Mathieu (White Flame Trilogy)

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Mathieu (White Flame Trilogy) Page 12

by Paula Flumerfelt

  Mathieu watched with the eyes of a hawk as Elise talked to Avian. Something wasn’t sitting right with him. It could have been Mina, however, for she was giving the two her complete attention. Totally riveted. His hand landed on Avian’s shoulder and slid to her lower back in a reassuring manner.

  Avian smiled softly over her shoulder at him. “Thank you.” Her voice was barely a whisper.

  Mina made a sound of surprise as her gaze flicked to him. “Who are you?” Mathieu met her gaze, his energy reacting to the pair. Now that their attention was on him, he could sense that they were like him, Users.

  Elise’s eyes followed to Mathieu after Mina’s remark, coming to rest heavily on the lightly tanned face. “Ah, Avian, you brought someone with you. And here I was told you would be alone.”

  Avian gave a false giggle, reminiscence of a small bird. “This is Mathieu. He’s wonderful.”

  Elise finally let go of Avian’s hand and raised a slender eyebrow at him. “Mathieu. Quite…exotic, aren’t you?”

  “Er…” Mathieu tried to meet Elise’s gaze, but it held a knowing glint that made him want to fidget. “I suppose. I look just as I always have.” His fingers curled into the fabric of Avian’s dress, his instincts screaming at him.

  Mathieu… Nikola moved in his pocket. He had forgotten that she was there until now.

  Mathieu managed to hold a straight face through his surprise. Shh, Nikola. Where is Tesla?

  The Shadowrider shifted more. He’s tucked into Avian’s dress. He’s

  fast asleep. I was too, but you’re getting really warm.

  “Well, you’re very…interesting looking. I enjoy your appearance.” Elise said with a bat of her lashes.

  What’s wrong, Mathieu? Nikola continued to pry in his head.

  Shh. Later. Mathieu wrapped his arm securely around Avian’s waist. “That’s very polite of you to say.”

  Mina whispered into Elise’s ear, who nodded. “Yes. We should take our leave. Until dinner then, Princess. Mathieu.” Her gaze lingered for a moment on his face before she turned away. With that, the people moved aside.

  Avian sat back beside Venee, who began to speak immediately. “That was intense! Did you see the way she was staring down your man? I’d keep a closer watch on him.” Venee nodded to herself, folding her arms over her chest. “That was too crazy.”

  As they continued chatting, Mathieu slid a hand into his pocket, petting Nikola lightly. Sorry I was short with you. What were you asking?

  I wanted to know why you were so warm just now.

  He looked across the room at Elise, who was locked in conversation with the King, and Mina, who was shooting glances his direction. Hard to explain. Some people here are just… He shook his head to himself.

  Nikola rubbed against his palm in a soothing way. Is it dinner time?

  Almost. I’ll make sure that I tell you. He thought fondly to her.

  She started to slink up his arm. I wanna seeee. And with that, she popped out of his pocket and floated to hover just over his shoulder. Oh, this is pretty. I like it. Bobbing over to Avian, she rubbed against her cheek.

  “Uh, Avian, what’s that?” Venee said with a note of uncertainty.

  Avian looked confused for a moment before laughing. “Oh, Nikola!” Cupping her hands, she took the small ball of light and held it in her lap. “This is Nikola. She’s a Shadowrider and belongs to Mathieu. Tesla, her brother, is around here somewhere.”

  Nikola pulsed once before smoothly changing forms, much to the awe of Venee.

  “Ohmygosh, how cute is that?! Can I pet it?” The blonde’s fingers were already sinking into Nikola’s fur, massaging the feline’s back. The reddish Shadowrider purred and arched into the fingers, desiring more attention.

  Avian laughed. “Nikola is the affectionate one. She’s so sweet.”

  Mathieu watched rather unhappily as the girls loved on his companion. Are you alright, Nikola? Her purring got louder and she opened her mouth, letting out a soundless meow.

  “Dinner is served.” The King had turned to address the whole room. “Please accompany me to the dining area.” Everyone gravitated towards the small tables, taking seats that seemed to be pre-determined, even if Mathieu didn’t know how.

  Mathieu trailed behind Avian to a table for four where Elise was already seated, as was Mina. He pulled out Avian’s seat and sat beside her. Nikola, who had transformed back to her light form, nestled down in his lap. The servants had just laid the food on the table and it was piping hot.

  Elise face lit up as they sat. “Oh good, you decided to dine with me.”

  Mina rolled her eyes. “Of course they did. They wouldn’t turn down the leader of Korinth. Honestly, Elise, I swear…” The sharp woman continued to mutter in a tongue Mathieu didn’t recognize. From the look that crossed her face a moment later, it seemed as though Elise had stomped her stiletto down on Mina’s foot.

  “Well, now that we’re all here and about to indulge in this wonderful meal, I was wondering, what changes do you plan to make once you’re in charge?” Elise was eating daintily, but Mathieu could tell that her attention was focused on Avian. “That’s only a few years away, after all, and I really would like to know what I’m in for.” Mathieu thought that the topic was a bit heavy for casual dinner conversation, but who was he to judge what they people considered ‘casual’.

  Avian considered, tilting her head thoughtfully. “Well, to start, I’d open conversations with all the regions of the Korinth, not just the Southern District.” She said. It was something she had been going over for quite some time.

  It was obvious that Elise hadn’t been expecting that for an answer. “Well that’s…that’s…reassuring to hear. You are more aware than my country believes.” She furrowed her brows for a moment before smiling warmly. “Simply adorable, I swear. Oh, and Mathieu, your…pet desires your attention.”

  Looking at her curiously, he felt Nikola brushing his mind. What’s wrong? He queried.

  I think she can hear me…I don’t like it. The ball of light began to swirl quickly, becoming much more dense and trembled slightly. Nikola was beginning to panic.

  Shh. I will handle it. Mathieu gave Elise a very pointed look. “Thank you for pointing it out, but you are making my friend very uncomfortable. I’d appreciate it if you could refrain from doing that too often tonight.” After that, dinner passed between the small group in an odd fashion. Elise continued to ask rather disjointed questions of Avian; Mina sat silently, staring pointedly at her plate; and Mathieu kept a private string of conversation going with Nikola.

  Mina was the one that put him on edge, he decided. Elise by herself was harmless, just a smiling, curious woman who was interested in what was best for her country; whereas, Mina gave off an aura of…he didn’t know. But it was meant to unnerve people and it was rather effective.

  Taking a deep breath, he took a plunge. “Mina, was it?”

  “Yes.” The stern looking woman didn’t look up.

  “How are you?” He had finished eating and had his arms folded over his chest, Nikola tucked into the crook of his elbow.

  Her grip on her fork tightened, “I’m fine.” Her tone was clipped.

  Smiling, he tilted his head. “Fine? That’s a rather…mundane answer from such an intense woman. Kind of a disappointment.” Mathieu jested lightly.

  A muscle in her cheek ticked. “Well, aren’t you feeling observant. I’m fine. Elise is content, therefore, I am fine.”

  Standing from his seat, he held out a hand to Mina and bowing slightly. “May I have this dance?” A silence fell over the room.

  Mina cast a glance at Elise, who nodded, and she pushed her seat back, standing. Her hand slipped into his and she followed him onto the dance floor. She laid one hand on his shoulder, the other resting in his. The band struck of a decent paced waltz. Placing a hand on her waist, Mathieu pulled Mina close and counted out a beat in his head before starting into the waltz, pushing her lightly around the floor. He stu
mbled once or twice, but she recovered smoothly and didn’t comment. All the while, Nikola kept a beat for him in his head while hiding in his pocket.

  “What are you playing at?” Mina’s voice was as tight as her dancing.

  Mathieu looked at her curiously, an eyebrow raised. “We are dancing. Nothing more.”

  Narrowing her eyes, she pushed against him as they danced, “You’re lying to me. You wanted me away from Elise. Why?”

  “Simple. You are not a positive influence on conversation. Try relaxing. No one is going to attack her here.”

  A small huff escaped thin lips. “You’re a traitor, you know.”

  “Excuse me?” Mathieu said, almost coming to a complete stop but managing to keep dancing.

  “You’re a User like us, given a gift that these simple-minded humans will never understand. Yet you serve them like a pet, not embracing who you are. I bet if you used your power here, there would be pandemonium.” Mina was looking at his shoulder, avoiding his gaze.

  Mathieu, who was just barely taller than her, pulled her closer and whispered into her ear. “I’m not a pet. I protect someone very important to me, just like you do. And if I used my power, it would be awe-inspiring, not something worthy of mass panic. However, I feel that you would be more deadly than beautiful if you used your gift. Somehow, I think you are rather ugly when you want to be.”

  Closing her eyes, Mina nodded. “My…gift is not something to play with. It’s meant for destruction, as all of our gifts are. I’d bet you’re just as dangerous as I am, if you so desired to be.” The blonde trod on his foot in what could only be an intentional manner.

  Mathieu grinned through the sharp pain, dipping her in an elegant end to their dance. “Thank you, Mina, for a wonderful dance. You make an excellent partner.”

  People around them politely applauded, having been watching the pair. As they concluded their dance, the others were rising and taking up position. Couples danced across the floor happily, swaying about. Mathieu gave Mina a squeeze and righted her. “If you get in Avian’s way, you will see how destructive my powers can be.” He released her.

  Avian bounded towards him, taking his hand and dragging him into her version of a waltz, half pushing Mina out of the way. She was not as delicate as his last partner and instead, she pushed him around the floor, grinning. “Tell me, what were you two talking about?”

  “Not much. I just told her that she should loosen up.” Mathieu said, having been expecting the Princess’s curiosity.

  Smiling, they danced in silence for a moment. Then, her face took on a very serious look. “Elise wants to take you home with her. She feels that you are a prize that can be bought.” The lines on her face were hard. “She actually asked what bargain could be struck for her to gain you.”

  Mathieu tilted his head so that his cheek was resting on top of Avian’s head. “Don’t worry, I have no intentions of leaving you. Elise couldn’t win my favor even if she tried.”

  Her face visibly softened at his words, golden eyes glowing and holding happy glint they normally did behind their glasses. “Thank you Mathieu. You’re my very best friend.”

  “And you are mine. You know, Mina is the true danger here.” He murmured.

  Avian hummed off tone. “Yes, I know. Elise is very sweet when her lap-dog is away. We had a lovely conversation and she has invited me to her manor once I take over.”

  He looked across the room at Elise who was dancing with a very stately man. “That is very kind of her. I wish that we knew her under different circumstances. She would be quite the friend.”

  They had reduced to just swaying on the spot, talking. “I think Mina is nice too, when that stick isn’t up her--”

  “May I cut in, Avian? You can’t hog the cute guy all night.” Venee wrinkled her nose at them, hands clasped politely at her waist. With a roll of her eyes, Avian let go of Mathieu’s hand and let Venee step into her place. She returned to her seat, watching them from afar.

  Mina came to sit beside her. Mathieu closed his eyes, listening through his connection to Tesla.

  “Tell me, where did you find him?”Mina said stiffly.

  Avian smiled. “He found me. And don’t worry, he’s not going anywhere. Mathieu is mine and I won’t give him up without a fight.” Behind her mask of sweetness, a hint of chill was there, peeking out.

  Mina nodded before looking away.

  “Avian is very happy around you, you know. She is normally quite…rude to people.” Venee peeked up at him, a genuine warmth in her face. “You two really must come visit me. We’d love to have you.”

  “That is strictly up to Avian, but I will suggest it to her.” Nodding to her, he swept her around the room in a wide arch, making her giggle happily.

  After a while longer, the night began to wind down and people were taking up pairs, seating themselves around the room for a night cap. Drinks were passed around for all and Mathieu found himself sitting beside Avian on a loveseat, her head on his shoulder.

  “Tonight has been fun. And I learned a lot more than I thought I would. My father is going about the relationship with Korinth the wrong way. Soon, I’ll be in charge, though.” Stretching, she slipped her shoes off and pulled her legs up under her. “I think that this is the beginning to a bright future.” Avian barely hid a yawn.

  “A golden age of Unith. Oh, Venee wants us to visit.” Taking a sip of some sour liquor, Mathieu sighed before relaxing into the seat. “This is the life, I swear.”

  “Don’t I know it.” She closed her eyes. “Best part is, no lessons tomorrow.” Her eyes snapped open and she looked around, “…Hey Mathieu, can I ask you something?”


  She did a quick sweep to ensure no prying ears before continuing. “Did Mina say anything to you…that might indicate that there are…uh, potential issues in their government?”

  “Issues? Like what?” Mathieu said, recalling his conversation with the strict woman.

  “Like maybe Korinth is considering starting a war; I’ve been hearing rumors of it lately, but I wasn’t sure. Elise seemed very on edge when I mentioned my father and I’m afraid that war really may be coming soon. And that could be disastrous…” Her eyes were full of concern as she looked around the room at everyone there. “I don’t want to see a war erupt. I want to find a more permanent peace within the land, not this tenuous thing that we have now. Fighting accomplishes nothing, but I know my father. He’d never back down if he thought that Korinth was thinking of starting a conflict. He’d strike first.”

  Mathieu pet her hair calmingly. “Avian, from what I know of your father, he’s a smart man. Surely he’ll see through any rumors and find a way to fortify the peace between the two countries. He doesn’t seem like the kind of person to jump at shadows.” His voice was full of convictions as he took a sip from his drink.



  “He’s jumping at shadows, Matt, I swear!” Avian huffed and kicked at the dashboard of the carriage. “Gaa!”

  Mathieu looked over at his best friend; she had grown up a lot in the past six years. Her face had slimmed from its childish roundness and her figure had lost its baby fat, leaving behind a curvaceous woman. At a ripe age of twenty-five, everything about her had changed, with the exception of her brazen personality and her need for glasses.

  “Elise is not trying to start a war and he’s stupid for thinking so! Why is he being so damn difficult about this?” She kicked the dashboard a few more times for good measure before sighing and resting an arm over her eyes. Something else that had changed over the years was her outlook on clothing. She knew how to fit in a dress when the occasion called, but otherwise it was almost guaranteed she was in jeans. “If war breaks out, it’ll be because he provokes it. I think it’s time for him to abdicate the throne. Two words, Matt: Damage. Control.” Her nose wrinkled in annoyance.

  Smiling to himself, he focused on driving. They were head to Venee’s manor in Fallon for a long weekend. It
hadn’t really been a planned trip, more like the King had ordered them out of the castle because Avian had lost her temper in the middle of a meeting with the advisors, but their friend had never failed to take them in whenever they showed up. They were in the mountains somewhere between Lorke and Fallon, only an hour or so from their destination.The mountains made for a slow trek, but overall, the trip had gone smoothly. “Avian, relax. Your father is just being overly cautious. You know for a fact that he loves you and just wants to protect you. Sometimes he just takes it a bit…far.”

  “A bit? A bit? A bit would be taking the carriage away. A bit would be imposing a curfew. Telling me that a war is on the way and that I need to barricade myself in the underground bunker of the castle for an unknown length of time with no contact with the outside world so that I don’t ‘become collateral damage’ is being tyrannical! It’s pissing me off.” She crossed her arms and huffed, brow furrowed. Avian folded her legs up under her. “Why would he act this way? I mean, all those years ago, I might have believed that a war was on the way, but Elise makes monthly trips to have face-to-face negotiations to ensure peaceful relations and now he thinks we’re gonna have a war?”


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