Missy's Operation Lily Pad (Missy the Werecat Book 6)

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Missy's Operation Lily Pad (Missy the Werecat Book 6) Page 1

by P. G. Allison

  Missy’s Operation Lily Pad

  P. G. Allison

  Cover Design 2017 by Cormar Covers


  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Missy’s Operation Lily Pad

  Copyright © 2017 by P. G. Allison

  All rights reserved. ISBN-13: 978-1976149504

  [email protected]

  To be notified when P. G. Allison’s next novel is released, go to: http://eepurl.com/bCtlh5 and sign up for the Missy the Werecat Newsletter. Your email address will never be shared and you may unsubscribe at any time.

  Also by P. G. Allison

  Missy the Werecat

  Missy Goes to West Point

  Missy’s First Mission

  Missy’s Misadventure

  Missy Makes Mayhem

  Missy’s Operation Lily Pad

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Chapter Thirty-Nine

  Chapter Forty

  Chapter Forty-One

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Chapter Forty-Three

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Chapter Forty-Five

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Chapter Forty-Eight


  From the Author


  Nov 28, 2019

  Missy and Mike sat down to Thanksgiving dinner with Missy’s family and the festive mood was just what they needed. Celebrating like this with loved ones had become more and more important, especially since it was now a rare occasion when everyone could gather together all at the same time.

  Missy’s father made a point of thanking Donald, Tracy and Mike for giving up being with their own families in order to be there this year with the McCrea family. The year before, John had been away at Tracy’s for Thanksgiving. Then, during Christmas, Missy and Mike had not been home at all. Having everyone there for any family event had gotten harder and harder and, in future years, would no doubt become even more difficult.

  Tracy and John were aware of that morning’s events. They’d been checking with “P” Branch and had learned how Missy had blown up all the terrorists. But that subject would not be brought up in front of the others.

  Likewise, Michelle and Aaron had not been told much, although they’d known something had been going on when Mike had locked himself in his room that morning. When Michelle had knocked on his door, joking about how long he and Missy could stay in bed, Mike had answered he was alone. An hour later, when Mike and Missy had emerged together, Mike had looked at his sister and then had said, “Don’t ask.” Because of the serious demeanor both he and Missy were exhibiting, Michelle had let it go.

  But, once over at the McCrea house, all thoughts of the morning’s activities were quickly set aside and both Missy and Mike were soon experiencing the joy and excitement of the occasion. They both were very appreciative and eager to participate in all the family fun.

  John had insisted on having Tracy light all the candles just before they all sat down. She had obliged by solemnly extending her arms out, dramatically holding her palms up and then actually saying, “Abracadabra!”

  Instantly, every candle had been lit at once and John had exclaimed, “That’s my girl!”

  Patrick said, “Hey, that’s cool. But, I want to see Missy make herself invisible. I haven’t seen her do that yet. She showed Heather and Donald already but not me. No fair!” Missy noted how her brother was now an inch taller than John; he’d added several inches to his height during the past year and was now practically all grown up.

  “Your sister is going to be much too busy, Patrick,” said Mike. Laughing, he added, “Watch very closely though and you’ll see how she makes all the turkey on her plate disappear.”

  After the main meal was over and the plates had been cleared, but prior to desert being served, Donald said, “Heather and I have an announcement to make.” Yes, they were engaged now and that added even more happiness to the already wonderful day.

  Missy zoomed in and focused all her attention on her sister. This was what she’d guessed would happen and she was very pleased. Then, something she hadn’t been expecting made her focus even harder. Mike, you’re not going to believe this. We’ll need to talk to Heather later on, alone. I’m betting she doesn’t even know about this yet. She’s pregnant! It’s too early for me to sense whether supernatural or not … or which sex … but, here’s the thing. I can sense she’s having twins!

  Mike looked at her and smiled. Yes, his Missy was very happy and that warmed his heart. He knew it was moments like this that really helped her maintain her sanity and keep things in proper balance. Who knew what might lie ahead? You needed to enjoy those happy moments, whenever you could have them.


  Arvind Pancholi hung up the phone, sat back in his chair and smiled to himself. He’d been expecting this call, ever since learning about the mysterious explosions which had taken place that morning in Pennsylvania. Later, of course, the Thanksgiving Day parade in New York City had been conducted without incident. Thus, when his client with the WIJO group in Ankara had called, wanting to arrange another meeting between Arvind and Askar-Samar Karimi, he’d not been surprised.

  Karimi wanted to talk some more about that porn star and the other special individuals which the U.S. government had working for them. Yeah, that had not been at all surprising. His investment in obtaining exclusive possession of those files on Missy McCrea and Oliver Bessom was about to pay off.

  Chapter One

  Nov 29, 2019

  The attack was not unexpected. They’d known Candace Axtell’s arrival at the U.S. Embassy the day before would surely trigger an attempt to either recapture her or else kill her outright in some highly visible show of force. Her miraculous rescue from the WIJO jihadists three months earlier had been a huge embarrassment for WIJO and her presence anywhere in the Mid-East was not something WIJO could ignore.

  Thus, all the vehicles in their little convoy were armored and capable of withstanding small arms fire. And, more importantly, the Team Twenty-Two guys had been thoroughly checking all along the route between the embassy and thei
r compound nearby to make sure no shoulder fired heavy weapons would be anywhere within range. Wearing full beards and local attire, the members of this Special Forces A-Team had blended in easily with all the Pakistanis and Afghans, no problem. Most had learned enough Pashto to get by and anyone who hadn’t done that yet was paired with someone who could manage the language well enough for the two of them.

  Team Twenty-Two had been reconstituted as the Army’s quick reaction force for dealing with any paranormal or supernatural elements. Although its designation had remained the same, hiding them in plain sight, the Army had expanded their roster and authorized the rank of Major for their detachment commander. This had all happened after Missy, Tracy and Oliver had led them in Candace’s rescue. Over half the guys, in spite of having now finished their original tours, were staying on rather than rotating back to any new unit. Yeah, they considered it quite a privilege to now be working with real supernatural witches!

  When bullets suddenly began impacting their sedan, Colonel Chory turned to Major Grimes and asked, “You sure we can keep going and drive through all this without any RPG’s hitting us?” He wasn’t really worried but wanted Candace and Oliver to hear the major explain, again, how the situation was fully under control.

  Major Grimes looked at each of them and answered, “Yes, as long as we don’t get pinned down and give the bastards time to bring in anyone new, my team is reporting we have nothing to worry about. They found a few elements with some heavy weapons trying to move into position earlier but those have all been neutralized. This attack isn’t really from any well organized group but only represents what could be brought in at the last minute. After all, we’ve only been here since yesterday and we’re leaving tomorrow morning … they had to take a chance and try throwing at us whatever they could pull together right now.”

  Candace wasn’t all that concerned either but she could see Oliver was not happy. They had been well briefed on all the security precautions and knew both the embassy and their compound were completely safe. This two mile stretch in between, through the streets of Islamabad, was the only vulnerable section; that was why this attack was not unexpected. She said, “Hey, this is their only opportunity to get at us, right? We knew they’d have to try something.”

  Oliver said, “Yes, but I’m feeling a little bit helpless right now.” There was quite a bit of noise from both the incoming rifle and machine gun fire plus the even louder sounds from all the return fire which their escort vehicles were providing. Knowing they were probably safe inside their vehicle wasn’t quite enough … especially since all he could do was ride along in back and merely hold Candy’s hand.


  Just then there was an explosion and the armored jeep in front of them ran off the road to their right, smashed up against a parked truck and then careened back in front of them. The driver in their sedan barely missed colliding with it, swerving left and going around at the last minute. Major Grimes said, “Shit! That was a grenade and it took out that jeep’s front tires.”

  Up ahead, several vehicles suddenly appeared, coming right at the two remaining convoy vehicles in front of them, a sedan and another armored jeep. Obviously, a last ditch effort was being made to try and stop their progress. Behind them was the third sedan in their convoy plus a truck and two additional jeeps.

  As planned, each of the three sedans turned down the nearest side street and headed off in different directions. An armored jeep went along with each sedan while the truck stopped where the disabled jeep had ended up, providing cover while those from the jeep quickly climbed into the back of the truck.

  Major Grimes listened on his headset as one of his Team Twenty-Two guys reported in and then he announced to those inside the car, “All set … everyone from that jeep got picked up okay and no casualties.” After listening further, he added, “None of the attackers followed us … we’re in the clear now. They didn’t know which of our sedans to chase after and only managed getting one of their vehicles to follow after Papa Bear. Our forces stopped the rest of them in all the congestion back there and they’re now mostly in retreat, abandoning their vehicles.”

  Papa Bear was the sedan which had been in front of them, Baby Bear the sedan behind them while, of course, their sedan was Mama Bear. The plan called for using three identical sedans to cause confusion. The code name for Candace was Goldilocks which, her being a young beautiful girl with blond hair and blue eyes, the guys had all thought was quite appropriate. Oliver’s code name was Harry Potter. While he didn’t have a scar on his forehead, he did wear rimless glasses, had dark hair and was a witch. Never let it be said the Army didn’t have any sense of humor.

  Just a few minutes later, they were passing through the gates at their compound. They pulled over and waited. Baby Bear appeared not long afterwards with Papa Bear right behind. They waited until the reports came in advising all their escorts had also gotten back safely and then they proceeded further inside, finally stopping near the operations center and parking next to the other two sedans.

  Colonel Chory said, “All right, that went well!” He smiled at the others and then quickly exited the vehicle. Major Grimes waited for Candace and Oliver to get out and then followed along behind. The soldiers from the other two sedans were gathered around, obviously elated at how well things had gone during their little skirmish. They were counting how many bullets had impacted each of the sedans; it was quickly established that Papa Bear had been hit the most.

  One of them called out, “Hey, Candy! We wanna get one of these special cars for you to use back home. Whadda ya think?”

  Four of the soldiers were Military Police guards who had come over from the U.S. with Candace. They, along with four other MP’s also along on this tour, had been providing her around the clock protection for the past three months. As the niece of General Blake, the current CENTCOM commander responsible for operations in Afghanistan and the Middle East, she had been given special attention ever since her safe return from WIJO’s hands.

  The Worldwide Islamic Jihad Organization, or WIJO, was a terrorist group comprised of former Al Qaeda and Taliban extremists from Afghanistan and Pakistan. They had threatened to publicly behead Candace unless forty detainees were released. Since those detainees were all former terrorists not likely to be set free, WIJO had been making a statement against the U.S. But, Candace had been rescued just hours before her scheduled execution, ruining their scheme. The tables had been turned and rather than WIJO being able to embarrass the U.S., it had been WIJO which had lost face and been made to look bad.

  Candace asked, “Do these cars come in pink?” She and Oliver laughed and headed for the entrance, not waiting for any reply. They’d gotten used to joking with their guards who were very dedicated to their job. Major Grimes followed along behind.

  With all the other security forces also helping keep Candace safe, her guards were very pleased to be participating on this tour. It was actually less stressful for them than back home, in spite of running the gauntlet like they’d done today. Now that they were inside the compound, they could pretty much relax for the next several hours. None of them minded actually “seeing some action” on occasion versus the normal routine of having to be vigilant all the time.

  Half an hour later, Oliver and Candace were seated in the VIP section of the main cafeteria along with several key embassy staff members who had all managed the ride over with no difficulties. Major Grimes had already joined them but the colonel was still busy with briefings and phone calls; he’d sent word to start the dinner without him.

  Donna Flatley announced, “On behalf of everyone here at the embassy, Candace, I hope your visit with us has been beneficial and provided an understanding of all we do … and maybe provided you with some special insights. We’re sorry about the incident which just occurred but, as you yourself acknowledged yesterday, you’re still very high on WIJO’s hit list and have opted to conduct this special tour anyway.”

  Donna was one of the cultural
affairs officers and had been specifically assigned to assist with Candace’s visit. She’d been given very little advance notice, due to General Blake not wanting word to reach WIJO until the last minute, but she had done an excellent job in arranging things nonetheless, especially since Thanksgiving had been a holiday. She had managed getting most of the embassy staff personnel to meet with Candace during the past two days.

  Team Twenty-Two, of course, had made all the security arrangements and they had been planning this tour well ahead of time. They were the only ones, besides General Blake and Colonel Chory, who knew about Oliver being a witch. No one else knew any details concerning Candace’s rescue or how Oliver, as a finder witch, had helped locate her. He was her fiancé and everyone else assumed he was merely along to keep her company, unaware he was also checking each location for other supernaturals. While “P” Branch was not aware of any supnats being in the Mid-East, General Blake wanted to make sure.

  Candace said, “Thank you, Donna! This has really been helpful and exactly what I was hoping for.” She had already explained the day before how her experience being held captive by terrorists had changed her. After her father, a Lieutenant Colonel in the Army, had been killed seven years earlier in Afghanistan, she had then focused totally on taking care of her mother and her sister. When her dad’s jeep had run over the improvised explosive device which had ended his life, that event had almost destroyed her mother as well. Candace had been forced to step up, become the responsible one and raise her younger sister while her mom had deteriorated into an alcoholic stupor.

  But, when she’d recently been kidnapped, sold to terrorists and faced with how WIJO had wanted to publicly behead her to make a statement and embarrass her country, she had wanted to deny them any opportunity for using her to further their cause. After her dad had died fighting such people and such evil, she had been more than willing to die if her death could then somehow prevent that. So, upon her return after a truly miraculous rescue, she was now determined to serve her country, standing up against its enemies. She knew she could never be a warrior … she wasn’t like Missy or Tracy. No, but she could do her part.


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