Mathieu (White Flame Trilogy)

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Mathieu (White Flame Trilogy) Page 14

by Paula Flumerfelt

  These answers didn’t satisfy him, but at least someone was talking to him. “Why was I locked up? And why can’t I see her now?”

  “You sure ask a lot of questions.” Nathan nodded his head in agreement to his own words, taking a sip of his liqour. “You were locked up because you were with an Unithian, yet you have a gift. We didn’t know where your loyalties lie, but we couldn’t in good conscience leave you to die in those mountains. That and Avian starting biting when they tried to leave you behind.”

  Sighing through his nose and doing what he could to sort through the information given to him, he asked, “Can you at least tell me where I am?”

  The red-head threw his head back in laughter. “I thought that would have been obvious. You’re in Korinth. Enjoy your stay.” Nathan patted Mathieu on the shoulder before turning to go, leaving the door open in his wake.

  Mathieu could see down the bright hall to where a dimly lit staircase climbed beyond his view. By leaning forward as far as possible, he could see a few steps higher, but it was ultimately futile. Huffing, he sat back up and pondered what the man had said. Avian was fine, had been ‘talking’ all day, and was now napping. He wasn’t sure about having conversations, but napping was definitely up her alley.

  Groaning, he closed his eyes and tilted his head back against the hard wooden chair. He wanted to at least be allowed to stretch. He’d been sitting for far too long and the places where he’d been shot were beginning to ache. It was funny how moving around didn’t mean much until you weren’t allowed to anymore. Thinking about how much pain he was in and silently cursing everyone he could think of that had ever pissed him off was certainly not helping the time go by any faster, but it was a fair bit of fun. He had just gotten to cursing a frog that had scared him once when he felt a brush against his mind, Tesla’s consciousness just beyond.

  Mathieu squeezed his eyes tighter and reached out, twining into the other mind. Tesla?

  Yeah, it’s me. Okay, so I don’t have much time. The King is acting really paranoid. No one is saying anything about what happened. Even in his mind, Tesla was being hushed, which meant that things must really be back.

  Closing his eyes again, he sighed. Thanks Tesla. I’m in Korinth, by the way. I’ll let you know when I get a better idea where.

  A soft hum of agreement filled his mind before Tesla pulled away. Mathieu sighed. “Well that was a short conversation…” Said conversation didn’t tell him much. In fact, it didn’t tell him anything. Nathan had been much more helpful. Sighing, he tilted his head forward, opening his eyes; and came face-to-face with a big-eyed blonde.

  “Ah!” Jumping back, the girl clutched her chest; her crystalline blue eyes wide and full of shock. “Don’t do that.”

  “Uh…” Mathieu raised an eyebrow at her, not nearly as frightened by her as she was by him.

  Straightening up, she put her hands on her hips, blonde hair swaying gently. Blunt bangs covered part of her eyes and she had a perpetual pout dancing on her lips. “Hello. You’re Mathieu right? I‘m supposed to set you free…” She made no moves to do so.

  They started at each other for a few moments. “Then do it already!” Mathieu finally blurted out.

  “You’re very rude, Mr. Mathieu.” She said, tossing her straight hair over her shoulders.

  Rolling his eyes, he sighed “Fine. Hello mystery female. I’m Mathieu. Would you politely untie me?” Her voice was rather high pitched and his headache didn’t appreciate it.

  Grinning, she patted his head like he was pet. “I am Kiev DeLandy. And why yes, I will.” She reached her hand out and dragged them along the glowing bonds, which slowly unraveled themselves and fell to the floor, harmless. “There you go. Now, Princess Avian is requesting you. Come.”

  Standing was an excruciatingly painful task. He was about halfway out of the chair when his wounds decided that it was time to start protesting. So he stood there, half-hunched over, in pain that was threatening to cause a black out.

  Seemingly taking pity on him, Kiev leaned down and helped slowly pull him to a fully standing position. “Better? I’ll get Adele to finish healing those…” She said, gently poking at his wounds.

  Nodding numbly, he took a tentative step forward and found that he was okay with her help once he was fully standing. The place that he was being held was in the cellar or basement of a large manor. It was a well-cared for building, made almost entirely out of glass except for the few shiny metal support beams. He found this to be an odd feature, but kept his decorative comments to himself. Even to his untrained eyes, the place was clearly lived in. Mathieu vaguely wondered if Kiev lived here.

  The room that they ended in was a long room with a heavy stone table set in its center. Avian was sitting on its edge, looking at some sort of schematic. Nathan was also there, as was the blond man, two girls he’d never seen, one blonde and one raven, Elise, and Mina. Mina and the blond man were seated beside each other and it struck Mathieu how similar they looked. Elise was chatting animatedly to Nathan, who was in turn paying attention to Avian, and the two girls stood off from the rest.

  “Avian!” His voice cut through the room like a knife.

  The woman turned and when she saw him, she beamed. “Mathieu!” She half-tossed the sheet of paper aside, jumping off the table and running to him.

  He caught her up, hugging her tightly. “Are you okay? What’s going on? Who are all these people? Did they hurt you?” The urgency in his voice didn’t go unnoticed by her.

  “No, I’m fine. Goodness what happened to your hair?” She said, wiggling to be put down and tugging on his uneven strands of hair. “Let me introduce you around. Let’s see, you already know Elise and Mina. I believe you met Nathan, you’ve been acquainted to Kiev so that just leaves…” Avian’s eyes swept to the two girls, “Adele and Josette. Adele is the blonde, she’s a healer, whereas Josette is a firestarter.” Adele peered over at him with a seductive grin, her blonde hair pulled over her shoulder in a shortish braid. Josette had a mass of curly black hair and she wrapped an arm protectively Adele’s waist.

  Smiling at them, he raised a hand in greeting. Adele grinned and waved back energetically while Josette gave him a cold look that made him wish he was back in his little room.

  “You’ve forgotten about me…” The blond man’s hands rested on the arms of his chair, eyelids lowered.

  Avian flushed. “Sorry! That’s Solomon. He’s Mina’s twin.”

  Mathieu’s gaze was captured by Solomon, and a weird tightening feeling spread across his chest. He broke the eye contact first, instead turning to look at Avian. “What’s going on here?”

  “Well!” She hopped up to sit on the edge of the table again. “When Nathan’s men found us, he contacted Elise. She vouched for me and asked that we all talk.”

  “Okay, so why are the rest of them here?” Mathieu said, staying protectively close to Avian.

  She rolled her eyes. “Now who’s jumping at shadows? Mina and Elise came to see how I was doing, the girls live here, Solomon is Nathan’s right hand and Kiev is his left.” Her voice softened, “We’re among friends, okay?”

  “How long has it been since…” Mathieu said, looking around at all of them except for Solomon.

  Nathan cleared his throat. “ You’ve been here a week.”

  “Oi…This is horrible.” Mathieu sat beside Avian, speaking directly to her. “Tesla says that your father is starting to act really paranoid. Can someone tell me where we are, exactly?”

  “Why do you want to know?” The girl, Josette had her arms folded, eyes suspicious.

  He glared right back at her. “I want my Shadowriders here.”

  Nathan shot Josette a look. “We’re at the Tri-District Manor. This is my home.” It was clear by the look he was giving the firestarter that she needed to quit the hostilities.

  “Thank you.” Mathieu reached out and informed Tesla where they were.

  Two pops later and his Shadowriders were sitting on either side of him i
n their medium forms, fur having a steely tint to it and fangs dipping passed their bottom jaws. They were growling softly at everyone around them.

  The blond man, Solomon, saw the two monsters and his face softened. “Peace, little warriors. You’ve come home.” Holding out a hand to Tesla, the Shadowrider sniffed the digits tentatively before become his kitten form and rubbing against the man’s hand.

  A betrayed look crossed Mathieu’s face, but he turned away from Solomon, looking at Nathan expectantly. He had been here longer than he wanted to be and his hand was laid protectively on Avian’s knee. “When can we go?” He asked pointedly. Avian may feel like they were among friends, but he had been restrained and held captive. He didn’t like it.

  “Anytime we want.” Avian wrapped an arm around his. “But leaving soon may be a good idea. My father, from the sounds of it, is starting to panic and we don’t need a war on our hands.” There was an appreciative laugh around the room.

  The redhead man nodded. “You are an honorable woman. We will be very pleased when you take over the throne. I foresee a long time of peace before us.”

  Smiling up at him, she stood and curtsied. “Thank you, Nathan. Please know that you are always welcome at the castle.”

  Nathan took Avian’s hand in his and kissed it. “Your offer is very kind. We shall give you an Unithian carriage to reach your home in.”

  Solomon stood and went to the door, sliding it open. “I’ll escort you out. Kiev, go pull the carriage around from storage; Avian, this way.” He held a hand out, which she took. Solomon swept the Princess through the halls.

  Mathieu trailed behind them, the Shadowriders flanking him.

  Solomon stopped just outside the door and looked up at the perimeter made by fifteen foot high walls, guards paroling them. “This is where I leave you. The car should be just beyond the gates.” The blond hugged Avian. “It was a pleasure to get to know you. Come back soon, won’t you?”

  She kissed his cheek. “Of course I will. You’re very sweet. Come on, Mathieu.”

  Giving the blond a hard look as he passed, Mathieu followed Avian.

  “Wait, Mathieu!” Nathan’s voice was calling him from the door to the house.

  Turning back to look at the older man, he saw Nathan coming out to meet him. “What?” He asked.

  “Listen,” the red-head said once he had reached Mathieu, “I just wanted to tell you that if you ever find yourself no longer wishing to be under the rule of Unithians, there a place for you he--”

  A scream shattered the air.

  “Avian!” He knew that something had gone wrong before he ever turned around. Mathieu turned and his eyes alighted on a guard from the wall patrol, standing over Avian, covered in her blood. Protruding from the junction of Avian’s neck and shoulder was a long, thick blade stabbed in almost to the hilt.

  Mathieu didn’t bother fighting the anger that rose up within him. It climbed from the core of his being, ripping and tearing its way up to the surface. Temporarily, all the pain in his head and body faded into nothing. Energy started to pour out of him, forcing everyone back. It became a tangible substance, swirling menacingly around his body as he sprinted to Avian, tearing the ground up below him as he ran.

  She was lying there so helplessly, eyes glazing over and blood staining emerald grass around her to a vivid, sickening red.

  He knelt beside her, his armor of energy allowing an opening for her to enter. Mathieu pulled her close to his chest, petting her hair; his hands trembled as he touched her. “No.” He said sharply, as if that would take back what had just happened. It didn’t seem possible for his body to get enough air into his lungs, for him to hold her close enough. Just like that, Mathieu’s world had frozen and was now crumbling around him like a storm.

  “M-Matt…” Avian’s voice was small and scared. It reflected how she felt in his arms.

  Tears started to spill over, trekking down his cheeks and landing on her face. “Avian, I l-love you, okay? I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” He sat there, rocking back and forth with her in his arms; his body curled down over her, trying to protect her from prying eyes.

  A shadow of a smile crossed her face as her eyes slid closed and the final breath left her body.

  “AhhHHH!” Energy pulsed out from his, shattering all the glass that made up the front of the house. The swirl of power around him got larger and more intense.

  Solomon appeared to his left, a hand gripping the back of his neck at the pressure points. Mathieu slumped into his arms.



  Mathieu awoke in the room with the bed again, sans pain. This was not the first time that he had seen this room recently, more specifically the ceiling. Taking a deep breath, he draped an arm over his eyes, fighting back the tears. They stung at his eyes, threatening to pour down his cheeks again. He didn’t have to wonder or think about what had happened. The woundless pain in his chest told him all that he needed to know. Avian was gone. His best friend of six years and now she was gone, all because he had turned away for a few moments. It was his fault, all his fault. Taking in a shaking breath, his bottom lip began to tremble. He couldn’t stop the tears any longer and they silently trekked down his face and onto the pillow. Avian flashed before his eyes, smiling at him. It felt as though she was snuggled up beside him like she did every night; but that would never happen again.

  Guilt was threatening to choke him, to pull him into the abyss. He needed to say something, anything to stop the crushing feeling in his chest. It was beginning to feel as though his heart no longer beat. “A-Avian…I don’t know if you can hear me…” his tears were accompanied by heavy pants, “but I miss you. I miss you and I’m so sorry!” He was reduced to gut-wrenching sobs for a few minutes.”I-I didn’t ever listen to your favorite childhood story!” He continued to allow his emotional distress a way out until there was nothing left for him to cry out. Eventually, he curled up on his side, and he fell into a shallow sleep where dreams of Avian plagued him.

  The dip of his bed was what awoke him, Kiev’s worried face coming into focus. Her blond hair was pulled back in a high ponytail. “Hey…how are you feeling?” She tucked a lock of his hair behind his ear.

  He felt like he was going to be sick. Turning away from her, he curled up in a ball, wanting to be alone. Her touch made him even more aware that it wasn’t Avian, her warmth not the same. Kiev was a very nice woman, but now was not the time. He hadn’t, didn’t, want anyone around him since his best friend’s death. People kept coming in and none of them seemed to understand that he just wanted to mourn and not have to be bothered with their presences.

  Kiev sighed and pulled the blanket up over him. She left without another word, closing the door behind her.

  Still, more people came and went between his sleep cycles; time, however, became irrelevant to him. He now measured life by pain for others to watch and pain for him to suffer through alone. He wasn’t eating and he wasn’t really sleeping anymore either. Everything was a blur to him, an excruciating, painful blur. Being asleep and being away were becoming the same. Half the time, he didn’t know if people were in his temporary room or if he was imagining them.

  Memories would often float to him at random, memories of time when he remembered Avian most vividly as she was. Sometimes, the memories were happy.

  Avian smiled up at him, leaning against him while they sat in the garden. She had a book balanced on one knee but had stopped to braid a flower into his hair.

  That had been just shortly after he started protecting her.

  Sometime they were funny.

  He and Avian had fallen asleep on the floor, a half eaten cake between them. He woke up to Narrie dumping an entire bowl of frozen water on them and chasing the pair for a quarter hour, screeching at them that she was going to murder them.


  Avian sat on the stairs, her face hidden in her hands. He kneeled in

  front of her, trying to get her to talk to him. She fina
lly looked up and revealed a black eye. Her father had hit her.


  Her birthday had come and he had taken her for a picnic. Tesla was rolling around with Nikola in the grass, playing. Both Shadowriders were huge, truly armored monsters for once and much taller than either he or Avian. Goslings had climbed a bank and come to sit by them, not two feet from their blanket. Avian had been fascinated.

  Tears pricked his eyes as he remembered her smiles, the way they ranged from excited to sarcastic to playful. She was the one constant he’d had in his life. Always there.

  Avian had been lying on her bed, sick. Mathieu bounded in with an armful of flowers and kissed her forehead before she pulled him down to snuggle with him. She was petting his hair and he put his head on her chest, where he heard her steady heartbeat. “Oh my gosh, you do have a heart!” “Shh! Don’t tell anyone.” She had said with a smile.


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