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The Fighter Pilot's Baby: A BWWM Military Pregnancy Romance

Page 11

by BWWM Club


  Bianca woke up, the sun shining in her eyes through the window, and frowned when she remembered what had happened the night before. Her head was pounding and she knew it must be from crying off and on all night. Sitting up, she winced, her head not wanting her to move. Placing a hand over her eyes, she flopped back down. Why get up anyway? It’s not like she had anything to do. School was out for winter break and her class semester had ended. All she wanted to do was lie in bed and mope. Thinking about Alex again, Bianca sucked in a breath, trying not to cry. She was sure her head would explode if she did. Finally managing to force herself from bed, Bianca swallowed two Tylenol with a coffee chaser and then curled on the couch with the remote. She aimlessly flipped through the channels until she found a mind numbing romance movie about Christmas and settled back to watch it. After about thirty minutes her head began to droop, and fearing she’d spill coffee all over her light colored carpets she set it down and reclined on the couch, tucking the blanket under her chin. Within minutes she was asleep, the Christmas program forgotten.

  When Bianca woke, the TV was off and her coffee cup removed from the side table. An eerie feeling of not being alone crept over her and she jumped from the couch when she heard footsteps in the kitchen.

  “It’s okay, Bianca it’s just me,” Alex said, walking in from the kitchen.

  “Alex? What are you doing here?” Bianca asked with confusion. Was last night all a dream?

  A shadow of regret passed over Alex’s face but then was gone in an instant. “I came to check on you. After last night…” He trailed off.

  “Oh. Thanks. I’m okay, really. I’m sorry to have put you through so much upset. I didn’t know you would be so angry.” Bianca apologized.

  Seeing him was making her insides hurt. She wanted him to leave so that she could move on without him, just her and the baby. There was no reason to put him through any more traumas and Bianca was being selfish thinking that maybe she could fix what she broke in the first place. If only she didn’t lose the other baby… No, she wouldn’t go down that road again. What was done, was done. She couldn’t change it and neither could Alex, but what she could do was protect him. He wasn’t happy with her, he said it himself, so why was he here?

  Alex nodded at her response and headed towards the door. The last two days were so strange and Bianca wished it was a dream she could wake up from.

  “Okay then,” he said, pulling the door open.

  “I’m sorry, Alex,” Bianca said as he walked out and closed the door behind him.

  Despite her best efforts to maintain her composure, Bianca crumbled and began to sob. So much for being done with crying.


  Alex drove to his apartment without the radio. He needed time to think. Bianca was definitely not fine with what happened, and yet she pretended it was for the best. And she looked different, he just couldn’t figure out why. Slamming his hand against the steering wheel, Alex cursed. Where did they go wrong? Last night, and the worry and anxiety of where Bianca was and who she was with returned. She made him lose his trust in her, that’s what went wrong. How was he even sure she wasn’t with someone else last night and that was why she broke it off so easily. Alex shook his head, no, she looked devastated by the breakup, with dark smudges under her chocolate brown eyes that were red rimmed and puffy from continued crying. A woman who was cheating didn’t cry when the man she cheated on broke up with her. Bianca wasn’t like that and Alex knew it. So why was he so quick to jump to that conclusion? Images of his first serious relationship, fresh out of high school before he joined the Air Force, popped into his head. Kate was also beautiful and appeared innocent. But that wasn’t the truth. She cheated behind his back for months while they dated and made a fool of Alex. That’s why he jumped to conclusions. But Alex knew he was wrong, and Kate wasn’t the rule but the exception. Bianca was nothing like her and he fucked up last night. Sighing, Alex made a u-turn. He wasn’t going to let Bianca slip through his fingers, especially not on Christmas Eve.


  A soft knock sounded on the door a half hour later as Bianca was stepping into the living room. When Alex left all she wanted to do was hide in her room and eat the clichéd ice cream and cookie dough. But she didn’t. She got her ass off of the bed and took a shower and decided to bake cookies with the damn dough instead. Then she would drop them off to someone who really wanted them. It was Christmas Eve after all and what was Christmas without cookies. Before the fight, Bianca and Alex had planned on cooking a nice dinner and the next day exchanging gifts and visiting their prospective families together to make the relationship ‘official’. But now Bianca would have to go to her mom’s broken and pregnant and alone. The idea made her cringe because her mom, the serial monogamist, would instantly try to hook her up with someone else all while berating her for getting ‘knocked up’ without a ring. Shaking her head at the absurdity and deciding to stay home and eat all of the cookies by herself, Bianca started toward the door. She peeped through the peephole and gasped; Alex came back.

  Bianca swung the door open and stood there staring at him, the cold crisp air wrapping around her like an icy blanket and causing her to shiver. “Come in,” she mumbled, running her hands over her cold arms where goose bumps had formed.

  Alex nodded, stepping and closing the door tightly. “I shouldn’t have left before. Bianca, we need to talk.”

  “Alex, I’m not sure what you want to talk about. We covered it all last night. You aren’t happy and I’m holding you back. Why would you come back here? I’m having a hard enough time as it is,” Bianca said, regretting the last sentence the moment it left her mouth. Her words came out harsher than she intended but she had to let him know how she felt, he said his piece and it was time to say hers.

  Alex’s head snapped up, and he looked her in the eye, his gaze so intense that she had to look away. “Look at me, Bianca. I didn’t want to end us, you did.”

  “If you wanted to be with me, Alex, then why did you say such awful things to me the last time we spoke?” Bianca began to sob, her hormones taking over. She cursed her stupid hormones and looked at her feet.

  Without warning, Alex was in front of her, his arms gathering her to his chest. As much as she wanted to fight him, she didn’t, because if she was being honest, it felt so damn good to be held by him.

  “I didn’t mean it. I know it’s hard to believe but I was so lonely in the Air Force. When I found you I knew I didn’t want to go back. I ran away from something that wasn’t even close to what we have and I almost gave us up because I was comparing you to her. Truth be told, she couldn’t hold a candle to you, Bianca. You’re it for me. I love you,” Alex said, his mouth pressed against her hair.

  Bianca tried not to seem surprised at his declaration. She wanted to tell him she loved him for weeks but was too afraid that after losing the baby the words would seem forced or weak. Almost losing him was enough for her. She had to say the words or she would never forgive herself.

  “I love you too, Alex.” At this point tears were falling from her eyes, “And I never wanted to break up, I just thought it was what you wanted so I pretended I was okay with it.”

  Alex didn’t speak again; he just bent over her and slammed his mouth into hers. Bianca reciprocated, pushing her tongue at the seam of his lips. Damn, it felt so good to be in his arms again. Before she could think about what would happen next, Alex swept her into his arms and hurried up the stairs. He placed her on the bed and began to strip and Bianca did the same. Within seconds they were both naked and Alex was settled over top of her, his hard erection pressing at her entrance. Bianca opened her legs wider, and lifted her hips, giving him the go ahead to proceed. Alex plunged into her and she cried out with pleasure, missing his body with hers, even if it had only been a few days. Their lovemaking was slow and torturous but also gentle. It was a making up, and coming back together as well as a profession of their love for one another. When they
were through, and Bianca was spent, she rested her head on his chest; all thoughts of lonely Christmases and baking cookies forgotten.


  The next morning, Bianca was awakened by a kiss to her lips, a sweet peck that made her feel like a princess in a fairy tale. Alex was back and it was Christmas. Her eyes flew opened when she remembered the gift she got him two days ago that sat wrapped and waiting under her Christmas tree. Sitting up quickly she turned to Alex.

  “Merry Christmas! I have a gift for you downstairs.” Bianca said cheerfully, hopping up from the bed.

  “Really?” Alex asked, stretching his long limbs out on the bed lazily.

  “Yes!” She exclaimed pulling his hand as if to make him get up. “What do you think I was doing that night I was out so late?”

  Alex cocked an eyebrow at her and grinned sheepishly. “Well now I feel like an ass,” he said a look of chagrin passing over his face.

  Bianca waved his statement off. “It was a misunderstanding that blew up. I’m over it if you are?” She asked hopefully.

  Alex nodded, kissing her hand. He sat up and pulled on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt and Bianca did the same. They walked down the steps hand in hand and stopped at the tree. Bianca stooped, picking up a small box wrapped in Christmas paper and handed it to Alex.

  “Here you go. Hurry and open it!” She said excitedly.


  Alex smirked at her excitement and began to unwrap the paper slowly, knowing it was killing her. Inside the paper was a small white non descript box. Now curious, Alex ripped it open. What lay inside made his heart stop. A tiny sterling silver rattle was nestled on a bed of white tissue paper.

  “What’s this?” He asked with confusion.

  “Just read the inscription,” Bianca urged, angling her head towards the rattle.

  Merry Christmas, Daddy.

  Alex’s head snapped up so fast he almost got whiplash. Daddy? Did that mean...

  “I’m pregnant, Alex!” Bianca exclaimed, jumping into his arms.

  Shock kept Alex from responding even as he held her tightly.

  “Aren’t you happy?” She asked, pulling away from him with a frown.

  What was he doing? “Of course I am. I was just shocked that’s all. When did you find out? How far along are you?” He asked, the idea finally sinking in.

  They were going to have a baby. They were finally going to have a baby!

  “That afternoon,” Bianca said and she didn’t have to elaborate.

  He felt like the biggest asshole on the planet. Here he thought she was cheating on him and she was at the doctor’s and getting him gifts.

  “Why didn’t you tell me? I would have gone with you.” Alex said, taking her hand in his and pressing a kiss to her palm.

  “I wanted to be sure, after last time…” And suddenly he understood.


  Bianca waited patiently for his reaction, besides the immediate shock. Alex stood and knelt before her, wrapping his arms around her and bringing her in for a sweet kiss.

  “I’m so sorry, baby. I feel like such an asshole. Here I am accusing you of cheating and you were at the doctor and buying me Christmas gifts to surprise me. And you were probably so nervous. I wish you had told me.” He said, resting his hand on her lower abdomen.

  Bianca sighed, the feeling of contentment washing over her like nothing else she’d ever felt before. “I wanted to. I almost did several times, but I had to make sure that the baby was okay first. You understand, right?”

  Alex nodded. “ I have a gift for you too,” he said, standing and reaching into the pocket of his sweats.

  He pulled out a tiny box and Bianca’s heart stopped. Was that what she thought it was?

  Alex knelt back down and Bianca’s heart began to pound. “Bianca, from the moment I saw you, I knew you were special, someone that I shouldn’t let go. Being the idiot I am I almost did. But I’m not doing that again. I love you, and I want to spend every waking moment I have left with you and only you. Will you marry me?” He opened the box and the light from the Christmas tree caught the diamond, making it shine like it was lit itself.

  Bianca nodded vigorously, too choked up on the lump in her throat to speak.

  “Is that a yes?” Alex asked with a bit of anxiety in his voice.

  Bianca nodded again, “Yes, Alex. I’ll marry you.” She said, tears welling in her eyes.

  Alex stood, a wide smile spreading across his face. He slipped the ring on her finger and gathered her in his arms. He kissed her passionately and held her close. After several minutes he let go and just stood back and looked at her.

  “When did you get this?” Bianca asked, staring down at the ring with awe. It was beautiful.

  “I’ve had it for about a month but I wanted to make sure you were ready. I had planned on proposing on Christmas Eve but after our fight everything got turned around. I’m glad I was able to do it today though, after what you just told me I couldn’t think of a better time.”

  Bianca smiled broadly, “Me too. I love you, Alex.”

  “I love you too, Bianca,” he answered, pulling her in for another kiss. “I also got a new job,” he added with a smirk

  “What? When?” Bianca asked with surprise.

  “Several weeks ago, I just finished my training to become the pilot for helicopters and planes that were sent out with paramedics, similar to Flight for Life.”

  “That’s so awesome, babe!” Bianca exclaimed, hugging him again. Everything was falling into place.

  They spent the rest of the day at home, just being with each other and making plans for the future. Bianca couldn’t remember a time when she felt more comfortable or peaceful. That night as she went to sleep she placed a hand on her stomach and laid her head on Alex’s chest. Finally she had everything she wanted and she was never going to let it go.


  Bianca and Alex linked arms as the sun set on the airfield in front of them. Several fighter pilots were walking away from the crowd, sniffs and snorts of the remaining people echoing around them. Bianca wiped away her own tears as they glided down her cheek and looked up at Alex. He looked so proud. Catching her eye, Alex leaned down and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  “He’ll be alright, baby,” he whispered in her ear.

  Bianca nodded, wiping her remaining tears. In the distance she watched as their son turned just before he reached the plane. His short dark hair cropped close to his head and his inevitably blue eyes shining in the waning sun that highlighted the bronze of his skin. She locked eyes with him and smiled as he blew her a kiss and saluted his father. Alex saluted back and cleared his throat trying to hide that he was getting choked up as well. After all of the years and all of the memories, Bianca still couldn’t let go of the fact that her baby was leaving her for good. Sighing she turned to Alex before another round of tears began to fall.

  “Let’s go, I can’t bear to watch him board the plane,” She said her throat tightening.

  Alex nodded, grabbing her elbow. Despite what she said, Bianca turned around just as he boarded, one more tear falling. Alex stopped and wiped it away.

  “We did well, Bianca. He’s leaving now but he’ll be back.”

  Bianca nodded and gripped Alex’s arm again. They walked slowly back to the car, arm in arm, Bianca leaning her head on his shoulder. Love was a crazy thing, and when you weren’t looking, you found the one who completed your soul and gave you something even greater to love together.

  The end.

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