Super: Origins

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Super: Origins Page 27

by Palladian

  “I have a question for you,” Lex began, “I don’t remember anything in my contract that said I’d be violating it by not following someone’s orders. Is that right?”

  Clara looked up from her laptop at that, straight into Lex’s eyes. She took a moment to answer, and seemed to do so reluctantly. “That’s correct.”

  “In that case, I have a proposal for you. I’d like to scrap the idea of writing a strategy white paper and have a practical instead.”

  “What do you mean?” Clara’s gaze had turned wary.

  “I’d like to propose that I show you what I’ve learned about strategy right now by organizing the people currently sitting around waiting in order to actually save some of the residents of that building who are probably going to get burnt or crushed otherwise.”

  “Casey and the Alpha captain are working on that right now.” Her tone sounded dismissive, as if she hoped Lex would drop the subject.

  Lex sighed as she picked up one of the briefing folders left in the van and glanced through it. “I don’t propose to stop them. What I would like to point out, though, is the fact that there are 18 floors with 50 apartments each in them where people are trapped. Even if you use a conservative estimate of 2 people an apartment, that’s 1800 people. I’m sure Casey and that guy can’t carry more than two or three people a trip, what with the jumping required. So, even if it takes 15 minutes for each trip in and out, that sounds like several days of work, even if they’re somehow able to work without a break that whole time. So, I had some ideas I’d like to try out to assist what they’re doing, rather than just doing nothing.”

  Clara gave her a hard look mixed with an expression that Lex couldn’t quite identify. “I can’t give you any authority to do so.”

  “Fair enough. As far as all the people and equipment we brought, though, can you put them at my disposal, anyone that hasn’t been ordered to do something else or anything not requisitioned already?”

  “OK, I can agree to that,” Clara responded grudgingly.

  “Including the support people? What if we need something from headquarters, or some other equipment?”

  “All right, within reason. I’ll be here watching and listening, so I’ll let you know if anything is out of the question.”

  “I’m also going to try to get help from the people across the way and probably some equipment and help from the firefighters. Do you object to that?” Lex bit her lip, hoping Clara would continue to go along with her plan.

  Clara smiled a little, as if she couldn’t quite help it. “No. Anything you can convince anyone to let you use or anyone you can convince to help you is fine.”

  “Good, thanks. I’m going to go around and talk to everyone here, and then we’ll probably meet afterwards, if you want to be there.”

  “I will. Don’t worry about me; I’ll determine what I need to observe, just do what you need to do.” Clara gave Lex a final penetrating glance before focusing on her laptop again.

  Lex nodded, then moved to the back to stand by the rear bench seat. “Riss, I think you heard all of that. Could you help by seeing if there’s some way we could figure out if there are any security cameras in that building, and, if so, tap into them?”

  Riss was nodding, but her eyes narrowed when she heard a sharp voice from the front of the van. “No, Lex.”

  “No? Why not? That could help us locate where people are in the building so that they can be evacuated.”

  “The reason is nothing you can be told. It’s just not going to happen.” Clara seemed to be almost glaring at Riss now, which just confused Lex.

  Lex shook her head with annoyance and glanced at Riss, who seemed to be studying the floor. “Sorry,” Lex said under her breath, just loud enough for Riss to hear. Then, she said more loudly, “Is it all right if we at least dig up who’s supposed to be living in the apartments from the 13th floor up so that we can get some kind of idea of what we’re dealing with here?”

  “That’s permissible,” said Clara, her expression flat and her eyes revealing nothing.

  Lex shook her head again. She said more softly to Riss, “I’m going to be calling a meeting in probably fifteen minutes or so to talk about the overall plan. Can you be there?”

  “Sure,” she said, looking up at Lex for a moment, and then looking back at her computers. Lex wanted to say something, to respond to the intense look in her eye, but ended up sighing as she said nothing and went back outside.

  A quick look around showed her that Joan had moved out of the van to lean against a small tree nearby. Lex coughed as a small cloud of smoke drifted by but looked closely at the tree as she neared the other woman, noting that the tree had bent a little under the extra weight.

  “Joan,” Lex asked, “Can you fly in that suit you’re wearing?”

  “Yes. It can go as high as small planes, and as fast as some fighter jets.” Lex smiled as she noted the pride in Joan’s voice.

  “Excellent. Are you stronger than you normally are when you’re wearing it?”

  “It enhances my strength by a factor of ten.”

  “How much can you bench press without it?”

  “A maximum number? Maybe 100, 150.”

  “Sounds like a really nice piece of equipment,” Lex said, grinning now. “Thanks for the info.” She gave Joan a sketchy wave and headed in the direction of the people standing in front of the other van, the gears in her brain still turning.

  Chapter 14: Execution

  Joan stayed behind when Lex walked over to the group in front of the other van. They looked to be in various stages of boredom, since the medics continually brought stretchers to the front of the building to carry the few people that Casey and the Alpha team captain had been bringing out. Lex headed for the woman who’d spoken to her earlier, noticing now that the sun had begun coming up that the woman’s hair looked to be a brown shade that shone red in the light, and her one eye had an intense hazel color. The man next to the woman with the eye patch stood a bit taller than her and had black hair, light brown skin, and a slim build, his features looking somewhat Hispanic to Lex. The two of them seemed to be half-listening to two women who stood behind them, a diminutive blonde and one with short dark hair who towered over everyone else, both with annoyed looks on their faces. Lex noted that all four of them wore jumpsuits like the one she wore, but in navy blue. She caught the end of something the blonde had said about “…shouldn’t call him an idiot,” just as Lex reached the group. The woman fell silent as she saw Lex arrive, and all four turned to look at Lex, the front two seeming relieved at the interruption, while the two women in back practically glared at Lex.

  “Hi,” Lex began, trying her best to look open and friendly. “I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself earlier. My name is Lex McKilliam, and I’m new with the M Agency.”

  “Hi, Lex. I’m Kate Willis with the Alpha team,” the woman with the eye patch said, reaching out a hand. As Lex neared the other woman, she noted Kate stood a couple inches taller than her, maybe 5’6”. Lex shook hands with Kate as they reached one another, happy to realize it was just a friendly gesture, since the other woman didn’t try to squeeze the life out of her hand.

  “Victor Houston,” the man said, nodding his head in her direction with a friendly look in his eyes.

  “One of the models,” the woman with short dark hair sneered at Lex before adding, “I’m the Markswoman.”

  As hard as she tried not to do it, Lex’s eyes slid questioningly over to Kate. Kate seemed to be trying hard not to laugh as she said, “Jen, I think we can keep all of this on a first name basis, don’t you? These folks did get turned out of their beds early this morning just to come out and help us. There’s no need to be inhospitable.”

  Lex watched as Kate turned to look at the now furious brunette, who snorted angrily and walked away in the direction of the park where the medics had camped out. Kate shrugged and turned back to Lex with the ghost of a smile on her face, but turned quickly back to face
the blonde as she started speaking.

  “I know what you’re thinking about, and I’m not going to be a part of it,” she said shrilly, speaking directly to Lex. She frowned angrily, and then stalked off in the same direction as Jen had. Lex turned to look at Victor and Kate with an expression of confusion and her hands spread wide. Victor appeared to be trying not to laugh while Kate shook her head dismissively.

  “Don’t pay attention to them,” Kate told Lex, “they’re always like that.”

  “What was…Jen saying about models?” Lex asked, knowing she must still look puzzled.

  Kate shrugged dismissively. “That’s the stupid nickname they came up with for your team. They try to sound all superior about it, but I think they’re just jealous because you’re all pretty and nice, and they’re not. Judging from Paula’s reaction, though, you must have something fun in mind. What’s up?”

  “Well,” said, Lex, looking at Kate and Victor in turn and trying to gauge their reactions, “I can see that although your captain–“

  “George,” Kate broke in, rolling her eyes. “In case you hadn’t already guessed, he’s a total jerk, too.”

  “George,” Lex corrected herself, trying not to laugh, “had a plan for him and Casey, but the rest of us seem to be left out, especially since the medics have taking care of the wounded well in hand. So, I wanted to talk to you because I have some ideas about how we might be able to help those people trapped in the building get out. Are you two game?”

  Kate smiled and nodded, and Victor nodded beside her, both now intently listening to Lex. She took a big breath and continued.

  “I know this may be considered rude, but as I mentioned I’m new in these circles, so I’d like to ask what your special talents are,” Lex said, continuing to watch the two of them.

  Neither of them appeared to be bothered. Kate moved to speak first. “I can take on different characteristics of any animal I’ve closely observed.”

  Lex looked at her for a moment, trying to absorb the implications. “Does your body change at all?”

  “Not usually. Well, not much, anyway. But, for example, if I’m mimicking something with strong claws my own fingernails sometimes get much stronger and then I can use them like claws.”

  “Excellent! OK, I know this is probably a stupid question, but can you fly?”

  Kate sighed, but didn’t look annoyed. “No, I’d actually need wings to do it.”

  “Sorry, I had to ask. Can you crawl around on walls like a gecko?”

  “That I can do,” said Kate with a smile.

  “That's really cool. I wish I could do that. Can you get a lot stronger?”


  Lex just stood for a moment, looking into the middle distance and digesting what she’d just learned. Finally, she nodded and turned to Victor, the question in her eyes.

  “I’m an inventor,” he said without further explanation. Lex smiled, realizing what he’d just said had been the most he’d said so far, and began to question him to get more information.

  “What did you bring along today?” she asked. “Anything that you can use to fly with, or that’s good against fire and smoke?”

  “I did bring my flying equipment,” he said with a nod.

  “Can you carry someone with you when you’re flying?”

  “I did once. It seemed to work, but I’d want to test it a few more times before carrying anyone else.”

  “OK,” Lex said, her thoughts falling into place. “That sounds like a good idea, but could you wait a little bit? I want to talk to the firefighters about borrowing some gear– “

  “What do you need?” Kate interrupted as she gestured with her head at the van behind her, a sly smile on her face.

  “Do you have any self-contained breathing masks like firefighters wear?” Lex asked excitedly, grinning back at the other woman.

  Kate nodded and headed into the van, gesturing for Lex to come with her. Lex followed the other woman, stopping by what looked like an equipment chest, and stood back as Kate began rummaging through it. Lex raised an eyebrow as she looked around both at the extensive equipment the Alpha team carried and the spacious, finished look of their van, compared to the rather utilitarian one she’d arrived in.

  A moment later, Kate stood back up with breathing masks in hand. “How many do you think we’ll need?” she asked.

  “If you have four, that would be perfect,” Lex said, now smiling from ear to ear.

  “Yeah, it actually looks like we have more than that, which is good, because that means we have extra air.”

  “Excellent! Can you get them and bring them to where my teammates are standing in front of our van in five minutes or so? I want everyone to meet so that we can discuss the plan. If you want to give me some, I can carry them over now.”

  Kate shrugged. “No, we’ll bring them over for you, and the extra air, too. See you in five.”

  “See you then!”

  Lex bolted out of the Alpha team’s van, smiled at Victor as Kate leaned out to call to him, and nearly ran over to the van she’d arrived in. Serena was leaning against it looking bored, watching the sun as it threatened to appear over one of the nearby buildings.

  “Serena! I’m tired of sitting here waiting, and I’ve got some ideas about what we can do to help get the people up there out of the building. I have to tell you, though, what I have in mind will test your abilities to the utmost and will probably mean you being felt up by a number of strangers. Are you game?”

  Serena glanced over at Lex with a raised eyebrow and smiled wickedly. “You sweet talker, you. Sounds like fun; count me in.”

  “OK, we’ll be meeting here in a few minutes. Let me go get everyone else.”

  Lex leaned into the M Agency van, caught Riss’ eye, and nodded. The other woman nodded in return and Lex could see her rearranging her laptops as she got ready to get up. Turning around, Lex walked a few feet to where Joan still leaned against a tree.

  “Joan, those of us without an assignment are going to meet to talk about a few things. Could you join us, please?”

  Joan didn’t answer, but rose to a standing position and followed Lex over to where Serena and now Riss were standing. Lex looked over with a smile to see Kate and Victor heading in their direction with breathing gear and air tanks. They left them in a pile on the grass a short distance away and joined the group. Lex waited until everyone had gathered in a close circle before speaking.

  “OK,” Lex began, “just in case everyone doesn't already know each other, this is Victor and Kate from the Alpha team. Kate, Victor, these are my teammates Joan, Serena, and Riss.”

  Everyone exchanged glances and nods along with some handshakes, and then looked back at Lex. She took a deep breath, fighting the urge to cough due to the amount of acrid smoke in the air, and continued.

  “All right. I realize that George–”

  “Who's that?” asked Serena, squinting in confusion at Lex.

  “George is the Alpha team captain. Anyway, I realize that he and Casey are busy trying to get people out of the building, but I was thinking that there’s no plan for us. I don't want to take anything away from what they're doing, but I thought that since the medics seem to have handling the injured well under control that we could do something to support what Casey and George are up to. Is everyone interested?”

  Lex looked around the circle, happy to see that everyone looked intrigued. The only one she hadn’t been certain about had been Joan, but to her surprise, Joan nodded in agreement. Sighing in relief, Lex went on.

  “Speak up with suggestions at any time, but what I was thinking is this: Victor and Joan, since you two can fly and it sounds like you should be able to carry people with you, I figured you could start taking people off the roof. It looks like there are only a couple of places where the flames are shooting up over the roofline, so you could just avoid those areas when you carry people down to the ground. Does that sound good?”

  Joan shrugged while V
ictor nodded, smiling a bit.

  “Joan, Victor was going to do some tests beforehand to be sure he can carry people safely with the equipment he brought, so you can join him, if you think you need to,” Lex continued.

  Joan shook her head. “No. My suit was designed to be able to do things like that, so it shouldn't be a problem.”

  “OK. Do you know how much power you have? Especially related to how long you can fly?”

  “I'm not sure. Clara might know. I do know that I'll get warnings if my power starts to get low.”

  “Do you know how it works? Can I ask for more batteries or rocket fuel, or whatever else it uses to be brought for spares if your power gets depleted?”

  Joan looked at Lex for a moment. Although she could only see a blank faceplate, Lex got the impression Joan hadn’t liked what she’d asked. “It's classified. Talk to Clara and see what she says. At any rate, I should be able to fly and carry people for at least a couple of hours.”

  Lex nodded, and then looked at Victor. “Do you have spare fuel for your equipment, or could you request that more be brought?”

  He shook his head. “No, but I should be able to go for a few hours on what I have.”

  “All right,” Lex continued, turning towards Serena, “I remember that you're able to get to the 22nd floor, right?”

  “Right, shouldn't be a problem,” Serena said, showing confidence in the set of her shoulders.

  “Can you go to a central location, say the elevators, or can you just get to Seth's old apartment?”

  “Let's find out,” said Serena with a sly grin, and then vanished.

  Lex started, then her shoulders slumped. “Crap. I didn't mean right now,” she said to no one in particular, worried about Serena’s safety, but then brightened as her friend reappeared. She smelled strongly of chemical-laden smoke and burning wires, and she began coughing.


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