Nobody's Prince Charming

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Nobody's Prince Charming Page 15

by Walker, Aimee Nicole

  “He has a photo album filled with a bunch of different styles on his phone,” his father, Chaz, said.

  “Both my dads agree that I can have any style I want as long as I get my math grade up,” Mark said excitedly. “Anything will look better than the buzz cut I gave myself before I ran away from my old foster family.”

  Mark was born Marissa and his foster family refused to accept that their foster daughter was actually a transgender boy. I don’t know the details of everything that Mark suffered, but I knew enough to get really angry when I thought about him looking for food in the dumpster behind Books and Brew before Christmas. The town was on high alert at the time looking for the group of people known locally as The Christmas Bandits who were stealing decorations and vandalizing properties. Someone had seen Mark enter the alley behind the store and called the cops.

  Gabe was livid when he found out that Mark had run away from Goodville and his police department wasn’t notified to be on the lookout. It turned out that Mark’s foster parents hadn’t even reported him as a runaway. They just went about their lives as if nothing were wrong. Chaz and Kyle had already started the process to become foster parents and Gabe knew that Mark would get the love he needed from two of his closest friends.

  Mark had been coming to see me every three weeks to keep the sides trimmed while the top grew out. The buzzcut he’d given himself hadn’t looked bad, but he would definitely look older if he had a more sophisticated style.

  “How much longer do you think?” Mark asked excitedly.

  “You’re one of the lucky ones because your hair grows quicker than most.”

  “I think a lot of that has to deal with the testosterone he’s taking,” Chaz added.

  “Your voice does sound deeper,” I told Mark. “Dude, I hope you get to avoid the squeaking awkwardness that most of us experienced as we hit puberty.”

  “So far, so good.” Then Mark started laughing. “Daniel can’t say the same,” he said of his boyfriend. “I think it’s cute though.” He looked up at his dad in the mirror with wide-eyed panic. “I need to get Daniel something for Valentine’s Day.”

  Fuck! Valentine’s Day was just around the corner. I hated that kind of bullshit holiday, but Dare deserved something special from me. Something nice and cheesy that made him blush and want to ride my cock.

  Chaz cleared his throat, pulling my attention back to him. “You look as panicked as Mark.”

  “I don’t know what to get Dare,” I whispered. I didn’t tell Chaz it was the first time I would celebrate the day with anyone. Hell, thirteen-year-old Mark had more game than I did.

  “It doesn’t have to be something extravagant, it just needs to come from your heart,” Chaz replied.

  “Says the romance writer,” I grumbled. I bet he always knew the right things to say and never butchered declarations of emotions. It must be nice not to stick your foot in your mouth each time you opened it.

  “Dude,” Chaz said with a sneer. “Don’t even look at me like I’m a smooth operator. One of these days I’ll tell you the many ways I nearly blundered the best thing to ever happen to me.”

  “He’s not smooth,” Mark piped up. “Not at all.”

  “This isn’t one of the times I want you to back me up,” Chaz told his son. “Where were you when I argued with Daddy about what constitutes a Christmas movie?”

  “A Christmas tree or music in the background makes it a Christmas movie,” Mark said.

  “No, no, no! Where have I gone wrong?” Chaz asked dramatically. “I just can’t deal with the two of you sometimes.” He ruffled his son’s hair and left us alone to do our thing while he went and talked to Dare. If anyone knew how crazy Dare’s job could be at times it was Chaz since he held the position before writing full time.

  “He’s a trip,” I said to Mark.

  “You have no idea,” he replied. “I’m the luckiest boy in the world though.”

  “I think so too,” I said, answering his smile in the mirror with one of my own. “Show me your favorite cut so we can start laying the groundwork.” Mark showed me a picture of a guy with a fade cut. It was bisected by two shaved lines to emphasize the gradually shortened lengths. The first line was up near the top that allowed for longer bangs like Dare sported, the second line was a few inches shorter than that. “That’s a cute cut.” I held up the longer strands on top of his head. “Your hair isn’t as long on top yet, but that cut will still look good on you. Is that the one you want?”

  “Yeah, but let me ask Dad first.”

  Chaz came over and gave me the okay then left me to work my magic. Mark chatted away about school while I shaved the back and sides of his hair and scissor cut the top to give him shape and form as it grows. Most of my clients didn’t say anything to me beyond what they wanted to accomplish during their appointment, which I usually preferred. Mark was the rare exception because I loved his banter.

  When I finished, Mark just stared at his reflection for a few seconds. I worried it fell short of his expectations until he jumped up from the chair and hugged me. “I love it, Wren. Thank you so much.”

  “My pleasure, my man,” I said, patting his thin shoulder. “See you in a few weeks, yeah?”

  “You bet. Good luck with finding a present for Dare. Dad wasn’t bullshitting you though. Just give him something from the heart. Everyone appreciates that, even other dudes.”

  After Mark left, I didn’t even second-guess that I took dating advice from a thirteen-year-old because everyone had more dating experience than me. Besides, I knew that he was right. Even if Dare didn’t mind cheesy gifts, he deserved something special. The idea of the perfect gift came to me later that afternoon, but I wouldn’t be able to pull it off without some help.

  Wren Davison loves me. Wren Davison loves me. It played in my head on an endless loop for days. It never got old, and I never wanted it to stop. I especially never wanted to stop hearing him whisper those words in my ear when he made love to me. I was one drawn heart away from a lovesick teenage girl. I didn’t give a fuck because, wait for it… Wren Davison loves me!

  As Valentine’s Day drew nearer, I started to panic. Wren wasn’t the kind of guy to celebrate card company holidays, so I wasn’t sure what to do. I didn’t want the occasion to pass without celebrating, but I didn’t want to make him feel bad if he didn’t give me anything. I thought about driving back to Kim’s Toys, but I wasn’t sure a vibrating plug that matched mine or a new cock ring was the tone I was going for with his first Valentine’s Day gift from me.

  I ended up putting a basket together with his favorite soap, beard oil, snacks, and a hot rod calendar to hang up in the garage. It was harder than hell to find one that didn’t include scantily clad ladies. That wouldn’t do anything for Wren, but it gave me an idea for a future gift if I could find a way to pull it off. Wren wouldn’t like just anyone taking pictures of me striking sexy poses in various states of undress or completely naked. I’d have to think long and hard about how to pull that one off.

  Valentine’s Day fell in the middle of the week. Maren had plans and couldn’t stay, so going out with Wren on a real date wasn’t a possibility. I wouldn’t risk leaving Grandpa home alone for long because he was battling a cold, and I wanted to keep an eye on him without him knowing I was doing it. Instead of a date on the town, which would’ve consisted of the diner, I made a nice dinner for three. I didn’t restrict Grandpa’s diet either since it was a special occasion.

  “Filet mignon, shrimp, herbed potatoes, and asparagus,” Grandpa repeated excitedly after I answered his nightly question of what’s for dinner. “Is it my birthday?”

  “Not today,” I replied. “Soon though.”

  “Is it Wren’s birthday?” he followed. Wren joined us every night for dinner, so his presence was expected.

  “No,” I said then realized I didn’t know when Wren’s birthday was. I had a strong suspicion that he wouldn’t give up that information freely either. I would have to resort to trickery or
sensual torture to get the information out of him, but I’d do whatever it took to ensure his next birthday was one he’d never forget.

  “What’s for dessert? Are those little heart-shaped chocolate cakes?”

  “Brownies,” I replied. “I just need to dust them with powdered sugar.” I thought about using some festive Valentine-themed sprinkles but changed my mind. Simple and understated would be best. Besides, I didn’t want Wren thinking I went to a lot of trouble if he blew the holiday off. I even hid his gift in my room for that reason. I would find other reasons to give him his goodies, even if I had to do it a little at a time.

  When Wren showed up, I was shocked that he held a large vase of roses in pink, ivory, and red. Don’t cry. Don’t cry. “They are so beautiful, and I love them so much.” I gave him a kiss and took them from him so I could smell and fuss over them.

  “Dare, is it your birthday?” Grandpa asked with wide eyes.

  “No,” I said. “It’s Valentine’s Day.”

  “Mercy! I should go to my room and let you boys have the night to yourselves.”

  “No way,” Wren said. “I have something for you too, Ralph.” He held up his other hand. I’d been so excited about my flowers that I hadn’t noticed the bag in Wren’s other hand. “I rented a movie that I thought we could all watch together.” I noticed that he looked a little uncertain, but I understood why when he pulled the movie out of the bag.

  “Casablanca,” Grandpa said, holding it against his heart like a treasure. “My Norma loved this movie so much, Dare.” Grandpa had told us that the previous week, which was how Wren knew about it. “I used to tease her about it just to get a rise out of her.” Grandpa’s chin wobbled, and I had to turn to the counter to keep from reacting. My grandmother had passed away twenty years ago when I was just five years old. I barely remembered her, but Grandpa found ways to keep her alive for all of us. What must it be like to love someone that much? I was pretty sure I was on my way to finding out.

  “This was one of my mom’s favorite movies too,” Wren said. “She watched it a lot during her last days. I always associated sadness with the movie, but I think I’d rather watch it and remember fondly. What do you say, Ralph?”

  “I think that’s a wonderful idea.”

  “I have a gift for you too,” I told Wren then jogged up to my room to retrieve it.

  My gift wasn’t as pretty as his, but he seemed to enjoy pulling out each little item. “Thank you, Sparkles. These are some of my favorite things from my favorite person.” Oh lord, I was either going to melt on the spot or send Grandpa to his bedroom after all.

  We kept things light during dinner and dessert. I decided to warm up the little brownies and serve them with ice cream and caramel and chocolate drizzles.

  “I haven’t eaten anything that delicious for a long time,” Grandpa said. “Everything was cooked perfectly. Would you boys think ill of me if I licked my dessert plate clean. I know darn well the warden,” he pointed at me with his fork, “will return to serving me bland food tomorrow.”

  “I got fresh peaches for your oatmeal,” I told him.

  “Hey, now we’re talking,” Grandpa said. “Maybe you’re not so bad.”

  After dinner, we went out to the living room to watch Casablanca. To be honest, I loved the old black-and-white films, so it wasn’t a hardship for me to watch. I curled up next to Wren and offered the warmth of my body in case he found it emotionally hard to watch the movie again. When I saw him smile in random parts, I knew he was embracing the memories instead of trying to hide from them.

  I didn’t think I could love him anymore than I already did, but I was wrong. After the movie ended, I helped Grandpa to bed. Wren waited on the couch for me to return like usual. I hoped for a long make out session before we went our separate ways. I figured I’d go to bed hard and hungry because Wren understandably didn’t want to go up to my room, and I didn’t want to leave Grandpa alone to go to his apartment for an overnight stay. We always found time for sex, but it was usually more hurried than either of us preferred and I craved a night in Wren’s arms.

  “I have one more gift for you.”

  “What?” I asked. “You’ve already given me flowers.”

  “Those are just to tide you over until you can have your real present.” Wren got up and retrieved a card out of his coat that he’d laid over the back of his kitchen chair. “This is my real gift.”

  I opened the envelope and pulled out a card, but it wasn’t the commercial type that I expected. It looked homemade. There was a drawing of cupid and his bow, but it wasn’t the curly-haired cherub I associated with the name. It was a sketch of me wearing a white cloth tied around my waist and huge golden wings. I held a gilded bow in my hands and had just released an arrow that struck a character that looked just like Wren in the heart. The look on cartoon Wren’s face was one of disbelief while cartoon Dare looked pretty pleased with himself.

  “This took incredible skill, Wren. I’m so impressed. Why are you only wearing leather pants in this picture?” I asked.

  “I know how much you like them, and I wanted you to see that your arrow pierced my cold heart.”

  “Your heart was never cold,” I told him. I pointed to the gold and red object on cartoon Wren’s head. “Is that a crown?”

  “It is,” he replied. “I’m your Prince-Not-So-Fucking-Charming.”

  I snorted at his description. “I have kissed plenty of frogs to get you.”

  “That’s enough of that talk,” Wren groused jealously. “Open your card.”

  I opened the card and had to bite my lips to keep from crying when I read the words he wrote to me. He didn’t speak of roses and violets and the colors that matched them, he promised me the one thing I wanted most in the world.

  This card entitles you to one entire night in my arms.

  “How?” I asked.

  “The reason Maren couldn’t stay with Ralph this evening is because she’s staying over on Saturday night so I can take you on a real date. I made dinner reservations and booked a hotel room. If you’re a real good boy, I’ll take you to Drinks and Twinks for—”

  I cut off his words when I straddled his lap and kissed him. My body went up in flames and my cock hardened at just the thought of spending the night with him. Not just a few stolen hours, but a full night with his arms wrapped around me. I would get to hear him breathe while he sleeps, kiss him awake, and show him with more than words just how much I loved him.

  “Wren, it’s perfect. Thank you so much. I love it, and I love you.”

  “I love you too, Sparkles.”

  We kissed and made out like teenagers, but as I predicted, Wren left before things went too far. I couldn’t let the night end like that, and had no desire to relieve the pressure with my own hand, unless…

  I sent Wren a text. Look out your bedroom window. The night’s not over yet.

  It was surprising that I hadn’t taken advantage of the fact that our bedroom windows faced each other before then. There was a park behind our house so no one could look into my window unless they were taking a late-night stroll on the walking path in twenty-degree weather. Wren had more risk than me, but the only house that could see into his window was vacant. Andy bought it to renovate and flip, but he wasn’t there this time of night.

  Wren appeared in his window fully dressed like I was. He quirked a brow, but his grin said he knew exactly what I was up to. I held up my phone and dialed his number.

  “What are you up to, Sparkles?”

  “As if you don’t know.” I put the phone on speaker and set it on the ledge. Wren did the same. “I thought of a perfect ending to a perfect night.”

  “Yeah?” Wren asked, whipping his shirt over his head and tossing it to the floor.

  “I have to see and hear you come, Wren. I can wait a few more days to feel your body unravel for me as long as you give me this much.”

  “I’ll give you anything you want, Dare.” Wren lost my nickname when he was real
ly turned on. I liked it a lot.

  I took off my shirt too then reached for my pants.

  “Wait,” Wren said. “Get out your little vibrating toy.”

  “Wren.” His name was a whimper on my lips.

  “Do it.”

  I got the vibrating plug, remote, and lube from the drawer.

  “Slick it up and turn around so I can watch you insert it in your ass.”

  I did as he asked, leaning forward a little so he could really get a view. I heard him unzipping his jeans through the phone.

  “Nice and slow,” he said.

  I looked over my shoulder and watched him slide his hand beneath the waistband of his underwear to stroke his cock. I wanted to see his thick hard-on but watching his hand work beneath the fabric was sexy.

  I whimpered in delight once the plug was fully inserted and pressing against my prostate. “Wren!”

  “Don’t come yet,” he growled. “Turn around and pick up the remote off the windowsill.”

  I moaned because I knew he was going to make me feel so fucking good, even if he wasn’t in the same room with me. I was mesmerized by the motion of his hand and didn’t hear him the first time he gave me a number for the remote.

  “Dare,” Wren said firmly. “I won’t go easy on you since you weren’t paying attention. Press the number three and hold it until I tell you to let up.”

  “One,” I said, attempting to negotiate.

  “Nope, that barely makes your dick twitch. I was going to be nice and let you lightly tap the two, but not anymore.”

  “I’ll be good.”

  “You’ll hold down the three until I say otherwise, or I’ll pull the curtains closed and finish myself off in the shower.”

  “Wren,” I whined. “You’re so mean.” He started to close the curtain with his free hand. “Wait!” I held up the remote and held down the number three. Zaaaaaaaaap. “Ohhhh. Ohhh my God.”

  “You can call me by my first name,” he said sexily. Fuck, he was the Prince of Prostate Torture. My cock twitched and jerked and my boys tucked up high and tight. “Let go.”


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