Missy's Operation Lily Pad (Missy the Werecat Book 6)

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Missy's Operation Lily Pad (Missy the Werecat Book 6) Page 7

by P. G. Allison

  Karimi began reviewing in his mind what he’d learned after Candace Axtell had escaped. He’d gone out to that village near Kushk to assist in the investigation. There had been mysterious fires burning all throughout the village. And, several of the deaths there had been very strange, with no visible wounds. How had they died? No one had seen anything but yet? The Axtell girl had vanished. True, there had been some gunfire but the entire incident had been very unusual. Impossible. Many things simply could not be explained. And, these were things Pancholi had known nothing about. These were things only known by himself and a few others who had gone out there with him. Yes, maybe demons were responsible. If so, however, he was going to need some very clear evidence to prove that.

  On hearing someone mention Candace Axtell’s name he quickly tuned back in to the meeting. A voice was saying, “It’s not likely we can succeed in Ankara. The security is too solid there with no likely places we could attack. But, we’re hearing the girl will next be going on to the embassy in Kabul. Possibly there we might have a better opportunity. We cannot afford any more mistakes so it would be better to merely let her leave and go back home rather than once again be seen to attack and fail at killing her.”


  Missy and Mike had been briefed about Arvind Pancholi and, since Les was in constant contact with “P” Branch via satellite radios, they’d been getting various updates as quickly as they’d been available. Their aircraft seemed almost empty with only the five of them in the cabin. There were two pilots up forward, of course, but they were out of sight.

  Most of the seats were typical of those in commercial business class, excellent for when they’d want to sleep, and Marcia had served some excellent meals. They were seated now in the special area set up like a small conference room, with their seats all facing one another and a couple of small tables nearby. Yes, it was all very plush … just another benefit of “P” Branch having unlimited resources.

  Sergeant Town had been surprised at all the gear which had been stowed on board. While Team Twenty-Two would have Missy’s rifles, if she needed them, her uniforms, special little back packs, and even her two throwing knives with their sheaths … all these as well as uniforms for Mike and various other unique items were there on the plane. He especially liked the GPS collar she’d worn while a cat for two weeks while roaming all through the Korengal Valley and the Hindu Kush mountains. After almost a year of bringing Missy around to various places, Les and Marsha had accumulated quite a supply of such things.

  Mike looked up from reviewing his passport and said, “Michael Jones again, huh?” Glancing over at Missy’s passport, he added, “And Melissa Smith?” These were the “Alias Smith and Jones” identities they’d used a year earlier when they’d come over to Afghanistan for Missy’s recon up in the Hindu Kush mountains.

  Les said, “Sure! We didn’t think either of you would want to use your real identities in Turkey or anywhere else we need to visit during this trip.”

  Marcia asked Missy, “How much do you know about what a water witch might be capable of doing?” They’d been discussing various possible situations should Pancholi turn out to be a spy. It was safer to assume he was guilty until proven innocent.

  Missy said, “Actually, there’s a lot I’m sure I don’t know. Oliver told me a little about his mother and I do know a few of them. Tracy’s coven in Texas has one, the New York coven has two and the Salem coven also has two or three, I think. I’ve not met all that many witches, of course, but I’m getting to meet them more and more!”

  “Isn’t your plebe Emily’s twin brother a water witch?” asked Mike. He’d met Scott Robinson who was on the freshman swim team at Colgate. Mike was captain of the swim team at his college and, while it was in a different division, they had a lot in common and knew a lot of the same people. Emily was not a witch but attended West Point and Missy was responsible for supervising her performance.

  “Yes, he’s one of the ones I was thinking about from the New York coven. Emily says she can never tell any fibs ‘cuz he’ll always rat her out. They can sense whether someone is being truthful even better than any lie detector, because of their ability with energy associated with fluids. More than half a person’s body weight is water.”

  Marcia said, “Our database mentions how most witches have no power or ability when over water, as they get all their energy from the air or the earth or from fire but water witches are able to draw it from water and often can then act as an energy source for those other witches.”

  “Yep, that’s true,” said Missy. “Like right now, while we’re flying over the ocean, I can’t pull any energy from around myself. Of course, since I’m also a werecat, I have all this special energy from within, so I too can act as an energy source to others. That’s why I can Shift forms. Remember the last time, Marcia, when we were bringing Candace back home from Afghanistan? Tracy was drawing from me so she could float those light spheres of hers all around.” She giggled as did Marcia. That had been a fun time.

  Les said, “Our database also mentions how water witches can use their ability to control fluids so they can affect anyone within a hundred feet or so. If they’re powerful enough, they can stop the flow of blood, make the water inside a person boil or freeze, or … you know … torture or kill them slowly or quickly.”

  “That’s why Oliver is saying he can’t help much,” said Marcia. “Other than finding this guy Pancholi, which he can do from more than a hundred feet away, he says all he could do otherwise would be maybe put up some defensive wards. He’s not even certain those would work, depending on how powerful the guy might be.”

  Sergeant Town said, “Well, it’s a good thing our Missy can Shift into her spirit form. I doubt he can affect her then but she’ll still be able to kick his ass. Hoo-yah!”

  Chapter Nine

  Dec 1, 2019

  Arvind Pancholi had sent out several email requests to his various contacts and, by the time he arrived in Bogota, Colombia, he had some answers back. Over the years, his being in the CIA had enabled him to find a great many contacts and informants. He’d wanted more info on this drug dealer Manuel Rodriguez and also on that mysterious agency inside the U.S. government known as “P” Branch, so he’d reached out to these individuals, promising payment in return for whatever information they might come up with.

  Benedict had told him quite a bit about Rodriguez and his vast criminal organization but had known hardly anything about “P” Branch. Likewise, of course, he’d known nothing about supernaturals. Hence, the fairly low price Pancholi had needed to pay for the files on McCrea and Bessom in the first place. And, it wasn’t surprising Benedict had not understood the significance of there being that secret government agency. This “P” Branch had obviously been supporting McCrea, Bessom and whomever else from the supernatural community the U.S. government had managed getting help from.

  After checking into his hotel and ordering from room service to have his dinner served up in his room, he downloaded all his email replies. There wasn’t much about “P” Branch but he was able to confirm what Benedict had told him about Rodriguez. He had some excellent sources, of course, so there was plenty more. Manuel Diego Lefevre Rodriguez had also been known as “the Frenchman” and had been greatly feared. He had mainly operated from his estate outside a small town about twenty kilometers from Bogota. His organization had controlled the bulk of the drugs being exported to the U.S. and the cartels had all known better than to attempt going around him.

  Both in Colombia and in several other South American countries, the major cartels had all been dealing through the Frenchman. Rodriguez’s crime organization had grown so large, controlling illegal activities in all areas, that accepting his terms had become the best option for those drug cartels. Now that he had disappeared, some of the cartels were attempting to deal direct but most were still working through the organization he’d left behind. Evidently, for various reasons, that was still the better option.

  In addi
tion to controlling drugs, the Rodriguez organization had controlled many of the other illegal activities throughout South America and Mexico. Candace Axtell had merely been one of the many young girls kidnapped by local talent at one of the many locations under that wide ranging control. For just a few hundred dollars, these local men would take all the risks involved with the initial kidnappings. Then, after his organization had made certain the girls’ disappearances had truly left no trace behind and had prepared false identification papers and passports, it arranged for each girl to be transported and sold to an overseas buyer. Rodriguez had several people handling all such activities for him but none of the links in those chains of control could be connected back to his organization. Likewise, the money trail could not be followed back to him either.

  Murder had often been used as an expedient method for severing any possible ties and dealing with his enemies. Worse, Rodriquez was known to have those who opposed him forced to watch while their wives and daughters were raped and killed. Then, they themselves were finally disposed of. It had been fear rather than loyalty which had kept Rodriguez in power.

  Ironically, it had actually been Rodriguez’s orders to kill the two guys who had kidnapped the general’s niece. Benedict explained how this all came out after Jacques Arbogast disappeared, obviously into the hands of those at “P” Branch. Arbogast had only been carrying out orders when he’d arranged to have them blown up in their own home. That, of course, had almost killed the FBI “psychics” who had managed bringing the CAT task force investigators out there to arrest them. Pancholi knew those psychics had to be finder witches and from “P” Branch rather than the FBI.

  And, after Candace Axtell had miraculously been located and rescued? That same task force had left Cancun and gone to Bogota, chasing after Rodriguez. No doubt, Rodriguez was now either dead or also in the hands of those at “P” Branch. But, Pancholi was going to learn what those left behind in his organization might know, starting with that number two man, Pablo Estaban.

  Then, according to the emails he was looking at, he should probably try to also meet with Carlos Mancini, the man who had replaced Rodriguez. He had just finished sending out a few more emails, seeking some info on this Mancini, when room service knocked on his door. Dinner had arrived.


  Missy and Mike really enjoyed their reunion with Colonel Chory, Major Grimes and the Team Twenty-Two guys along with Candace and Oliver, of course. This was inside a special conference room, out of sight and secure. Only those who knew about supernaturals were present. Colonel Chory led the briefing as to what was known and what they could only guess about, at this point. Arvind Pancholi had been an agent for the CIA for many years but not at a very high level. Likewise, his role at the embassy had not been very important. As for his possible powers and abilities as a witch, all they had to go on was what Oliver had sensed. After some discussion, all were agreed on the go forward plans.

  There had been no luck finding Pancholi and, according to the man’s supervisor at the embassy, he was not due back on Monday but was taking some vacation. While that supposedly would only be for a few days, the supervisor explained nothing was definite and he really had no idea where Pancholi might have gone or why he’d needed this last minute vacation.

  They were introduced to the CIA’s special operative Sami Massallah and thanked him for his help both in discovering the planned Thanksgiving Day attacks and then, when they’d needed personal items for tracing the WIJO teams, he’d been able to identify which training camps had been used. Team Twenty-Two had then raided those camps and been able to ship back enough gear and other stuff left behind that finding those teams had been possible, tracking their residual energy.

  Finally, having said their goodbyes to everyone, Missy and Mike retired to their VIP room, down the hall from the one Candace and Oliver were staying in. They had no sooner closed and locked the door when Missy just disappeared, leaving her clothing behind to fall on the floor. Moments later, she reappeared over on the bed, still in her human form. She was laughing at Mike who was still standing there, staring at her with an amused expression on his face.

  Missy could barely stop giggling but managed saying, “Hey, I hope you got enough sleep on the plane and aren’t too jet lagged or anything. Now, let’s see how quickly you can get naked and join me over here!” She was really amped up, full of mischievous energy, and definitely wanted to play. Her eyes filled with yellow specks and began that amorous glow which Mike had learned meant his mate was especially horny.

  “I see you obviously don’t want any pussyfooting around!” Mike laughed and quickly removed his clothes, watching appreciatively as Missy made quite a show of arranging pillows, turning back the covers and crawling between the sheets. He wasted no time in joining her there. He was fully aroused by that time and pulled her into his arms, pressing his hard erection where she couldn’t help but notice it.

  Missy wriggled up against Mike’s big hard body, positioning herself so his wonderful shaft was right at her entrance and she began rubbing the slick wet folds of her sex all along its length, which grew even harder as she did so. She had relaxed all her controls and, having done that, found she didn’t need any foreplay. She was ready and wanted him to know it. When he pushed himself inside, sliding slowly until he filled her completely, she moaned. They both began moving and soon found their rhythm as he pulled back and pushed into her, again and again, somehow plunging deeper each time, thrust after wonderful thrust.

  Mike loved it when Missy’s body was joined with his, moving with him yet managing to somehow move all on its own, her “magnificent muscles and fabulous flesh” showing just how fantastic her enjoyment and pleasure was, even while she worked at pleasing him. She met each of his thrusts with welcoming movements which only she was capable of making, in spite of her never wanting to allow her supernatural abilities to affect their lovemaking. She couldn’t help it … she was what she was.

  Mike knew when Missy’s spasms and convulsions began so quickly that she was already beyond her threshold and well into her orgasmic state; this was unique and special, something only she was capable of. Yeah, this would be one of those times when she would simply continue, her multiple orgasms building so each one was more powerful than the one before, bringing her to an incredible place. She began yelling and screaming which quickly brought him over the brink as well. His orgasm was powerful and, momentarily, he went off to some mindless place himself. By the time he managed being aware of her once again, she had almost finished. He squeezed her rear and held tight as she at last went limp, totally spent.

  Mike knew the past several days had really taken their toll on Missy, in spite of how normal she was acting with everyone. Instead of being able to slowly unwind, returning to the academy where she’d only need to deal with the stresses and challenges associated with all her training there, she’d been rushed over here to deal with yet another crisis. It hadn’t been any surprise she’d taken this opportunity to completely let go with him.

  He waited a few moments and then asked, “Hey, Missy? Are you back yet? Do you know where you are again?” He chuckled as her exhausted body gave him no reaction whatsoever. No, she was gone, as only she could go, oblivious now as that body of hers recharged itself. Her passionate release on occasions like this was so complete and so powerful, it truly would knock her out.

  Mike sighed and pulled her close, shifting them both so they were no longer lying in that huge wet spot they’d made on the bed. Wrapping himself around her, he too relaxed and soon drifted off to oblivion as well.


  Tracy signed herself back in at the academy and then made her way over to her room. John had driven her down and she was still experiencing that post-coital glow from the quickie he’d insisted on. Her fault for having suggested having sex in the back seat of his car after they’d driven north four days earlier; now, he seemed to think doing it there was somehow extra fun. Of course, it had indeed been extra fun! />
  Twenty minutes later there was a knock on her door. When she opened it, Sally Navarro was standing there, obviously bursting with excitement. She invited her in and then said, “Missy isn’t back yet. I’d tell you where she is but then … you know …”

  Sally interrupted saying, “Yeah, yeah … you’d have to kill me and don’t want to clean up the mess. Ha, ha!” She had only recently learned about Missy and Tracy being supernaturals and had actually witnessed the three explosions Missy had caused, killing the WIJO terrorists. She and her boyfriend Troy Dangelmeyer had been in the “P” Branch helicopter, tracking them from high above when that had happened.

  The terrorists had already been wearing their suicide vests and Missy hadn’t wanted to risk anyone being blown up by them during any attempted arrests. After triggering their own explosives, while in her spirit form, she’d then blinked herself back to Mike’s bedroom. Sally hadn’t had any chance to talk to Missy since then. When their helicopter had returned and landed at Newark Airport, she and Troy had then gone on to her home for Thanksgiving. He’d stayed with her until bringing her back to the academy an hour earlier.

  “You and Missy … wow! That’s all I can say, Tracy. Your secrets are safe with me, of course, but I just have to say something about this. So, yeah … wow, wow, wow! Okay?” She broke out laughing and watched as Tracy closed her door.

  “Alrighty, then! Okay. Sure! But, never mind the little secrets Missy and I may have been keeping. Missy tells me you and Troy now have identical scents which means you’re fully bonded. All. The. Way. Soulmates. Welcome to our world, where having great sex is not only great sex but also enables your witch soulmate to fully develop all his powers and abilities.” Tracy was now the one who broke out laughing. She began wiggling her eyebrows up and down and asked, “Well? Spill, Sally! How was your holiday and how was Troy?”


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