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Cut Page 8

by Danielle Llanes

  “I guess she couldn’t handle this ride,” he would say as he wiped the blood from his face.

  “Carter, you seem to be enjoying this all a little much.”

  “I’m a monster! You play too nice, Rent. Live a little.” I had grown tired of him and his constant need to be in the same city. So to see this young girl attack him, it was well applauded.

  “It was very easy, he had a weakness for little girls,” she said with a laugh. My heart still ached when I thought about her. If I had been faithful, I would surely have given an eternity to stay beside her. I ordered another coffee and sat in silence.

  “Rent Tres!” It was the nails on the chalkboard voice I had buried away. I looked up to see Nina standing before me. She wore jeans and a white tank top. It was summer, where had the time gone? Her skin was tanned from the sun and her hair was longer. She smiled at me as I nodded to her,

  “How are you?”

  “Pretty good, I never heard from you again. I thought you had moved away from this place. You look great.” I pushed the seat in front of me as she took a seat,

  “So what have you been up to?”

  “Oh you know school. My roommate moved out, she went crazy over some guy last semester. I don’t know, I’m glad she left. It was tons of problems with her and this guy Trevor she was seeing.”

  “Trevor?” In my mind, I only knew of one person by that name. She nodded as she ordered a coffee and beignets.

  “Yeah, skinny kid not too tall…really pale. Oh he had this terrible drug problem.” She leaned in as she whispered, “He was taking some illegal stuff that I guess is exclusive to the area here…it’s real bad.”

  In her apartment I was sitting on the edge of the bed and wondering what had just occurred. I looked back at her sleeping on her side. I got up and began to dress quickly as I cursed myself over and over. I could hear her mumbling in her sleep as I headed for the door to her apartment. I was back out in the sunlight in a short moment and hoped she would not be too upset with me.

  “Oh, it’s just what guys do,” she would tell her friends. I still had the taste of her blood on my lips as I headed for my car.

  “You’ve been very naughty, Rent.” I rolled my eyes as I pushed my way into his house,

  “I have a guess about my very secretive girlfriend.” He crossed his arms as he stared at me pacing,

  “You tell me your guess.” He shook his head as he replied,

  “I have my sources and it’s a good one.” I fell into the nearest chair in his parlor a I hung my head between my legs,

  “I have no idea what I’m doing. I don’t think I love her the way she loves me. I love being around her…sleeping with her…I just can’t be monogamous to her.” His laughter was booming as I looked up,

  “I’m not looking down on you. It’s hard to be true. I refuse to deal with any of our kind – do you know any vampire unions that have lasted? I don’t know any. I refuse to believe any of us can be trusted. We’re dead to begin with meaning any and all emotion is dead as well. I don’t know why you bother bringing them over. They eventually lose their shit and attempt to kill anything in sight.” I leaned back in the chair as I looked around the room. I noticed it was devoid of most furniture,

  “Are you moving?” He shook his head as he surveyed the room,

  “No, I’m just moving things around. Look, I know we’re skirting the issue here.” I wanted to bury what I knew to be true in my heart. My dead beating heart. I stared at him as I said,

  “Would saying his name make it all the more real?”

  “I think no matter what you say – he will come knocking one day soon. The question is are you ready to deal with dear old dad?” I sighed as I thought about our last meeting. I had fought with him over Yasmine. Poor dead Yasmine who was always in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  I thought about how she had been pushed over the railing in my house and fallen onto the table below. Her back broken, she refused the blood that could save her. Poor Yasmine had fallen for Carter’s glamour and cornered in a bedroom. I didn’t want to think what would have happened had I not arrived just as she fell onto the table before me. She had landed with such a blow that the floorboards beneath her cracked.

  “I don’t want it…let me die…just make sure he knows my pain.” I held her as she stared off; just before the light faded, her eyes grew wide and her fingers tightened on my jacket. I leaned in and whispered,

  “Don’t be afraid.”

  I had followed him into the night until I found him in the Quarter holding court in a bar. He had looked up at me,

  “Don’t tell me you’re hurt over the human still.” My fist in his face proved that I was still hurting. He had fallen over and from there the fight moved onto Bourbon. I couldn’t name the time in history only that it was during an epic rainfall and we were soaked to the bone. The pounding flesh on the pavement followed by the great arms that pulled me off him. I had looked to Octavius as he pointed to the flashing lights in the distance.

  “We have to go…we’ll settle this later!” We had run into the night disappearing behind buildings as Carter followed our lead. I made a mental note of finding him the following night. It was not to be as he met his fate at Samara’s hand. I had felt a greater justice had been done that night.

  “Carter Vance,” we said in unison as he shook his head. How on earth had we missed it? I swore under my breath as Octavius replied,

  “You know this is big. I would put money that Klaus will be here any moment.”

  “He will be very angry.” I looked to the door as it opened and Marc stepped in. He was shaking as he shut the door behind him.

  “I don’t want to be the one to tell you but Aerin…”

  “We know,” said Octavius as he watched Marc shake his head.

  “You know what? I’ve just come from the Quarter…she had a confrontation with Chloe.” I cursed as I said,

  “What has she done?”

  “She killed her…they were arguing and Aerin pushed her over the side of the building.” I could see it clearly in my head. Aerin had ended up at the private vamp club on Decatur. I looked to Marc knowing full well he had taken her.

  “Did you know Chloe would be there?”

  “Yeah, I just didn’t know anything would happen.”

  “You didn’t know or you didn’t care?” He looked to his father as he shrugged,

  “She said she didn’t care who was there. She was tired of being in the house.”

  “And her sister?”

  “Cate? She’s at her hotel room. We dropped her off at the Ponchartrain and headed to the Quarter. Look, I thought she would be cool. There were people everywhere that saw this. They fought in the alley below and Aerin…she staked Chloe. It was like she had been doing it all her life. There was no hesitation.”

  “Rent, did you teach her this?” I shook my head, I had stayed silent up until now.

  “No, I mean anyone could know that from watching television or movies.”

  “She knew what she was doing,” said Marc as he paced the room with his hands on his forehead.

  “Yes, this is going to cause quite a stir with Klaus.” Said Octavius. I could hear Marc cursing as he started for his room,

  “Can you leave my name out of this?”

  “He already knows,” I said as I looked into his dark eyes. I peeled myself from the chair as I pulled my phone from my pocket. I dialed a number as I said,

  “Is it ok if I stay with you tonight?” I refused to return home as I headed for the door. I waved to Octavius and stepped out into the night. I didn’t want to be near her anymore.

  “Sure, are you coming over now?” Her voice was almost indistinct with the music playing in the background. I knew she played her music loud in her place. It was what I needed to drown out the tomb like silence of my home.

  “Yeah, it’s been a long night and I really don’t feel like going home.”

  “Well, you’re more than welcome here. I
have to study for an exam but you’re cool to stay here. We can order take out if you want.” I laughed, she really knew me well without having spent any real time with me.

  “Thanks Nina.” I hung up as I got into my car, I settled in my seat as I headed out of the drive. I sped down the road past my house. I could see her shadow in the window as she paced the living room. I didn’t slow down enough for her to catch my scent. I didn’t want her to know I wouldn’t be home tonight.

  “We have rules,” it was the low sort of voice filled with anger. I stood in the corner watching him staring down at her. He leaned on his cane as he stood at the stairs in my house. I could hear the rain beating on the roof, I wondered if it would cave in. I looked to Aerin as she sat with her legs crossed before him. She wore a grin now as she looked around the room. She was taking in the people standing before her,

  “Are we not monsters?” Klaus groaned as he shook his head in disgust. His age was unknown but he still followed the rules of sleeping through the day. He shunned the light and asked that all electric lights be removed before he entered the room. He was a fan of Jean Lafitte’s and the shun of electricity. It was little wonder that he lived in the California desert. He wore a dark suit now, the cane was not for show. He had battled with a slayer once and lost his Achilles tendon, yes there were some things that could still harm us. He had aged since the attack and now wore his hair gray and short. His skin was like leather from the desert air,

  “Monsters! Ha…you’re father is a monster. Oh yes, don’t be so shocked my dear. We know all…his blood is my blood.” He gestured to me now as he smiled. It was a lie, the blood in his veins was my own. It was a fog in my memory but yes he was my sire. I smiled knowingly as he looked away.

  “I didn’t ask for this…he obviously was still in love with her. I just cut out the competition,” she said in a low voice. He shook his head,

  “Then you will always be in an epic battle with the women he keeps. Don’t look so shocked my dear. Be honest with her, Rent.” I stepped out of the shadows as I looked into her face,

  “It’s true. I’ve been seeing other people.”

  “How many?” Her voice was strained as she fought back tears. I felt a brick in my stomach as I replied,

  “It wouldn’t be fair to put a number to it.” I was lying and she was breaking before me. I watched as the large hands from his people settled on her. She let out a scream as she slipped from the chair. I stepped forward as Klaus gripped my arm,

  “Let her go to the Box for a time. It will rid her of this ridiculous obsession with the women you keep. She has to learn that you are her master.” I settled as I watched them drag her from the room and out the door. I had never known anyone to be banished from our clan. It ached to even call them my own. Octavius and I had roamed for so long that we had never considered ourselves apart of any family. It had been Klaus’ idea to form one for safety.

  “We’re not being too hard on her, are we?” Klaus laughed as he shook his head once more,

  “No, have you forgotten how things went with Samara?” I covered my face as I looked away,

  “I was hoping everyone would forget.” He shifted his weight on his cane as he frowned,

  “You know I could take care of this for you. I mean you have been asleep a long time. You really were not in your right frame of mind.”

  “Klaus, I think I’ve lied enough tonight. I need to sleep, you’re more than welcome…” I watched as he had already started down the hallway to the guest room. He stopped as he entered the room and looked back,

  “Goodnight, Rent.”

  I went to bed but could not sleep. I could feel her pain in the night as she was bound and shoved into a casket. The lid nailed down shut as she was lowered into the ground. Her cries had grown silent as they dropped the weight of another casket onto hers then began to shovel dirt into the plot. She was not in any cemetery I knew. In New Orleans everyone was buried above ground. I had a family crypt in one of the St. Louis cemeteries. I had forgotten since I rarely slept there. It seemed a little too grim to sleep amongst the dead when I didn’t know anyone that still slept there. It was unusually quiet even in the city.

  “Rent, I don’t know where I am,” her voice pounded in my head. She was somewhere cold, I could feel ice all around her. The air floated from her mouth as she tried to move within the casket. Her bindings were tight against her skin.

  “I didn’t think it was important to tell you about my father. He was never close to us. Please save me…I don’t want to be here…” I lay in bed staring into the darkness as I heard her cries. I placed a pillow over my face and pressed down. Damn her. I regretted making the call to Klaus. I regretted spending more time with everyone but her.

  “Go to sleep, Aerin. They will let you out soon.” Her cries seem to fade and I was beginning to fall asleep when I heard her voice,

  “If you think I will forgive you for this, you’re wrong.”

  I didn’t sleep that night.

  I had given up my favorite place to now stand at the old levee near Yasmine’s old dorm. It was hard to believe everything we had loved had washed away. There was still a large part of me that regretted now bringing her over even now. I shielded my eyes from the sun as I placed my sunglasses on. I could see a couple running along the lakefront and chatting. I turned away from them and headed back to my car. It was late in the morning and I had not rested. I had been consumed through the night with Aerin’s voice that I lost sleep. I feared that it would come to a point when I would have to ask Klaus to sever her thoughts from my own. He would gladly do anything I asked at this point. I knew no love was lost with Samara or anyone I had brought over.

  “Why do you bother with them?”

  “I wear my heart on my sleeve.” He had smiled his toothy grin as he refused my offer of bottled blood,

  “I’m sorry but I’m a little old fashioned when it comes to the hunt.” I could see a flutter of life and knew that deep in his heart there was still a thrill in taking a victim. I would have to tell the others to lie low for a few nights now that Klaus was in town.

  “I don’t discriminate, if anyone has a belly full of blood; I no doubt will be feasting from them as well.”

  “I hear you loud and clear,” I said with a laugh. I had ducked out while he rested now. I found it thrilling his coffin was in my guest room even now. I was glad I had not hired a cleaning lady because I wasn’t sure how I would explain that one. I leaned against my car as I stood a moment staring at the lake and fighting thoughts of Yasmine. I recalled what Chloe had said to Aerin not long ago and had to applaud her. There would never be anyone to outshine Yasmine. I climbed into my car and headed back into town. I would be indulging in carbs and sugar this very morning.

  “It disgusts me that he eats their food even now.” I found Klaus and Octavius going through my fridge. They opened take out containers then frowned when they found food,

  “Ugh…oh wait…this looks like a blood pudding!” Octavius dipped his finger into the sauce as he gagged,

  “No, it’s barbeque sauce!” Klaus tossed the container in the trash as he looked up,

  “You cannot possibly enjoy this crap.”

  “I refuse to subsist on blood and yes I enjoy it. I am sorry that the lot of you cannot ingest a real meal.”

  “I still believe that you pissed off you know who and have been stuck on earth since.”

  “Well I hate to break it to you but I’m not religious and I’d think he would have squashed me a long while ago if that was the case.” Octavius looked up to the sky as he said,

  “I’m sure there is a bolt of lightning with your name on it.” I managed a laugh as I noticed most of my fridge as in the garbage.

  “Uh, you do know I recycle most of this stuff.” They looked at one another as they laughed,

  “You are a hoot,” said Klaus, “next you’ll tell me you’re afraid of global warming.”

  “As much as I love you both I really don’t want it t
o just be us for another thousand years.” Octavius groaned as he replied,

  “That would be a damn shame especially since the whole damn place would go dark. I mean do you know how to keep a power plant running?” Klaus shook his head,

  “I made shoes in my human time.”

  “Great…looks like we’re bringing an electrician over before the whole damn place goes down. Can they at least be female?” They looked at me once again as they shook their head quickly,

  “Have you not learned anything in the last twenty-four hours?”

  “You know me…I have them already lined down the block,” I said with a laugh.

  “Don’t force me to break this Styrofoam,” said Klaus holding a take out container in front of me. Without thinking I reached out and grabbed him. I held him tight as I felt myself unravel in his arms. He held onto me as he handed his cane to Octavius.

  “Hey there, it’s going to be fine. This will all be like a dream after awhile. I know it hurts, Rent. Do you want me to take care of her?” I knew he would end her short time as a vampire if I asked. I groaned as I backed away from him. Already I was feeling wrong for having shown this much emotion.

  “It would be selfish to do that. I did this to her. Any fledgling would have done it.” Octavius interrupted as he went to the intercom that had come to life. Klaus reached out as he touched my forehead,

  “You know you mean a lot to me. I will do whatever you want.” I nodded as I crossed my arms. I stared at his pale arms as I replied,

  “You know you are strong enough to walk in the sun, Klaus.” He nodded as he compared his arm to my tanned bicep. He smiled as he replied,

  “It seems wrong to mislead people into thinking I’m like them when I really want to rip their throats open.”

  “I think most of Los Angeles is like you,” I said with a laugh. I turned to see Octavius standing at the kitchen doorway.

  “Aerin’s sister is here. She wants to see her sister.”

  “Tell her to it’s going to be a long plane ride,” snapped Klaus as he took his cane and headed for the foyer. I could see the redhead wearing a green terry cloth track suit waiting patiently as I followed. She beamed when she laid her eyes on me but looked at Klaus with a bit of unease,


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