information so easily made my job easier. It wouldn’t take long before they were giving up bigger information than the timeline of the Club.

  “You can guess why they call him Big Jack,” Darcy added.

  “Yeah. He’s super big.” He had to be six-six, maybe taller.

  “He’s also big in other areas.” Tamara winked, and the girls all broke into laughter.

  I looked from one to the other. “So—you’ve all been with him?”

  “Oh, hell yeah. Please. Jack worked his way through all the girls who hang out with the Club. It’s like a rite of passage.” Tamara laughed again, and the girls joined her. I couldn’t laugh. My stomach fell sick. I never expected I would have to sleep with Big Jack McCormack. I had no desire to.

  “What about the other guys? I mean, are they all like that?”

  “What do you mean, do they all fuck around? Eh, mostly. Some more than others.” Darcy shrugged, folding Drake’s laundry. I couldn’t believe she’d washed it, let alone that she was folding it.

  “Some of them screw around and don’t give a shit about you,” Violet muttered. “Some aren’t assholes, but some of them are.”

  “Violet, I told you. You fuck Drake Collins, you get what you deserve. I’m sorry, but it’s the truth.”

  That got my attention since I was still struggling to control the physical response I had every time I so much as thought of him. “What do you mean, Tamara? If you don’t mind me asking.”

  Tamara shrugged as she pulled her long, blonde hair into a high ponytail. She had a curvy body which she showed off in tight jeans and an equally tight tank top. “I mean you have to know what you’re getting into. If you’re gonna be naïve about it and think it means something when he sticks his dick in you, you’re in for a rude awakening. He doesn’t care. He’s not a bad guy, he just doesn’t care. I warned you, didn’t I?”

  I glanced at Violet, who looked miserable. “Can we change the subject?”

  “No, because you don’t listen, and then you act like an emotional bitch when he’s done using you as a cum rag.”

  “Wow, Tamara. That’s kind of harsh.” Darcy replied.

  “She needs to hear this. You went into it with feelings, didn’t you?” I tried to pretend I didn’t care, toying with the cap on my water bottle, but I couldn’t help paying close attention. So she liked him, maybe more than liked him. I wondered if she was the girl he’d just had sex with, the one who messed up his bed. I felt sorry for her. She looked like she might cry at the drop of a hat.

  “I get it. I won’t make that mistake again.” Violet took a long sip of diet soda, her hands shaking around the glass.

  “I can’t blame you,” I said, offering what little support I could. “I mean, doesn’t every girl want that? Don’t we all want to go into it with feelings? Otherwise, what’s the point?”

  “The point is, it feels good and a lot of these guys are good at it.” Darcy giggled, and Tamara gave her a high-five. Violet looked thoughtful, however.

  “So you don’t think it was wrong of me to be stupid like that?” I grinned at Violet’s choice of words. She was a real poet.

  “Well, I don’t think you were stupid. Let’s put it this way. I believe you had hope and your hope … well, it didn’t go the way you thought it would go, and he crushed your hope. I think that’s what happened. It doesn’t make you wrong or a cum rag.”

  Tamara gawked at me.

  “It makes him wrong, then.” She stared into my eyes, trying to make sense of what I was saying. I shrugged, trying my best to be diplomatic.

  “Yes and no. I mean, you knew what you were getting into. Hey, Drake strikes me as being rude, nasty, arrogant—just full of himself.”

  “You pretty much nailed him,” Darcy piped up, folding a pair of shorts. I made it a point to keep my eyes away from her so she couldn’t see how disgusted I was by the fact that she was his personal servant.

  “But he doesn’t have to be an asshole. He could try to have a heart. So I can’t blame you, believe me. Don’t we all get into trouble like that?” I patted her hand, trying to reassure her. She looked slightly less suicidal.

  “Oh, Bree, don’t get me started on the trouble I’ve gotten into. I’ve been behind this bar for ten years. I could tell you stories that would turn your hair white.”

  “Ten years?
” I couldn’t believe anybody would want a job like that for a decade.

  She nodded sagely. “Yep. The things I’ve seen. The things I’ve done.” She shook her head. “I was very young and incredibly naïve. I thought at least three of the guys loved me at one time or another. I was wrong about all three of ‘em.” Her eyes fell on the wall outside the office, where three pictures hung. “One of ‘em died not long ago.”

  “Wow. I’m so sorry.” I had wondered about those pictures. I remembered my father telling me in his last days that there had been a few murders around the Club. I guessed they were the guys he was referring to. I felt a chill, placing faces with names.

  “Austin,” she breathed. “I loved that man. I really did. Years ago, of course—it wore off when I came to my senses. But he was special. I don’t know why or what made him that way, but he was.”

  “I always liked him,” Darcy said, sighing. “Lance, too. And Pete. They were all good guys.” The girls fell silent, and I was left wondering how they could call them “good guys” when they had to know the sort of things the men did for a living. They robbed, ran guns and drugs. They collected money from cold-blooded monsters and didn’t think twice about it. It was the money that had furnished their beautiful clubhouse, reminding me something out of that old show Silver Spoons. I expected somebody to come riding in on a life-sized toy train.

  They weren’t good guys. My father was one of the good guys. Tommy and the rest of the detectives in his squad were the good guys. Not the Blood Riders, not the Cobras, none of them.

  That got me to thinking. “So, I’ve been hearing a lot of those Cobras. What’s going on with that? What’s this war the guys speak of? Like, how long has it been going on?”

  The girls exchanged worried looks. “What? Too many questions? You can tell me. If I’m gonna be around here, I think I deserve to know. You know, if anything should happen so I know what’s going on, right?”

  Tamara spoke first. “We don’t like to talk about it very much,” she explained. “It’s not a good idea to talk about it in front of the guys, either. They get really riled up.”

  “Especially since Hawk and his crew wiped out three of ours,” Darcy mumbled.

  “But we got a bunch more of theirs. Fuck them!” Violet added. I heard the pride in her voice.

  “Okay, but what’s the story? How do things like this get started in the first place?”

  Darcy looked around to be sure nobody heard us before sitting beside me, Drake’s laundry was forgotten for the moment. “Drug money. The Cobras want Blood Rider’s connections. They want a piece of the pie.”

  “Ooh—but they’re in the Bronx, right? Why not just stick to their territory?”

  “Greed,” Tamara whispered. “They bust up shipments; try to rob our guys at gunpoint. It’s real messy shit. That’s how they got those three. They were overseeing a shipment at a warehouse by the river, and a bunch of the Cobras must have been waiting for them.”

  “Wow. I see.” An ambush.

  “The cops have been all over the Club for years, too, and I think that’s part of why the Cobras keep trying to put heat on us. So there’s more for the cops to pay attention to.”

  “What do you mean?” The hair on the back of my neck stood up when I heard Tamara’s theory. Be careful here.

  “Oh, there was this group of detectives always trying to pin shit on the club so they could get an arrest. Only nothing ever stuck, because Jack and Drake were too smart for them.” Tamara snorted while I dug my nails into my palm.

  “Yeah, but then one of them ended up dead not long ago, too. Too bad.” Darcy giggled, and the other two girls joined her. “That’s what you get for thinking you can mess with the Club.”

  They bursted out laughing while looking around again to be sure nobody heard what we talked about. I, on the other hand, felt dizzy. My father, I wanted to say. He was my fucking father, not just some detective. He was a good, kind, and smart man, and he cared about the city he worked for. He wanted to rid it of the so-called “good guys” you sleep around with. He knew better than to trust them. It was torture, not being able to let it all out and tell them what I was really there for.

  “What about him?” I asked, biting the inside of my cheek.

  “Him? I didn’t say it was a ‘him,'” Tamara said, washing glasses.

  “I assumed. Aren’t most detectives men?”

  “Not on Law and Order SVU,” Violet chuckled.

  “Yeah, good point.” I didn’t think Tamara would pick up on that, or else I wouldn’t have said it.

  “Anyway, they believe he uncovered something. I don’t know, it’s all too confusing, and the guys never let us hear stuff like that. We’re just supposed to be around when they need something. Like a drink.”

  “Their laundry,” Darcy said, going back to the pile in the basket.

  “A quick screw,” Violet muttered.

  “They don’t want us to know about anything that really matters,” Tamara surmised. “And maybe it’s safer for us that way. I don’t know. Maybe the less we are aware, the better.”

  “I can’t believe that,” I protested. “Isn’t it better that you know, so you know what to be on the lookout for?”

  “Bree, they protect us,” Violet said. She sounded like a zombie. I wondered if she knew she drank the Kool-Aid. The poor thing. I felt sorry for all of them, not having a single clue what went on and thinking their so-called men protected them. They didn’t need to be part of any of it. They had a choice. It wasn’t like the men, who I knew were in the Club for life once they joined. There was no leaving for them. But a woman could leave.

  “So, what made you wanna be part of this?” I asked Tamara.

  “The pay.” She shrugged. “They pay really well, actually. I was just out of high school, and I needed a job. I wasn’t even old enough to legally drink, but they let me tend bar. And here I am.” She was twenty-eight? Only a few years older than me? It didn’t seem possible. She looked at least thirty-five, thanks to the rough skin and wrinkles around her eyes. Was that what Violet and Darcy had to look forward to? Getting old before their time?

  One of the club members came out with a smile on his face. I saw the small patch on his leather vest that his name was Ace. “Drake gave the okay to the party,” he said, looking like a kid who just discovered the candy shop. The girls cheered and clapped.

  “Looks like I’d better get some of the inventory up here.” She eyed me up. “You wanna earn your keep, girl?”

  “Who, me?” I pointed to myself.

  She smiled. “Yeah, you. I have to bring some boxes of beer up from the cellar. Can you help me?”

  “Oh, sure.” I’d been looking forward to going home and taking off those bloody boots, but it looked like I was in it for the long haul. It was what I wanted, for them to think I was a member of the club. I just wished I could be more comfortable when I did it.

  Violet got on the phone. “I’ll call up more of the girls,” she offered.

  “How many will you call?” I questioned.

  “Oh, maybe ten, twelve. The rest will be old ladies. It’s gonna be a great time.” She smiled. “You’ll get a good look at what this club is really about. I know you’ll have fun.” I wished I could feel as confident as she seemed. All I felt was a weak sort of loose feeling in my gut like I might lose control of my bowels at any time. It was happening. I was in the belly of the beast.

  “You’re lucky you get to see a party this soon,” Tamara grinned, leading the way down the stairs. I had a hard enough time walking in those boots on level surfaces, so tottering my way down creaky stairs was no bargain. I took my time.

  “Lucky, huh?” I asked. I reached the floor and looked around. The cellar was carved from stone, not finished at all. Dirt floor, stone walls, the beams supporting the floors above over my head. Lightbulbs hung at random intervals. Even with my height, in heels, the ceiling was so far above my head I didn’t think I would be able to touch it if I stretched. An
d almost all of the space was filled with boxes and crates.

  “Oh, sure. It’s always a good time. These guys know how to party. And you’re fresh meat, so you’ll get a lot of attention. Trust me.” She threw me a wink then led the way through a maze of crates. The way she winked put an ugly idea in my head.

  “Hey, Tamara. Can I ask you something?” She stopped and turned to me.

  “Yeah, what is it?”

  “You don’t think Big Jack will expect me to … you know…?”

  She grinned. “He’ll probably want to. You’re hot stuff plus you’re new.”

  “Uh, thanks, but I don’t think I’m interested in that. Don’t I get a say in whether or not I want to?”

  She leaned on a stack of crates, thoughtful. “Wow. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a girl say something like that—not one of the Club girls, anyway.”

  “Seriously?” It seemed impossible. Sure, he was a powerful man in his fashion, but he wasn’t anything worth looking at. He probably had a big dick, okay, but it was the rest of him I cared about.

  “Yeah, seriously. You’re not like the rest of us. I guess I wonder why you really wanna be here in the first place. You told us earlier that you always wanted to be part of the club, that you thought the guys were sexy and dangerous, and you wanted protection. Right?”

  “Right.” I’d given the girls the same story I gave to Drake, just to solidify my “past” and make it easier for them to accept me.

  “But you don’t want the chance to sleep with the leader of the club. The most powerful guy around. Why?”

  “Because…” I had to think of something, and I searched my mind wildly for any excuse that would work.

  Tamara provided one for me, bless her heart. “Because you already have a crush on Drake. Don’t you?”


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