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Govern Page 5

by Viola Grace

  He was the same tanned-olive that he had been before.

  “Are you, you?”

  “You mean my normal self? Yes. I don’t get to wear it that often, but thank you for inviting me to wear my own skin for a change.”

  His hands were on her suit closures, and he slowly opened it, skimming it off her shoulders and down to her hips. He knelt in front of her and pushed the suit down to her calves.

  Eykanyo pressed a kiss to her belly as he helped her step out of the suit. Once she was naked, he assisted her into the tank.

  She groaned with delight as the thick, warm liquid closed around her. She settled back against one of the seats and watched Eykanyo as he absorbed his wings and slid into the tank next to her, echoing her groan.

  “This feels amazing. I can see why you enjoy it. Every muscle in my body is relaxing.”

  He leaned back, and she was able to stare at him without him noticing. His nose was truly impressive, a sharp hook that gave his features a harshness that altered him from beautiful to striking. He might be normal for his species, but she couldn’t stop looking at him.

  “You are staring, Govern.”

  “Um, when we are naked, you can call me Leo.”

  “Leo, you are still staring.”

  “Sorry. I am just getting to know these features. You are put together very well.” She could have been mistaken, but she thought he puffed his chest out a little.

  “You are all softness and silk with steel underneath.” He kept his eyes closed, but he threaded his fingers through hers.

  She sighed and drew the fingers of her free hand up his arm. His skin was slick under the thick liquid.

  Leo sighed and leaned her head against his shoulder, slipping as low in the tank as she could. Her body’s aches and pains were gradually soothed, and when his hand slipped between her thighs, she had other things to think about.

  Chapter Eight

  Leo held her breath as he stroked his fingers back and forth on her inner thigh.

  “This isn’t going to work.” He lifted her and pulled her across his thighs.

  Against her hip, she felt the ridge of his erection, but when he stroked the line of her neck, she let his kiss send her senses reeling.

  She stroked his shoulders, threaded her fingers through his hair and opened her mouth to his. He groaned, and she smiled slightly before tasting him as his tongue slid along hers.

  His hand gripped her waist and the other held her close as they shifted against each other in slow, sensuous moves. She lifted herself and moved to straddle him. The tank liquid surged around her as she settled her clit against the erection and rocked her hips against him.

  Her body shook as she climbed closer and closer to satisfaction. She tried to keep the rhythm, but her muscles tensed, and soon, she was locked, unable to continue rocking against him.

  Eykanyo slid his fingers between them and entered her with two digits, moving fast and hard. She jerked as her orgasm struck her and moaned low as he continued to move his fingers within her.

  Her body continued to ripple around him until she finally slumped against him, her forehead against his neck. He withdrew his hand and chuckled. Her breath fanned across his skin as she fought for composure.

  Eykanyo stroked his hands up and down her spine.

  When she was back in control of herself, she peeked up at him through her lashes.

  His smile lit up his features. He tilted her chin up and kissed her again, slowly and with great attention to every detail.

  “Thank goodness. I am afraid that I will not last long once inside you.” His words were whispered against her lips.

  “Let’s find out, shall we?”

  “Yes.” His breath escaped on a hiss as he lifted her hips and rubbed his cock against her opening. With a groan, he inched her down onto him, the tank liquid acting to ease his way.

  She felt tight, stretched and not at all sexy. A whimper forced its way out of her, and he reached between them. Instead of stroking her, his fingers worked on himself and she jerked in surprise as something small and warm attached to her clit.

  Leo wanted to ask what that small item was, but it began to squeeze and pull at her clit in slow, luxurious pulses. In seconds, the discomfort caused by his cock eased and she began to relax as he slowly pumped into her with short, urgent thrusts.

  She dug her fingers into his shoulders and looked into his eyes a moment before he bared his teeth and threw his head back with a groan.

  The whatever it was squeezed her clit, and she shook against him. The second climax was sharper than the first, and the air left her lungs. Well, there was one thing she was sure of, her joints felt a lot better.

  He cuddled her against him and remained inside her. The heat of the tank gel ebbed and flowed around them while music played in the background. It was romantic, sensual and comfortable. All the comforts of home with a lover right in her own bedroom.

  “How are you feeling?” He kissed her ear and pressed his lips to her lobe and neck.

  “Lazy. We are nearing the beacon point. I have to launch it.”

  “Pity. When can we resume our activities?”

  She blinked and looked up at him, noting his heavy-lidded eyes and the full twist to his lips. “Um, when I can get us on our way to the next jump site. Did you file your report?”

  “I did that during your daring escape.”

  “Nice, it is a good thing that you can focus during a firefight.”

  She didn’t want to slide off him but duty called. She gave Aura the signal to drain the tank and sterilize the fluid.

  In seconds, they were locked together and naked with the air of the room cooling them.

  She kissed him and slowly got to her feet as she edged toward the lip of the tank. Whatever it was attached to her clit, it released under light pressure. It wasn’t the most graceful of escapes.

  She got a linen wrap from the drawer and covered herself for the trip to the command deck.

  “Do you have one of those for me?”

  Leo laughed and tossed him a wrap. She wasn’t quite fast enough to get a good look at his sex, but she was making it a priority for the next time they were together.

  The tank liquid absorbed cleanly into skin. They were dry in seconds.

  “I am heading off to plant the beacon. Do you need anything?”

  “I will prepare a meal for us.”

  She smiled and headed for her command deck. “Aura, is there anyone in the area?”

  A negative chime rang out.

  In her wrap and bare feet, she stepped into her seat and locked in. She programmed the beacon with the agreed coordinates from local stars and launched it. A moment later, they were on their way to the nearest jump point.

  “Gold Fairy to Guardian Dispatch. Nitza, what is next?”

  Nitza’s friendly face appeared on the vid screen. “You are in a surprisingly good mood, Govern.”

  “I am now; what next? I have Ambassador Wikkio, or Beholder, with me. Our negotiations are complete, and now, we need to head on to the next item on our agenda.”

  “He has filed that with Guardian Command. You are now registered partners and your partner is needed on Tragathi.”

  “You are sending the file?”

  “It is on its way. Congratulations. Beholders are notoriously flirtatious with other species. Getting one to settle down is a monumental task by any stretch of the imagination.”

  “I don’t know how much settling down we are going to do.”

  “It is the spirit of the thing. He is excited to have you as a mate, so that is something.”

  “Excited is good.”

  “Your mood seems to have altered as well.” Nitza’s gaze was knowing.

  “I just finished a hot soak in the tank. That always puts me in a good mood, but you are rarely in contact with me to witness it.” Leo smirked at the image.

  “I suppose you are right. Do you have the file?”

  Leo checked. “I have the file
and the dispatch for Beholder. We are on our way.”

  “Have fun, Govern. Keep that cheerful glow.”

  Leo snorted and closed communication. It was well known amongst the ships that she was the grouchy pilot. The other ships pitied poor Aura for having to put up with her.

  “Am I really in a better mood right now, Aura?”

  A bright tinkling and Tragathian dancing music spilled through the ship.

  Leo aimed the ship for the jump point and hit the throttle while laughing. Sex was an amazing painkiller. Her joints felt better than they had in ages.

  “I am going for a meal. Let me know when we reach the point, all right?”

  Aura chimed agreement.

  “No matter what I am doing. We are on an assignment now and that takes precedence over my love life.”

  The dance music kicked in again.

  Leo shook her head and left the deck for the pleasures of the kitchen.

  She smiled at the precisely arranged meal on the table.

  Eykanyo greeted her with a kiss. “I wish that I had flowers or something else to offer you.”

  Part of her heart melted at mention of the gesture. “It is the thought that counts.”

  “It is indeed. Now, where are we headed to next?”

  She arched her brows in surprise.

  “How did you know we got a new assignment?”

  “Your shoulders straighten when you are on duty. I am very attuned to body language.” He pressed a kiss to the back of her hand.

  “Yes, I suppose you would be. We are heading to Tragathi; your assignment is waiting for your login.”

  He nodded. “After we eat. I have been looking forward to your joining me.”

  Leo smiled. “Good, I am hungry. My stomach is not making noise yet and that is a good thing.”

  They sat in companionable silence while she stuffed her face. When she sat back with a cup of tea, he asked her, “Are you happy out here?”

  Leo’s eyes widened. “Serious question.”

  “I am looking for a serious answer. Are you happy being a transport specialist?” He put his hand on the table, palm up.

  She slid her hand into his. “I am content. Is that close enough?”

  “No. It is a step, but it isn’t close.” He pressed a kiss to her knuckles.

  “I exist day to day. My pain can knock me flat and my body can betray me. There is nothing else but dreading each time I wake and finding myself curled into a ball of agony.” She smiled to soften her words.

  “Does it get that bad?”

  “Now and then. I have had days where I crawled around the deck to go through my chores, only to soak in the tank for hours afterward. Those days are usually at the end of my med runs.”

  He looked at her with horror. “Is there nothing they can do?”

  “Yes, and they are doing it. I have one of the best teams available looking for treatments. I get their prime efforts and they do help, for a time.”

  “And you are content to have life in such small increments?”

  “It is more than I had before. It would crush me to have it taken away from me.” She tried to smile brightly, but it was a deep confession from her soul.

  He nodded. “I can see how it would be. Would you grant me permission to speak with the scientists working on your problem? I have seen many things on many worlds, and I may be able to offer a solution to them.”

  “Sure. Avail yourself of my medical records. I have no secrets from you.” She kept her smile intact, but it hurt to know that he saw her as a problem to be solved.

  He brought her hand to his lips again. “I want you pain free and able to enjoy life.”

  “What if that can’t be achieved?”

  “Then, I will do what I can to make your life easier, when I can.” Before she could stop him, a pair of fangs popped out and he sank them into the soft flesh between thumb and forefinger.

  “What the hell?” She pulled her hand back, but he held it fast. Icy cool entered her blood first, followed by searing heat.

  Aura played a lullaby, and it was a gentle song that eased her into unconsciousness.

  Chapter Nine

  Warmth filled Leo’s body as she woke. She was spooned against Eykanyo’s body, and he was humming along with the music Aura was playing.

  “How do you feel?” He murmured it against her neck.

  “Warm. My joints feel better. My body doesn’t ache as much.”

  She lifted the hand that he had bitten, and she saw two almost healed puncture wounds. “How long was I out?”

  “Nine hours. Aura is waiting for you to take us through the jump.”

  “Then, I had better get to the deck.”

  “We will need to talk about what happened.”

  She snarled at him and wrapped herself in the linen wrap again. It seemed to have been peeled from her at some point.

  She stalked to the command deck and slammed herself into position. There were four jumps to Tragathi, and she pulled the Gold Fairy through the first one with a snarl.

  Before returning to her room, she stopped in the small medical bay. A few scans told her what she suspected. There was something new in her bloodstream.

  She forwarded the scans to her researchers before stalking back to her bedroom. “What the hell did you put in me?”

  He blinked and his wings lifted a little in defense at her aggressive tone.

  “Um, the Scekorar have a venom that is an excellent pain killer, and I have a contribution that can make your system more receptive to the repairing agents your brain has been programmed to create. You will no longer need to get an upgrade in management chemistry every few months. Is that worth the bite?”

  She put her hands on her hips. “You could have told me.”

  He walked to her and placed his hands over hers. “You would have argued. You are very cantankerous when you want to be.”

  Leo wrinkled her nose. “I am when I do not want to be.”

  “And yet, your mercurial nature fascinates me. I have been around many beings in my life, and you are the first to want me for me.”

  She laughed and admitted to herself that mercurial might have just hit the nail on the head. “Speaking of wanting you…”

  She looked down and stared at the small, erect frond with the soft cup that jutted from the base of his penis. She stroked it with one fingertip, and it flexed and quivered, opening and closing hungrily. “What is that?”

  “It is called a xeli. Don’t your males have one?” He tugged her wrap loose, and it puddled to the floor a moment before his long fingers slid against her clit.

  “Um, no, they don’t.”

  “Then why do you have this?” He stroked her clit, and it throbbed under his touch.

  “Um, to distract me while having intense conversations?” She gasped and gripped his arms.

  He laughed. “In my species, the xeli is there to provide extra security and stimulation during mid-flight couplings.”

  “I see. Well, it feels wonderful when it is in action.” She bit her lip and blushed.

  “I am very glad. Would you care to try again?” He waggled his dark brows in a suggestive manner.

  “I think that a repetition might not be a bad idea.” She pressed her hands to his chest and stroked his strange musculature. Her palms tingled everywhere they made contact with his flesh, and he held still while she explored him.

  Eventually, she stepped closer and stroked the length of his cock. The head was more pointed than she was used to seeing, but the heat of the shaft was what she was craving. It was thick, too; her fingers couldn’t close around it completely as she stroked him. The xeli waved in desperation, and she wanted to feel it on her again.

  “Shall we adjourn to the bed?”

  She snickered. “Are we engaged in a negotiation, Ambassador?”

  “I believe that I am dictating your surrender, Pilot.”

  Aura pulled something out of her Terran files and began to play Ravel’s Bolero. />
  Leo laughed and held tight as she was danced back into her bed, tipping welcomingly onto her back.

  He pressed his head between her breasts before he explored one and then the other.

  Her body throbbed, and her thighs shifted against his hips as he used his mouth and tongue to wake every inch of skin on her torso.

  He worked his way low on her belly, and finally, he was between her thighs, his tongue lapping at her clit while his lips alternately sucked and brushed against it.

  Her hands dug into the bedding, and she shivered over and over under his treatment. When he slid a finger inside her, she arched her body and moaned low in her throat.

  He must have been as close to the edge as she was, because a moment later, he moved up her body and fitted the head of his cock to her opening. It took several short thrusts to make it through her slick entrance, but the moment he was in far enough to attach the xeli, things went a lot easier. The sucking and squeezing on her clit caused a liquid welcome to rush around him.

  Her mind went blank and colours spoke to her as he surged into and retreated out of her. Leo wrapped her legs around him and rocked with him as they surged together toward release.

  She felt fire in her veins, and she screamed when her climax struck.

  Eykanyo muttered something, and he arched into her, holding her tight as his hips pumped hard several times.

  He shuddered and collapsed on her, and she held him tight, stroking his wings and otherwise remaining still.

  “You are going to kill me, Leo.” He pressed a kiss to her temple.

  “You are going to enjoy it, Eykanyo.”

  He grinned and braced himself on his elbows above her. “Probably. I look forward to learning to pace myself. A Beholder mating is usually very quick.”

  She could feel him swelling inside her again. “But very frequent, right?”

  “How did you know?” He withdrew from her and rolled her to her side, facing him. He lifted her left thigh and placed it over his hip. His erection found its way inside her again with the xeli attaching without him touching it.


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