Starblood Trilogy

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Starblood Trilogy Page 72

by Carmilla Voiez

  ‘You’ve changed the world, Mum.’ Edensun answers.

  Chapter 67

  Star watches explosion after explosion. Her head vibrates with the deafening sounds of bombs, helicopters and human screams. She looks to Lilith and Edensun and wishes she had never been born.

  Bodies tumble around her. Static electricity tugs her hair towards the sky and the pores of her skin prickle.

  Her eyes focus on a helicopter hovering above the people. Weapons flare as missiles rain down on the insurrection. She imagines rotary blades folding inwards. The helicopter jerks and splutters. The blades stop spinning and it falls like a boulder, hitting the lawn in front of Parliament and bursting into flame. Citizens race from the wreckage. When they reach a safe distance, their voices rise in celebration.

  Star concentrates on a second helicopter. As that too falls to the earth, the other pilots flee with their cargoes of soldiers. Turning their war-birds around, they head for safety.

  Free from the overhead threat, people swarm across the grass. Songs of freedom resound. Men in suits are dragged from buildings. Some are torn to pieces by the crowd, while others are thrown, screaming, into fires.

  Star wonders what will happen when the old leaders are all murdered. Will the crowd turn on each other to continue the violence or will the people re-establish order and work together to rebuild the city for themselves?

  ‘At least they have a chance, now,’ Star mutters.

  She looks at Lilith and Edensun. Neither appears to have heard. Certainly, they provide no answer. She shrugs. Is this better? The aroma of blood and burned flesh fills her nostrils. Her question will not be answered for years. The final result, harmony or escalating violence, will not be apparent until decades have passed. Will people, like my parents, cling to old ways and an oppressive, demanding god, or will they embrace their new freedom? Will they survive?

  Star touches Lilith’s arm. ‘Will God be angry?’

  ‘I already told you, he doesn’t care what humans do with their lives, only that they are born. He will neither rage nor rejoice. He may not even be aware of what has happened.’

  ‘Are you angry?’ Star asks.



  ‘Do you want me to be? Why do you wish to be judged?’

  ‘I need to know if I did the right thing.’ Star stares at the floor.

  Lilith hooks a finger under Star’s chin and pulls her face upwards until their eyes meet. ‘Star darling, that is something only you can decide.’

  ‘This is freedom. All is one and everything is nothing.’ Star kisses Lilith then embraces Edensun. ‘I love you both.’

  They smile at her and she smiles back.

  ‘See you.’ Star steps forward. Careful to avoid the dead and injured, scattered across concrete and grass, she walks towards the centre of the square. The broken helicopter is a pyre. Flames warm her. Their fingers beckon her to join them. Lifting her arms, she steps into their midst. Spinning through the flames, she laughs until her throat crisps. She dances while her flesh becomes ash which rises from the fire towards the stars.




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