Missy's Operation Lily Pad (Missy the Werecat Book 6)

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Missy's Operation Lily Pad (Missy the Werecat Book 6) Page 32

by P. G. Allison

  Missy said, “Thanks for meeting me out here.” She accepted the game ticket which Ilka handed her. “Did Drew explain about the devices these people are using to disable the anti-drone systems?”

  “Yes, he did. He sent photos of the ones the FBI obtained from the arrests at Foxborough.” Ilka and Missy both got in line and gradually moved closer and closer to the gate entrance. “I’ll bring you up to the control room. Two FBI agents are already up there and have been briefing the folks here at the stadium. Drew promised they’d clear the two of us to join them up there. They won’t have any idea why we’re there but they understand that’s on a need-to-know basis. They should be okay with that.”

  Missy nodded and then they both presented their tickets and were cleared through security. As they made their way inside and headed towards the bank of elevators, Missy was impressed. She’d played soccer in some large stadiums, had been to NFL stadiums to watch the Army-Navy games and had watched the New England Patriots play on TV. But, being right there, in person, at this stadium was very impressive. It had opened only five years earlier and everywhere she looked? She was finding things which positively amazed her.

  But, she needed to stay focused on her mission. Just as when she’d paused out on the Faroe Islands and wondered about someday being able to visit for real, rather than merely passing through, she hoped that maybe someday she might actually be able to experience surroundings like this when not on any mission. With Mike, of course.

  She followed Ilka onto the elevator. They went up and got off on the top level. Then they made their way through several walkways and corridors until finally entering the control room where the stadium’s various security systems were managed, including the anti-drone system. Missy wanted a full briefing on how everything worked, where the equipment was located and where there might be vulnerabilities to devices which could interfere with the defense system signals.

  Chapter Forty-Six

  Dec 29, 2019

  Arvind Pancholi had returned to his hotel room and was busy uploading all the photos and videos he’d taken. He’d been able to get fairly good coverage of the arrests made out at Foxborough. Robert Ulrey had led him there, of course, and he was confident all his evidence linking Ulrey and Ulrey’s team of demons to these arrests would be conclusive and enough to justify payment of a few more millions of dollars into his account.

  He called the agency he’d been dealing with and arranged to spend the evening with yet another of their young lovelies. He was given the hotel address and room number. He would arrive promptly at eight p.m. and had paid for the entire evening. Yes, this would be yet another fine celebration!


  John nodded while holding the phone to his ear and looked at Tracy. He told her, “They’ve made another arrest. That’s nine vans with drones so far which they’ve managed to find. But, they are very worried there might be one or two more. And, they have not had any luck inside the stadium … they can’t say whether their anti-drone defense system might suddenly be compromised. Assuming WIJO knows the correct frequencies, once those devices get turned on the stadium will be vulnerable.

  Tracy had been scanning the skies overhead and drawing energy in from all around. She hoped she’d be ready if any drones somehow managed getting into the airspace up above. Yeah, that would be a nightmare. So many lives would then depend on her, including her own and John’s. Yes, she was afraid. But, she knew that was okay. She would do all she could, regardless of all the fear she was experiencing on the inside. That’s what a soldier did. They gave their all, in spite of any fear.


  Ilka and Missy were both listening on their phones, getting constant updates from “P” Branch. The game had finally started ten minutes earlier. The FBI had made a couple of arrests but, as with over in Texas, no luck yet in locating any of the devices which might disable the anti-drone defense system. Like at the AT&T Stadium, there were about seventy thousand spectators now there and electronic devices of all kinds were being brought into Levi’s Stadium. Finding the unique units which WIJO had specially designed which could be turned on and suddenly start broadcasting blocking frequencies? An impossible task!

  Ilka said, “The FBI experts are saying the devices they captured in Foxborough would have needed to be placed within one hundred feet of each location where the stadium’s anti-drone system would broadcast its frequencies in order to interfere with them enough to effectively disable them. And, at Gillette Stadium, there were three locations but here we only have two. So, does that make the job easier?”

  “Yeah, it helps a little bit,” said Missy, “but I don’t think there are enough surveillance people here to cover these two locations adequately. And, due to being at opposite ends of the stadium? I can probably only cover one of those locations. Assuming these guys are timing things so they’re acting at the same time, it might be too late before I can get back to the second location.”

  They’d been briefed on where the Levi’s Stadium systems were located, how they worked and which location the systems would land any drones which these systems would take control of, provided they were not disabled. The good news was once control of any drone was taken over, the drone would ignore any outside signal which might activate its dispersal mechanism.

  Ilka asked, “When you say you can cover one location … what does that really mean? How can you cover it, exactly?”

  Missy looked at her and asked, “You’ve read my file, right? You know about my being invisible, teleporting, etc., etc.”

  Ilka smiled and said, “Yes, I’ve read your file but I’m not sure I understand all the etc., etc. stuff. I mean … if you find one of these devices, what can you do?”

  “I’ll shut it off, of course.”

  “But, if the guy who brought it in here is watching or has it with him?” asked Ilka. “I’m guessing he’s going to stay right there to make sure nobody shuts it off. These people will gladly commit suicide to further their cause, right?”

  “Oh, well. In that case … I’ll shut him off as well. I actually hope he does stay right there.”

  Ilka had read the file which had explained about Missy’s abilities. The file had not, however, provided details of any of her actual exploits. She stared at Missy. “You aren’t saying you would kill this person, are you?”

  This gave Missy pause as she realized how “P” Branch had been monitoring supernaturals for years but had not interfered. Their personnel weren’t really that involved with taking any direct action. “Well, I guess I could simply knock him out rather than crushing the life out of him. Would you prefer that?”

  Ilka decided she would have a long talk with Drew later, when this was all over. She wasn’t quite sure what she believed this innocent looking young girl might be capable of. “Yes, Missy. That would be preferable.”

  “Alrighty, then!” Missy sent one of her energy pulses out, just to further disturb poor Ilka. “Let’s get me somewhere I can Change and leave my stuff. I’ll be sure to call you once I return. You know … so I can explain about any devices which I might find or any bodies which I might leave lying around.”

  Ilka grimaced. Yeah, she was definitely going to have a talk with Drew. She and Missy went down to an “employee only” ladies room which wasn’t being used that day since everyone else on duty was male. Once inside, Missy placed her cell phone on the small shelf over the sink and said, “Just put these clothes over in the corner for me, Ilka. Thanks!” She took two steps back and vanished in a shimmer of light.

  Ilka was not prepared and watching Missy’s clothes collapse and her disappearing like that was indeed a shock. She realized this strange Shifter girl-witch had no doubt intended to shock her. Maybe she needed to have that talk with Drew before all this was over.


  Missy wasted no time and quickly teleported to first one and then the other of the stadium’s anti-drone system locations. She was able to move around at high speed, while taking note of all the prob
able spots which someone might try to position a device like those she’d seen back at Zahir’s place. She easily spotted several surveillance people who were either FBI or else local law enforcement.

  There were lots and lots of spectators, though, and she could see that finding one man who might be activing the type of device she was looking for would be very difficult. He would no doubt have smuggled it into the stadium in separate pieces, each appearing quite benign. Then, perhaps he’d slip inside a stall in one of the men’s rooms, assemble the device so it was ready, tuck it back inside his coat and make his way up to where he wanted to activate it. He would have visited the stadium at some earlier time to identify just which places he might best position himself.

  Once the device was activated, she couldn’t guess how long each of these individuals might then remain there, assuring it was not disturbed. It would take several minutes for the drones to get into position in the airspace above the stadium. Presumably, these guys would want to quickly exit before getting exposed to the toxins being dispersed.

  Time slowly, inexorably dragged on. She guessed these terrorists were maybe waiting for the start of the second half. There would be a huge crowd rushing around during the half time activities, which would provide added cover for the terrorists to make their moves. And, when the second half was starting, the stadium would be completely filled with spectators to max capacity. Further, it would probably be easier to exit the stadium with everyone else in the stands being focused on the game once again.

  Missy hoped all the drones were being captured out in the parking lots, as had happened at Foxborough. But, that wasn’t very realistic due to the short notice and difficulty in checking hundreds, perhaps thousands of vehicles.

  The halftime activities came and went and still no arrests inside the stadium. The surveillance people were actively stopping and searching people and she couldn’t fault their efforts. There were plenty of angry complaints and a few guys actually needed to be ejected due to becoming violent. They had started drinking hours before the game and by the time they were asked to agree to being searched, they were very drunk. And, quite rowdy.

  Then, upon returning back to one of the locations, she found not one but two men who were avoiding the surveillance people and seemed out of place. Sure enough, she noted one of them was carrying a device under his coat. The other man seemed to be there to provide added protection, if needed. She moved in and, yes, the device was similar to those she’d seen. As she watched, the man holding it reached inside and appeared to be switching it on. A small LED began glowing, indicating it had indeed been activated. He then covered it back up with his jacket.

  The other man was speaking into his cell phone, obviously giving someone a signal that the device at his location was now operational.

  Missy was now very experienced at knocking a man out by hitting his carotid artery and she wasted no time. It didn’t matter that she was in her spirit form; her telekinesis ability combined with the power she could now harness was more than enough. The man with the cell phone dropped to the floor. The man with the device followed soon after. Missy wrenched the device out and turned it off. She then separated the battery. Done and done.

  She didn’t wait any longer but quickly teleported to the other location. She did not find any men there acting suspicious and it took several minutes before she located where a second device had been placed. Although she was moving really fast in her spirit form, there were a lot of places to check. She quickly turned the device off and separated the battery from it, as she’d done with the first device. Okay.

  She teleported up into the airspace above the stadium. Sure enough, there were several drones approaching. She quickly dropped back down into the control room and was relieved to find the man assigned to operate any drones which the system might detect was busy doing exactly that. He had the drones under his control and as she watched, they all were maneuvered out to the designated landing area which was a good distance away from the stadium. She knew there were people there ready to secure each drone and carefully extract the toxin contained inside so it would not be dispersed. Everything seemed to be under full control, thank goodness!

  She headed back to the ladies’ room to Change, get dressed and check in with Ilka. Hopefully, she’d learn things were also under full control over in Texas.

  Chapter Forty-Seven

  Dec 29, 2019

  Tracy and John, meanwhile, had continued watching and waiting all through the first half of the game and then through the halftime activities. In spite of an intensive search going on inside the stadium, none of the devices which could disable the anti-drone defense systems had been found. And, like at Foxborough, there were three locations which needed to be protected.

  Then, shortly after the start of the second half, John heard on the phone what he’d been dreading. There were two drones up and heading towards the stadium. He had just finished telling Tracy when he heard there was a third drone as well. Damn!

  They were standing at a spot which was centrally located up on the highest level and, due to everyone else now watching the game, they were somewhat separated from any other spectators. They studied the sky above and then John said, “I see two of them. See?” He began pointing but Tracy saw them as well.

  Tracy had prepared herself, as best she could, pulling in all the energy she could manage. Now, focusing on the first drone which was fast making its way towards them, she extended her arm and pointed. Her ability to control fireballs, light and lightning was all about exercising her will and directing the energy which she’d harnessed. She did that now and with an almost laser like precision, she directed a ball of fire right onto that drone. She further focused on making that fireball as hot as she could make it.

  The explosion in the air was enormous and, as she’d hoped, nothing but ash seemed to remain afterwards. She turned towards the second drone.

  John had felt her pulling energy and power. He’d experienced this before, whenever she had been demonstrating what she could do. Each time, however, he had been inside a circle with others. This time? No circle. There were no others. She was pulling on the bond she had with him.

  Tracy glanced at John to check he was okay and then focused on that second drone. Again, she pulled all the energy she could find. Again, she extended her arm and pointed. Moments later, another huge explosion. And, like with the first one, nothing but ash seemed to remain. She had exerted herself more than she’d ever done before, determined to make her fireball not only hit the drone accurately but be as hot as possible.

  She sagged at the knees and had to grip the railing to stay upright. Then she looked at John. His face was pasty white and he clearly was not feeling well. She realized she was draining him, pulling on their bond. Well, there was no one else and she had needed a tremendous amount of energy and power. But, she’d done it. The two drones were gone.

  John smiled at her gamely but then looked back out at the sky above. And pointed. The third drone was now visible and heading right towards the center of the stadium. Then he said, “Tracy, you take whatever you need and don’t worry about me. Just destroy that third drone!”

  Tracy focused her attention back out at the drone and didn’t notice when John collapsed beside her. She continued to focus as yet again she extended her arm and pointed. This was it. Time for all and everything. She strained and pulled and harnessed every bit of energy available … she knew she needed it. Finally, she let loose and released it at the drone.

  Later? It would be said the crowd believed the mysterious pyrotechnic display overhead must have been to celebrate the touchdown which the Cowboys had just scored. Three incredible explosions, far more powerful than mere fireworks. The air was filled with smoke and ash but that drifted away and never really came down inside the stadium itself.

  There was a strange incident at that game which did not get much attention. A young couple were found unconscious, lying on the upper deck. They were rushed away in an ambulanc
e sometime during the fourth quarter. Too bad. They missed seeing the Cowboys win their final game of the season.

  “P” Branch had gotten very worried when they lost contact with John. They alerted the stadium personnel to check the upper levels, which led to discovery of the couple and their timely evacuation. When the report from the hospital was received stating both John and Tracy were fine, merely suffering from something similar to heat exhaustion, everyone was greatly relieved.

  That included Missy who had checked in with “P” Branch after confirming things were truly being handled in California. She learned which hospital in Dallas and after saying her thankyou and goodbye to Ilka, she teleported there as quickly as she could. Since she could indeed be very quick, that was really only a matter of minutes.

  She first popped in on John and found he indeed was awake. He seemed okay. She pushed some of her healing energy into him and could “feel” it was enough and he’d be fine. She could not actually experience taste or touch in her spirit form so this “feeling” was actually inside her essence. But, she knew.

  She then popped in on Tracy and found her to also be awake and okay. And, alone. So, in a burst of energy, she Changed into her human form and promptly announced, “Hey, Tracy! Never say I wouldn’t give you the shirt off my back. See? Here I am, standing naked right in front of you, just so I can push some healing energy into your sorry ass.”

  Tracy began laughing hysterically. Then she said, “I hope you didn’t do this in front of your brother!”

  Missy said, “Nah! But do tell him what he missed. I pushed my energy into him right before coming to see you but I didn’t bother materializing.” Then she pushed her healing energy into Tracy until, again, she could feel it was enough.

  Tracy said, “I’ve heard everything is good now at all three locations. So, are you going to stay and visit? If so, please find something to wear, okay?”


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