Endured (Immortal Chronicles Book 5)

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Endured (Immortal Chronicles Book 5) Page 4

by Samantha Britt

  On cue, a door in the back corner of the room opened. Thane tensed, ready to fight his way out of the situation. Someone stepped across the threshold.

  The woman was stunning. She wore tight blue jeans and a green tank top. Her midnight hair was pulled back in a high pony tail. She looked like an ordinary human, and Thane did not know what to make of her presence in the mystical land.

  Darcie did not share his reservations. She squealed and rushed forward. “Gwen? I didn’t expect to see you today!”

  Opening her arms, the woman embraced Darcie with a chuckle. Thane noted the light shimmer off of a sapphire and diamond ring on her left hand.

  “I had to keep it a secret or else my Summer Court advisors would have wanted to make a big deal about it.” The woman, Gwen, smiled brightly. It was clear the two were friends.

  Darcie pulled back and smiled just as enthusiastically before during to Thane and waving him forward. “Gwen, this is Thane. He is the leader of The Council of Immortals on Earth.”

  Thane drew near and accepted Gwen’s outstretched hand.

  “Nice to meet you, Thane.” She sounded genuine. “I’m Gwen.”

  “Pleasure.” Thane tried to keep his voice even, but he was sure it revealed his uneasiness. He hadn’t expected to meet anyone.

  “Gwen is the Princess of Summer Court,” Darcie provided.

  “Really?” Thane would not have pegged her for a royal of anything, much less the mysterious, powerful Fae. Shouldn’t a royal wear a crown? Or at least wear something fancier than jeans?

  Gwen laughed. It was a charming sound. “I know. Surprising, right? I was raised on Earth and can’t seem to shake my human habits.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, revealing its pointed end.

  Thane’s curiosity was peaked. “You grew up on our planet?”

  Gwen nodded. “Yes, and I still consider it my home. I live there most of the time.”

  To say he was surprised would be an understatement. How many Fae lived on Earth and went unnoticed?

  Darcie swatted his arm, interrupting his accidental stare. “Stop it,” she commanded with amusement.

  He raised a brow. “Stop what?”

  “Stop trying to figure everything out and just ask. Gwen will answer any question you have.” She turned to the woman. “Right?”

  Gwen grinned. “That’s why I’m here.”

  Thane looked from Gwen to Darcie to the Elder. “Was meeting a member of the royal family part of the plan?” he asked the cloaked male.

  “I wasn’t sure Her Highness would be able to make time for it.”

  That was a yes.

  “Gwen helps me with my visions,” revealed Darcie. “She has them too.”

  Thane’s gaze swung to the other woman. “Really?”

  The royal dipped her chin. “Yes.”

  “Is that common for your people?”

  “You mean Fae?”

  Thane still had trouble using the mythical word to describe the very real beings, but he supposed stories of the human-like creatures had to come from somewhere.

  He nodded. “Yes.”

  “No,” Gwen answered his original question. “It is not common. Only my husband, me and the Wise Ones are capable of prophetic visions.”

  He pursed his lips and crossed his arms. Worried eyes turned to his brother’s mate. “It is also rare in our world.” Darcie’s gifts would always make her a target, especially considering she was beginning to use them against The Council’s enemies.

  “We know,” the Elder spoke up. “Which is why we bring Darcie here for her training.”

  “Does your husband assist with Darcie’s training?” Thane asked for his brother’s sake. Des would want to know the identity of anyone who came into contact with his One.

  “No,” Darcie answered for Gwen. “I haven’t met him yet.”

  Thane noted the information.

  “But Darcie’s powers are beginning to surpass mine and my husband’s,” revealed Gwen. Pride and encouragement filled her gaze. “We are not yet able to control when and where our visions are revealed, but Darcie has begun to call on them at will.”

  “Really?” Thane’s eyebrows lifted. That was news to him.

  Darcie shrugged, trying to brush off the compliment. “Only little things like what meal chef will prepare that evening. Nothing too crazy.”

  “That is still a major accomplishment,” the Elder validated Gwen’s praise. “Soon enough, you will be able to discern exactly what you wish, no matter the date or time.”

  Thane whistled. Talk about a battle advantage.

  “What of The Veritas?” he asked. “Has she made any progress using the book?”

  Silence descended. Both Darcie and Gwen shifted their feet.

  “We are proceeding with caution,” the Elder ended the quiet.

  Alarms went off in Thane’s head. “Has something happened?”

  Gwen and the Elder turned to Darcie. Thane followed their lead and stared at his friend. “Darcie?”

  She chewed her bottom lip and avoided his gaze. “I’ve tried using the spells in the book once or twice. Both times, the Elder needed to use force to call me out of its trance.”


  “Magic,” Darcie clarified. “His magic forced me to become immovable and neutralized me as a threat until I was free of the book’s influence. It didn’t hurt me.”

  Thane exhaled and uncurled his fingers. He stared at the ceiling, trying to organize his many thoughts. “No wonder you don’t want Des to visit.” He could only imagine the rage his brother would feel if he heard his soulmate had been taken over by The Veritas more than once and he never knew about it.

  He could feel Darcie’s eyes on him, frantically trying to figure out what he was thinking.

  Thane lowered his chin. He could see Darcie’s anxiety, but he didn’t think himself capable of relieving it.

  “Perhaps we should resume the visit another day.” Thane heard the Elder’s suggestion. He sensed the tension in the room and knew it needed to be alleviated.

  Thane agreed. “Perhaps that would be best.”

  It sounded like Darcie needed to share some important information about what was really going on in Eirie.


  Thane barely waited for Darcie’s form to solidify before he assaulted her with questions. “How bad is The Veritas’ control? And when were you planning to tell Des?”

  Darcie looked away, staring at the estate’s pond on the edge of their property. “Bad enough to warrant the Elder to step in, and I wasn’t going to say anything.”

  “Why not?”

  Flat eyes landed on his. “You know Des. He would ask me to stop training with The Veritas.”

  “Is that such a bad thing? You forget, I saw you lose yourself to the book’s power.” Thane would never forget the black emptiness within Darcie’s gaze nor the violence which came so easy to her in the altered state.

  “I’m the only witch alive who can handle the spells.”

  “Is succumbing to the book handling the spells?”

  Darcie gave him a look and said, “Touché.”

  “I’m not trying to be an ass,” Thane told her, “but you must see how this looks. I understand the Nightsbane clan wishes for you to develop your skills with The Veritas, but it is not worth it if it endangers your life or humanity.”

  “I’m not weak.” Her nostrils flared. “I just need to keep training. I will be able to control it eventually.”

  Thane shook his head. Her stubbornness was almost equal to Des’. They really were two parts of the same soul. “Fine. But you should tell Des.”

  “Why? So he can worry more? I don’t think that would be helpful for any of us.”

  “Because he is your mate,” Thane answered. “And you dislike when he hides things from you. Do not allow your relationship to devolve into secrets and lies. That only leads to heartbreak and misery. Take it from me.”

  Darcie flinched from his hard tone, but symp
athy filled her expression as she registered his words. “Thane, I—”

  He lifted a hand. “I don’t need your pity, Darcie. I just want you to understand. Bella hid things from me for years, and she betrayed The Alliance in order to keep her secrets. Now, she’s dead, and I regret how scared and alone she must have felt. I regret she did not confide in me. She was my One, and I would’ve done anything to keep her safe and happy.”

  Thane paused to clear the lump lodged in his throat. “I lost the chance to make things right between us,” he leveled a knowing look on Darcie. “Do not make the same mistake.”

  A lone tear escaped the corner of her eye, trailing down her cheek before it hit her chin and dripped to the ground. “Alright,” she murmured. “You’re right. I’ll tell Des.”

  Thane stepped forward and wrapped a strong arm around Darcie’s shoulders. She hid her face in his shirt, and he felt several more tears dampen the fabric. Not only did he make Darcie relive the death of his wife and her friend, but he was sure the guilt burdened her and contributed to her sadness. Thane ran a soothing hand up and down her back.

  “I just don’t want to fight with him.” Her words were muffled against his body. “We spent so long on different sides. I want us to be on the same side for once.”

  A feeling of responsibility landed on Thane’s shoulders.

  Des had spent years swearing he did not want to encounter his mate, but when Thane saw Darcie leave that restaurant in Athens, he knew his brother had allowed himself the chance to get to know her. When Thane asked about the mysterious young woman he’d seen leaving the meal, Des denied she was anyone in particular. But Thane knew a lie when he heard one.

  So, he sought out Darcie. It took some time and effort, but Thane learned Darcie’s name from one of her father’s colleagues at the university in Athens. After following several leads, he found her in Brunswick, Maine, and he initiated the series of events which ultimately led to Des admitting Darcie was his One.

  Despite the happy ending, the path to their relationship was not smooth, and Thane knew he was to blame for their rough and tumultuous beginning. Remorse filled him when he realized those things continued to negatively affect Darcie.

  “Des is on your side.” Thane tried to sooth Darcie’s troubles as best he could. “There is no one in this world more on your side.” Des’ devotion and affection ran deeper than the ocean. No one would matter more to him than Darcie, and he would do anything for her.

  Darcie pulled away, wiping her eyes as she stepped out of Thane’s embrace. “Des is so protective. So much that he wants to control everything. I know he’s been actively trying to fight his controlling instincts, but anytime he things I’m in danger, I can see he wants to override my decisions. What happens when he decides he is right? Will he lock me away in some ivory tower where no one can get to me?”

  “I doubt it. You could just transport out of the tower.”

  Darcie’s lips twitched, but she fought the smile back. “I’m serious, Thane. I love Des, and I know he cares about my safety, but I cannot stand constantly justifying my actions. It’s exhausting.”

  “So you lie? Like you say he does?”

  “Yes. No. I don’t know, Thane.” She sounded defeated. “I get it, alright. I already said I’d tell Des.”

  “Good.” Thane grinned. “Just making sure.”

  She playfully swatted his arm, but he leaned away before she could make contact. “You’re annoying.”

  He laughed, preparing a retort when a familiar bark reached his ears.

  Darcie and Thane turned to the top of the nearby hill and watched as Argos bounded towards them. Darcie knelt down and opened her arms to greet the massive dog-like creature.

  Argos had been Des’ companion for many years, and Thane had never seen the creature show affection to anyone but his brother. That is, until Darcie came around.

  Now, Thane wasn’t sure who Argos liked more: his master for the majority of his life or the young woman who was destined to spend eternity with Des.

  The creature slowed his approach to not barrel into Darcie, but he still knocked her off balance when his large head nuzzled her chest.

  “Hey boy,” she greeted, chuckling as she fell on her butt. Argos licked her face, leaving behind a layer of saliva.

  “AH!” Darcie used her sleeve to wipe her cheek. “No licks, Argos. Sit.”

  Argos sat on command, his tail wagging as he waited.

  Darcie stood from the ground. She scratched his ears. “Good boy.”

  Thane detected movement from the hill, and he saw Des begin to walk towards them. He lifted a hand to greet his brother. Des returned the gesture.

  Hearing Darcie’s exhale, Thane turned to her.

  She gave him a weak smile. “Guess it’s time to confess.”

  “You’ll feel better once you do.”

  She watched Des’ approach with apprehensive eyes. “I hope you’re right.” She clapped her hands, and Argos positioned himself at her heel. Together, they walked towards Des.

  Thane stayed around long enough to see his brother’s face light up with happiness as his mate drew near and kissed him on the lips.

  “They’re going to be just fine,” Thane whispered, nodding to himself. Eager to give them privacy, he blinked out of sight and set his destination for the mansion. He had some business to take care of.


  The halls were quiet as Thane made his way to the back of the mansion. His family employed many servants to keep the home in top shape, but Thane rarely saw the lesser immortals while they completed their work. It was like they walked through walls to avoid being seen.

  He neared his desired corridor, passing the kitchens, when he heard raucous laughter coming from within. Succumbing to his curiosity, Thane quietly approached and pushed in the swinging door to look inside.

  His eyes widened, and he had to do a double take. Eshe and Lome were standing in the kitchens, alone, covered in flour. And they were laughing.

  “Stop joking around,” Eshe commanded, failing to sound authoritative underneath her wide smile. “Baking cupcakes is not that hard.”

  “It is when you try to make me use that blasted contraption.” Lome gestured towards the automatic mixer like it was evil incarnate.

  “I warned you not to put it on the highest speed.”

  “But you didn’t say the whole bowl would explode!”

  Eshe laughed at her husband’s exaggeration. Thane was taken aback by the lovely sound. It was rarely heard.

  Still shaking her head, Eshe grabbed a towel and wiped the batter from her face and arms. “It’s not a big deal. We can start over.” She closed the distance between them and began wiping the baking mixture off her husband’s face.

  She grinned. “This time, I’ll be in charge of the ‘blasted contraption’.”

  Lome didn’t react to her teasing. His eyes locked on her lips, and his fingers flexed.

  Eshe lowered her hand with the towel. “Lome? Are you alright?”

  Lome swallowed. He used his thumb to wipe flour from her tan cheek. “It still surprises me sometimes.”

  She tilted her head, confused. “What does?”

  “How beautiful you are.”

  Thane smirked. Good one, Brother.

  But after watching the quiet moment that followed, Thane realized his brother wasn’t just delivering a line. Lome continued to observe his wife with a mixture of awe and adoration. He was being sincere. He continued to stroke Eshe’s cheek even though it was clear of baking residue.

  “You’re ridiculous.”

  “No, I am not.”

  Eshe closed her eyes and moved her head from side to side. When she opened them, she had her emotions under control. “Well, thank you. That is sweet of you to say.”

  Lome moved his fingers from her cheek and let them brush down her arm before he gathered her hand in his. “I mean it, Eshe. I thought you were stunning from the moment I first saw you in that marketplace in Alexandria.”

  Thane bit his cheek. Lome and Eshe had a complicated past, filled with deception and mistrust. He thought it was unwise to bring up their history, resurrecting old problems.

  But Thane’s concerns proved to be unfounded.

  Instead of getting upset like she had in the past, Eshe blushed prettily. “Nebet was more beautiful,” she referenced her older sister to deflect the compliment.

  “On that, my dear, I’m afraid we must agree to disagree.” Lome brought her hand up and placed reverent kisses on her knuckles. “You have always been the most gorgeous woman in the world, and you always will be.” He flipped her hand and pressed a kiss against the inside of her wrist.

  “Lome,” her voice choked. It was the most feeling Thane had ever heard from his sister-in-law. He stepped back and let the door swing closed. He’d spent enough time intruding.

  Turning on his heel, Thane resumed his path. He’d realized things between his brother and his wife had improved. They no longer bickered or avoided contact with each other. But he hadn’t realized something romantic was developing between them.

  Thane was happy for Lome and Eshe but seeing them opened his still-fresh wounds about his own mate. The Creator knew how much he missed Bella.

  Pushing the emotion aside, Thane neared a sturdy metal door located in a windowless room in the center of the mansion. He entered the passcode on the keypad and waited until he heard the lock click before pulling on the handle and moving forward.

  The dungeon was dark and damp. Thane called on his power as he walked down the slick steps to illuminate the space in front of him. Thane remembered the last time he’d ventured to the dungeon. Adir had been their prisoner. Just thinking about the traitorous immortal made his muscles flex.

  Rolling back his shoulders, Thane stepped out of the stairwell and rounded the corner. He passed by the dozens of empty cells before he stopped outside the only occupied one.

  The warlock’s black cloak was rumbled, and wrinkles marred the midnight fabric. He sat on the thin mattress placed on the floor. Normally, prisoners would have a proper bed, but the brothers did not trust the powerful being with any type of weapon. Despite the masking spell placed on the dungeon cell, it wouldn’t be wise to underestimate the warlock. Until they knew the extent of his magical abilities, they needed to observe every precaution.


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