Slaves of Irontown

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Slaves of Irontown Page 22

by Adriana Arden

  ‘We’re not trying to catch her,’ said Mattock with a chuckle. ‘A lot of new girls escape on the first free day they get and we let them. They need to get it out of their system. They either sneak back later and say nothing or report themselves, feeling guilty, so we give them a spanking to make them feel better. ’

  Mel’s head spun as she tried to take this in. ‘Then why are you going after her, Masters? ’

  ‘Because she’s stopped trying to escape. ’

  ‘She’s… stopped? ’ Cam said incredulously.

  ‘Which means she’ll probably need her chain-sisters for a bit of emotional support. ’

  Bolt was hunched over with her legs drawn up tight and her head resting on her knees, exposing the dark cleft of her shiny ringed pubes. She was sitting on a weathered outcrop of rock beside a narrow country track that wound up a hill overlooking Shackleswell. She hardly stirred as the police car drew up and Mel and Cam scrambled out and ran up to her.

  ‘Are you all right? ’ Cam asked anxiously, stroking Bolt’s hair.

  ‘Has anybody hurt you? ’ Mel added.

  Bolt raised her head, revealing confused, tear-stained eyes. ‘I’ve got nowhere to go,’ she said pitifully.

  ‘You were going home to Northampton,’ Mel said.

  ‘That’s not home… it’s where I lived… but there’s nobody there who wants me back. I’ve got… nothing! ’

  She and Cam sat down on either side of Bolt and hugged her gently.

  Mel looked out over the city of Shackleswell, which stood there solid, purposeful and dominating. It was the first time she had seen it like this. Now she knew that slave girls served it at every level, from pubs to assembly rooms, in the streets and the underground. They were essential to its survival and they bound it together. The city machine was built on their sweat and suffering and sustained by their orgasms. The price of being part of it was the total surrender of their bodies to pain and humiliation and the reward was belonging intimately and completely to something greater than themselves that was both frightening and wonderful. She could not escape it now. None of them could.

  ‘Then you’d better come home with us,’ she told Bolt.

  Bolt looked at them and then burst into tears.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Mel felt a cold shiver as the three of them were escorted into Shackleswell Central police station, recalling her first visit. As Colter and Mattock led them to the interrogation rooms her stomach began to churn in anticipation, even though she was a different person from the naïve innocent they had tortured those months before. Now she did not try to ignore that darkly thrilling frisson of fear but revelled in its grip because she knew it would make what followed more intense. What that said about her she no longer cared.

  They entered the interrogation room. The truth rack stood in one corner with its impaler rod glistening as though it had been used recently. Mattock commanded Bolt and Cam to stop there as they took in its “X” frame central table, the sinister devices on the walls and the folded gibbet arms.

  ‘Are you going to punish me for escaping, Master? ’ Bolt asked meekly.

  ‘No, girl, not for escaping, but we will give you a good hiding for the trouble you caused us having to find your friends and bring you back. ’He looked at Cam. ‘And we’ll give you a few licks for lying when you said you didn’t know where she was. ’

  Cam bowed her head. ‘Sorry, Master. ’

  ‘I’ll get some of the off duty lads in to give you two a proper seeing to. Now get your coats off…’

  Mel moved to join them but Colter took her arm. ‘No, you come this way…’

  He led Mel on through double security doors into a smaller side room. ‘I want you to meet somebody we arrested earlier,’ he said. ‘She’s just waiting to be taken to Gryndstone…’

  He ushered Mel inside with a pat on her bottom and closed the door behind her. Within was a small bare cell with a naked girl dangling from the ceiling. Her wrists and ankles were strapped together and a chain pulled her arms up above her until she stood on her toes. Her blonde head hung over her chest. Lash stripes showed scarlet across her full breasts and thighs.

  As Mel entered she lifted her head fearfully. Mel gave a choking gasp and sprang forward to embrace her.

  It was Madelyn!

  Mel did not know how long she hugged and kissed Maddy while brokenly poured out her words of love. Maddy squirmed in her embrace, kissing her passionately in return even as she wept with joy. Finally Mel recovered her composure sufficiently to pull back a little, wiping the tears from her own and Maddy’s eyes.

  ‘You’ve no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that again,’ she said huskily.

  ‘As long as I have,’ Maddy sobbed.

  ‘But how did you get here? I never told you where I was. ’

  ‘Somebody left a message on my phone saying you were in Shackleswell. ’

  ‘Who? ’

  ‘A man. I didn’t recognise his voice and he didn’t give a name, he just said he was… something strange… a “gynaeneticist”, whatever that is. ’

  Now Mel understood. That was why they had graduated so quickly. Bradawl had set all this up. Maddy’s disarrayed hair had been hanging across her forehead. Only now did Mel notice the official pink court label taped underneath. She brushed the hair aside. The label read: “SPRING 202. ”That could not be chance. Thank you, Headmaster, she thought silently.

  ‘I only got here this morning,’ Maddy continued, ‘but before I could even begin looking for you these policemen said I was a vagrant and arrested me and I had to strip and there was this judge on a television and they used this machine and…’

  ‘I know,’ Mel assured her, ‘I know just what they did to you because they did it to me months ago. But you’ll get over it because you’re stronger than you imagine. You’ll bounce back. ’She chuckled. ‘After all, you’re going to be a spring, like me…’

  ‘But they said I’d have to go to some sort of school,’ Maddy groaned. ‘I don’t understand. What’s happening? What is this place? ’

  ‘This is Irontown,’ Mel explained, feeling a strange thrill as she used the old name. ‘It’s where they bring women and machines together to do amazing things. You’re going to Gryndstone school for lost girls to learn how it’s done. There they’ll train you and turn you into a gynaton which is … well, something just like this. . . ’

  She pulled off her clothing and stood naked before her stepsister, feeling relieved to be rid of its encumbrance.

  Maddy goggled at Mel’s name stamps, rings, cuffs and collar. ‘What have they done to you? ’ she wailed.

  ‘It’s all right,’ Mel assured her. ‘I know you’re frightened and some of it will hurt at first but you’ll get used to it. This is like a uniform. It shows you’re useful and you belong in Shackleswell, and I promise you do belong here. You won’t believe how quickly it feels normal, then even better than normal. When you graduate, you’ll understand. And I’ll be waiting for you. Oh, and you must say thank you to Headmaster Bradawl from me. For bringing us together…’

  She kissed Maddy again, forestalling any more questions. She would have to learn the rest for herself. This time their bare breasts pressed against each other and she felt the warmth of Maddy’s naked flesh against her own, as it should be. Maddy’s pubic hair tickled. She would soon lose that…

  Colter came back in while they were still locked together and grinned. ‘That’s better. Can’t have too many clothed girls around here. Right, time to put on a little show…’

  He pulled Mel’s arms round behind her and clipped her cuffs together. Then he freed Maddy’s ankles, unhooked her from the ceiling chain and led her back into the interrogation room with Mel at her side. Maddy gasped.

  Bolt and Cam were suspended from adjacent fold-out gibbets while Mattoc
k and two other men in rolled-shirtsleeves and peel-back trousers were having fun with them.

  Suspension bars were fastened by swivel links the ends of the gibbet arms. Bolt and Cam hung face down under them. Their arms were bent round behind them and stretched out straight with their cuffs chained to rings on the bar ends, pulling their shoulders back. Another chain was clipped to rings set in the fastening straps of rubber bit gags that stretched their mouths and kept their heads up. A vertical chain was hooked to a broad strap that went round their waists, supporting their torsos. Their legs were splayed and knees bent. Chains from the bar ends were clipped to their ankles and another pair of straps that went around the tops of their thighs. This left their groins wide open, bare ringed pussies exposed and bottoms invitingly upturned. Short chains ran from the rings in the backs of their gag straps to large rubber hooks, the curling tips of which had been slid up their rectums, making their anuses bulge.

  Their heads were aligned towards each other so they could look into each other’s faces. They were held in this position by long chains that linked their nipple rings. Mattock was hooking small lead weights over the middles of the chains, making their arcs more acute. The tension had stretched their nipples and drawn out their breasts into rounded cones.

  As Mel and Maddy entered the two new men were standing between the girls’ splayed thighs thrusting into their vaginas. With one hand they held the chains linking the girls gags and bottom hooks like reins to brace them against their thrusts, while in the other they had long-handled spanking paddles. These they were swinging up under the girls’ bodies to smack into the taut under-swells of their chain-stretched breasts. Each thrust and smack made Bolt and Cam sway and twist in their harness, jerking on their nipple chains or making them sway painfully. Their cheeks were wet with tears, their bodies writhed in their harnesses and they yelped and moaned and dribbled about their gags, yet their eyes were unfocussed and half closed in slavish ecstasy.

  Maddy whimpered in horror and turned her head aside.

  ‘Don’t worry,’ Mel said softly, ‘it’s how they want to be treated. ’

  With grunts of satisfaction the men came inside Cam and Bolt even as they bucked and squirmed in their chains, helplessly surrendering to their own orgasmic rushes. Only when their struggles had subsided and they hung limply and servile once more, did the men pull their shafts out of their ravaged vaginas. The floor under their spread legs was dark with splashes of female juices and spent sperm.

  ‘Now, anybody want to see hot stepsisters screw each other? ’ Colter asked. ‘Don’t worry, they’re gagging for it. ’

  The others grinned and looked Mel and Maddy up and down with calculated interest. Though they dangled sweaty and beaten in their chains, Cam and Bolt were staring at them in growing wonder. Then Cam smiled at Mel around her gag.

  Maddy rolled her eyes up and bit her lip in shame. Mel whispered:‘You know that’s true. We don’t have to pretend any more. Just let it happen. Even pain can feel good here…’

  Colter laid Maddy on her back across the “X” table and dragged her legs wide. Maddy resisted feebly but could not prevent her ankles being strapped to its lower ends. Colter separated Maddy’s wrists and pulled her arms apart, fastening them in the same way. As she looked at her sister spread-eagled, helpless and achingly vulnerable Mel trembled, thinking that it was the most desirable thing she had ever seen.

  From the rack of canes and humiliation devices Mattock brought over a large double-ended dildo. ‘She’s got to have something to stick up her,’ he said with a grin.

  They slid one end of the dildo into Mel and secured its fastening to her pussy rings. Maddy’s eyes went round with horror as she saw the huge thing sticking out of her stepsister’s slot.

  Colter positioned Mel at the apex of the wedge cut out of the table where Maddy’s pouting sex overhung the edge. Maddy looked up at her trembling in fear and Mel smiled gently back. It’s all right, she mouthed.

  The men gathered round the table with Colter at its head as though supervising. The two shirt sleeved officers positioned themselves on either side of Maddy while Mattock stood behind Mel. They all held spanking paddles.

  Colter said:‘The harder you screw her, the less we’ll spank her tits, understand? ’

  Mel nodded. She understood.

  She slid the tip of the dildo between Maddy’s love lips, seeing them part and stretch to accommodate it, seeing her eyes grow wide in fear and wonder. She wanted to slide it up her gently, knowing how tight her passage would be unlike her own trained sheath, but Mattock was impatient. He swiped his paddle across Mel’s buttocks with stinging force, making her jerk her hips forward, ramming the dildo full length into Maddy.

  Her lovely face contorted and she gave a whimper of pain.

  This was a signal to the others to begin. The paddles fell across Maddy’s breasts, making them flatten and spring back with fluid resilience. She writhed in the bonds and sobbed in pain

  Mattock was spanking Mel’s bottom, forcing her to thrust harder and harder, making Maddy’s juices flow, seeing her lower stomach bulge as the big dildo filled her passage to capacity. It was almost as if she was moving inside her like a man. What a power to have! It was terrible seeing Maddy in true pain yet she knew it had to be done. The sooner she reached her crisis point and understood the happier she would be.

  Maddy’s abused breasts were going from pink to scarlet. The paddle blows were now batting them from side to side and they were rebounding and shivering resiliently like fleshy bells. Yet her nipples were standing up in hard peaks as proud as Mel’s.

  Then Colter twisted Maddy’s head to one side and rammed his cock into her mouth. Despite her pain her lips clamped about his shaft as her cheeks bulged. The shirt-sleeved constables dropped their paddles and began rubbing their revived cocks across Maddy’s burning breasts and throbbing scarlet nipples. Mattock took Mel by the hips and forced his shaft into her anus. Now he was connected through her body to her stepsister.

  For a few seconds there was no sound but the men grunting as they strained to achieve their relief. Jets of sperm splattered across Maddy’s simmering breasts, into her mouth and deep up inside Mel’s rectum. Maddy convulsed and Mel saw wonder and pure pleasure wipe the pain from her face and knew with joy that she had tasted her first slavish orgasm.

  Then Mel’s hips bucked, she clenched the dildo and Mattock’s cock and fireworks of raw delight exploded in her brain. Her reward had finally come.

  Utterly spent Mel collapsed across Maddy’s hot, sweaty, abused, lovely body. Her breasts flattened across her heaving chest and burning globes and their juices mingled and dripped together onto the floor.

  Distantly Mel heard the men saying:‘That was good…’‘Naturals, both of them. . . ’ ‘Think what they’d sell for as a pair. . . ’‘Well, nobody would want to split them up, would they? ’

  Then she understood everything.

  Irontown was only place in the country where she and Maddy would be applauded for what they had just done. Here they were valued for being lovers, not condemned. It was the only place they could ever be free to be what they were.


  The train waited by the platform of Gryndstone Halt while the masters loaded two coffles of new girls on board.

  Their rings felt heavy and new in their flesh and they were still nervous and frisky at being chained and naked. With gag-muffled squeaks and whimpers they squatted down and impaled themselves on the phalluses of the cattle truck. They were too fearful and excited to notice the two blonde girls who powered the engine of their train, or that a photograph of them hung outside their school assembly hall.

  Within the engine frame Mel and Maddy lay prone, resting patiently in their cuffs and straps. Sweat sheened their bodies and their full, pale, tethered breasts hung cooling pleasantly below them. Their nipple rings were pierced and
joined by a long rod bolted at each end to the engine frame. Through it they could feel transmitted the clatter of the wheels, the whirr of the gears and rattle of the couplings. They were as one with the engine and each other.

  The guard blew his whistle. Their driver released the brakes and pushed the power lever forward. The ribbed speed control rods slid further up their rectums accompanied by the warning pricks on the fleshy curves of their buttocks from the spiked pads mounted behind them. Obediently Mel and Maddy began to pedal, their buttocks, thighs and calves bulging with effort as they overcame the inertia of the carriages and their living cargo.

  Slowly at first but with steadily increasing speed the train pulled out of Gryndstone Halt powered solely by their straining bodies.

  As they got up speed and the feedback governors spun faster the spikes pulled back. In their place the pronged balls in their clefts began to vibrate, bringing smiles to their lips as they were rewarded for their efforts. Drips fell happily from between their thighs onto the track rushing by below them. Once more Rowland’s theories were proven as girls and machine merged into one.

  Tomorrow Mel and Maddy had a day off and they would meet up with Cam and Bolt and make a happy foursome. But for now they were simply perfectly matched living engines serving their chosen purpose as they sped through the tunnels under Irontown.


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