Truly Yours

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Truly Yours Page 9

by Deborah Fletcher Mello

  The woman was familiar but Camryn could not place where she knew her from. She was petite in stature with hips for days. Her shortly cropped hairstyle was complementary to her round face. Her makeup was just a touch too heavy for Camryn’s taste but her dress was stylish and flattering to her figure and she had on a killer pair of five-inch designer heels. But there was something about the way she kept grabbing Darryl’s arm that set Camryn’s nerves on edge.

  After satisfying the reporter’s last question, Camryn eased her way over to join the group.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Boudreaux, it’s a pleasure to see you again,” she said, greeting Darryl’s parents warmly.

  Senior pumped her arm excitedly. “Nice job, young lady. Very nice job. You and Darryl should be very proud of yourselves.”

  She smiled brightly. “Darryl and I make a great team,” she said.

  Senior laughed. “Sounds like the honeymoon’s back on,” he teased.

  Camryn extended her hand to Darryl’s brother. “Hello! I’m Camryn Charles,” she said as she introduced herself.

  Darryl shook Asia off his arm and moved to Camryn’s side. “Camryn, I’m sorry. This is my brother Kendrick and my sisters Kamaya and Tarah. Everyone, this is our star architect, Camryn Charles.”

  “It’s going to be a beautiful building,” Tarah said as she and Camryn shared a casual hug. “It must be very exciting.”

  “It is,” Camryn said with a nod. “I’m so glad you all could make it.”

  “We’re still missing a few,” Katherine intoned, “but I’m sure you’ll meet the rest of the Boudreaux bunch sometime soon.”

  Pushing her way to the front of the line, Asia extended a hand in Camryn’s direction. “Camryn Charles! I’m Asia Landry and it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Camryn’s eyes widened in surprise. “My goodness! Asia, it’s a pleasure to meet you, too. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  Asia chuckled. “Don’t believe it all!”

  “Well, I loved your work on the Markum project in Chicago. You have a wonderful design aesthetic.”

  “I appreciate that. I’m equally impressed with your work. And it looks like you and Darryl will be outdoing yourselves with this project.”

  Camryn smiled, skirting her eyes in Darryl’s direction. “Thank you.”

  Asia stepped in closer. “So,” she said, her gaze sweeping from the top of Camryn’s head down to the tips of her boots and back. “Are you and Darryl good friends?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You and Darryl. Is there something going on between you two?” Asia demanded, her tone suddenly antagonistic. “Because I don’t take kindly to other women pressing up on my man.”

  “Asia!” Darryl snapped.

  “I meant what I said about not showing out,” Katherine interjected.

  Asia took another step closer to Camryn, her voice raised. “Are you and Darryl sleeping together?”

  There was another awkward silence, Darryl’s family shooting glances around the area to see who might have been listening.

  Darryl called her name again. “Asia, that’s enough!”

  Camryn threw Darryl an uneasy look, her head moving slightly from side to side. She took a deep breath and slowly blew it out. She took the next step, meeting Asia toe to toe. “Not until the wedding,” she said smugly.

  Shock registered on Asia’s face. “What wedding?”

  “You didn’t hear?” Camryn responded.


  The other woman shrugged. “Well, it was on a need-to-know basis and I guess everyone figured you didn’t need to know anything about what goes on with me and Darryl.”

  Kendrick burst out laughing. Tarah fought to stifle her own giggles.

  “Oh, yeah! I like her.” Kamaya signified.

  Asia bristled, her face skewing into all facets of ugly.

  “Asia, you really need to leave, please,” Darryl said. He gently rested his palm against the curve of her arm. “Before I call the police and have you escorted out. That restraining order is still in effect.”

  Snatching her arm from his touch, Asia turned an about-face. “I just came to support you,” she snarled. “And this is the thanks I get?”

  “Little girl, it’s time for you to go,” Senior said, stepping between the two women. “Do you need someone to give you a ride?”

  Kendrick moved to his father’s side, his eyes locked on Asia.

  She turned her gaze back to Darryl. “I can’t believe you’d let these people treat me like this. You know I love you.”

  Darryl shook his head. “You need to take your meds, Asia,” he said softly. “And you need to leave. This is not the time or the place for this conversation.”

  “Tch!” Asia sucked her teeth. Her gaze swept around the faces staring at her as if she was crazy. A half snarl painted her expression.

  “My father sends you all his best regards,” Asia finally said, and with that she spun around on her high heels and stormed back through the gated entrance.

  As Asia stomped away, Senior shook his head and cleared his throat. He met Darryl’s anxious stare. “On that note, I think it’s time we all went and got us some lunch!” Reaching out for his wife’s hand, he led the way, the family following.

  Darryl reached out to wrap his arms around Camryn’s shoulders. He locked eyes with her. “Sorry about that,” he said, his voice a whisper.

  Camryn shrugged. “Don’t be. It’s not your fault,” she said as they both turned to catch up to their families. But there was something in her voice that didn’t sound convincing.

  Darryl took one last look over his shoulder. His father’s words echoed in his head. He still had some unfinished business that needed to be handled.

  * * *

  “Those two seem to be getting along famously,” Camryn said, nodding her head toward Darryl’s father and her own, who were standing in the adjacent room.

  “They’re both cut from the same cloth,” Darryl answered, turning to stare where she stared.

  The two men had been engaged in deep conversation for most of the afternoon, huddled in a corner of the Charles family home. Most of the afternoon had been a lecture-fest from the senior members of the two families. Senior had lectured them. Kenneth had lectured them. Katherine had lectured them and even Mason had tossed in two cents. By the time all the lecturing was done and finished, the day was almost gone.

  “You look tired,” Darryl said, tracing the profile of Camryn’s face with his index finger.

  “It’s been a very long day.”

  “Well, if you’re ready, I can take you home.”

  Camryn smiled. “Actually, Darryl, I think I’m going to stay here with my father tonight.”

  There was a moment of pause. “Why?” Darryl asked.

  Camryn wrapped her arms tightly around her torso. “I just do.”

  Darryl nodded. “Are you upset about Asia?”

  She shrugged her narrow shoulders, jutting them skyward. “I think I just have some issues I need to resolve.” There was a hint of attitude in her tone.

  “Issues between us? Because if you have an issue with us, or with me, then we need to resolve it together.”

  “Is there an us? I thought we were just friends.”

  “Just until the wedding,” Darryl said casually, crossing his own arms across his chest.

  Camryn shot him a look, her eyes narrowing into thin slits.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” Darryl said with a deep chuckle. “You went there first.”

  “She asked for it.”

  He nodded slowly, a pregnant pause filling the space between them. Darryl broke the silence. “Camryn, we’re more than friends and you know it.”

  She took a deep breath. “Darryl, right now a
ll I know is that your girlfriend more than likely slashed my tires. She definitely caused a scene in front of my father, your family and our business associates. And I would venture to guess that she’s not done. I have to worry about what might come next.”

  “She is not my girlfriend.”

  “Are you sure about that? Because she thinks she’s your girlfriend and I’m just a woman pushing up on you.”

  “You’re only pushing up on me until the honeymoon.”

  “You’re not funny, Darryl.”

  Darryl reached out and wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him. She clutched the front of his shirt as her body curved easily against his. She lifted her eyes to his, the stare he was giving her consuming her as his gaze skated over her face. Camryn fought to catch her breath.

  “No, I’m not being funny. I’m very serious.” Darryl’s face reflected the rush of emotion overwhelming his spirit. She could see him mulling over his next words, choosing them carefully. “I never had a best friend before...until you. And for the last few months I think you and I have become best friends. And I think you feel the same way about me. I would venture to say that you want to move this relationship forward as much as I do, Camryn.”

  She nodded her head. “But what about Asia? I’ll be honest. The woman is a little unhinged. You know what she did to my car. What might she do to my home, or me?”

  “What about her? Asia has problems that have nothing to do with me, or you. She’s not my girlfriend and she and I are definitely not friends. She’s my past and I assure you I am not looking behind me. Now, I regret what happened today. And I apologize that Asia brought her drama to our event but I didn’t have any control over that. What I have control over is what I do. And right now what I want to do is be with you. I want to make love to you. I want to wake up with you. I want to fight with you. I want to laugh with you. I want to breathe your air, Camryn. Do you get that? I have been thinking about us and us being together since the first day I laid eyes on you. And if you’re going to make me wait until the wedding, then we’re headed to the justice of the peace right now. Because I have fallen in love with you, Camryn.”

  “Darryl, I...I... We...” she stammered, at a complete loss for words.

  Darryl tightened his grip on her. “Say it! Say what you need to say.”

  Camryn took a deep breath, her eyes misting lightly with tears. “I think I love you, too,” she said, her voice a loud whisper.

  Darryl grinned. “I don’t think you do. I know you do.”

  Camryn giggled. “You ain’t all that!” she said teasingly.

  Standing in his arms, Camryn suddenly felt as though there wasn’t anything the two of them couldn’t get through together. He was her best friend and he had her heart as no one else ever had.

  She reached up to kiss him, her lips hungrily searching out his. There was nothing but love in his kiss. He loved her. She could taste it, smell it, hear it and feel it. It was like a morning sunrise in a clear blue sky and a full moon on a dark night. It was everything Darryl held sacred and in his arms Camryn couldn’t deny it. She loved him, too.

  Across the room, Senior and Kenneth both smiled, the two patriarchs exchanging glances. From where she sat on the sofa, Katherine tossed the two men an all-knowing look. Standing in the doorway, Kamaya, Kendrick and Camryn’s brother, Carson, all burst out laughing.

  Kendrick shook his head, leaning on Carson’s shoulder. “I want to breathe your air!” the two men chimed in unison. Mimicking Darryl and Camryn, they sent the whole room into a fit of laughter.

  But just feet away, Darryl and Camryn stood wrapped in each other’s arms, completely oblivious to their families’ banter.

  Chapter 12

  Knowing that Camryn had reservations about returning to her home, Darryl rented the penthouse suite at the Omni Hotel on St. Louis Street. It was eight hundred fifty square feet of luxury accommodations tastefully furnished in nineteenth-century New Orleans decor. The foyer led to a living area with French doors that overlooked the French Quarter, a private balcony, a wet bar and a dining area. The bathrooms were marbled and the master bedroom included an oversize Jacuzzi tub and double walk-in shower.

  Nervous didn’t begin to describe the wealth of emotion that he was feeling. Darryl opened the suite door and led her down the hallway into the living space. At one point he turned and walked backward, watching her. She was weak-kneed, trying to walk steady on her heels. His gaze roamed the length of her legs, then up her body to her face. He sucked on his bottom lip and his tongue pushed slightly past his lips as he licked them. There was a look of longing in his eyes and Camryn couldn’t remember the last time she had felt so wanted.

  Standing before the large mirror in the bedroom, Camryn rested her palms on the dresser as she stepped out of her shoes. She took off one diamond earring and then the other, resting the studs against the dresser top. Darryl eased himself behind her, leaning his body against hers. He was warm against her back and Camryn attempted to control her excitement.

  Darryl’s hands dropped to her hips, and then glided slowly across her abdomen. He pressed his pelvis against the curve of her buttocks, pulling her closer to him. When he leaned to press his lips against her neck, kissing her gently, she purred ever so softly. Camryn pushed her behind backward into Darryl’s crotch and he responded by moving his hands to the zipper of her skirt. He undid the button and pulled the zipper down slowly. Camryn quivered with anticipation, nothing but sheer will keeping her standing upright. She grabbed the dresser with both hands, leaning forward as Darryl eased her skirt off her hips and pushed them down to her ankles. She stepped out of it and then turned to face him.

  Gripping her by her buttocks, Darryl pulled her against him, kissing her hungrily. A rock-hard erection pressed against her pelvic bone. Darryl ground himself against her, the sensation shooting heat through every fiber of his being. He met her stare, her eyes glazed with desire. Her gaze locked with his and she smiled, her lips parting ever so slightly. She turned back toward the mirror, looking into his eyes in the glass. She licked her lips as she pulled her sweater up over her head and Darryl felt as though he were about to combust, every hardened muscle feeling as if it were about to explode.

  Darryl’s hands danced over her black laced bra. He unhooked it in the back and pushed the straps off her shoulders, the garment falling slowly from her body. His hands were hot, his touch dropping bursts of heat across her skin. She had beautiful breasts, full and high, with protruding nipples that were almost as large as her thumb and defined by perfect areolas the color of dark chocolate.

  He palmed them both at the same time and her nipples bubbled full and hard beneath his fingertips. Spinning in his arms, Camryn leaned her body against his as she lifted her face up to kiss him passionately. Their tongues danced together, a sweet two-step. He continued to kiss and caress her and then she licked the roof of his mouth, her hands moving wildly over his body through his clothes.

  Lifting her off of her feet, Darryl carried her to the bed, his mouth still connected to hers. Heat danced in large swells around them. Camryn was slightly startled when Darryl suddenly hurled her backward, sending her sprawling to the bed. She gasped loudly as her body bounced easily against the mattress. She watched as he stood above her, staring, nothing but pure, unadulterated lust seeping from his eyes.

  Darryl slowly unbuttoned his white dress shirt and slid it from his torso. His muscles bulged, the sinewy lines stretching like taut fiber over hard stone. He unbuckled his pants and pushed them to the floor, stepping out of his slacks and his briefs. His manhood protruded between his legs, his erection long and dark. Camryn leaned up on her elbows feeling like a snake charmer who’d just charmed a mighty snake. She smiled, the seductive gesture triggering Darryl’s serpent to twitch and pulse.

  He lifted her foot, his fingers gliding across each toe, over the
arch, past the heel and around to her ankle. His lips followed where his hands led. He kissed up the length of one leg, down the length of the other and back again. He slipped two fingers beneath the line of her lace thong, the nubs tapping gently at her most private place. Camryn fell back against the bedding as she murmured his name.

  “Mmm, Darryl!”

  He suddenly snatched the fabric from her body, the garment tearing. Camryn gasped as he tossed it to the floor. He pushed her legs farther apart as he eased himself up between them. She was clean shaven, the skin smooth as silk. He trailed the back of his hand across her groin. She was damp, moisture coating his fingers as he rubbed her wantonly. His fingertips spread her feminine lips apart, parting the delicate folds. Camryn opened herself even more to his touch.

  Rising up and over her, he lowered his body down against hers, capturing her mouth again with his own. He tasted her lips, gently sucked on her bottom lip and then her top lip before sliding his tongue against her tongue, savoring the salt and sweet of her. His right hand was still trapped between her legs and he slid two fingers deeply and smoothly inside of her, wiggling them around in slow, steady circles. Camryn threw her head back with pleasure, the infraction leaving her weak and wanting more.

  Camryn savored the sensations of his touch, his mouth heating every square inch of skin. He sucked on her earlobe, kissed the spot beneath her chin and licked his way down to her clavicle. He sucked one hard nipple and then the other, drawing each between his lips. He suckled her greedily, kneading the fullness of her breasts with a heavy hand.

  Camryn’s small hands skated across his broad chest and up over his back. When she reached between them, her hands gliding over his hard abs to touch him as intimately as he touched her, Darryl stopped her. He grabbed her wrists and drew her arms up and over her head. Leaning above her, he shook his head slowly, a wry smile pulling at his mouth. He waved his index finger at her, the appendage skirting from side to side.


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